SHADOWTEAM: Sonic Boom Racing, New Shadow Team Project

I’ve set myself a bit of a task but nothing too big considering the free time I have. As you all know, SAGE is coming up and I know you’re all probably going to be dribbling over Sonic the Fighters 2 and wanting to know what else has happened since you last got your grubby mitts on a copy. Well, that’ll all be shown on the day, since Sonic the Fighters 2 is mainly Anarchy Rat’s game as he does all the excellent programming.

However, Shadow Team doesn’t wish to put all it’s eggs in one basket. As you know, from ST:UK there are four members – Anarchy Rat, Dreadknux, CyberBlade and me. Since Anarchy Rat’s been working hard on STF2 you’re probably wondering where the rest of us have been? Continue reading SHADOWTEAM: Sonic Boom Racing, New Shadow Team Project

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