It’s not been long since Sonic was officially inserted into Roblox thanks to a special collaboration between SEGA and Gamefam Studios, but already we’re getting more. Announced at the Sonic Central livestream was a new stage for Sonic Speed Simulator – Chemical Plant – alongside a special bonus Chao collectible.
Continue reading SEGA Expands Roblox Collab With New Sonic Speed Simulator Stage and Exclusive Chao CollectibleGet Ready, A Sonic Central Broadcast Is Happening Tomorrow
The Sonic news train just keeps on chugging. With the drip-feed of Sonic Frontiers news far from done, SEGA has decided to drop a sudden announcement of a Sonic Central broadcast happening tomorrow.
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Sonic Frontiers Gameplay Impressions
So, Sonic Frontiers gameplay has finally been unveiled, thanks to two videos this week that outlined two key concepts; exploration of the open world, and advanced combat techniques. Now that we’d had a chance to digest and absorb all the information, our gut reaction is… we didn’t… hate it?
Continue reading Sonic Frontiers Gameplay Impressions
Sonic Readies for Fisticuffs in the latest Sonic Frontiers Footage
After Wednesday’s world navigation trailer, today’s new gameplay footage from IGN First shows off Sonic Frontiers’ combat mechanics:
Much like the previous gameplay reveal, the video is entirely show-don’t-tell. Sonic performs homing attack combos on a robot made of several balls, uses his new updraft ability to remove the armor of another baddy before attacking, and shows off a ranged air-kick move that looks right out of anime. Even the sidestep, a move previous Sonic games used to setup quick lane changes in long corridors, has some combat dodging potential here.
The enemy designs have bizarre and varying designs, from bipedal robots that turn into spears, to weird legged stalks with a heavy armor ring around them, to the massive three-armed pillar teased last year. Different enemies are susceptible to specific attacks, and to ascend a titan, Sonic used an updraft around one of its legs to throw it off balance, and needed to wall-run using only blue boost gates and avoiding red ones. Upon reaching the top, Sonic attacks giant spikes on its head to destroy its arms.
While we still have very little context around the game’s upgrade system, rewards for combat, and even its basic premise, today shows off a few new moves added to Sonic’s modern moveset and more variety in combat than previous combat-heavy Sonic games had. Here’s hoping the rest of June brings further revelations on Frontiers mechanics and mysteries.
Japan Getting Mega Drive Mini 2, Will Include Sonic CD
If you’ve never seen the FMV on original hardware, you’re in for a surprise.
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New Sonic Frontiers Screenshots and Logo Released by SEGA Japan
Now that we’ve had a small taste of Sonic Frontiers gameplay, we can now show you some high-quality screenshots and the logo for the game, courtesy of SEGA Japan.
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Teaser Shows First Sonic Frontiers Gameplay, More Details Coming Through June
Wait, what? SEGA dropped the first gameplay video for Sonic Frontiers today, seemingly out of nowhere. The 30-second teaser finally gives us our first glimpse of what an “Open Zone” Sonic looks like and notes more details are coming throughout June on IGN.
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Sonic Origins File Sizes Revealed
We’re less than a month out from Sonic Origins’ release, so the final details are now being added to some of the game’s storefronts. Specifically, we now have file size listed on both the Nintendo eShop and Xbox storefronts. Unfortunately, different sizes are listed in different places, which has made reporting on this messier than it really ought to be.
Over at Xbox, both versions of the game are listed at 6 gigs on the Xbox website. If that seems a bit big, that’s because it is: Sonic Mania’s size was less than 400MB, so this is a massive increase in size over that. If you check out the game’s listing on an actual Xbox One X, however, the game’s size is listed as a mere 324.89 MB.
Meanwhile, over at Nintendo’s website, we also have different sizes…between the different versions of the game. The standard version is listed at 3.6 gigs, while the Digital Deluxe version apparently has a size of 7.8 gigs. Finally, we have the game’s Switch eShop listings, which have the standard version at 3.5 gigs and the Digital Deluxe version at 3.8 gigs.
Given the version differences, that difference in download sizes seems a bit…extreme.
Obviously, they can’t all be right. In all likelihood, this will be corrected by the time the game comes out next month.
Sonic 2006 Makes Surprise Re-Appearance on Xbox 360 Marketplace
Everyone’s favourite Iblis Trigger Disaster, Sonic The Hedgehog (2006), has made a surprise re-appearance on the old Xbox 360 Marketplace game store. It’s not forwards-compatible with Series X/S consoles yet, but it’s dirt cheap so get it while it’s here!
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Sonic Origins Video Shows Off Drop Dash, Missions & Other Features
UPDATE: We now have confirmation that this video is 100% official, and was posted on the official Korean Sonic the Hedgehog Facebook page.
While we don’t quite know this video’s origin, we do know this Korean language version gameplay video shows off some significant features in Sonic Origins the reveal trailer didn’t share:
We are marking this as rumor purely because it isn’t through official or confirmable sources at this time, but every other aspect of this looks pretty authentic. Treat this as we have high confidence but not 100% confidence in this. The button layout in the videos use ABXY, so the footage itself was taken from a Switch, an Xbox, or a PC.
While those who have played the other Retro/Star Engine ports will be quite familiar with some of these features, this gives a very brief overview of ones not present in the original 16-bit releases, including the Drop Dash and Super Sonic in Sonic 1, Tails as Knuckles’ sidekick in Sonic 2, and the prototype Hidden Palace stage connected to Mystic Cave.
Further, the video shows off a bit of the game’s interface, including Missions. In one, the player has to collect 50 rings in 50 seconds as Tails in Palmtree Panic, and another puts Super Sonic in Metropolis with a similar goal (but with the challenge of your rings being slowly depleted). In both cases, the stages are modified from their original 16-bit versions, changing formations of platforms, rings, and blocks. The rank letter in the top corner (shown in previous official screenshots) updates in real time, letting you know how well you’re performing.
If those bonus missions or getting to team Knuckles with Tails on a console platform gets you excited, Sonic Origins releases June 23 with these and many other announced features.
Thanks to Indigo Rush on the forums for the tip.
RUMOR: Sonic Frontiers To Appear At Summer Game Fest, June 9?
Today, in an announcement that the event will be partnering with IMAX, Summer Game Fest released a brief compilation trailer featuring a number of upcoming and released games. Among them was Sonic Frontiers, but before anybody gets too excited, no, it isn’t new footage:
At this time, we don’t exactly know if this is being shown as a confirmation of some games that will be there or to highlight games previously part of the Game Awards/Summer Game Fest ecosystem, so for the time being, we’re reporting this as rumor until we hear explicitly that it will be present. Other games shown in it include the already-released Elden Ring and Tiny Tina’s Wonderland, as well as the yet-unreleased One Piece Odyssey.
The event is scheduled for Thursday, June 9 at 11 AM PT, 2 PM ET, and 6PM GMT, and will be available streaming and in IMAX theaters in the U.S., the U.K., and Canada.
This is the second time Frontiers has been given a significant spotlight within the broad Keighley-sphere. Late in 2021, The Game Awards premiered a teaser trailer that partially revealed the open world nature of the game alongside a trailer for Paramount’s Sonic the Hedgehog 2. SEGA’s remained tight-lipped on the game (despite a handful of leaks), and we’ve yet to see any actual gameplay footage of the Holiday 2022 title. Sonic’s presence at Summer Game Fest should hopefully clear up a few more lingering questions about the title.
Thanks to Dodger24848 for the news tip!
How the Xbox Series S/X Redeems Sonic Unleashed (Sort of)
For as polished as Sonic Unleashed’s graphics are, its biggest visual flaw is its framerate. The Xbox 360 version played at a mostly steady 24-30 (capped) FPS, while the PS3 version was worse for wear despite an uncapped framerate that would bring the game up to 48FPS on occasion, but dropping to 24FPS or below ruining the flow of the game.
In many ways, the game’s graphic-intensive “Hedgehog Engine” was a bit too ahead of its time. It couldn’t keep a steady 30 FPS on the most powerful system of that era. It would take 2011’s Sonic Generations to iron the kinks out. While the Werehog levels weren’t affected too much by the framerate, several daytime Sonic levels dropped frames horribly. Jungle Joyride became a slideshow at times. Now, in 2022, Sonic Unleashed’s full potential has been unlocked thanks to the Boost Mode on the Xbox Series S/X, bringing the game to a steady 60 FPS.

To me, this brought the game from a guilty pleasure to a legitimately good Sonic title. Sonic’s daytime levels run as smooth as silk, giving you better handling and control. Even the Werehog levels feel less cumbersome as Sonic now feels faster and more responsive. There seems to be less blur as well. The high framerate allows for a faster response time. I can honestly say I was actually enjoying the Werehog levels for a change.
That doesn’t mean the game’s old flaws aren’t still present. Medal collecting near the end game is still soul-crushing, the Werehog levels are still a bit too long, and having the camera suddenly change position when you’re balancing across a steel beam is still as irritating as ever. That said, if you love this style of Sonic gameplay, it’s never looked or played better than it does on Series S/X.

The Series S/X boost mode also improves other Sonic titles as well. Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed gets a 60 FPS boost, and Sonic Generations runs at both 4K resolution and 60FPS.
To see Sonic Unleashed in action on the Series S/X, check out our gameplay video below.
Classic Sonic Games Getting Delisted Across Xbox, PlayStation and Steam Next Month
If you wanted any of those older digital releases of Sonic 1, 2, 3 & Knckles, and CD, you might want to get them soon, because most of them are getting delisted on May 20. This news comes via a press release from SEGA, which confirmed the delisting of these games across all platforms outside of the Nintendo Switch and mobile.
Specifically, every individually released version of Sonic 1, 2, 3, Sonic & Knuckles, and Sonic CD are all getting delisted from Steam, Xbox, Playstation 3 and Playstation Now. The SEGA AGES releases of Sonic 1 and 2 on Switch will remain, as will Sonic 1, 2 and CD on iOS and Android. The 3DS releases have yet to be specified, but with that digital service ending next year they likely aren’t bothering with it.
Sonic Channel released a somewhat more detailed list of what was being delisted, though while they say Sonic CD will be among the games getting delisted, it’s not on the list. This is likely just an oversight. You can find that here.
Sonic Spinball (and Other Genesis Classics) Join Switch Online Expansion
If you’ve shelled out for the Switch Online Expansion Pack for the bonus retro games, Sonic Spinball, Shining Force II, and Space Harrier II have been added to the Genesis app. To coincide with this update, Nintendo released a brief gameplay sample of each:
There have been plenty of collections and re-releases of these games, but let’s be real, the true hero of these releases is the rewind. Sonic Spinball is hard. It’s not very long, no, but have you ever made it to that final stage? It’s absolutely insane. So if you’re already invested in the pack, why not just boot it up and cheat your heart out? I won’t hold it against you.
Flynn and Hesse Involved in Sonic Origins’ “Story Mode”
We still don’t know a whole lot about Sonic Origins’ touted “Story Mode,” but we do know both Ian Flynn and Tyson Hesse are involved with the animated sequences. Flynn confirmed his contribution on the BumbleKing blog today:
#KnowingSmile finally revealed! I had the extreme pleasure of writing the scripts for the animated scenes for the new Story Mode in Sonic Origins!
I hope you enjoy when the collection is released June 23rd, 2022.
BumbleKing blog post, Apr. 20, 2022
We don’t quite know what “writing” entails here, considering that most recent iterations of Classic Sonic have all been silent. It is possible that there could be some amount of dialog, or that Flynn developed the context and events of the scenes prior to Powerhouse animating.
At roughly the same time, Hesse also confirmed that he worked with Powerhouse for Origins, promising that there’s more animation in the game beyond the bits we saw in the trailer:
With Flynn contributing to Sonic Prime and writing for both Sonic Origins and Sonic Frontiers, and Hesse leading Sonic’s design in both Paramount movies, the two are quickly becoming significant figures beyond the Sonic comics, and into the franchise as a whole.
Sonic Origins Trailer Theme Available on Hyper Potions’ YouTube
If you were tapping your toe during the Sonic Origins trailer, then do I have good news for you! The Hyper Potions have released the full clean version of it to YouTube for your listening pleasure:
This is the latest of many collaborations between SEGA and Hyper Potions, from the iconic “Friends” and “Time Trials” themes in Sonic Mania, to the theme of the Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania trailer, to multiple remixes in Team Sonic Racing.
Many of their previous collaboration tracks are available on digital music storefronts such as Amazon and iTunes. Here’s hoping this Origins theme joins the others soon!
Sonic Origins Trailer, Prices, Animation, & Extras Officially Revealed
After the past few days of leaks around the edges, the official Sonic YouTube channel has revealed the trailer for Sonic Origins. The game will be released on June 23, and will hit all major platforms (Switch/PS4/PS5/Xbox One/Series X|S/Epic/Steam). Gematsu reports the game to launch at $39.99 for the standard edition, and $44.99 for Digital Deluxe (more on that below).
UPDATE: The game’s official website states that Spain, France, Germany, and Italy will be getting the game on the 12th whenever you change the language. Seems that all dates have been changed to June 23rd now. Thanks to alexizaki for the news tip!
The trailer features gorgeous animation in a similar style to the Sonic Mania animated sequences and explicitly promising even more animation. The trailer also confirms the replacement of Lives with a “Medallion” system in the game’s Anniversary mode (as you’ll notice in the UI).
The game will include features both within and beyond previous HD remakes of the games, such as the ability to play as Tails and Knuckles in other games (with the exception that Knuckles won’t be in CD, per Famitsu), and the Hidden Palace boss from the Sonic 2 iOS/Android remake.

Famitsu reports further special features in the game, such as a Boss Rush mode, a “Mirror Mode” that flips the entire stage left to right, a “story mode” (unclear if this just refers to the animation sequences, or if it actually connects the four games), a mission mode, a museum collection, and leaderboards. We don’t know much about the Mission mode yet, however screenshots of it show off a menu with the Veg-O-Fortress from Sonic Spinball, and a screenshot of Knuckles in S&K’s Death Egg Zone (which he normally does not appear in) with a unique level layout, a timer, and a letter grade.
Following Sega’s recent releases, Origins will have a “Digital Deluxe” version, which is set to include an additional 11 “hard” missions, 73 extra music tracks in the museum from other Genesis and 32X games, bonus menu animations, 10 Classic mode backgrounds for the letterbox, and an “Island Camera.”
Gematsu confirms these Digital Deluxe features will also be available as DLC under the “Premium Fun Pack” at $3.99, with further music tracks available via the “Premium & Classic Sound Pack” for $3.99. Pre-orders will also get a “Start Dash Pack” unlocking Mirror mode, a Mega Drive background for Classic mode, and 100 coins.

Be sure to stay with us as further details unfold.
Sonic Origins Will Include ‘Classic’ and ‘Anniversary’ Game Types, New Areas, Mission Mode
It really feels like we’re close to a release date for Sonic Origins, the classic game compilation designed to celebrate Sonic’s 30th Anniversary. Overnight, details on the title were published (and subsequently leaked) on the Australian PlayStation Store, confirming some key information about how the 16-Bit games will be treated – including new animations, new areas to explore and missions to complete!
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The Sonic Origins Website Is Up…Sort Of
There has been a rating, and there has been a cover image. And now there’s an official Sonic Origins website. Well, sort of. It’s up, but the public are not able to access it just yet.
Continue reading The Sonic Origins Website Is Up…Sort Of
UPDATE: Sonic Origins Rated, Key Art Discovered
UPDATE: GBAtemp on Twitter found the game’s key art and logo on the Playstation Network backend:
Sonic Origins may finally be pushing closer to a full announcement soon, as it has now been internationally rated, as reported by VGC. The Game Rating and Administration Committee of South Korea has granted the PC version of Sonic Origins an All Ages rating.
After its tease in the May 2021 Sonic Central presentation, Sonic Origins seemed to go completely dark. The collection announcement touted five 16-bit Sonic platformers (Sonic 1/2/3/K/CD), three of which were previously rebuilt in the Retro/Star Engine. We know very few details about this collection, except that Iizuka previously confirmed it would not be built off of emulation.
The promise of this collection and its subsequent disappearance are a big deal to classic Sonic fans, as this represents the first time Sonic 1, Sonic 2, and Sonic 3 & Knuckles have all officially appeared on consoles in a 16:9 widescreen HD format. Some of these titles have appeared on mobile platforms and can be played in widescreen via community developed tools, but those looking to have that experience on consoles alongside Sonic Mania and the 2011 Sonic CD remake were out of luck.
We, among many, will be keeping a keen eye in the upcoming weeks to see if further details regarding this collection begin to rise.
Thanks to alexizaki for the key art tip!
You Can Play this McDonald’s Sonic 2 Browser Game With or Without a Happy Meal
Did you know many McDonald’s Happy Meals now come with a QR code to access special features and games? Apparently they do, and you can use one to access this bizarre augmented reality Sonic 2 movie game!
You’ll normally need to buy a Happy Meal with a toy from Paramount’s Sonic 2 movie to get access to this code (in fact, we haven’t quite pinned down if this is a UK exclusive or not), but anyone anywhere can directly jump in via this URL:
(We don’t know how long this promotion will be available, so if this link is broken in the future, sorry, there’s not much we can do!)
Sonic Cage Dome on Twitter brought this weird novelty to the world’s attention:
The VERY simplistic game has a 3D model of movie Sonic walking along set paths, attempting to collect as many rings as possible before the timer runs out. All the while, your camera lets you inject yourself to look upon this tiny world as if a deity, deciding the fate of the meager creature stalking the corridors of your realm.
And yes, I did have quite a lot of fun making the feature image for this article. Thank you for asking.

Gamefam Studios (Officially) Brings Sonic to Roblox
Roblox is no stranger to unlicensed games, worlds, cosmetics, and quite a few parodies that are really, really on the nose, but Sonic is now officially coming to the eccentric user-content platform. Gamefam, a studio that develops games within Roblox, has announced “Sonic Speed Simulator,” an experience where players can race around large Sonic-inspired environments. The announcement trailer shows off Sonic running through a Green Hill environment in full 3D, passing through loops, collecting experience crystals, and continuously building speed.
Gamefam has developed more than two dozen Roblox games, including a licensed Hot Wheels open world experience. Details on the server page for Sonic Speed Simulator highlight that the experience will features racing, multiple worlds, and collectable skins and chao.
The experience currently remains in paid access while in closed beta, and expects to shift to free-to-play at a later date.
Sonic Dash+ Coming to Apple Arcade
Another Sonic game is coming to Apple’s game subscription service, Apple Arcade, at some point in the near future. Little else is currently known about it, but if its anything like Sonic’s previous game on the platform, Sonic Racing, it will likely just be a conversion of vanilla Sonic Dash with all of the micro-transactions and ads removed. Neither of these elements are allowed in games on the service. Whether Sonic Dash+ has anything unique, we’ll just have to wait and see.
Check out the tweet below for the announcement, and for the link that’ll let you sign up to be notified when the game is available.
SEGA Does Not Consider Team Dark to be “Teammates or Friends,” According to Flynn
Team Dark may have been a consistent team for years in both the games and Archie comics, but they no longer exist as anything but an out-of-unverse brand, according to IDW Sonic and Sonic Frontiers writer Ian Flynn. When a fan asked Flynn on his podcast what kind of base Team Dark would have, Flynn answered they wouldn’t have a base, because SEGA does not consider them a team.
“Team Dark isn’t a thing. It’s an out-of-universe brand, apparently. They are not a unit, they are not even friends,” Flynn said, “They don’t do mission things together unless the story has them doing it.” He want on to state his belief that Team Dark makes the most sense out of all of the teams (aside from the Chaotix), and that he doesn’t like this.
You can find the answer on his latest podcast, embedded below. The answer starts at 10:20.
Nickelodeon Hosts Sonic 2 Movie Promo in Roblox
For those exploring the strange, baffling, but astoundingly popular realm of Roblox, Sonic is (officially) joining the world-building platform in a roundabout way. Nickelodeon and Paramount are currently hosting a special Sonic 2 movie environment and game in the “Nickverse” obby.
As the trailer shows, the event gives participating players a brief running-jumping-bouncing obstacle course full of speed boosts and Sonic 2 movie posters. The activity is introduced by a creepy, dead-eyed model of movie Sonic whose empty gaze pierces your soul and makes you question everything you thought you once believed in.

We currently do not have details on how long the event will run.
Thanks to Dodger24848 for the news tip!
Sonic 2 Track and Characters Come to Sonic Dash
Sonic Forces isn’t the only mobile Sonic game getting new tie-in content for the Sonic 2 movie, as Sonic Dash is also getting some new stuff to celebrate the movie’s release. Sonic Dash has a brand new track based off of Sonic 2, and will eventually have events that will unlock both Movie Tails and Movie Knuckles. Movie Sonic can currently be unlocked, which will be the first chance players have had to unlock the character since the first movie’s release. Longclaw will also be unlockable again at a later date.
Throughout the event, movie items can also be collected daily for prizes. According to SonicWindBlue, this new movie track will be a permanent addition to the game, unlike the track made to promote the first movie. You can check out Movie Tails and Movie Knuckles in the graphic below:

Sonic Crosses Over to Candy Crush Saga and KartRider [UPDATE Mar. 31]
Like a kid in a kart racing candyshop.
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How Does Sonic’s World Work? TailsTube’s First Episode Finally Gives an Answer
If you hadn’t caught it, the official Sonic YouTube channel teased bringing the Sonic Vtuber models stateside in the form of a Tails “streaming” series, TailsTube. The first episode premiered today, and it came with some answers to a longstanding question in the modern franchise.
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Minecraft Sonic DLC Getting New Content April 5th
While revealing the most horrifying contest prize conceived by mankind, Xbox Wire also announced that the Sonic the Hedgehog DLC for Minecraft will be getting an update. On top of the existing player and world skins, the update will add six additional skins, and a new challenge in the Labyrinth Zone section.
We don’t have any details on what these are, but considering the promotion aligns with the release of Paramount’s Sonic 2 movie, was announced alongside a Sonic 2 movie contest, and highlights a level motif that has become rather important to the Sonic 2 movie, it’s probably safe to say that the new skins and challenge will have something to do with the Sonic 2 movie.
The update will be available on the Minecraft Marketplace on April 5th.
Zygomatic Games Reveals the Cutest Little Sonic Board Game, Sonic Super Teams
Chibi Sonic and friends coming soon to a dining table near you!
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Whitehead Talks Infinite In Sonic Mania, Hard-Boiled Heavies Origins
In an interview with Sonic Revolution, Sonic Mania lead Christian Whitehead made several revelations about the development of the 2017 title.
Along with tidbits about the origins of the Hard-Boiled Heavies and the nature of whether or not animals are inside of them, Whitehead also spoke about Sonic Team’s initial concept to include Sonic Forces’ antagonist Infinite in the 2D platformer.
Listen to the answer in it’s entirity below:
Team Sonic Racing Hits PlayStation Plus in March
Start your engines. Now turn off your engines because March isn’t until next week.
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Which Sonic Games Are Compatible with the Steam Deck (So Far) [UPDATED Feb. 23]
With the first wave of Steam Deck units shipping less than a week from now, it’s a good time to look at what Valve has given the confident thumbs up, the shaky sideways thumb, and the sad thumbs down. Steam has introduced a new page to check your library’s compatibility, so if you’ve got one on order (or plan on getting one), go check it out.
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Live & Learn Gets Acoustic and Fist Bump Get Edgy in New Sonic Sessions Remixes
SEGA’s latest remix project, Sonic Sessions, has continued to churn out superb remixes of classic Sonic songs, with an acoustic version of Live and Learn out today. As “acoustic” would imply, this puts Live and Learn to a slower, more laidback beat, with acoustic guitars replacing the electric guitars of the original song.
In addition to that, we’ve also got last week’s “edgy” remix of Fist Bump, which goes in the complete opposite direction! You can check them both out in Youtube embeds below:
Iizuka: With Sonic Frontiers, We’ll Introduce New Combat Styles
GamesRadar recently caught up with Sonic Team’s head Takashi Iizuka, to talk about what we can expect from the new Sonic the Hedgehog mainline title, due later this year.
While Iizuka remains tight-lipped about the detail of he drops tid-bits of information in the interview, including the introduction of “new combat styles” in the 2022 release.
GamesRadar were particularly probing about what Sonic Team have meant about “Open-zone freedom” and if this is the same as fully open world, but Iizuka still remains evasive:
“One of the biggest questions hanging over Sonic Frontiers is whether it will be set throughout a fully open world or whether the various biomes of Starfall Islands will be self-contained. SEGA has been careful with its language so far, referring to the 2022 release as being set in the ‘franchise’s first ever open-zone-inspired experience’ or explaining that it will offer ‘open-zone freedom’. When I ask Iizuka for clarity, he’s only willing to confirm that further details will be coming soon: “We don’t have too much more to share regarding the environment just yet, but stay tuned for more details this year.”
As always we will keep you up-to-date on any new developments with Sonic Fronitiers!
Source: GamesRadar
Whisper Gets a Lunar New Year Variant in Latest Forces Mobile Event
We don’t always report on every Sonic Forces: Speed Battle event, mostly because there are a LOT of them; however, this seems like an occasion worth mentioning, so let’s have at.
The current in-game event celebrating Lunar New Year features a new variant of IDW-favorite Whisper:

Lucky Whisper’s event runs until February 3, and she’s unlocked the standard event way: by completing missions and collecting 300+ cards across that time. Lucky Whisper’s boost item replaces her hover with a new “Golden Boost.”
While it has become common for guest characters like Pac-Man or Hello Kitty to join Sonic Dash, or for Sonic characters to get special event variants in both Dash and Speed Battle, this marks the first time a character who doesn’t originate from Sonic games to get a special variant version. Here’s hoping for an Arbor Day Tangle this Spring.
Source: Sonic News Network
Thanks to Dodger24848 for the tip!