Did you know many McDonald’s Happy Meals now come with a QR code to access special features and games? Apparently they do, and you can use one to access this bizarre augmented reality Sonic 2 movie game!
You’ll normally need to buy a Happy Meal with a toy from Paramount’s Sonic 2 movie to get access to this code (in fact, we haven’t quite pinned down if this is a UK exclusive or not), but anyone anywhere can directly jump in via this URL:
(We don’t know how long this promotion will be available, so if this link is broken in the future, sorry, there’s not much we can do!)
Sonic Cage Dome on Twitter brought this weird novelty to the world’s attention:
The VERY simplistic game has a 3D model of movie Sonic walking along set paths, attempting to collect as many rings as possible before the timer runs out. All the while, your camera lets you inject yourself to look upon this tiny world as if a deity, deciding the fate of the meager creature stalking the corridors of your realm.
And yes, I did have quite a lot of fun making the feature image for this article. Thank you for asking.