Sonic the Hedgehog #199 Out on Newstands!

As we approach the home stretch on the road to 200, things are beginning to really heat up! The gauntlet’s been thrown, the pieces are in place, and everyone is now ready for the lead up to the next big confrontation between Sonic and Dr. Robotnik!

This issue is supposed to lead up to something that will drastically change the status quo, and the lives of Sonic and his friends and enemies in the process. Looking at #199, the stage is most definitely set for something like that. Below, as usual, I will post the five preview pages released by Archie, as well as the issue’s official solicitation, and of course, my review.

For those of you not willing to scroll through everything, this is an issue I highly recommend, as it more or less represents the reason why I read these comics in the first place, and why I think all of you other Sonic fans should too.

“Knocking on Eggman’s Door”: Sonic leads the combined might of the Freedom Fighters and the Chaotix in a final push against Dr. Robotnik and his Eggman Empire! In this climactic battle old friendships and rivalries are revisited, family confronts family, and a treacherous plot is revealed that you won’t believe! You simply cannot afford to miss this pulse-pounding lead-in to the mega-milestone SONIC #200!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn
ART: Tracy Yardley!
Shipping Date: April 1st, 2009
On Sale at Comic Specialty Shops: April 8th, 2009
On Sale on Newsstands: April 21st, 2009
32-page, full color comic
$ 2.50 US

This issue was most definitely leagues above the somewhat anticlimatic “Egg Pheonix” story last issue. Featuring the usual amount of nice action scenes, this story also had some nice character to character moments. I won’t go into it, lest I spoil it for people who haven’t picked it up yet, but Ian’s writing is definitely at it’s best when he lets the characters be themselves and interact with each other on a more personal level, not just with their fists. The story touches on past plot points to help show just how important this battle is, and ties this issue in with continuity that is over twelve years old quite nicely.

The art is fantastic, something that has thankfully become the norm ever since Tracy took over and Ron Lim quietly left the book. Tracy’s cartoon style really matches the atmosphere of the book, and Sonic himself. Matt Herm’s coloring is also a nice step above Jensen’s style, which has always been too bright for my taste. I am hoping he will soon become the regular colorist on the book.

Of course, the issue does have it’s share of problems. I would say it’s biggest problem does not lie in the issue itself, but rather it’s build up. Despite the battles in New Megapolis in during the New Moebius arc, this whole “end of the Eggman Empire” plot point still feels rather sudden. Considering this war has been going on since the book’s conception, it seems to me that we needed to have many more issues before it focused squarely on building up to this monumental battle. I enjoyed the Bold New Mobius saga far more then any other storyline Archie’s ever made in the Sonic book, but I think it may have been best to delay or shorten the storyline so that more issues could have focused on building up to this fight. Without a focused build up, this story doesn’t feel nearly as epic as it really should.

Hopefully, with Sonic Universe now allowing Ian to write two issues a month instead of one, Ian can make a more concerted effort to ensure future storylines like this have the right amount of build up, without leaving other plot points and characters hanging for years on end, as he probably should have with Scourge and the Anti-Mobius reinvention.

I highly recommend this issue to Arche fans and Sonic fans alike. This issue isn’t necessarily the best jumping on point for new readers, but with stuff like the pending epic battle between Sonic and Robotnik, a fight between Shadow, E-102 Gamma, and Omega, as well as the formation of team dark and a huge change in the status quo all coming in the next few issues of StH and SU, I can’t imagine a more exciting time to start reading it. The comics themselves contain loads of fan service to Sonic fans, and perfectly show Sonic’s attitude in a way I haven’t seen since the sprite animations in the classic games. Couple that with excellent art and entertaining writing, and I don’t think any Sonic fan has a legitimate reason to not give this comic a chance right now. This comic isn’t about love affairs, teen soap operas, and family drama anymore. This comic is about Sonic.

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Sonic the Hedgehog #198 in comic shops now

The road to Sonic’s land mark 200th issue continues today, with #198 now available in comic shops across America. In it, Sonic returns to his fight with Eggman, and his newest weapon, the Egg Pheonix! Archie’s newest artist, Renae De Liz, also debuts in this issue. I must say, I’m rather dissapointed that her excellent pencils didn’t hold up to Archie’s inking and coloring team. You can see the cover and four action packed pages below:

“Egg Phoenix Down”: The countdown to the epic Sonic the Hedgehog #200 continues! Sonic leads the fully assembled Freedom Fighters and Chaotix on an invasion of Dr. Robotnik’s city, but the doctor unleashes a terrifying new weapon that may make their fight a short one! Don’t miss all the egg-plosive action!
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn
ART: Renae De Liz
Scorching hot cover by Tracy Yardley!
Shipping Date: March 4th, 2009
On Sale at Comic Specialty Shops: March 11th, 2009
On Sale on Newsstands: March 24th, 2009
32-page, full color comic
$2.50 US

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Sonic Universe #1 Debuts in Comic Specialty Shops Today!

Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog offshoot series, Sonic Universe, finally debuts today, and it’s something every Sonic fan should be excited about. Posted below is a five page preview of the story, and an awesome cover crawn by Spaz. The picture quality is a little low this month, so some of the text can be a little illegible.

I rather enjoyed this little preview, and the chemistry between Marine and Shadow reminds me of exactly why I enjoy Ian’s writing as much as I do; Ian knows how to do character chemistry. The first page of this issue also perfectly exemplifies why Tracy is one of my favorite artists to ever work on this book; while his style can look deceptively simple, it is nevertheless full of life and great to look at. Overall, I have high hopes for Universe, especially this issue. This is the first time in which Ian will be able to build a mythos from the ground up, without having to do any house cleaning like he did on the Sonic book. It should be interesting to see how he works Shadow’s world into the comic and turns him into something more then a fan favorite guest character.

Below is the blurb for this first issue. I hope you all will enjoy this comic as much as I do.



“Living Weapons”: This is the comic the fans have waited for – an ever-expanding, all-encompassing series revolving around Sonic’s many friends and foes whose continuity aligns with the regular monthly Sonic comic. Along the way, we’ll deliver some of the popular supporting cast from the many Sonic video games, including many who have never appeared in the comics before! The first issue of
“Sonic Universe” debuts with a story that’s out of this world – literally – as Shadow and Metal Sonic continue their series-spanning fight and wind up in a whole new dimension! And things are bound to heat up when Blaze the Cat and a Chaos Emerald enter the mix! Don’t miss the explosive beginning of this universe-spanning series!

SCRIPT: Ian Flynn

ART: Tracy Yardley!

Dimension-defying cover by Patrick
“Spaz!” Spaziante

Shipping Date: February 18th, 2009

On Sale at Comic Specialty Shops: February 25th, 2009

On Sale on Newsstands: March 10th, 2009

32-page, full color comic

$2.50 US

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Sonic the Hedgehog #196 Now On Sale

Today, Sonic the Hedgehog #196 is now available in comic book stores across the United States.  This issue marks the end of the “Bold, New Moebius” saga, which was made up of four two parter story arcs all focused  on reorganizing and reimagining what had always been a stale part of the continuity, Anti Mobius. It gave all of the characters more unique personalities, gave the world a brief but unique backstory, and even made Scourge, formerly “evil Sonic”, into a real villain. Anti Mobius, or “Moebius” now provides something more then evil people wearing leather whom happen to look just like the Freedom Fighters.  It is a world with characters that provide real contrast beyond “good and evil”. I commend Ian for this.

I have really enjoyed this saga, and how it reshaped the “evil” characters. This issue looks to be capping the saga off with a pretty epic ending as well. You can see what I mean in the thumbnail images below.

Continue reading Sonic the Hedgehog #196 Now On Sale

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Free Comic Book Day: Sonic Issue Revealed

Since 2007, Sonic the Hedgehog has become a regular participant in the annual “Free Comic Book Day” event. Once every year, comic book publishers across America send special free issues to participating comic book stores, to be given away for free to anyone who wants them. This year, FCBD will be on May 2nd, so be sure to mark your calenders. This Sonic FCBD issue is meant to recap the entire series as a whole, in “Sonic: Evolution of a Hero”. Like past FCBD Sonic issues, this year’s Sonic comic is a silver level sponsor, meaning not all participating comic book stores will have it, so you may want to call your comic book store before hand. You can use this website to find a comic book store near you, as well as their phone number or e-mail. The cover is posted in a thumbnail below:


According to Sonic the Hedgehog’s headwriter, Ian Flynn, this issue is meant to introduce the book to newcomers and to clarify plot points to veterans. The comic book itself has no storyline, but is instead more akin to Archie’s data files, a biography of the characters and a description of the world’s backstory. The book will also be offering some insight and spoilers for what happens in and after issue #200. Those of you wondering what this Sonic comic is all about might want to consider going to a comic book store to pick it up.

Hit the jump for the issue’s official solicitation. Continue reading Free Comic Book Day: Sonic Issue Revealed

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11 Year Old Sonic Fan Fights Law for Hedgehogs

All too often, the extreme side of the Sonic fandom is perpetuated as childish and annoying. But every now and again, a story crops up that shows that not all Sonic fanatics are as bad as they are often made out to be. As is the case with Judson King, an eleven year old resident of Lawerance, Kansas.

Judson King is a pretty big Sonic fan. So big, in fact, that he wanted to OWN a hedgehog. Unfortunately, it turned out that hedgehogs where, for whatever reason, prohibited by Lawerance’s animal code. This set Judson off on a three year crusade to get the little spiky guys legalized. He collected all sorts of hedgehog facts, learned about city law and how to change it, and after over two years of research, he sent a letter to the city commission in support of the hedgehogs. Eleven months later, he found himself dressed up in a suit in front of the city commission, with a hedgehog primer prepared for each individual commissioner, complete with hedgehog facts and pictures.

Apparently, the city commisioners had no idea why hedgehogs where banned in the first place, although if you ask me, I suspected an angry Mario fan. They removed the law, and Judson King got his hedgehog. In case your wondering, no, he didn’t name it Sonic. The little guy’s name is “Little Luke”.

This just goes to show you what a little activism and research can do. Judson King is a Sonic fan who has quite a future ahead of him. Maybe in politics or law?

If you want to see how our source, CNN, reported the story, I’ve embedded the video after the jump. Continue reading 11 Year Old Sonic Fan Fights Law for Hedgehogs

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Sonic X Ends, Sonic Universe begins

Next month, the Sonic the Hedgehog Archie comic will do something it has not done since the last terrible Sonic Super Special released November 2000: it will launch a spin off comic based off of the main book. That spin off title is called Sonic Universe. Here is the cover:


Sonic Universe will be replacing Archie’s successful Sonic X series, and released monthly alongside the Sonic the Hedgehog book. Instead of focusing on Sonic the Hedgehog, SU will focus on the various characters that populate his multiverse, most notably Knuckles and Shadow.

In addition to taking place in the same universe as the main Sonic book, Sonic Universe will occasionally dive into other universes as well. Headwriter Ian Flynn has not ruled out returning to the Sonic X universe sometime in the future.

The first issue of Sonic Universe continues where Sonic X #40 left off. After Shadow and Metal Sonic where transported through time and space into the Sonic X universe in Sonic the Hedgehog #196, Shadow now finds himself in a new world and a new comic book series. The official solicitation is after the jump.

Continue reading Sonic X Ends, Sonic Universe begins

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Sonic fighting for his life on GameFAQ’s Poll of the Day

It’s that time of year again! GameFAQs is running another character battle, and as usual, Sonic is fighting for his life in the quater finals. This is typically as far as Sonic goes, but with your help we may be able to get him to the semi finals!

The finalists are as follows: Kirby, Dante, Sephiroth, and Sonic the Hedgehog.

At the moment, Sonic is in third place, behind Kirby and Sephiroth. A character needs to make it into first or second place in order to move on to the semi finals. If you all vote for him, maybe he can make it. Vote for it here.

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Sonic Unleashed TGS Footage, Positive Impressions

Like many on The Sonic Stadium, I have been fairly pessimistic regarding Sonic Unleashed. With severe frame rate problems being reported from several sources, as well as “boring looking” Werehog levels, it seemed like Unleashed may be more of the same. What’s more, due to bad magazine scans, the Wii version appeared to be a shoddy port.

The more I see of the game, however, the more it begins to win me over. Are the first, incredible looking videos from the Wii version enough to win you over? Is the latest preview good enough to get your hopes up? Decide for yourself. Here’s the first video. Two more videos and a preview after the break:

Continue reading Sonic Unleashed TGS Footage, Positive Impressions

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Yuji Naka’s Prope Studio posts a teaser on it’s website.

I am sure lots of you are wondering what Yuji Naka has been working on these days. Ever since Yuji Naka left his position at SEGA to form the SEGA funded Prope Studio, we’ve been given very little in the way of details in regards to what he is doing. All that has been revealed so far is that his team is developing some sort of Wii games. Now, finally, it appears Prope is about ready to shed some light on it’s new project. They have updated their website with a teaser image, which you can view here.

The teaser appears to have a countdown. Originally, it appeared to be counting down to the first day of TGS, but it has since been pushed back a week. Whatever this project is, we should be finding out in about 16 days. Heres hoping that the fact that this will be the first game penguins can play is a good thing for the project.

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New Sonic Chronicles “Behind the Scenes” trailer

The release of Sonic Chronicles is almost upon us, Sonic fans! BioWare has recently released a new behind the scenes mini documentary regarding the development of Sonic Chronicles. Enjoy!

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Sonic the Hedgehog #191 on newstands now!

The newest issue of Sonic the Hedgehog has just hit newstands, and this time, every Sonic fan has a reason to take notice. The back up story is a prologue for the upcoming BioWare RPG, Sonic Chronicles.

Starting with this issue, Sonic Stadium will be regularly featuring news regarding comic book releases in the world of Sonic. This news usually comes complete with a seven page preview of the issue, as well as an (often misleading) synopsis of what lies within. Provided I’ve read the issue, I may also drop some opinion into the mix.

Check out these scans: Continue reading Sonic the Hedgehog #191 on newstands now!

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“Sonic Team USA” back in Japan?

A relatively new start up SEGA fan site called SEGA Role Playing has recently interviewed SEGA employee Jason Kuo, as part of their tenth anniversary celebration for the legendary SEGA Saturn strategy RPG “Shining Force 3”. In it, Mr. Kuo drops an interesting tidbit regarding Sonic Team’s US arm, when he was talking about the three best projects he’s worked on:

2) Sonic Rivals — This was a great experience, working with Backbone Vancouver, and also working with the Sonicteam located here (they’ve moved back now, however) to create a game closer to the traditional Sonic 2D gameplay fans had been asking for, while introducing something new.

This confirms a longstanding rumor regarding Sega Studios USA, otherwise known as “Sonic Team” USA regarding their current whereabouts. You can read the rather interesting interview in it’s entirety here.

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Sonic and the Black Knight Art Contest

No matter what you may think about Sonic’s upcoming Wii exclusive, you can’t deny that SEGA has just discovered a great way to involve the fan community. Apparently, Black Knight is going to feature some sort of gallery illustrating Sonic’s past, and SEGA wants you, the fans, to draw it. See the quote below for details:

Hey Sonic fans! We are looking for artists to help us tell the story of Sonic in a special animated gallery in the upcoming new title, Sonic and the Black Knight (Wii, spring 2009).

Draw Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Amy, Shadow, Blaze and other characters (or any combination of one or more of them together) in your favorite scene from your favorite Sonic game and send it to us before the deadline of September 19th. We’ll choose 20 of the best to feature and each of those winners will also receive a free copy of Sonic and the Black Knight

Before you get busy with the paint, here are a few of the RULES: Continue reading Sonic and the Black Knight Art Contest

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Another off-screen Sonic Unleashed video

On the heels of GameVideo’s off screen video, Gamekyo has come up with their own video. While the quality isn’t quite as good, what with all the people walking between the camera and the screen, this video does help add some persepective to just how many different paths there are in Unleash’s first level. At the very least, it looks like this game will have some nice replay value.

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Sonic Chronicles Insider Video episode 2

Sonic’s big RPG debut is only a month away, and BioWare’s getting us Sonic fans ready for it via a series of YouTube videos on their own Youtube channel. It’s good to have a video to explain just how this game works. For those younger Sonic fans, unitiated in the ways of the RPG genre, this video should give them a clue of what their in for.

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New Sonic the Hedgehog 12″ Statue revealed

Picking his nose, Sonic stands tall!A little late, I know, but nevertheless, cool.

Remember those classically styled Sonic statues announced by collectibles maker First4Figures months ago? Well, they’ve decided to bring you even more classic Sonic goodness to decorate your desk with: a foot tall Sonic statue.

Looks cool, right? You probably want it, right? Tough, as this awesome piece of fine art comes with a $99 price tag. Given First4Figure’s reputation of fine craftmanship, however, I have no doubt that this is completely worth it…for those who can afford it.

The statue is currently scheduled for release in December of this year. Those who order from First4Figure’s site before September 30th will get it for 10% off. You can see additional pictures and buy the statue at this link:

First4Figures Website

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Portuguese Magazine Reveals New Unleashed Tidbits

The Portuguese magazine Maxi Consolas, has recently revealed new information regarding Sonic Unleashed in their latest preview. The magazine has confirmed that:

  1. Unleashed will have level up system, in which you can enhance and improve Sonic’s abilities, much like an RPG.
  2. There will be other playable characters besides Sonic, however they will only be playable via mini games, reserving most of the game for Sonic. Tails has been the only confirmed character as of yet. There where no details regarding how the mini games would play.
  3. In addition to the African, Greek, and “High Europe” stages, there will also be levels that take place in China and New York City.
  4. Levels alternate between the 3D and 2D perspectives every thirty seconds or so. Camera work is impressive.
  5. Good impressions overall. They only complain about the frame rate.

Source: Sega Nerds

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Sonic Unleashed coming to four platforms?

According to GameStop, Sonic Unleashed will be coming to the Wii, PS2, Xbox 360, and PS3 on November 4th, 2008. The prices vary from SKU to SKU, but the PS2 version will be selling for the budget price of $30, while the Wii and PS3/360 versions will be going for the standard $50/$60 price tag respectivey.

GameStop can often be a source for new info on upcoming games, with prices, release dates, names, and platforms for upcoming games often leaked months before the publisher officially announces the info. They where the ones who leaked Samba De Amigo Wii early, among other games. While their track record is very solid, any info from them should still be regarded as speculation and rumor, until officially confirmed by SEGA.

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Sonic Unleashed Trailer [UPDATE]

It appears Sonic has returned to the realm of side scrollers and on rails game play in his latest console outing. Good stuff.

UPDATE: Looks like SEGA-On’s video was removed, so much for that. We know you love a good video though, so courtesy of our good friends at X-CulT, you can download a modified version of the (rather stupidly large at 600MB) video from their website. Also, if you want a laugh, click here.

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Sonic Unleashed to be Multiplatform

Dennis, from a German gaming magazine, has confirmed that Sonic Unleashed will indeed be a multiplatform release:

“Sonic unleashed will be on the cover of the next PLAY magazine, it will also feature in Nintendo’s magazine (NOM) and will be in the August issue. The screens I have uploaded are from the Xbox 360 version of the game, however, the game is going to be a multiformat release.”

This confirms both a 360 and a Wii version, at least.

Special thanks goes out to TSS’s own Casanova for reporting this info, and sending in the above Google translation.

SEGA ON Magazin

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Mario and Sonic Top Five Million

Last year, SEGA announced that Mario and Sonic will sell four million copies in it’s lifetime. People scoffed.

Well today, it seems, SEGA will have the last laugh. SEGA has announced today that not only has Mario and Sonic reach it’s goal of four million copies sold, it has surpassed it, selling a total of five million copies worldwide. “With adored icons and fun game play, Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games has shot to the top of the sales charts and is clearly resonating with the growing audience of casual gamers that want an engaging and accessible gaming experience,” said Simon Jeffery, President and COO, SEGA of America. “The market for entertaining games that everyone can enjoy is growing faster than any other segment in the industry, thanks in part to the explosive popularity of Wii and Nintendo DS,” continued Jeffery. “A key element of our growth strategy at SEGA is to develop and publish games that appeal to this expanding market.”

Mario and Sonic can owe much of it’s success to the UK, where the game has consistently remained in the top five every week since it’s release.

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New Sonic FCBD comic announced

Sonic and his friends are in deep doo doo.

fLast year marked the first year that Sonic’s long running comic “Sonic the Hedgehog” from Archie took part in a comic book industry tradition called “Free Comic Book Day”, or FCBD. On this day, comic book stores across the country loaded their counters and stands with completely free comic books from a variety of different publishers. Last year, the comic sported an all new story written by the comics new head writer Ian “Potto” Flynn, a former Sonic fan comic writer famous for writing a variety of popular fan comics. Continue reading New Sonic FCBD comic announced

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Help Name New Enemy Race in Sonic Chronicles

The Sega of Europe Sonic blog, “Sonic City Blognik”, has announced that Sega Europe will be running a poll between March 3rd and March 14th, to allow fans to determine the name for a new enemy raise in Sonic’s upcoming RPG adventure, “Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood”.

The poll will be available on the Sonic City website. The winning name will be announced March 15th.

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The Simpsons References Sonic

Oh Sonic, I do! Woohoo!
This picture was provided by Penpen2nd of the Bumbleking “This Side of Mobius” forum.

The Simpsons, America’s longest running comedy, has spoofed and referenced everything from James Bond to Furbies. Even the red plumber himself, Mario, recieved a cameo appearance during a barrel throwing gag done in the vein of the classic Donkey Kong. So I ask you…WHERE is my Sonic the Hedgehog spoof? Surely Matt Groening and his cohorts are more then mere Nintendo fanboys?

Well, for the three of us who’ve been waiting for the Simpsons to do SOMETHING with Sonic, the wait is finally, sort of, over. In the latest episode, Sonic the Hedgehog and Amy Rose make a brief appearance on a billboard, which says “Sonic the Hedgehog Says: Wait Until Marriage”, showing Sonic presenting Amy with a ring. Continue reading The Simpsons References Sonic

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Sonic Stage Revealed in Smash Bros. Brawl

Green Hill, Sonic’s most iconic level, will also be appearing in Super Smash Bros Brawl. Whether it will be an arena level, or an area you fight through in “Subspace Emmissary”, SSBB’s story/adventure mode, remains to be seen. You can view the (very awesome) video above.

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Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity Ships in the US

Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity is shipping for the Wii and PS2 today in the US, for an MSRP of $49.99.

Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity is the sequel to original Sonic Riders from 2006. This game, like the last, features a variety of characters from the Sonic-verse (as well as a few from other Sonic Team franchises) racing each other on upgradeable airboards called “Extreme Gear”. This game changes things up, by replacing the air gauge from the original game with Gravity control. This new ability allows you to change the center of gravity on the course, turning what had once been a wall into a new track. This can be used to find shortcuts and get an edge on your opponent. The game features twice as many courses, 16 in all, as well as 18 character and sixty vehicles. It has three multiplayer modes: Free race, World Grand Prix, and survival. The Wii version also comes with a “ghost mode” which allows you to download ghosts of other players online that you can race on the course.

Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity should arrive in Europe sometime next month. We’ll let you know when it ships.

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NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams delayed again!

It has been reported by one of the “NiNJAS” at that NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams has been delayed over a month. It now has a January/February release, with only a few days seperating the release of the game in America and Europe.

Whilst this hasn’t been “officially” confirmed, this source has been spot on accurate in the past. NiGHTS is now a 2008 title, completely missing the Christmas holiday rush, and giving the game an extra month of much needed polish. Continue reading NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams delayed again!

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Mario and Sonic at the Olympics in Stores

Mario and Sonic at the Olympics, the first crossover between the two long standing video game rivals and their friends, is now available in stores across the US for $50 on the Wii, and $30 on the DS.

The game will be available in the Europe on November 23rd, and on December 25th in Japan.

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Archie’s Sonic #181 Out Now

The second installment in Archie’s “Enerjak: Reborn” story arc for the Sonic the Hedgehog comic book, is now available in comic book specialty shops. The comic, written by fan comic creator turned proffesional comic book writer Ian “Potto” Flynn, marks the return of fan favorite villian Enerjak. You will find the preview, the cover, and a three page sample below:


“Rising Evil – Enerjak Reborn!”: The demolition starts here, with super-powered villain Enerjak wrecking havoc on Angel Island ! Our heroes are readying their defenses while Sonic and Tails race against time to find the still missing Knuckles! Can they find him, or did Enerjak get to him first? PLUS: “Undone”: You’ll shudder at the shocking origin of this new Enerjak… if your nerves are strong enough to handle it! SCRIPT: Ian Flynn. ART: Tracy Yardley (pencils) & Jim Amash (inks). Earth-shattering cover by Tracy Yardley!

Continue reading Archie’s Sonic #181 Out Now

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Sonic the Hedgehog confirmed for Super Smash Bros Brawl!

It has long been rumored. It has appeared on dozens of fake box shots. Heck, the rumors even made several appearances in retail ads. Now, we can finally confirm it, thanks to IGN: Sonic the Hedgehog will be in Nintendo’s upcoming Wii brawler. Here is a direct quote from IGN’s Nintendo 2007 Conference coverage:

14:24: Smash Bros. has been delayed in Japan until January 24, 2008.

Nintendo shows a new trailer. Sonic is going to be a playable character! The trailer shows him transforming into Super Sonic.

The game will include online fights. In addition, it will have online cooperative play of some form.

That makes two games Sonic will be crossing over with Mario in…within the space of a few months. This has most certainly been an interesting year for Sonic, hasn’t it?

You can view the movie that revealed Sonic here. You can see screens of the character here.

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NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams delay confirmed

It’s been long speculated that NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams for the Wii was going to be delayed at least a month. Going by the date changes at several retail outlets, that appears to be the case.

GameStop, Amazon, and Best Buy all have the game listed for a December 18th, 2007 release. The game was originally supposed to see an October release, before an “overhaul” saw the game pushed back to November 13th, 2007. While dates on retail websites are hardly an end all, be all confirmation, a date change like this from several completely different retailers is about as good as an official confirmation from SEGA.

So be sure to mark your calenders, people. Or just pre-order the game from one the links I so graciously provided.

As a side note for our UK readers, has NiGHTS listed for a December 21st, 2007 release, so you might not have to wait quite as long as the rest of Europe, which is scheduled to get the game in early 2008.

Naturally, if the date changes, we’ll make an update about it.

Finally, I would like to apologize for my lack of news updates lately, as I’ve been a bit busy.

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Sonic Rush Adventure in stores

Sonic’s latest DS adventure, Sonic Rush Adventure, is now available at retail for $29.99 US, or £29.99 in the UK.

In Sonic Rush Adventure, Sonic sails around an archipelago in various water craft. He’ll visit villages, fight off pirates in sea battles, and take on the nefarious Captain Whiskers and his henchman in blazing fast platforming levels and epic boss battles. The game uses the DS’s WiFi Connection for leaderboards and online races between two players.

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Samba De Amigo Wii confirmed

Remember that Samba game rumor we reported awhile back? Well, it’s recently been confirmed. The latest issue of Nintendo Power confirmed that Sonic Team’s cult classic rhythm game will indeed be heading to the Wii in an all new sequel, developed by Gearbox, makers of the critically acclaimed acclaimed Brothers in Arms franchise. While it remains to be seen how these developers will go from gritty WW2 tactical shooters to a colorful light hearted rhythm game, Samba is certainly a perfect fit for the Wii.

The sequel will contain both old and new songs, but anything outside of that is currently unknown. Samba was listed in GameStop’s date base with a Febuary release date, although it remains to be seen whether that date was official or speculatory. The only date given by Nintendo Power is “2008”.

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NiGHTS release dates confirmed?

I’m sure all of you are well aware of the rumored delay of NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams into 2008 in Europe. This news came from a reliable source from, and has since been all but confirmed by one of my own source, and the boss-man Dreadknux.

However, all these sources confirmed the games delay only for Europe. That is, until now.’s same source has now confirmed the release month for the US release is now December, the same month as the game’s Japanese release.

While there is no exact date for the American release, the Japanese release has a December 13th, 2007 street date from SEGA. While no European release date has been given, Amazon Germany has the game listed for a January 11th release.

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New NiGHTS trailer released

Matt Cassamassina of has revealed on the website’s message boards that there will be three big features on IGN’s Wii channel from now till midnight. The first feature is a trailer of one of the Wii’s most promising first person shooters, Medal of Honor Heroes 2, one of the first FPS games on the Wii to go that extra mile with beautiful graphics, dead on control, and online multiplayer that can hold up to 32 players in any given game.

The second feature is IGN’s long awaited article on the lack of voice chat on the Wii. Continue reading New NiGHTS trailer released

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