New & Old Sonic Colours Wii Screenshots

SEGA have today released the above batch of screenshots for the Wii version of Sonic Colours, some of them you may recognise while others you may not. In them we see more of Sweet Mountain Zone and Tropical Resort Zone which were showcased in playable form at E3 and so there’s not much to see here that we haven’t already seen. Like all other SEGA screenshot releases we expect there will be a DS version batch around so we’ll keep an eye out and post back here if we find anything.

Nintendo Everything

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Sonic comics come to Toys R’ Us

In a press release made yesterday, Archie Comics have struck a deal with Toys R’ Us to bring their comics into their stores across the U.S. The regular Archie comic, along with Sonic The Hedgehog and Sonic Universe will be available along with a new magazine called “Life with Archie”. The magazine will contain two alternate universe comics that deal with Archie’s married life with Betty in one story and Veronica in the other. It will also include articles aimed at the tween set.

This is great news for Sonic fans who might have a hard time finding a local comic store nearby. This also helps give the Sonic comics a much wider audience and is bound to help increase sales.

The comics start selling in August. Sorry UK fans, this deal is United States only.

Press release can be found here.

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Sonic Colors: Official Japanese site goes live!

Sega of Japan has put up their official Sonic Colors website. Not much is included at this time other than the same sceenshots and trailer we’ve already seen, but was is new, is an all new orchestral theme. I believe this is likely to be the main menu theme but I’m not sure.

You can check it out here.

Those of you who can’t wait can check out this youtube video by Soniman032


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1UP Interview Yuji Naka

1UP have posted up an interview today with a man the entire Sonic fanbase may have heard of, the legendary Yuji Naka who brought our favourite blue hedgehog into the lives of gamers worldwide. The interview has a big focus on Naka’s Prope studio and their most recent game Ivy the Kiwi? but in the 3rd and 4th pages 1UP bring out some questions about classic Sonic title Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and it’s multiplayer feature aswell as development with SEGA Saturn titles NiGHTS into Dreams, Sonic Jam, Sonic Xtreme and how time restraints resulted in development for Sonic’s first true 3D jump shifting from Saturn to Dreamcast.

The interview is an interesting read into Sonic 2’s production and the struggle inside SEGA and Sonic Team during the Saturn era, you can check that section of the interview out below but if you want to read about Yuji Naka’s creative Ivy the Kiwi? title too you can read the whole interview at 1UP.

Sega Days

1UP: I’d like to do a bit of time traveling, now, and go back through your career at Sega. I have a small list of games that you were involved in, and I’d like to ask for at least one memory from your time making them that stands out. First is Girl’s Garden, your very first game for the SG-1000 console.

YN: Yeah, it was the first one I created after I joined Sega. Back then, the [SG-1000] hardware wasn’t really selling to girls, so my boss at the time came up to me and said, “come up with a game that can relate to the female audience,” so I started making it. I thought it was just a little test for me, but my boss really liked it and was like, “OK, we’re going to make this into a product.” Altogether it took four months to make that game, but the first two months were just me nonchalantly putting it together, since I was still in that “test” phase. The next two months were really hectic, since I had to finish it all up. Looking back, I really don’t want anybody to go in there and look at the programming, because as a game, it looks like it’s working, but inside it’s just awful. [Laughs]

1UP: Well, we were all young once.

YN: I was 18, in fact. That’s when I joined Sega. I wasn’t that bright, so I couldn’t get into college, but I was able to join Sega.

1UP: It worked out, though.

YN: Indeed. I was lucky. [Laughs]

1UP: Next is Phantasy Star, certainly the first one on Master System, but even all the early 2D installments. Since it was from a more innocent time, and this was a relatively large-scale game, an RPG, I’d imagine there might be some good memories.

YN: Actually, the very first Phantasy Star only took four and a half months to create, so it was in no way a big title.

1UP: Well, compared to Girl’s Garden…


YN: That’s true. Girl’s Garden was the first, and then I had a little more experience, a few more games under my belt, so in that case, Phantasy Star was a big title. [Before that,] there was a Commodore 64 game called 3D Dungeon, and the motion and animation was very smooth, and I was blown away by how that worked. I wanted to create something similar on the Mark III/Master System. Maybe a dungeon or maze you could fly through to communicate a sense of speed, but the only problem was that it was moving too smooth and people started getting motion sick. So we decided to make it a little slower and maybe put an RPG around it, like Phantasy Star.

Back then, when we were making a 3D dungeon, we thought we could turn it into an arcade game, because that was when everything was 2D, and to see a big 3D dungeon on [a monitor] was pretty refreshing.

1UP: But making an arcade game of it never got past being an idea.

YN: Right, they [the arcade division] didn’t consider it.

1UP: Next is Sonic the Hedgehog 2, which I bring up especially because it turned into such a big deal at the time, and you were making it in America.

YN: The main reason we had the team over here [in America] was to figure out how to best appeal to the U.S. Sega also wanted to make the Mega Drive a bigger hit in Japan, so we wanted to put a label on Sonic 2 saying it was a huge hit in America. We were starting to create Sonic 2 in Japan, but were kind of guessing; “maybe they’d like something like this, maybe we can do it this way.” I decided the best way was to go to America and get their feedback directly. We went to San Francisco, and watching the kids in the focus groups play it and see their reactions was really helpful. And that certainly changed my game creation style — my concept of game design was on a more worldwide scale, and that was a really important highlight of my life.

Another thing I thought of: In Sonic 1, it was all about how fast you could move, and so one thing we wanted to add was a race where you could compete against someone else. We made the two-player mode with a split screen, but the only problem was the screen was too small back then. So, after we started on Sonic 2, I thought we really needed a two-player mode as part of expanding on the original. We did a lot of fine adjustment in the speed and such, but I think it turned out how we envisioned it.

1UP: The split screen was pretty impressive back then.

YN: Especially with the Genesis resolution, all the games are usually 320×224, but for Sonic 2, it’s in the 400 range, so programming-wise, it was a lot more difficult [to pull off the split screen]. There’s a lot of hurdles that we had to go through, but when it worked, it was something I was really proud of, and as a programmer, I’m really happy about that title.

1UP: I’d like to jump forward in time, with a little more obscure title: Sonic Jam on Saturn, the collection of the Genesis Sonic games. Basically, I just want to know what was the idea in making that at that time.

YN: We were actually creating a 3D Sonic for the Sega Saturn, but right when we were in the thick of development, Sega was getting ready for the next console, Dreamcast. It was at a crucial point where, if we were going to move ahead with the project, we’d better move it to Dreamcast, or else we wouldn’t be able to finish it [for Saturn] in time. But we did have a certain amount of 3D graphics for the Saturn version, so we decided to [keep that and] pull in and emulate the Genesis games. For the Sega Saturn users back then, I’m sorry we couldn’t create a 3D Sonic for them, but [in Jam] you were able to have a glimpse.

1UP: Right, and there were other Saturn games from Sonic Team like NiGHTS and Burning Rangers that had clear passion behind them, so maybe it wasn’t a great loss. But regardless, is there part of you that regrets not making a “real” 3D Sonic for Saturn?

YN: Honestly, I was making so many Sonics, I wanted to make something new. But after NiGHTS, we were making Sonic, but it just would have been too late for that period. Because there’s only me, there’s no other Yuji Naka, I could only be the main programmer for NiGHTS, I couldn’t do many projects at once. But after NiGHTS, Sega wanted me to oversee more projects, so that was the last game on which I was main programmer.

Every hardware launch, there’s those crucial moments of timing. Saturn didn’t have Sonic, and the GameCube had Luigi’s Mansion; no Mario at the beginning. But Dreamcast did have Sonic from the beginning, and I think that’s why it did well. Now that I’ve grown and can look back at those days, yeah, I think I should have thought more about the company, but back then I didn’t care. I just wanted to create what I wanted to create.

But it’s the same with Nintendo: There are times when Mr. Miyamoto isn’t involved with [all] projects. And with 3DS, I’m surprised they’re using Kid Icarus for launch, and not Mario. [Of course,] at the booth, you can see Mario Kart and Paper Mario, and maybe the public will view it differently, but in my opinion, I thought it would be better to have [a traditional] Mario with 3DS.

1UP: Speaking of Dreamcast, how did you feel about the Dreamcast years and the games you produced for it? It really seemed like a time when Sega was at its most creative, and I was wondering if maybe you felt “renewed” as a game creator in those days?

YN: Yeah. From whatever failures came from the Saturn, we didn’t want to repeat our mistakes, so we had a lot of executives and software creators get together and figure out what to do; how to sell the next console. There were sooo many meetings, and we had inside advisors and outside advisors all giving us comments. But more than anything, I think [former Sega presidents] Irimajiri and Okawa had a lot of passion back then, and they were really pushing ahead to make a new console, and all the employees really felt that. So we wanted to meet their expectations, and I think as a team we worked really well.

I was remembering the “dream team” meetings that happened every week. We were deciding what kind of hardware to do, what kind of software, the specs… all of that was done in those weekly meetings.

1UP: Those were the same collaborative meetings between the hardware and software teams?

YN: Yeah. Usually when you talk about hardware and software, there are different teams that don’t really communicate with each other, but back then, I think that was one of the things that really worked well for our company. And on top of the business team [joining], there were the outside advisors, and another thing that was interesting is that we often changed the venue of the meeting rooms. We used the advisors’ offices, basically to stimulate inspiration, because when you’re in the same meeting room every time, you can’t think too differently.

1UP: Well, thank you for time traveling with me. I have one last big question, from one of our readers. Gixman asked: if you had the chance, what classic Sega franchise would you like to work on again for a next-gen system?

[Naka thinks for a moment]

1UP: Did you have a favorite Sega game that wasn’t one of your own?

YN: I really like Yu Suzuki’s games, because I feel like I want to play his games again.

1UP: Yeah, a lot of people do. I loved it when OutRun 2 came out.

YN: He might be able to use his talents more on the arcade side. Well, I’m not sure I want to make Sonic again, but… Girl’s Garden! It’s a really fun game. Maybe I shouldn’t say this, but I was using an emulator to play it recently, and I was really surprised how much fun it was. [Laughs]

1UP: Even though you weren’t completely satisfied with the programming?

YN: Well, I was young, and it was one of those projects where we all put our minds together and were joking around, just having a good time making it. One other thing is that, because I was so young back then, I had so much flexibility and ideas. And it goes back to Ivy the Kiwi?, where it was the young employees bringing their ideas together. As you get older as a creator, your thinking tends to be one-sided, or not as flexible as it used to be. So when I hear what the young creators are coming up with, it really inspires me, and I want to expand that as much as possible. And I’ve been called a “game creator” for a long time, but it’s not like I come up with everything. It’s all a team effort, and saying “that’s a good idea, how can we use that?” and putting all the good parts together into a good game. My thinking isn’t necessarily making something new and moving forward from there, but based on my experience, I get to see what has potential and can expand it from there.

1UP: So to answer the original question: You’d remake Girl’s Garden?

YN: Yeah, maybe with a super hot girl! [Laughs] The game itself was about a girl trying to win this guy’s heart, and all these other girls are trying to get him, so you bring him flowers while he’s waiting at his house. Doesn’t that sound like a fun game to you? From a guy’s point of view, all you have to do is stay at home and all these girls are fighting over you, so what else could you want?

1UP: Yeah, it’s a nice idea. Sounds like it reflected your youth.

YN: I guess so, huh? [Laughs]

Source: 1UP via GoNintendo

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On the Spot Aaron Webber Interview and Jun Senoue plays live!

Check out this interview with Aaron Webber on Gamespot’s “On the Spot” show (It starts around 11:40). After demoing the game, we get a live performance by Jun Senoue. Jun also ends the show on guitar.

Here’s the link.

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Sonic Colours Wii Tropical Resort Zone Boss Footage


Courtesy of Game Plus Network we have the above new footage of Sonic Colours Wii from E3. The video is of Tropical Resort Zone which we’ve seen before but if you scroll to the 1:57 mark you’ll see the boss fight in action, which until now we’ve only really seen screenshots of. The boss fight is very short at just 3 hits but we’re told by Dusk the Alan Wake Keeper at the SSMB who attended E3 that a SEGA representative informed him that the hit total was kept short just for the E3 demo as a taster and associated cut scenes were also removed from the demo.

Since this is the first boss video it’s as good as time to say this, I was concerned about the boss only being 3 hits too, but a rep at E3 who I asked said the demo stage was edited for E3 to keep it a taste, including lowering the boss hit count (and the seen cut stages). So the final first boss likely won’t be just 3 hits, just they lowered it for the demo.

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the find!

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A Sonic/Shadow birthday comic me and some buds made

Most of you probably don’t know this, but I’m the Editor in Chief at a little up and coming Sonic web comic site called “Emerald Coast Comics“. We’re probably best known for our Sonic Eggs weekly strip, if we’re known for anything at all, but we do other things too. This is a comic we’ve been working on for the better part of two years, from early script drafting to the final upload today!

This comic was written by new, and fully penciled, from the cover to the final page, by Jetstreamx. We’ve got a load of people on inks and colors, which you can see from the credits page. We REALLY hope you guys enjoy this birthday present from us, and whether you do or not, all of us from ECC would really appreciate some feedback.

Shadow and his team are ready to get to it!

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SEGA’s Sonic Birthday Contest

SEGA have announced a big contest to celebrate Sonic’s 19th Birthday today in which you have the chance to win a trip for you and one friend to Tokyo, Japan, where you will stop by SEGA Japan, meet Sonic Team and be the very first people to be given some playtime with the finished build of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. Pretty exciting huh? To take part you need to express your love for Sonic through the medium of video via YouTube, check out the full announcement including all the info you need to know below –

Everyone’s favourite blue hedgehog with attitude is turning 19, and we’d like you to help us celebrate! Take part and you could win the ultimate birthday gift ā€“ a free trip for you and a friend to Tokyo, Japan, to visit SEGA, meet the Sonic Team, and get some exclusive playtime with Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode I!

To enter, create a video showing off your love for Sonic! You could run down the street dressed as the blue hedgehog himself, paint a massive Sonic mural in your hometown, build Green Hill zone entirely out of cake, or almost anything you can come up with. Be creative, original, and entertaining! (And, of course, keep it legal!)

Once judging is complete, the top 10 entries will go live on the website and the fans themselves will vote on our winners! The prizes are amazing, the contest is huge and the excitement is high ā€“ do it to it and letā€™s show the world just how passionate our fans can be. Up, over, and gone!

1: You’ll need a YouTube account in order to participate. Don’t have a YouTube account? No problem – register here.

2: Your video must be hosted on YouTube and adhere to YouTubeā€™s uploading requirements.

3: Entries will be judged on three categories, each worth 10 points total for a total of up to 30 points.
They are:
– Creativity
– Effort
– Entertainment

4: In addition, up to 5 bonus points can be awarded if your submission gets Sonic in the public eye. The more people involved, the more points awarded!

5: There is a limit of one entry per person.

6: Entrants must fill out all required submission fields in order to enter.

7: The deadline to submit your entry is Monday, July 12th at 9:00 AM Pacific time.

8: Your entry must be your own original work and only include images of people who have agreed that their image can be included. Your entry is subject to our terms and conditions and privacy policy so please read these carefully before you enter.


Aswell as the Grand Prize of the trip to SEGA Japan there will be other prizes –
2. Two first place iPod Touch prize packs!
3. 100 Random winners get free Sonic swag!

ArchangelUK of SEGA Europe informs at the Sonic City Blognik that one grand prize winner will be picked from America and another from the UK.

Head on over to the official Sonic 4 contest page to get your entry in now!

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SEGA’s Sonic Birthday Mega Sale, UK and EU Items & Prices

Yesterday SEGA of America announced their Sonic themed Mega Sale in the U.S. in celebration of the blue hedgehog’s 19th Birthday which they said applies to Europe but no items and price list was available for that region but today ArchangelUK of SEGA Europe has updated with the list at the Sonic City Blognik so check it out below. Of note, ArchangelUK informs that SEGA did try to get the WiiWare/Virtual Console stuff on sale but no reason was given to why it’s not happening.

PlayStation Network sale items are live now and will continue until Tuesday July 6th in the US and July 7th in Europe.
iTunes AppStore items will go live today and end in a week on June 30th.
Xbox LIVE Marketplace items will begin tomorrow Thursday June 24th for ONE DAY ONLY.
(We did try and get the Wiiware titles, honestly.)

In all instances for your own sake please make sure the offer is showing before you make a move to purchase it. Check them out on our offer site here.

Apple Offers ā€“ On sale 23 ā€“ 30 June

Sonic the Hedgehogā„¢ ā€“ Ā£3.49 Ā£2.39, ā‚¬4.99 ā‚¬2.99

Sonic the Hedgehogā„¢ 2 ā€“ Ā£3.49 Ā£2.39, ā‚¬4.99 ā‚¬2.99

Streets of Rageā„¢ – Ā£1.79 Ā£0.59, ā‚¬2.39 ā‚¬0.79

Super Monkey Ballā„¢ Ā£2.99 Ā£1.79, ā‚¬3.99 ā‚¬2.39

Super Monkey Ballā„¢ 2 Ā£3.49 Ā£2.39, ā‚¬4.99 ā‚¬2.99

Super Monkey Ballā„¢ 2: Sakura Ed. (iPad) Ā£4.99 Ā£2.99, ā‚¬5.99 ā‚¬3.99

Golden Axeā„¢ Ā£1.79 Ā£0.59, ā‚¬2.39 ā‚¬0.79

Playstation Network ā€“ On sale until 7th July (Europe)

Sonic Rivalsā„¢ Ā£11.99 Ā£7.99, ā‚¬14.99 ā‚¬9.99

Sonic Rivalsā„¢ 2 Ā£11.99 Ā£7.99, ā‚¬14.99 ā‚¬9.99

SONIC The Hedgehog: Very Hard Shadow Missions Ā£1.99 Ā£1.19,

SONIC The Hedgehog: Very Hard Silver Missions Ā£1.99 Ā£1.19,

SONIC The Hedgehog: Very Hard Sonic Missions Ā£1.99 Ā£1.19,


Sonic Rivalsā„¢ 1 & 2 Bundle Pack ā€“ Ā£13.99, ā‚¬17.99

Sonic Unleashedā„¢ Add On Bundle ā€“ Ā£8.69, ā‚¬10.99
Comprising: Sonic Unleashed Apatos & Shamar Adventure Pack, Chun-nan Adventure Pack, Empire City & Adabat Adventure Pack, Holoska Adventure Pack, Mazuri Adventure Pack, Spagonia Adventure Pack.

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racingā„¢ Add On Bundle ā€“ Ā£5.49, ā‚¬6.99
Comprising Metal Sonic & Ryo Forklift packs, I managed to get the team to add this one onā€¦ sorry we werenā€™t able to get the 360 ones added.

Xbox Live ā€“ 24 June only

Sonic the Hedgehogā„¢ ā€“ 400 points 240 points

Sonic the Hedgehogā„¢ 2 400 points 240 points

Sonic the Hedgehogā„¢ 3 400 points 240 points

Sonic & Knucklesā„¢ 400 points 240 points

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TSS Super Happy Hedgehog Moments Birthday Competition! [CLOSED]

Wooo! Partay! What with Sonic turning 19 years of age, we at TSS are clearing out our merchandise cabinet and giving you the chance to grab some goodies!

Up for grabs today we have:

1 x copy of Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing for the Nintendo DS!

2 x Sonic the Hedgehog Shirts, courtesy of SEGA of Europe!

2 x Sonic the Hedgehog Archie Archives Volume 12 Paperback books!

1 x Jazwares Sonic and the Black Knight 5″ Figure!

3 x Jazwares Sonic the Hedgehog Figures (Sonic, Tails, SatBK Sonic)!

1 x Sonic the Hedgehog sticker album and sticker packs!

That’s 10 prizes for 10 winners! All we want you to do is share your favourite hedgehog moment with us in the comments! It might be about the first Sonic game you bought, it could be about a childhood memory of meeting the Sonic mascot as a kid! It might even be your favourite moment in a videogame!Ā  Be creative, be original…but most of all make it Sonical!

e.g. Silver T. Hedgehog
“My favourite Sonic moment was when I finally found the Iblis Trigger, but it was no use!”

Closing time will be 12:00PM BST tomorrow (Thursday, 24th of June 2010), so all those living on the other side of the pond can get your memories in too! We don’t mind if you want to send in more than one entry either, however there will be a maximum of one prize per entrant.

My favourite moment has to be getting a chance to play on the SEGA tour bus…or was it getting to play Unleashed months before it came out? Hang on, no, it’s definitely that bit in Sonic X…ah, so many memories!

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New Sonic Colours DS E3 Gameplay Footage


NintendoDifference have posted up a new gameplay video of Sonic Colours on the Nintendo DS in which we get a look at the whole of Tropical Resort Zone Act 1 in it’s handheld form. Before the Act we also get a look a the DS version’s title screen, menu’s and stage select screens too. The act runs smoothly with plenty of speed and fun little gimmicks mixed into the stage to keep players on their toes. You’ll also notice the red Wisp’s fire and boost powers we’ve seen before are briefly used in this video to help get about in high places. A new sequence we’ve not seen yet in the form of a glider is shown in the video too where Sonic needs to move around the screen to avoid bombs while collecting rings much like the very similar sequence in the first Sonic Rush game.

One odd thing of note is at 1:57, Sonic gets a speed boost downhill coming on to level ground but falls straight into the water rather than running on it like he would in the two Sonic Rush games. Could Sonic not have the ability to run on water in this game?

Thanks to TheNintendoWiiPlayer at the SSMB for the find!

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E3 2010: Eyes on Sonic 4 for iPhone UPDATED

I found a new video with Sonic’s idle animation and a nice video coutrtesy of

Around the Sonic 4 area of the Sega booth, we found a Sega rep showing off the iPhone version of Sonic 4. The first thing he showed us was Splash Hill: Act 3 in virtual D-Pad mode.Ā  He says this particular D-pad works much better and is more advanced than the one used in Sonic 1 & 2. It apparently doesnā€™t have any kind of ā€œSlip-offā€ if your fingers slide away from the D-Pad area. The virtual jump button was on the bottom right of the screen and performed like it should. It looked like it would play pretty much the same as the console versions in this form.


The other control form he showed us was a much more arcade-like ā€œTilt Mode.”Ā Ā  In Act 2, he controlled Sonic by tilting the iPhone left and right and made him come to a complete stop by having it level. Also, you make Sonic jump by tapping anywhere on the screen. This motion control also makes it a different experience on certain obstacles. For example, when he got to the jungle vines, he had to swing the iPhone back and forth for momentum on the vine before jumping off. One thing I found very odd, however, was the way to perform the spin dash. Simply put, you tap Sonic himself. This means you have to tilt with one hand and tap him with your finger completely blocking your view.Ā  Hopefully, they change this function for the final version.

One last thing to report on is the graphics. Currently, the game runs at 30fps. Thatā€™s half of what the 360 and Wii versions run.Ā  Itā€™s a smaller, less powerful system, so thatā€™s to be expected. One thing I really like is when Sonic runs on loop-de-loops. The entire screen loops around with him. This feature would be dizzying on a larger console version, but here, it looks cool.Ā  One awesome thing that he showed us (that wasnā€™t shown to many people on the floor) was Sonicā€™s exclusive idle animation. When bored, Sonic whips out an iPod and holds it to his ear, tapping his foot and snapping his fingers to the music.Ā  Talk about your ā€œSonic Jamā€.


The iPhone version of Sonic 4 looks like it will offer a unique experience that will help separate it from its console brethren. If you have an iPhone or iPod touch, check it out when it arrives this fall.

Thanks to Reno4 and for the youtube videos.

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Full Pictures Of First 4 Figures Super Sonic Statue Revealed

You may have seen our article posted 18th June regarding First 4 Figures announcement of a Classic Super Sonic figure in the works with a small teaser picture, well today First 4 Figures have fully unveiled the project which has turned out to be a statue of which is second in a series after the last one they created of Classic Sonic standing on a Green Hill Zone esque platform. This Super Sonic statue also has a second version which brings something completely new to the table(or wherever you decide to place it *bad joke*) with it’s ability to light up the energy shockwaves the powered up hedgehog is giving off on the Chemical Plant Zone themed platform.

Here’s the statue’s features from the F4F website –
Normal version

Dimension: 15 inches to top of hair
Edition Size: 1500
Available: Q1 2011
Artist: Goran Sadojevich
SRP: $139.99

Light up version –

Dimension: 15 inches to top of hair
Edition Size: 350
Available: Q1 2011
Artist: Goran Sadojevich
SRP: $159.99

You can pre-order the statues starting today over at First 4 Figures website where you can also find more pictures from different angles of the statues.

Thanks to Frozen Nitrogen at the SSMB for the heads up!

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STC Comic Artist Nigel Dobbyn confirmed for Summer of Sonic ’10

Those of you who popped in to last year’s Summer of Sonic convention might have had the opportunity to talk to Sonic the Comic artist Nigel Dobbyn…and some of you were even more lucky to beat me in picking up some original artwork! Once again we are fortunate to once again welcome back Nigel, who will be returning to Summer of Sonic once again to sign your comics and have a natter (and heck if you’re nice enough he might even draw you a quick sketch!). Nigel might also up to some other tricks on the day…but we’re keeping that under my hat for now; we will just tease you with some of his new artwork instead!

As well as Nigel, we are also happy to announce this year, the young aspiring artists from Sonic the Comic Online will be in attendence and will also be showing off their artwork and talent! Donā€™t forget there will also be more opportunities for you to show off your own artistic flair at our Art corner too…and who knows, there might even be some fab prizes to be won. More on that later!

Do keep your eyes firmly fixed on the Summer of Sonic website, because believe me, you’re going to want to be there this year!

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SEGA’s Sonic Birthday Sale

With Sonic’s 19th Birthday coming tomorrow (June 23rd) you must be wondering if SEGA have anything special planned? Well to mark the occasion SEGA of America have announced another of their Mega Sales but this time it’s Sonic themed with the odd few SEGA titles thrown in there too.

Here’s the full list of content, dates and prices –

PlayStation Network: Tuesday June 22nd to Tuesday July 6th
iTunes AppStore: Wed June 23rd to Wed June 30th
Xbox LIVE Marketplace: Thursday June 24th, one day only!

A ton of Sonic titles are going on sale, as well as some SEGA classics for the iPhone.

Check out the schedule for the sale below ā€” these price drops are applicable in North America, Europe, and Japan!

Tuesday, June 22nd ā€“ PlayStation Network and PlayStation Portable over PSN

Its Sony Tuesday, with tons of Sonic and Sonic DLC available over PlayStation Network.

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing: Metal Sonic Death Egg $7.99 $5.49
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing: Ryo with Forklift Character $4.99 $3.49
Sonic Unleashed Apatos & Shamar Adventure Pack $2.99 $1.99
Sonic Unleashed Chun-nan Adventure Pack $2.99 $1.99
Sonic Unleashed Empire City & Adabat Adventure Pack $2.99 $1.99
Sonic Unleashed Holoska Adventure Pack $2.99 $1.99
Sonic Unleashed Mazuri Adventure Pack $2.99 $1.99
Sonic Unleashed Spagonia Adventure Pack $2.99 $1.99
Sonic the Hedgehog 2006: Very Hard Shadow Missions $2.49 $1.49
Sonic the Hedgehog 2006: Very Hard Silver Missions $2.49 $1.49
Sonic the Hedgehog 2006: Very Hard Sonic Missions $2.49 $1.49
Sonic Unleashed Add On Bundle $17.94 $8.99
Sonic Racing Add On Bundle $12.98 $6.49
Sonic Rivals 2 (PlayStation Portable over PSN) $19.99 $13.99
Sonic Rivals (PlayStation Portable over PSN) $15.99 $10.99
Sonic Rivals 1 & 2 Bundle (PlayStation Portable over PSN) $35.98 $17.99

Wednesday, June 23rd ā€“ iPhone
Celebrate Sonicā€™s birthday on the go with these iPhone games on sale this Wednesday:

Super Monkey Ball $4.99 $2.99
Sonic the Hedgehog $5.99 $3.99
Super Monkey Ball 2 $5.99 $3.99
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 $5.99 $3.99
Streets of Rage $2.99 $0.99
Golden Axe $2.99 $0.99
Super Monkey Ball 2: Sakura Ed. $7.99 $4.99

Thursday, June 24th ā€“ Xbox Live Arcade

And then on Thursday we have great Sonic titles going on sale, over Xbox Live Arcade ā€” all featuring the Lock-On Technology of the Genesis originals!

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 $5.00 $3.00
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 $5.00 $3.00
Sonic the Hedgehog $5.00 $3.00
Sonic & Knuckles $5.00 $3.00

SEGA of America say this sale applies to Europe but prices have not been announced by SEGA Europe yet but as soon as they are announced we’ll update with the full list.

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads up!

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E3 2010 Interview: Sonic Free Riders

On Thursday, we did an interview with the project manager on Sonic Free Riders, David Allen. It’s a short interview, but it may give you some insight on the game.

My main question to ask on this, is this an all new Riders game, or is this a Kinect adaption of a previous Riders title?

There are some elements and some stages from the previous games, but obviously, controlling the game and some of the content is different.

What’s the newest additions to this game besides the control scheme?

That’s a very good question. I don’t think I can answer that right now unfortunately.

Will there be any new characters in this game that haven’t been in previous Riders games?

Only the same characters from the previous games.

Are the mechanics similar to the previous games or all they all new?

It does take elements from both of them of course, but with the Kinect, it’s a completely different ballgame.

When’s the game due out??

We haven’t set a date yet, but it will be in time for Holiday 2010.

That makes four Sonic games for this Christmas.

(Laughs) We’re keeping real busy, yea. Busy year. We haven’t set a date because we had to wait for Microsoft to settle their dates out for Kinect.

How long has this game been in production?

I don’t know the answer to that unfortunately, because I’m new to this project and have only been on it for two weeks.

Will the game have online multiplayer?

It will have multiplayer yes. I can’t say how many it will accommodate right now.

Will it be a retail release?

Yes, it will be a packaged product.

Okay guys, I’m officially confused. Wasn’t it announced as an Arcade title? I wonder which it is?

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E3: Yesterday, I rode on top of Takashi Iizuka!

Near the beginning of E3 on Thursday, me and Alex went to the Nintendo booth to play Zelda, Unfortunately, the lines for the game are 90 minutes long!! Luckily, Metroid other M was not as bad. Alex played that for awhile, so I headed over to play Donkey Kong Country Returns. A game opened up and I grabbed a Wiimote and Nunchuck. Another gentleman picked up the second controller. It was Takashi Iizuka. The head of Sonic Team whom I just interviewed days before. Though I doubt he recognized me now. I didn’t gush or talk Sonic with him. I just played the game with him.

The game starts in DK and Diddy Kongs house. You shake the Wiimote and Nunchuck like crazy to bust open the house and make your way down. Iizuka was Donkey Kong. I was Diddy. We made our way down the jungle area stomping on bird enemies when I found a cool new maneuver where Diddy can hop up on Donkey Kong and become one fighting team together. When Iizuka jumped, I could use Diddy’s hover rockets to slow DK’s decent making it easier to land. Also, shaking the Wiimote lets Diddy shoot bannas from his bananna gun while still riding on top of DK. “Oh, you’re on me?” Said Iizuka. “Ummm…yea.” I said as I figured out how to get off of him before it got to be a little bit awkward.

At one point, Iizuka’s DK died and I had to help smash him out of a barrel. Another trademark from the older games. The backgrounds are beautiful and ended up being totally interactive. Both me and Iizuka stupidly pass by a stomping area and jump off a cliff to the left. He almost did it again, but I realized our mistake. “This way.” I tell Iizuka and he follows me to a gold area you need to stomp on to bring up a new area up in the background. You do this by constantly shaking the Wiimote and Nunchuck to smash the ground. Then, we both took a barrel and got shot over into the background to fight some more enemies. Soon after, we reached the end, and I told him “Thank you.”

The game was great and a lot of fun. I can’t wait to play more of it this holiday season. Still though, I wonder if Iizuka will get any ideas from this for his next Sonic game? A Sonic/Tails co-op adventure perhaps?

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E3 2010 Interview: Aaron Webber

NOTE: We have this in video form, but the audio is so poor and hard to hear due to the loudness that is E3, (I was yelling too!) that we’re just gonna have to transcribe it. I may still put up the video later if we can clean up the audio. By the way, I wanna say that Aaron couldn’t have been a nicer guy. He puts up with a lot of heat on the forums, but always comes off very classy. Also, you can thank Nuckles87 for the Mine Kart question.

Hello folks, I’m here at Alton Towers. (Points to Sonic 4 backdrop) Just kidding! We’re at the Sonic 4 area here at the Sega booth. With me is Sega Rep, Aaron Webber. Who many of you may know as RubyEclipse. Aaron, how’s it going today?

Aaron – Pretty well. It’s been a really busy day as it was yesterday with a lot of people playing Sonic 4. It’s great though because for many, it’s their first time getting their hands on it.

Now, Sonic 4 has been a controversial game with many people loving it or loathing it on some forums. There does seem to have been some improvements on the physics I myself, have been enjoyed what I played so far and it is up for IGN’s nomination for best platformer at E3. Can you tell me what kind of improvements they’ll be making to this game?

Aaron – It’s actually much more than just physics. There’s a lot we haven’t announced yet or talked about as far as changes we are making to this game. We’ll be revealing some of those soon, but I just want to say that physics will be just a small piece of it. Now, with regard to your comment about the fans, I think there’s truth that no matter what kind of Sonic game we make, no matter what it entails, no matter what it’s expected to be, they’ll be people who love it and they’ll be people who hate it. No matter what kind of game you make, there will always be people in that spectrum and you have to accept and understand that.

We understand that no matter what we do, no matter what improvements we make they’ll still be people out there that are like “You know what? Those eyes are not black, ergo it’s not cool with me” The physics might be perfect. The game might be feeling like classic Sonic. But because the eyes are different, they might feel it’s different. We understand that people will always have difference of opinions, but when it comes down to it, they don’t say those things because they’re angry or negative people, but the reason they are so passionate is because they really love Sonic and the franchise and they love the memories and nostalgia they had growing up with the Genesis games. I think that’s the reason why they are so passionate whether they are for it or against it. So, regardless where they sit on that spectrum, if it’s because of that passion, then it’s very respectful.

Is there anything you can currently tell us about what to expect in Episode 2?

Aaron – We haven’t officially announced episode 2 at this point, so I can’t really talk about a game we haven’t announced yet. We did call it episode one for a reason though, so there is more we’ll be able to talk about Sonic 4 in the future.

Is there anything you can tell us about the exclusive iPhone levels coming out?

Aaron – The iPhone levels are definitely designed to take advantage of the accelerometer and motion controls. I know a lot of stuff’s been out there, (in regards to leaked videos) I know a lot of people have seen some stuff, but it’s not the final version of the game. So I think in many ways, having Sonic 4 at E3 is a good chance for us to let them know that just because you saw something that you think is final doesn’t mean it’s final. Somethings that are touchy on console controls work much better on a motion control setting.

When I first saw Sonic 4 in motion, I thought it would make a great portable game myself. But as far as leaked videos go, from my own experience, it’s one thing to see it. It’s another thing to actually sit down and play it. It’s a much better game than they might expect. Is there anything you can tell us about the controversial Mine Kart level?

Aaron – (Laughs) That level I know was very controversial when it got out there. One was probably because of the design of the level and two because it was actually unfinished. So people might look at it and say “this isn’t what we were expecting”. It’s kind of like, when you look at a building being built. You don’t look at the framing and say “Well, where’s the air conditioning?” That was something people were obviously frustrated about because they saw what was not completed and they judged it based on that.

That’s kinda how I felt about Casino zone act 2. It’s obviously unfinished and feels like it’s there as possibly a placement holder.

Aaron – In many cases, it’s things that we test out. So at times it’s like “How would this play on a console? How would this feel?” and in many cases we got some fantastic feedback. In many ways, regardless of what some guy on a forum might have said, regardless of how controversial things may have been, that any change we make because of that is for the better.

Thanks so much for your time.

Aaron – You’re welcome.

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Our overall impressions of E3

This was my very first E3, and now will certainly not be the last. When I was young I often heard about how E3 was an “unbelievable experience”, and that most certainly held true this year. This year saw the debut of a lot of great things, both in software, and hardware. We got to meet all sorts of celebrities, from gaming legends like Yuji Naka and Takashi Iizuka, to internet celebrities like Ryan Cassidy (GoNintendo’s RMC) and Angry Joe, to renowned wrestlers. The people at the SEGA booth where great, welcoming us in a fun but proffesional manner, helping us get content and info that we could then deliver to you guys.
Almost as important as the people, however, where the games, and this year was unbelievable, even by my buddy Jason’s standards. And he’s been to a LOT of E3s. For one, this is the year we finally saw the grand return of Nintendo. After years of giving us underwhelming E3s and pandering to the casual market, Nintendo finally delivered in full force, from Zelda to Kirby, and debuted an absolutely spectacularly looking new handheld that drove me to buy new stock in the company. Not only was this the year of Nintendo, but also the year of the platformer. Beyond Sonic, Epic Mickey, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Bonk, and Lost in Shadow all left impressions on us. The platformer genre, a genre that our blue friend is a part of, has long been neglected, but this E3 the genre has come back in full force, and it was a wonderful thing to see.

But, more then all of this, this year has also marked the return of our little blue pal, Sonic the Hedgehog. This year we got to play not one, not two, but FOUR Sonic games, all of which where impressive, but stuck to the roots. Sonic Adventure, the release of Sonic’s first critically acclaimed 3D title, has been tightened and improved, with many of it’s niggling bugs removed. Sonic 4, while it still has some issues that keep it from being just like the classics, is a far cry from the “Sonic Rush 3” many screamed it was going to be, and is looking to be a very fun, physics driven platformer. Perhaps the biggest impression was left by the newest game, Sonic Colors, which looks to put the whole “Sonic can’t do 3D” nonsense to bed once and for all. Not to mention, it’s producing a very different, but equally as fun DS version.

When Jason can say he played Donkey Kong Country Returns with Takashi Iizuka, you should get an idea of just how much fun E3 was this year. I encourage you all to check out SEGAbits for our impressions on the SEGA side of things. We’re not quite done with E3 on TSS either. We’ve got some more write ups to do, which hold some exclusive (I think) info on a few games. So stay tuned ;).

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E3 2010: Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Second Opinion

Since it was taking me so long to get around to this, Jason offered to do the Sonic 4 preview first. Of course, then he ended up REDOING it, so be sure to check it out. But now, on the last day of the show, I think Iā€™ve finally logged enough game play time on all versions of the game to tell you guys exactly what kind of game this is.

Sonic 4 is an evolution of the classics. For all the screaming of how this game was ā€œSonic Rush 3ā€, it really doesnā€™t feel like it. For one, this game is based around physics and momentum. There is no ā€œpress this button to go fastā€ mechanic here. If you donā€™t have enough speed to conquer a hill, you have to step back and try again. If you lose your momentum in the middle of a loop, youā€™ll find yourself rolling back the other way, if not coming to a complete halt. The spin dash will give you a lot of momentum, but will eventually peter out unless the level gives you additional momentum. There are booster pads in this game, but they are used sparingly, and donā€™t fill the levels like they do in the 3D games, kind of like they did in Sonic 2ā€™s Chemical Plant Zone.

In short, Sonic 4 does a lot of what made the classics so great. But what about the new mechanics? Well, this is where the whole ā€œevolutionā€ aspect of the game comes in. This game isnā€™t like Megaman 9, which basically emulated the early NES titles in graphics, game play, and mechanics. Rather, this is a true sequel, with different mechanics that make for a different kind of game. The most pronounced and controversial additions in this game is the homing attack. How does that figure in?

I would like to get something out of the way right now: the homing attack, in and of itself, does not give Sonic any additional momentum. It doesnā€™t make him go ā€œinsta fastā€. Rather, doing an un-targeted homing attack gives you the same amount of momentum that a normal jump would give you. Hitting enemies with a homing attack, meanwhile will completely kill your momentum. The homing attack feels like a natural addition in this game; many of the things you can use the homing attack to reach, such as springs or pulleys, you can access just as effectively without it. What the homing attack gives the game is a certain tempo, allowing you to quickly move from one object to another in quick succession in a way that wouldn’t really be possible without it. It doesn’t make the game any easier, though. It could prove to be an interesting exploit for speed runners as well.

Perhaps the only problem with the homing attack is that some of the enemy placement requires its usage. When Sonic rolls off of a ramp, Sonic does not remain in his spinball form, meaning you then after to use the homing attack on enemies. There are also enemies you will need to homing attack attack when bouncing off of a spring,Ā  in order to access higher areas.It is, of course, fully possible to beat the levels on the showfloor without using the move, but I would love to see a mode that removed the homing attack, and change the placement of the enemies somewhat to allow for some good old fashioned bouncing. Of course, some sort of move that allows Sonic to turn into a ball in mid air would have to be added, which wouldn’t be unheard of since such of a move was used in Sonic Adventure 2 and Triple Trouble. But really, this ā€œproblemā€ is something I only present in the interest of informing the old school fans who say they refuse to use it.

All that said, the homing attack is actually a surprisingly fun addition to the game. Itā€™s been fairly well implemented, and while classic fans may cry foul, it did nothing to detract from my enjoyment of the demo.

In addition to the physics, the old school level design is also back. The levels are multilayered, with several paths possible throughout all three acts. The upper path is the most difficult to get to, and not one I was really able to reach in my playthroughs, so I canā€™t tell you much about it. But all of you begging for branching paths in Sonic games, wellā€¦here it is.

Honestly, as I played through this demo, I had to keep asking myselfā€¦what where people complaining about? If this was basically the final product, Sonic 4 probably would have been the best 2D Sonic game since Sonic Pocket Adventure on the Neo Geo Pocket. The level design is superb, the physics, while not dead on exact to the original games, where pretty close, and homing attack is more like a fun addition to the formula rather than ā€œspam to winā€. My only real complaint with this game is that Sonic starts off a little too slow. No, this isnā€™t what Sonic 4 would have been like on the Genesis. No, this isnā€™t like Megaman 9. Rather than copying the old games beat to beat, it took what made the old games great and forged its own path with the formula. Ā This game is exactly what Sonic fans have been asking for for years. Itā€™s just not quite what was expected from a Sonic the Hedgehog 4.

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New Sonic Free Riders Info At

The U.S. Official Xbox site has put up a product page for SEGA’s first Kinect for Xbox 360 title Sonic Free Riders where there are some juicy new details about it’s online and offline modes revealed which you can take a look at below –
Offline features:
– Players: 1-4
– Players Co-op: 1-4
– Multiplayer Versus
– In-game Dolby Digital
– HDTV 720p
– Storage Device

Xbox Live features:
– Players: 2-12
– Content Downloads
– Leaderboards
– Voice Messaging
– Voice Support

The page also reveals the game is being made by Japanese developer O-Two and will be an Xbox Live Arcade title, which is odd as since the games announcement there has been a temporary retail type boxart going around plus SEGA’s product page has the platform listed as Xbox 360 instead of Xbox Live Arcade like they usually list downloadable titles such as Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. The official Xbox forum staff have also placed the games sub forum under the Xbox Live Arcade section.

That’s the new info for Sonic Free Riders, we’ll keep you up to date as more info is revealed.

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First 4 Figures Reveal Super Sonic Figure

Want a Chaos Emerald fuelled super powered hedgehog in your merchandise collection? Well want no more as First 4 Figures have lifted the lid on the latest figure, Super Sonic! When can you get it and for how much? That information hasn’t been revealed yet but as seen in the above ad originally posted on their Facebook page, you can pre-order from June 22nd to make sure you get your figure.

Source: First 4 Figures Facebook via Emerald Coast

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E3: Sonic Colours World Map & 4 Full Stage Sonic 4 Videos


NintendoDifference have managed to get a recording of the Sonic Colours title screen and more importantly the World Map where we can see 9 areas and Eggman’s rocket ship of which 8 have locks on including Eggman’s Rocket suggesting that will be a final 10th level with the inevitable last battle with Eggman. The planet’s all look like they have quite a variety of things going on and the top right one even looks a little like Metal Sonic, speculate away as to what you think each planet might hold in the comments.

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for sending me the find and upscaled title screen and World Map pics!

In other news Gametrailers have uploaded 4 videos of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1, 2 each covering a full Act from Splash Hill Zone and the final one showcasing the boss battle with Eggman where we also see Sonic’s looking up screen scrolling animation. A tidbit yes but cool nonetheless. You can view them all at the links below –

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3


We’ve also come across another Sonic 4 video interview from The Review Crew with SEGA of America’s Ken Balough where he reveals there won’t be big lengths of time between releasing episodes. Check it out below –

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Me and my boys hanging out at E3

Question: How do you top off a great E3 which was the biggest year for Sonic yet? On these 3 days of glorious gaming, how to you top it? Put the cherry on the Sunday?

Me and Some Sonic legends

Left: Yuji Naka Middle: Me and Sonic Right:Takashi Iizuka

That’s how folks. Me with two of the biggest Sonic creatives in the biz.

Best. E3. Ever.

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Sonic Colours & Sonic 4 Dev Walkthrough Videos and Sweet Mountain Act 1


Gametrailers have uploaded some new videos showcasing even more gameplay footage Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 and Sonic Colours Wii but with the added bonus of the games staff members giving out some more details as they play. The staff on hand are David Allen, SEGA of America Brand Manager (Sonic Colours) and Ken Balough, SEGA of America Associate Brand Manager (Sonic 4). David doesn’t reveal much apart from the fact that both versions of Sonic Colours will have online leaderboards where you can post up your best Act clear times. Ken Balough doesn’t really reveal anything we don’t already know either but the footage is nice. Check out the Sonic 4 videos at the below aswell as a Sonic Colours on screen camera recording of Sweet Mountain Act 1.




Sonic 4 walkthrough video 1 and video 2.

Sonic Colours developer walkthrough

Sweet Mountain Act 1 gameplay video

Many thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the Sonic Colours heads up and YouTube video conversions, appreciate it!

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Sonic Free Riders: IGN Impressions & Video Demonstration


IGN got to actually get inside Sonic Free Riders E3 greenhouse glass sealed area and get an extensive look at the games’ menu’s and first level aswell as hear details about the game, it’s development and it’s music and sound effects. Menu wise we see some of the Extreme Gears(the hover boards) in the game aswell as the characters seen in previous videos, the menu is very interactive with Microsoft’s Kinect for Xbox 360 device like the whole dashboard seen at Microsoft’s press conference.

Though they could film the SEGA rep and his actions, filming of the game still required IGN’s camera to be outside of the glass box but they still managed to a good view of the screen. SEGA’s rep reveals that character type specific short cuts are back as standard such as Knuckles’ punching ability to get through walls, the level-up system is in the E3 demo but the developers are still discussing wether that will stay in the game or not. The rep makes a point that nothing in the game at this stage of development is set in stone so we could still see alot of things change as we build up to release which SEGA has set as Late 2010.

IGN eyes-on impressions link
IGN video demonstration direct link

Thanks to Yong at the SSMB for the find and thanks to Woun also at the SSMB for the YouTube video conversion!

We’ve also come aross another gameplay video of Wave the Swallow in action by SBARTSTV which you can view above.

Thanks to Sweet Mountain Zone at the SSMB for the heads up on the second video!

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GameStop Interview SEGA’s Aaron Webber (RubyEclipse)


GameStop (that’s not a typo, I do mean GameStop not GameSpot) are at E3 and have managed to grab the above interview with SEGA of America Community Manager Aaron Webber or RubyEclipse as alot of you will know him. Aaron is asked about Valkyria Chronicles 2 on PSP and Vanquish on Xbox 360/PS3 but if you skip to the 3:13 mark he speaks about Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1. Aaron reiterates the announcement a short while back regarding the games extra development time that’s been added to implement fan feedback to the game while also reaffirming the fact that the E3 demo contains just a few changes with more to come. As soon as we hear about the further edits we’ll let you know.

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E3 2010 Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode 1

I sat down did a second playthrough today, and have changed my feeling a bit towards the game. I think you’ll be happier with the results. Before, my playtime was a bit sparse and affected how I felt about the game. You may be happier with what I have to say.

Well, there’s been enough of my praise of Sonic Colors. It’s time to get hands on one of the most controversial Sonic games yet…. Sonic 4. I’ve had my chance to get a hold of both the Wii and 360 versions of this game. While it’s pretty fun, it’s not quite a perfect game.

While the physics are being improved, there’s still a little ways to go. The controls tend to feel a little bit stiff. Mostly due to the slow nature in which Sonic builds up speed. It really takes him a while to get going. When he does get up to speed, things start to roll more smoothly and the game has a nice brisk pace. But still, he feels a bit off. Not quite that natural flow. However once you get used to it (which will take a few levels), it will start to feel better. Also, there’s that odd spin when he jumps in the air. Why that animation and not the same one used for spin dash like the older games? It looks odd compared to the classic games. What surprised me is that the controls felt a little better on the Wii version. I don’t know if it’s the D-Pad or the fact that I was playing the fast-paced Act 3 on it, but the Wii Sonic just seemed to feel more fluid. It might be me getting more used to the controls.

Now comes the part everyone dreads…the Homing Attack! This particular move is both a blessing and a curse. When designed properly in a level (Act 3), it helps keep the momentum going and works well. However, in some cases (especially Act 2) it gets over-used and you’re having to do the homing attack every two seconds. C’mon Sega! I don’t mind the move, but lets not over do it! That said, it does not make the game play insta-win, but mainly is used to find branching paths by hitting Badnik bridges. There are times when it has to be used due to Sonic’s odd open-armed flail after going straight up from a ramp. Otherwise, he’s somewhat exposed to attack. That said, I did manage to finish the first two levels without doing a single homing attack. It’s not totally optional, as it’s hard not to do in act 3, but it shows it can be done. Also, Eggman is pretty easy to beat with or without the homing attack.

Now, onto a more positive outlook. The game is still fun to play and, despite the new controls, it oddly does have an old-school feel to it. I was surprised to hear that other people I talked to felt the same way. I think this is mainly due to the levels themselves. They are larger than you may have seen in leaked videos and have several branching paths. At least as large as the first Zone levels in Sonic’s 1 and 2 helping give the levels a bit of exploration if you don’t want to rush through. Thankfully the Badniks are still a small threat and help provide challenge in the levels. One particular green Badnik I hadn’t seen before turns into a missile and shoots itself in your direction. Outside of Bubbles being used as a bridge, most of them can give you a little challenge. Which is always a good thing. The graphics look very sharp and colorful on the 360. Despite all the “hardcore” fans groaning about it not having a 16-bit look, I like Sonic’s shell-shaded, green-eyed look. The Wii version is not bad either. Although it’s resolution is knocked down a bit and the colors are a little muted, it keeps the same fast 60fps pace as the 360 version. Heck maybe the gamers yearning for a more classic look will want the Wii version just for that. Makes it more “retro”. (Just kidding folks)

By the way. when they say “momentum based gameplay”, I see what they mean now. Much like the older games, if you want to explore the level and find hidden areas, you can. However, if you want to do a speed run through the level, the homing attack actually helps give you an advantage to help maintain your speed.

Sonic 4 has that old-school look, a little bit of the old-school charm, but not quite the old-school feel…yet. Outside of the over use of homing attack, the levels themselves seem well designed and the game can be pretty fun at times. If they can get the physics perfect, this will go from a very fun downloadable game, to a must-have. Also, it must be said that this is a game you can’t truly judge unless you play it yourself. Videos do not tell the whole picture until you have it in your hand. Also those expecting it to be a true predecessor to Sonic 3? Get real. It’s a downloadable Arcade title and has the feel of one. If anything, it’s closer to Sonic 1 or 2 in it’s level design. It’s paying homage to the classic games while still offering something new and that’s not a bad thing.

If you buy one Sonic game this year….make it Colors. (LOL! Sorry, but it’s true.) However, make your second choice Sonic 4. It’s not perfect, but it’s still fun.

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Sonic Adventure XBLA/PSN will not have widescreen, or the Game Gear games

Well, like I promised you guys, I hunted down the person in charge of the Sonic Adventure booth, and asked him a few questions. Here are the details.

Sonic Adventure will not have widescreen OR the Game Gear games. He was not able to tell me what the DLC will be.

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Sonic Colours Wii: Full E3 Sweet Mountain Act 2 Demo Video


We posted some Sweet Mountain Wii gameplay footage yesterday that claimed to be Act 1 footage but now we have a video of the full Act 2 E3 demo from WiiNintendo’s YouTube channel including Act 2 title cards that prove yesterdays video from HedgehogZone was in fact Act 2 footage. Despite being the same stage, the footage shown yesterday was barely over a minute long while this video displays the full E3 demo of the stage so it’s still worth a look. In the extra footage we get to see more side-scrolling action including a pool of popcorn(yes popcorn) and some more platforming which should put a smile on some faces before finishing with a grind rail ring collectathon.

We’ll keep an eye out for some Act 1 gameplay footage and report back here but it appears that this level is cut short for the E3 demo which is evident by the Act ending with a Goal Ring instead of a Wisp capsule, plus there is an Egg Pawn aswell as some obstactles on a path seen behind the goal ring so Act 1 might not be on the showfloor which would explain why the first video poster HedgehogZone mistook the stage for Act 1 despite the Act 2 notice at the start.

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Screwattack’s Sonic Colours Wii & DS Previews and Gametrailers Gameplay

Screwattack’s Ben has added a short video preview of the DS version revealing Sonic’s Slide technique seen in the Wii version is in the DS version which is activated by sliding your finger on the touch screen.

Check it out here.

Thanks to chaoscontrol14 at the SSMB for the heads up!

Screwattack’s resident Sonic fan Ben has posted up a video preview of the Wii version of Sonic Colours including his very positive impressions of the game, the only problem that he seemed to have was with drifting which is controlled with the Nunchuk. Another of Sonic’s techniques from Sonic Unleashed have been brought over to this game, the Quick Step which allows you to quickly move left or right to avoid obstacles.

Check it out here.

Thanks to Hedgehog Unleashed at the SSMB for the Screwattack find!

Gametrailers have posted up an HD quality on screen recording of the Wii version in play which gives us an extensive look at the alternate paths you can take in the Tropical Resort Zone aswell as some of the treasures you can find digging around with the Yellow Wisp’s drill powers. We also get a better look at how the Cyan Wisp’s powers at work which involve you charging up a spin dash, aiming and then blasting off temporarily in a flash, ricocheting off of walls and taking out any enemies in your path. You can also hear the music of the stage, sound effects, Eggman’s commentary and some announcer guys voice that pops up when Sonic does an action such as when activating the Yellow Drill Wisp it shouts “Spin it!”.

Check the footage out here.

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the Gametrailers find!

The game looks to be shaping up quite well, what do you guys think? Speak out in the comments.

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SEGA Confirms No Control Pad Option For Sonic Free Riders

SEGA of America community staff member Kellie has confirmed via Twitter that Kinect for Xbox 360 is the only control method for Sonic Free Riders.

Sonicfan1989 put this question to SEGA –

@SEGA does sonic free riders for kinect is it possible to use just the control? like for those who cant afford a new 360 and kinect?

to which Kellie responded with the below answer –

@sonicfan1989 No, you will need Kinect to play Sonic Free Riders. ^kellie

Since the games official announcement some fans who are unsure about the new Kinect for Xbox 360 technology and those who don’t like motion controls in general have been wondering if ordinary controller compatibility will be in the game but now it looks like Kinect is your only option. From what gameplay footage we’ve seen of both single player and split-screen it appears the game plays fine thus far with the Kinect device not having any problems detecting movement from both SEGA representatives demonstrating the game and controls can only improve during development in the run up to the games release of Late 2010.

What are your thoughts on this news? Let us know in the comments.

Thanks to tjthefox for the heads up!

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Sonic 4 Website Updates With Fansite Kit #1

SEGA have updated the official Sonic the Hegdehog 4: Episode 1 website but not with the usual content you’d expect, instead they’ve unveiled a surprise Sonic 4 Fansite Kit #1 which contains artwork, Xbox 360 version screenshots, music and a wallpaper. The content isn’t anything we haven’t already seen on the website but you have to admit it’s still pretty cool of SEGA to bundle it altogether for you to view, listen to and use however you wish on your computer outside of the internet.

Thanks to Crash at the SSMB for the heads up!

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More Sonic Colours Wii and DS Footage



Courtesy of shigamodo and VGPTGS we have some new gameplay footage of both Wii and DS versions of Sonic Colours. The DS video gives us a much clearer look than previous videos since the gameplay is being fed through a specially designed monitor (or monitors should we say?) and in the footage we can exactly how the Red Wisp’s fire abilities benefit Sonic by giving an air dash type of attack similar to that of Sonic 3’s, only now he can boost in any direction.

The Wii footage shows more of Sweet Mountain Zone where we see there are some simple puzzles in place to open sections of the act before you can continue and we also see the double jump we saw in previous footage, but now it’s use is more clearly revealed. Double jump hasn’t been seen in a 3D Sonic game since Sonic R, are you glad to see it’s return? Let us know in the comments.

Thanks to Dabnikz at the SSMB for the heads up on both videos!

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Sonic Free Riders Split-Screen Footage


Thanks to PunchJump we now have the above video of two player split-screen action in Sonic Free Riders. We see more of Jet the Hawk and get our first look at Tails being played in the game by the second player. Microsoft’s Kinect for Xbox 360 device doesn’t appear to have any problems detecting both players movement even with all of the waving going on so controls aren’t a big issue thus far and no doubt improvements will be made in the run up to release Late 2010.

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads up!

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E3 2010: Sonic Colours Second Opinion

As far as the Wii version goes, take what Alex said and slap that on here. I can’t be more excited for this game. It’s like Unleashed 360/PS3 version, but only the daytime stages, improved controls, surreal worlds and new powers. The game is all about fun. No serious overtones in any way. Even the score and grade tally at the end of a level has game play to it! You can jump through the point numbers, your grade letter and even run on top of them. Doing so can lead to extra one-ups before Sonic finally strikes a pose. Ingenious!!

Really the only, and I mean ONLY complaint I have on this game so far, is that the four levels and one boss were actually pretty easy to get through. Whether this was because it was designed more with kids in mind than other Sonic games, or if it’s just the first few levels easing you in remain to be seen.

Outside of that Alex’s views pretty much mirror my own. Instead let’s focus on the DS version.

I played two levels, both based on Sweet Mountain. For those expecting the game to be identical to Rush may find there are some differences. This is more or less a 2-D adaption of the Wii game using Rush’s game style. The controls however, offer some new twists. The speed gauge is there, but you no longer fill it up doing tricks in mid-air, but from attacking enemies and rescuing Wisps. Sonic’s homing attack from Sonic 4 is here. You can home in on springs to shoot through the air. You also have a few new moves, such as a wall jump and a Mario-Style ground pound that’s great for pounding onto Jello and shooting further into the air.

The only Wisp power in the demo was a fireball power that allowed Sonic to do constant mid-air jumps or hold B down for a short burst. It also ignites Jelly Bean rockets to ride and bursts you into new areas. The music itself seems to be once again, inspired by Hideki Naganuma’s music from Sonic Rush 1. The first level sounds very close to “Right There, Right On!” With a loud show floor like E3, I used my headphones to hear the music. Speaking of, we may record the music on our new recorder straight off the DS!! Sega permitting. So stay tuned for that.

With the demo I played, it’s too early to tell if this will be another Sonic Rush, or a lesser Rush Adventure, but it was pretty fun. Also, your love/hate of Sonic 4 may affect your judgment on this game. Both the DS and Wii versions come out this Holiday season. I can’t wait for both of them!!

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