Sonic 2006 wins Gamespot peoples choice award

Congratulations are in order for Sonic Team as the fandom rejoices at the apparent return to form for the 2006 Sonic game aptly named Sonic the Hedgehog (working title). Apparently this is not just a mentality shared by the fans, because the many game journalist that attended the E3 show were more than optimistic for the spiky ones first next generation outing.

The popular game site Gamespot held a vote, called E3 2006 Peoples Choice Winner, whereby its members were able to vote for their favourite game from a wide selection of those showcased during E3. In total 20 games were voted hottest in show, although none were ranked in terms of the number of votes. Sonic made it into the line-up winning the members of Sonic Team a celebratory hamper which they were keen to show off on Sonic Channels staff column and its E3 article. Continue reading Sonic 2006 wins Gamespot peoples choice award

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Downloadable Sonic games

There’s been a mixing pot of Sonic news lately, none of which has been deserving of a full-blown article, which is why Sonic News has rounded them up into handy little news reports.

Sonic Cafe comes to America

SEGA have now bought the Sonic Cafe franchise to America. At last people in the USA will be able to experience games that were previously only available in Japan for the Japanese originated i-mode.

Sonic Team games currently available on the service are: Continue reading Downloadable Sonic games

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Sonic Channel and Sonic X Space Fighters

There’s been a mixing pot of Sonic news lately, none of which has been deserving of a full-blown article, which is why Sonic News has rounded them up into handy little news reports.

Sonic X Sonic Space fighter figures

Released in April 2006, a new range of Sonic X figures are available, which have been named Sonic Space Fighters. The toy range features Sonic and friends in futuristic space costumes.

Currently available in the range are: Sonic, Shadow, Tails, and Knuckles.

If you’d like to buy these figures please visit: Toy Globe. Continue reading Sonic Channel and Sonic X Space Fighters

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Wii me and PS3

There’s been a mixing pot of Sonic news lately, none of which has been deserving of a full-blown article, which is why Sonic News has rounded them up into handy little news reports.

SEGA’s FPS a phantom of it’s former self?

In Japan there have been rumours suggesting that, due impart to an absences from E3, Fifth Phantom Saga (developed by Sonic Team) for the PS3 had been canned. HarihariSonic of Japanese Sonic fan site Act Select quelled these rumours by revealing SEGA were still listing the game down on its products page of their Japanese site.

For anybody interested in Fifth Phantom Saga you can visit the official Japanese site here: Fifth Phantom Saga

Sonic Wild Fire E3 demonstration

Gamespot has a video of the Sonic Wild Fire demonstration members of the press were show during E3 available to download for registered members here. Continue reading Wii me and PS3

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Sonic Rivals: E3 2006 Playtest

TSS was able to play Sonic Rivals for the PSP at SEGA’s E3 booth.

I was handed a PSP by the co-producer (I wish I remembered his name). He informed me that this is an early build of the game, and there were some rough edges in the stage and that’s very understandable. I noticed some bugs, but nothing that I am sure won’t be fixed before it’s released later this year.

In this build I could only play as Sonic or Shadow, Knuckles and Silver were not avaliable. I chose Sonic for the test.

Sonic Rivals is a 2D racing game with 3D graphics. There was only one stage avaliable, that reminded me alot fo Green Hill Zone, from Sonic 1. The controls were very basic and easy. If I got too close to Shadow and pressed the triangle, I could do a kick attack on him, as well as jump on him, punch him to get him out of the way, and that was definetly a lot of fun.

There were stars around the track you could collect that would fill up a gauge. Once full, Sonic can perform a dash movement and run real fast which also was a form of attack, if an opponent was on the way, he’d get hurt.

The track was quite long as well, for my surprise, with lots of different paths to take. Definetly a plus. I was told also, that depending on what character you choose, you’ll be able to take different routes, similar to Sonic Riders and Sonic Heroes.

Sonic Rivals looks definetly good, and looks beautiful on the slick PSP Screen. Check back with TSS for more information until it’s release later this year.

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Sonic Wild Fire: E3 2006 Playtest

While at E3 TSS was able to go behind doors and play the exclusive media only Sonic Wild Fire for the Nintendo Wii.

I was taken to a room behind the Sega booth where only media could attend.

There I was handed the Wii remote, which feel very good in your hand, I was surprised.

The game asked to shake the Wii controler as the start button. Right after, I was taken to a tutorial page, where Sonic was running in a book, and it asked you to move the controller in a certain way. The movements were pretty basic, left, right, moving the controller up towards you, makes Sonic break, by moving the controller down hard, Sonic does this dash and runs really fast. And one of the buttons would make Sonic jump.

After the tutorial I was finally taken to a stage that looked alot like an arabian city, and actually was alot like Aladdin. Sonic ran on AI and all you really had to do was steer and jump.

On the bottom right side of the screen there was a gauge, that when filled up you could do a dash attack/movement and Sonic would go real fast. You had to collect orbs, that reminded me alot of Nights Into Dreams for the Sega Saturn to fill the gauge up.

Graphicly the game is gorgeous, full of detail and life. The colors are very saturated and it really reminded me of the old school Sonic games.

I asked the producer of the game what was the storyline of the game. He was quiet vague but he told me that Sonic somehow found himself stuck inside this book, and there are missing pages he must find in order for him to escape out of it.

I also asked if there were going to be any characters from the Sonic family appearing in the game, he replied “TBA” (to be announced)

Sonic Wild Fire is shaping up to be a quiet fun and an unique Sonic title. Being the first Sonic solo game in 15 years, makes this game a must have to us fans out there.

Come back for more information on Sonic Wild Fire, which is set to released sometime in 2007.

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E3: The Silver Surfer

Hot from the E3 show floor, our US correspondent Newton has discovered more about Silver’s role in the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog for PlayStation 3 and XBOX 360.

Sonic is constantly referred to as the ‘Iblis Trigger’, and this means that something the blue blur does will bring to life some evil coming (most likely the huge lava-esque demon creature seen in the E3 Trailer). Silver has travelled from the future to the exact point the ‘Iblis Trigger’ occurence is about to take place in order to stop Sonic from making it happen.

Continue reading E3: The Silver Surfer

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LIVE FROM E3: Sonic Wild Fire

From LAdude: Sonic Wild Fire to be the first game that features Sonic in a solo adventure in 15 years, since the original Sonic the Hedgehog.

From Psychobob: The latest intrigue comes in the form of Sonic Wild Fire, an Arabian Nights inspired adventure covered in this earlier report by Kieran R. Since then we have had new gameplay footage, reports from IGN, an interview curtsey of Gamespot, and SEGA’s Sonic Channel promoting the official Sonic Wild Fire site. And let us not forget SEGA of Americas Sonic the Hedgehog page. Continue reading LIVE FROM E3: Sonic Wild Fire

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E3 2006: Exclusive Coverage

Few things in life are as pant-wettingly exciting as the annual Electronics Entertainment Expo (otherwise known as E3) in Los Angeles. Maybe chocolate digestives. They’re pretty damn funky, yo. But when TSS was given the opportunity to go right into the belly of the biggest video gaming event of the year, it was time to drop our biscuits and send out the troops. Our US dude, Newton DePaoli, is our Master Chief Spartan for this particular mission, and his task: to relay all footage and images from the latest triple threat of Sonic games, ask SEGA nicely for special stuff (yet AVOID their evil killing glares) and play, play play. Man… why didn’t I give myself that bloody job?

As the event unfolds, you will see first playtests of SONIC the Hedgehog, Sonic Rivals and a special behind-closed-doors playtest of Sonic Wild Fire. We will also be farming you with the latest snapshots and video footage of games and the SEGA show floor itself. Not only that, but our trooper Newton will be on hand to give his account of just how mental the E3 show is. Not a lot of us have gone you know, so it’s good to know that it’s just simply insane in there. Keep coming back to this page every day to catch the latest information! As Arnold Swarzenegger would say, “Do It!”.

Latest E3 Information:

[ 12/May/06; 18:10 ] Sonic Rivals – Playtest
We road test the upcoming PSP racing game from Takashi Iizuka.

[ 12/May/06; 17:10 ] Sonic Wild Fire – Playtest
The new Wii version of Sonic the Hedgehog uses tilt control!

[ 11/May/06; 03:05 ] SONIC the Hedgehog – Playtest
We demo Kingdom Valley as Sonic and Crisis City as newbie Silver the Hedgehog.

Show Floor Images Archive:

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Sonic The Hedgehog: E3 2006 Demo Impressions

I was able to check out and play the new Sonic game, Sonic the Hedgehog, confirmed to be released later this year.

The Demo started with the E3 Sonic the Hedgehog trailer, with some extra scenes (screenshots and videos to be avaliable in the next couple days). After the intro, I was taken to a title screen that was temporary and only going to be used for this E3 event.

After pressing start, I was taken to a character select screen. I could choose between Sonic and Silver. For some reason, Shadow was not avaliable in this build. I first chose to play as Sonic, of course, and checked out the gameplay.

There was only one stage avaliable for Sonic, which was Kingdom Valley. If you have played the Sonic Adventure series, it plays alot like them. The homing attack is there, speed is there, but also a new form of attack is avaliable (some kind of break dance attack, that can hurt several nearby robots). The camera did not seem to have the issues that plagued the Sonic Adventure series, and it makes me feel a lot better about this coming game as far as mechanics go. The Havoc System is also a very neat addition to the game. It is very cool to see Sonic smash Dr. Robotnik’s foes against walls. The walls breaking looks amazing, with the pieces falling onto the floor and Sonic being able to kick them around. It feels much more realistic.

Sonic was also able to grab onto eagles that took him around the stage. The second part of Kingdom Valley is in this weird water temple, where Sonic runs with AI and you have to dodge and avoid obstacles. The graphics on this particular stage are amazing, and with SEGA stating that Sonic is not running at full speed, as he will when the game is released, makes me wonder how crazy it will be, because Sonic moves really fast as it is.

Sonic looks taller and thinner, but I did not notice anything else astheticly. He is still the blue dude with attitude I grew up with. His animation is very fluid, and the stages were beautiful – very crisp and colorful. Being that this is only a demo of the game, I am sure they will revamp the graphics even more before it is released later this year.

Now let’s talk about Silver. If you select him, you are taken to a different stage, called City Crisis. Silver looks cool, I must admit, but this mysterious hedgehog does not run fast like Sonic and Shadow. In fact, he does not run at all. He walks. I was in shock to see how slow Silver is. But, the coolest thing about him is his telekinesis powers. He is able to lift any object, and throw them against foes. I was able to lift rocks and boxes, and if you hurt Dr. Robotnik’s robots, they freeze in this kind of short circuit. Then, you can lift the robot with your mental abilities, and throw it against anything you desire. Definitely very cool. Also he can hover around with his powers, which is also a very cool thing, but like Tails can only fly until he gets tired, Silver can only hover temporarily. I was not able to get far in the stage with him because his gameplay is very different and people were nuts to play, so I gave the controller to someone else after dying a couple times.

I asked one of the people on the Sega floor if each character would have his own sets of stages. He replied with no, they will all go through the same stage, but Sonic, for example, will be able to reach different areas with his speed that Silver will not be able to, and vice-versa.

Also, I asked what was the role Shadow would have in this game. They were not very clear, but said that Shadow would use military vehicles to reach areas of the game. Being that Shadow was not even a playable character in this demo, I am sure all of that is still in the works and they chose to keep it under closed doors.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 definitely looks promising. Come back to TSS for more information on the game as E3 continues at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

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LIVE FROM E3: Silver is Fourth Rival

From SEGA’S E3 BOOTH, Silver the Hedgehog, the grey character also featured on the Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 title confirmed to be the 4th playable character for the Sonic Rivals for release later this year. Now confirmed that Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow and Silver are playable.

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E3 2006: SEGA annouce Sonic Wild Fire for Wii

SEGA have dropped the bomb again with their announcement earlier today of yet another new Sonic title, Sonic Wild Fire for the Nintendo Wii. SEGA currently have not released any screens or media other than the below image of Sonic holding a Wii-mote, but have been rather generous with story and gameplay details. Continue reading E3 2006: SEGA annouce Sonic Wild Fire for Wii

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Yuji Naka leaves Sonic Team

Rumours of Yuji Naka’s imminent departure from SEGA seemed greatly exaggerated when SEGA’s Sonic Channel (the Japanese Sonic mini site) seemed to imply it was all part of an elaborate prank, devised to convince swarms of fans into believing Naka was leaving to set up is own restaurant titled ‘Yumeshiya’.

The prank was part of SEGA’s April fool, which due to time differences had occurred a day earlier than other parts of the world which led many a western fan to believe it was true. The joke did however serve another purpose: To draw people’s attention away from the growing concern that Naka was leaving SEGA to found his own development studio, and that SEGA would own a small stake in the company. Now it seems these rumours have indeed been confirmed. Continue reading Yuji Naka leaves Sonic Team

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Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 – update, video & images

On the 4th may 2006 both IGN and GameSpy lifted the vale on SEGA’s Sonic 2006 project. Since then more discovery’s have come to light from various other sources, and this article shall continue to be updated as they do. As well as hinting a Sonic game unique to the Nintendo Wii, SEGA also revealed the games release would coincide with that of Sony’s Playstation 3. With the PS3 receiving a simultaneous worldwide release can we really expect SEGA to follow suite? Continue reading Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 – update, video & images

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E3 2006: SEGA announce Sonic Rivals for PSP

The lead up to E3 never fails to disappoint us fans on the Sonic front, and it seems 2006 will be no exception. SEGA today announced what could be the first of more brand new Sonic titles, Sonic Rivals, for the Sony PSP. Much has been revealed in this first Sonic-related E3 2006 press release from SEGA, including game details, the story background and even some early screenshots. Continue reading E3 2006: SEGA announce Sonic Rivals for PSP

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Sonic Mobile Hits Top of Charts

Pleasing news for SEGA this morning is that their venture into the mobile phone game sphere has paid off well, with Sonic the Hedgehog spinning his way into the #1 spot on the official Mobile Phone Charts.

ELSPA, the British association founded as a voice for the games industry, holds the latest charts figures in the UK every week, and their official mobile phone chart reveals that Sonic has shoved Tetris into second place, after the block-busting puzzler pipped the hedgehog to the post in February’s tot-up.

Even though Sonic the Hedgehog mobile was only half of the Mega Drive version of Sonic 1, mobile fans seemed to lap it up, obviously experiencing shots of nostalgia when playing the game.

In other chart related news, in an unsurprising twist Sonic Riders is still selling extremely well on the Nintendo Gamecube, maintaining the #1 spot since it was pretty much released. Its success may be pushed aside this week however after sales of the newly released FIFA World Cup Germany 2006 is added up over the last 7 days.

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