New Diamond Select & Innex Sonic Toys Confirmed!

New York Toy Fair 2019 is barely 4 hours old and oh boy they’re already hitting it out of the park with reveals!

Whilst we brought you the news that Jakks Pacific were the new master toy partner for Sonic, you may recall that Diamond Select also signed a big license deal to make products for the blue hedgehog.

And oh boy they came to Toy Fair swinging!

Several new diorama like statues and modern figures have been confirmed as well as several Green Hill Zone playsets which can be placed together to make an entire zone display piece!

Another reveal comes from the company Innex who have announced official Sonic Pixel art pieces which will be available later in the year.

More reveals are likely so keep checking TSS for more details as we get them!

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Toy Maker Zappies Claim New Sonic Racing Game for 2018

Over in Nuremberg, the annual Spielwarenmesse toy fair is underway and as usual the toy makers are showing off their new toys for release later this year. Well, one such toy maker has just added fuel to a fire which had been virtually extinguished earlier this week.

Zappies who were responsible for a number of All Stars Racing Transformed toys way back when the game was first release were at the convention and have allegedly told that there is a third Sonic racing game on the way!

Whilst there is no outright proof of such a game, what strongly supports it is that their booth is full of the original ASRT toys which went out of production years ago. They claim these are here as placeholders in a bid to give some retailers an idea as to what the new game and toys will look like.

This comes less than a week after a document from Sumo Digital was leaked which suggested a new ‘Kart Racer’ from a ‘Global IP’ was in development, and just days after Aaron Webber claimed that it wasn’t happening.

Keep checking TSS, hopefully we can get all this resolved very soon!


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Tons of New Sonic Toys Shown at Spielwarenmesse 2017!

Remember how I told you that London Toy Fair doesn’t usually have much in terms of Sonic? But New York and Germany are the ones to watch out for? Well… told you so. Spielwarenmesse is currently underway and as expected, there was a huge showing of Sonic merch! Someone managed to get inside Tomy’s booth and took photos of everything in sight! Resulting in one epic haul of Sonic merch for 2017 and beyond!

Based on the photos taken, the Sonic Boom toy line continues to be very profitable. Yes it is profitable, because if it wasn’t they wouldn’t keep making them… That’s how making money works, you make more of what is selling!

Anyway, on with the report.

Continue reading Tons of New Sonic Toys Shown at Spielwarenmesse 2017!

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16bit Themed Sonic Figures Shown at London Toy Fair 2017

It’s Toy Fair time again! As January ends and February begins, London, New York and Germany all become host to major toy fair events. Being a trade show, these events show perspective retailers toys that will be on shelves throughout 2017.


Well, London Toy Fair ended a few days ago and… yeah there wasn’t much in terms of Sonic there, however London has never been that great in terms of Sonic content, New York and Germany are the ones to watch out for.

But saying that, Tomy did have a booth and we can confirm that they showed off some new Sonic toys!

Continue reading 16bit Themed Sonic Figures Shown at London Toy Fair 2017

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Nuremberg Toy Fair Reveals New 25th Anniversary Details!


Toy Fair season is still in full swing, with London done with, the party rolled into Nuremberg and with it came a lot of new toys and some very interesting 25th anniversary details thanks to our friends over at

Let’s just go over what we know first, we know that Tomy are making a range of classic toys for Sonic’s 25th, we have seen the scans from their catalogues and we have actually seen the physical prototypes in the flesh.

However, Nuremberg provided one very surprising detail, that being Boom Sonic appears to be included in the 25th celebrations!

tomy25th_figuresThis photo shows the already known classic range and a Sonic Boom figure with an alternative 25th anniversary logo. Now stop right there, think about this for a moment.

This doesn’t automatically confirm Boom Sonic in the 25th celebrations, this is a prototype box, in the past Tomy has used other figures to represent designs which have yet to be finalised, this might not be a Boom Sonic figure, but a Modern Sonic instead, a line which Tomy has not touched for years.

There is strong evidence for this included in this article, look at the picture at the top of the article, see the classic designed plushies? The Sonic one at the moment has a temporary Sonic Boom tag, not the final one.

But one thing is very clear from this, we now know why there are so many logos, they seem to be used to represent different eras, so it’s likely the classic inspired one which we have seen so often is for the classic era, this one is likely to be used for either Boom or Modern Sonic.


The other very interesting detail which seems to be a reoccurring trend is the use of pixel imagery for the 25th.

Take a look at this photo of the large Classic Sonic Plush.


Now look back at the figures posted earlier, now compare it to this image.


Notice the use of pixels in both imagery, even in the recent tease posted on various Sonic social media outlets pixels are used again, and this follows on from one person at Sega dropping the line ‘pixel Sonic’

Now I can only speculate here, but if you cast your minds back to when Generations was announced, the original trailer included a lot of ‘white space’ in it, we then found out that was a key element of the game, is what we’re seeing here an indication of what might be found in the next major Sonic title?

Another new surprise was this 25th anniversary Comic Boom pack.


As mentioned in our original report on Toy Fair, the show also included some classic Sonic figures which we were very impressed with.


We really hope that the quality of those isn’t lost when they go into mass production since its very high.

Also included in the fair were a number of new Boom toys, we reported on them in our London Toy Fair report, however we can now show you more detailed photographs.


First up is a Metal Sonic plush, we really liked this one when we saw it, can’t wait until this gets released.


But the biggest surprise for us were these big head plushies, Orbot & Cubot especially, but the Metal Sonic one were by far the runaway stars with us, we’ll be getting these day one for sure.

And one final surprise, we think that this might be the first time that the new F4F Tornado statue has been shown in the flesh.


You can read and see more photos of the toys over at

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UPDATE: Tomy Making Sonic Boom Collectable Figures?

UPDATE: We’ve been emailed the following image which appears to show the figures pictured here.


Not really any new details other than those speculated in the article are confirmed.

If anyone knows of the origin of this, such as if this was found on a website or in some kind of trade magazine, please get in touch.

ORIGINAL STORY: A few weeks ago we brought you news regarding Tomy’s line of Sonic Boom toys which were on display at the London Toy Fair.


However a new photo has emerged which shows an unannounced toy line from Tomy. It seems that they intend to release small collectable figures based on Sonic Boom. Tomy have in the past released small blind Gacha toys based on Sonic, this photo suggests that they also plan to do the same with Sonic Boom.

The photo originates from a company called Heckford who are responsible for the construction of Tomy’s booth at the London Toy Fair. No further details as to price or release dates are available at this time.

However with New York Toy Fair being next week, we might get some more Sonic toy news in the next two weeks or so.

Source: Heckford

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[UPDATE!] New Sonic Game Coming 2015 For PS4, Xbox One & Wii U,

sonicboom film[UPDATE: SEGA have since released the following statement in the wake of the Nuremberg Toy fair:

SEGA is yet to announce details of upcoming console video games for Sonic the Hedgehog or further details regarding the new Sonic CG TV series.  The recent information coming out of Nuremburg Toy Fair was incorrect.  For official and up to date news regarding Sonic the Hedgehog please go to or follow Sonic on Twitter (@sonic_hedgehog).

We will, as always, keep you dudes and dudettes up-to-date on any and all announcements! – T]

At the Nuremberg toy fair held last week, toy maker Jazwares had a booth showcasing it’s Sonic toys along with this very interesting sign.

If this is correct, it would suggest that Sega have already started work on a new Sonic game which is heading to the PS4, Xbox One and the Wii U.

We all know that Sega intends to release a 3rd exclusive Sonic game on a Nintendo platform at some point, however this photograph would suggest that Sega are already working on the other next gen systems and a Sonic game is in development or at the early planning stages.

If you’ve not been keeping track, this is how the Sonic games are currently lined up.

  • Sonic Lost World (2013)
  • Mario & Sonic at Sochi (2013)
  • Unannounced 3rd Nintendo exclusive (expected 2014).
  • Unannounced Next Gen Sonic title (2015).

What is however significant about this image is that there are no logos for any current gen consoles, suggesting that all future Sonic games will be on next gen systems.

Keep checking TSS for more information as and when we get it.



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RUMOUR: Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing 2 to Feature Green Hill & Casino Night Tracks?

In January we brought you word of a possible Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing sequel, then earlier this month Kotaku also heard about it at a Toy Fair in New York where toys based on the game were on show. Well, it appears those toys were also on private show at the London Toy Fair in January and are from the same toy range Meccano announced that month.

Toyworld Magazine reports that Meccano’s Sonic toy collection features Sonic and Knuckles alongside their respective vehicles from Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing with Green Hill Zone and Casino Night Zone added value play-sets also revealed to be on the way. Could this mean that these two levels will be included as tracks in the game’s sequel? SEGA often tie-in merchandise with their games to maximise sales, so it would be odd for them to not continue that trend.

Meccano’s Sonic the Hedgehog collection includes Sonic and Speedstar and Knuckles and Landbreaker, plus a range of added value play-sets; Sonic and Ramp Green Hill Play-set and Sonic and Casino Night Environment Play-set.

Source: Toyworld Magazine

Thanks to Hogfather at the SSMB for the heads up!

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Jazwares Reveal Sonic 20th Anniversary Figures & Plushes At London Toy Fair

Jazwares has revealed their plans to launch a series of special Sonic 20th Anniversary figures and plushes at a recent London Toy Fair. A range of prototypes and concepts were on show at Jazwares’ booth, including a figures series called “Sonic Through Time”, which as the name suggests are figures based on Sonic’s design at a various year in his life. Also on show was a Shadow figure & comic pack, classic Dr.Eggman with Egg Robo’s figure pack, modern Dr.Eggman with Egg Pawns figure pack and modern Tails with a modern sandworm Badnik figure pack. New plushes shown were a large Shadow and a large classic Sonic, both 20th Anniversary labelled.

Since this line up was shown at a London toy fair, there’s hope that Tomy (distributor of Jazwares figures in the UK) will release these in the UK. No other information is available at present, but we’ll keep an eye out and report back. For now, check the two photos out and share your opinion of these new figures in the comments.

Thanks to SonikkuForever at the SSMB for the heads up and to Barry the Nomad at the SSMB for finding the last three pics.

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