Freak-Out Friday: Winter Run – Join with perfect Bob the hedgehog in this endless running game


Winter Run – Join with perfect Bob the hedgehog in this endless running game

…I’m not kidding. That’s the actual title.

In a move that surprised absolutely nobody following the god awful monstrosity that was “Jiffy and the Super Hedgehogs” in YOLOLabs’ now nonexistent A Hedgehog Dash (feel free to check out Sonic Retro’s review on that particular Sonic knock-off), yet another faker has emerged on the iOS market – introducing perfect Bob the hedgehog!

But you need not hear me spill out the questionable contents of this completely original game! Here to provide commentary is our special guest from The Sonic Show, my good friend “Let’s Player of the North” Tanner!


Thank you Tanner, for your great and noble sacrifice. I will carve your face into a continent in remembrance.

Oh, and get this. There’s actually an in-app purchase in this title, “copyright” to Lambro Solutions. Just one.

Remove Ads.

Pay a dollar to remove the one and only thing that makes up Winter Run.

WELP, let’s break this down real quick, TSS Review style!

+ Absolutely nothing!

– Ads everywhere that you have to pay to remove;
– ‘Solo Bobico’;
– No single player mode, bad news bears for those without internet;
– Collision detection out the wazoo, floors don’t exist;
– No really, literal stacks of ads;
– “Oh my freaking god, how does that thing even LOOK like a hedgehog!?”
– Yourself if you actually used up iPod/iPhone memory space for this (unless you’re Tanner for the sake of this article);
– Did I already mention ads?

I don’t know about any of you, but I’m not willing to “join with perfect Bob” on his winter run anytime soon. 

Back to Soleanna for me then!



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TitansCreed Community Spotlights The Sonic Show


To those unknowing, The Community Spotlight is that time when TitansCreed interviews individuals or groups who have made a mark on the Sonic community.

For this round, TitansCreed sheds the spotlight on Jamie Egge Mann and Tanner Bachnick, renowned as Discoponies and Tanner of The Sonic Show!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.