It has already been heavily hinted at, but it has been finally confirmed: Sonic City is set to return soon!
…and from what AAUK has said, it is set to be something a bit special. For starters, it appears that Mr. Eva has been taking notes and comments from everyone on suggestions and ideas that could potentially go into the website design; not surprising considering his “Omnipresence” throughout many forums and sites. It’s not too far fetched then to expect some big changes – including an expanded games archive, and the possibility of profiles on some of the older and more obscure characters from the Sonic Universe.
The Sonic City Website is already up to go and have a gander at, however at the moment it only exists as a splash page with a quote from Sonic, and the words “FINDING THE COMPUTER ROOM“.
To quote AAUK: “Things won’t be all up at first, we’ll start (unless matters change) with some basics and a GREATLY increased games archive; seriously you have no idea just how much more information is going to be added in.”
Lets hope there’s more Fang.
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ArchangelUK is up to his old tricks again over at the Sonic City Blognik, he has posted a new entry with a question mark and a small square piece of an image. If anyone remembers, AAUK did this when he launched the European official Sonic site Sonic City last time before it went down. Could the site be re-launching again at long last or could this be something else?
Here’s an interesting message from AAUK in comment 5 of this blog entry –
Awww. I bet we’ll have to wait for another week.
AAUK Sez: Who knows how long… but the fact is it is coming and coming along fast. Assuming it is what you think it is!
Discuss and place your guesses over in the SSMB topic.
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We’ve been away for a while, but now we’re back to kick some butt at Wild Canyon and as much as we’d like to not-believe, there’s been a fair bit of news that has slipped by the Sonic News radar (or Newsdar, or… something) during our reconstruction. FRET NOT, we’ve got it covered. Even though you probably already know all this anyway.
Sonic Blogicles
First off SEGA Europe’s community blog, the Sonic City Blognik, has started posting regular diaries from the desks responsible for Sonic Chronicles. The first entry was written by Bioware Brand Manager Randall Bishop, who discussed at length why the game will rock, in typical Brand Manager fashion. He interestingly pointed out Bioware’s new approach to Chronicles for the fact that this is indeed a kid’s game – I hope Bioware remembers that half the success of a kid’s multimedia product is the viability of it to adults too. Just ask Pixar. Continue reading Roundup: What We Missed
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It is finally time for you, the Sonic Fans of the world to have your say in the name of one of the alien species in the upcoming Nintendo DS title, Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. The image of the Alien has finally been revealed, after a fortnight of only having a silhouette to tease us!
The top 10 names have been selected from a number of suggestions put forward different forums and communities, including members of TSS, SonicWrecks.com, SonicOnline.com and the Bioware forums themselves. Continue reading Sonic City Competition – A Race to a Name!
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Formally known as Lee Brotherton, former Remix Factory member Bentley Jones catches up with Sonic City for an exclusive interview discussing Sonic, his new album and previous works.
You can locate the interview here.
Bentley seems to have greatly enjoyed working on previous Sonic titles and would do it again in the future if he had the chance, also adding he would enjoy working on other game projects too broadening his horizons.
Bentley Jones composed Silvers theme ‘Dreams of an Absolution’ which can be heard in ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ for both Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 platforms.
Thanks to Urthy for the link and Spunodi for the heads up!
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Good old ArchangelUK over at Sega Europe has released some early Christmas presents to fans on the official European Sonic City website.
Site goers can now:
- Read an interview with popular game composer Richard Jacques about creating the main theme for Sega Superstars Tennis
- Listen to 2 Sonic Riders Zero Gravity tracks on Sonic FM
- ArchangelUK has also managed to get a Sonic City EXCLUSIVE. The main theme to Sega Superstars Tennis is now available on Sonic FM for your listening pleasure.
Congratulations ArchangelUK! Stay tuned to Sonic News for further updates as they happen!
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Sega Europe have today released the long awaited official Sonic site Sonic City. ArchangelUK who recently joined Sega Europe has been teasing fans since yesterday on the Sonic City blognik with a Mystery blog entry, countdown and tiny hints. Fans at the SSMB had fun with detective work and guesses while they waited.
The end result is a site filled with Sonic goodness such as-
- Character profiles
- Games list including games of old with descriptions, fun facts and media.
- The Blognik
- An Arcade
- Sonic FM
- News articles
- An official Sonic forum is also coming soon.
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SEGA Europe has kicked off the hype for all things Sonic related as it officially opens its Community Blog. Titled the ‘Sonic City Blognik’, it features members of SEGA Europe’s marketing and community management team discussing various interesting facets of the blue blur.
Initial blog entries included posts from Community Manager Rom and Svend Joscelyne, webmaster of The Sonic Stadium. Shortly after a mention on its e-newsletter, posts from the marketing department shared an exclusive insight into the upcoming TV and print advertisements for Sonic the Hedgehog on XBOX 360.

The inclusion of respected members of the Sonic the Hedgehog community is part of an attempt initialised by SEGA and The Sonic Stadium to bring the official source closer to the fans. TSS webmaster Svend will be writing regular columns for the blog, while a few other community members have already been offered the opportunity to write a piece for the online diary.
Visit the Blog to see TV advert sneaks and information on official game sites.
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Sonic fans in America and Japan have been getting the dedicated Sonic micro-site treatment from SEGA as of late, and Europe has just seen the launch of their own official “Sonic City” source.
Unfortunately, the micro-site isn’t very respective of monitor resolutions – 1024×768 is required, but 1152×864 is apparently the size for optimum surfing. Design-wise, it doesn’t lend much to Sonic the Hedgehog at all, aside from the somewhat iconic corkscrew feature around the city heights. In fact, you wouldn’t even believe it was a SEGA or Sonic site if the corporate logos weren’t present (depending on your resolution of course). Continue reading Europe: Sonic City Goes Live
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