Sonic’s history is a tale of high and lows, twists and turns, and lots of mysteries. Sonic’s Classic era particularly has been a constant gold mine of information and surprising stories. For example, SEGA Technical Institute once pitched a SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive spin-off game called “Treasure Tails”.
Continue reading Meet “Treasure Tails”, A Genesis/Mega Drive Pitched By SEGA Technical Institute
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Jupiter, best known as the creators of the Picross series (as well as the Pokemon Pinball) have announced their latest Picross S game for Switch, and it’s themed after the Sega Mega Drive and Mark III consoles. Awesome! Continue reading Picross S: Mega Drive & Mark III Edition Announced for Switch
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Hang onto your blast processing chips! In the interest of game development preservation, Jon Burton, founder of Traveller’s Tales and GameHut has released some demo tracks for Sonic 3D Blast for the SEGA Mega Drive, composed by Jun Senoue way back in the early 90’s. It’s music that’s been hidden from us for decades, and now we have access to it!
Continue reading Never Before Heard Demo Music (3D) Blasts Onto The Internet!
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Today marks 30 years since the SEGA Genesis (known as the SEGA Mega Drive elsewhere, the name was changed in North America due to trademark issues) made its debut!
This name would turn out to be quite fitting, as the SEGA Genesis became the system that would not only make SEGA and many of its franchises household names on the continent, it would also serve as the birth place for the company’s most successful character: a blue hedgehog named Sonic!
Continue reading Happy 30th Anniversary, SEGA Genesis!
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Legendary game composer and DJ Yuzo Koshiro has been making use of his spare time lately, sharing a new music track that appears heavily inspired by the work of Masato Nakamura’s original Sonic the Hedgehog soundtrack. Continue reading ‘Streets of Rage’ Composer Yuzo Koshiro Creates a New Sonic Inspired Track
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Last year, Nintendo has announced that they will be closing the doors of the Wii Shop Channel for the original Wii indefinitely on January 30, 2019. The change comes as the company has moved on to online networks for the 3DS and Switch, and so, after more than twelve years of activity, the Wii Shop Channel and all its services (Wii Virtual Console, WiiWare, and Wii System Transfer Tool) will go offline at the cut-off date early next year.
Continue reading Nintendo Removes Wii Points Purchasing for Wii Shop Channel on March 26
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A new Sonic game has been revealed! Well, not exactly new, but still!
Joining fellow Genesis favourites Super Hang-On and Space Harrier in Japan, the one, the only, and the original Sonic the Hedgehog is coming to its native Nintendo 3DS eShop on May 15th of this year!

To be released as a 3D Classic, Sonic 3DS features the ability to play the original game with three dimensional depth, customizable controls, and the ability to toggle between the Japanese and “Overseas” versions, and Mega Drive 1 and 2 sound formats, as reported on Sonic Retro. Like the upcoming Taxman/Stealth remastered iOS version, players are also given the option to play the game with or without the Spin Dash.
A price is set for 600¥, and there is no confirmation of a Western release at this time.
Special thanks to Wraith on the SSMB for the tip!
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SEGA have today announced yet another collection of their 16 Bit library, this time in the form of SEGA Mega Drive Classics. This collection is a part of their recently announced focus on digital distribution and will be released for the PC Download market via online store Steam among others. Eleven games are currently known to be on the way with all of them releasing June 1st 2010 priced at £1.99/€2.49/ AUS$3.49, check out the list and their product pages below:
Sonic 3D Blast
Ecco the Dolphin
Golden Axe
Comix Zone
Gain Ground
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Crack Down
Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi
Altered Beast
Space Harrier II
Press release
LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (May 21st, 2010) –SEGA® Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. are proud to announce that a wide selection of evergreen games from the legendary SEGA Mega Drive™ platform are making their way on to PC via digital distribution.
The initial group of titles being made available consists of fan favourites such as Golden Axe™, Ecco the Dolphin™, Comix Zone™ and VectorMan™. All these classic SEGA titles will be available from £1.99/€2.49/ AUS$3.49, but for a full list of all available titles and features, please visit
“It’s exciting to be able to offer these classic games to a new audience” said Nick Pili, Network Business Director at SEGA Europe. “Delivered via our digital partners, every PC owner can now enjoy these timeless masterpieces whenever they want!”
The first set of SEGA Mega Drive games for PC are set to release 1st June on STEAM and other digital distribution networks.
Source: SEGA Europe
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An old Italian Sonic advert from 1992 has been dug up, offering European hedgehog fans the chance to grab a “Sonic Baydge” whose eyes light up when you press a button on the back. Unfortunately, this is coupled with an animation that would surely give children of the 1990s nightmares.
Good spot by Casanova!
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SEGA very quietly slipped in a port of the original Mega Drive Sonic the Hedgehog onto the Apple iTunes store yesterday, with the iPhone platform now being the latest in a long line of formats that can play the classic game.
An official blog today confirms the existence of the title, which you can now pick up for your iPhone for $4.99 $5.99, or £3.49 to the British fans out there. Control is made using touch screen ‘buttons’ that appear on the bottom of the playing screen – the D-Pad is located at the bottom left and the only button (A) on the bottom right. Two screen modes allow you to play the action full-screen with semi-transparent buttons, or in a smaller window with a visible START button.
The graphics appear to be intact, and the blog mentions how faithful and fun to play it is (but of course, they would say that really). Have you bought it already and played it? What do you think of it? Does another Sonic 1 port tickle your fancy or is it starting to wind you up? Let us know in the comments box!
UPDATE: According to our American friends, the price on the iTunes store looks to be $5.99 instead of the $4.99 SEGA’s blog announced. That would bring the £-$ difference a little closer (£3.49 equates to about $5.55 as of this moment), but it’s curious why the wrong price was mentioned. Most likely just a mistake on the community blog’s part.
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Smart company Blaze have gone and done it, they’ve created a handheld Mega Drive for you to show off on your travels. The portable machine has 20 built-in games and runs off triple A batteries and can also be hooked up to your TV.
Games included are –
Sonic & Knuckles
Alex Kidd (and the enchanted castle)
Alien Storm
Altered Beast
Arrow Flash
Columns III
Crack Down
Decap Attack
E Swat
Ecco Jr
Gain Ground
Golden Axe
Jewel Master
Kidd Chameleon
Shadow Dancer
The handheld is out now and retails for £29.99. You can buy it here.
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