In the above interview (at 03:53) with Rev3Games, Sumo Digital’s Gareth Wilson has revealed that Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed will support split-screen multiplayer online. This means that you and up to three friends at home can play together with others online, even in Grand Prix mode. Pretty cool stuff.
Source: Rev3Games
P.S. See if you can spot a certain TSS writer in the video.
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A new Tokyo Game Show 2011 preview of the 3DS version of Sonic Generations from Capsule Computers has confirmed that the above screenshot released last month is from Emerald Coast. Shadow the Hedgehog is confirmed to be a rival in the 3DS version, too. Their preview also reveals that the game’s multiplayer mode will feature exclusive environments, though they didn’t give any examples.
After playing the demo, Sega let me have a second hands on play of a level Emerald Coast as it’ll be in the finished game. In each level you can play as either ‘new’ or ‘old’ bringing two very distinct feels to the same level. As some may know, Emerald Coast is a level from the Dreamcast version of Sonic, Sonic Adventure, which has now been redesigned into a 2D platform based level. After playing through the game twice, It’s apparent that there is an emphasis on the game as a platformer, rather than just a speed based game where you race through. A few other features included in the game will be the use of Shadow as a rival, and exclusive environments for two player verses mode. Sonic Generations will be released for the 3DS, PS3 and Xbox360
You can read the full preview at Capsule Computers.
Thanks to Neon at the SSMB for the heads up!
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A new trailer for Sonic Free Riders has appeared on YouTube user SegaCzech’s channel, which showcases the various multiplayer modes of the game, namely VS Mode, 2 Player Co-op/Tag Mode and Relay Race. The trailer is just like the Introduction and Weapons trailers, in that people show how the game is played, actions and all. Plenty more gameplay footage can also be seen from the variety of tracks the game has to offer.
Elsewhere, IGN has released six more screenshots of the game, which you can view below.

Screenshots source: IGN
Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads up on the screenshots!
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Gamespot has released the latest episode of their On The Spot show and featured in the show is the second part of their Sonic Free Riders final build demonstration that they promised last week. This time SEGA’s Fabian Doehla and a fellow colleague show how the co-operative Tag Mode works, while also showing a new track based in a city at night.
Tag Mode sees you and another player join hands and work together as one, but you are able to separate during a race and change to a split-screen view. If you want to rejoin each other, the further ahead of you can wait at certain points in the track for the other to catch up and sync back up with you. When asked about photo features, Doehla says you’ll be able to take photos of yourself and put them on the in-game billboards. The demonstration also features plenty of voice clips from Sonic and Tails’ new voice actors.
Thanks to Hero of Legend at the SSMB for the YouTube conversion!
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The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

In a new preview, IGN has revealed details behind Sonic Colours’ multiplayer mode, which was recently leaked via a screenshot at Amazon JP. As suspected, multiplayer will be a co-op experience with various coloured Sonic robots. Players will need to use techniques and the Wisp powers to progress through stages.
Wisp powers can be combined in a number of ways, which IGN are told “throughout a total of 6 tiers of three levels each.” The red special rings seen in the single player stages now have a purpose revealed. These rings are collected to unlock all of the multiplayer stages, so you won’t be able to play multiplayer co-op right away.
Check out the full preview at IGN.
Thanks to speedduelist at the SSMB and Woun at the SEGA Forums for the heads-up!
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