“Many” current VAs to be involved with Sonic Boom


UPDATE: The article has now been updated to avoid any confusion – while “many” of the current cast will reprise their roles for Sonic Boom, not necessarily all will. We do not know any specific cast members involved with the project at the time of writing.

Yesterday’s announcement of Sonic Boom – a new CG animated Sonic cartoon set for launch in 2014 – has been one that’s definitely turned a few heads, and indeed raised a few eyebrows. While the prospect of seeing our favourite spiky blue hero back on our TV screens is no doubt an exciting one, some of the apparent changes to the designs of the characters have left some fans… dubious, to say the least.

Well, while it does appear we’ll be getting a new-look Sonic (and especially a new-look Knuckles) for the cartoon, one thing we can now confirm to be staying the same is a number of the voice actors. SEGA posted the following comment on the Sonic Facebook page:

We are pleased and excited that many of the voice actors used in game for Sonic and friends will also be voicing the TV animation.

Seemingly in support of this, both Roger Craig Smith and Mike Pollock posted links to the Sonic Boom announcement yesterday via their respective social media outlets, which suggests that they may have some involvement with the project. However, no specifics have been given regarding who will reprise their roles and who will not.

So, just like Sonic X, there will be some consistency in the voice actors between the games and the cartoon. Are you pleased to hear this news? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Sonic the Hedgehog Facebook page

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Sonic 1 Out Now on iPhone: Tails & Knuckles Playable

Well this came out of nowhere! Yesterday we told you how the 3DS version of Sonic 1 was released in Japan, in the last hour without any announcement, the ‘Stealth-Tax’ version of Sonic 1 for iOS has been released and it contains two big surprises! Continue reading Sonic 1 Out Now on iPhone: Tails & Knuckles Playable

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Sonic Generations: Gameplay Footage of Knuckles Race Mission


German website GamesWelt has shared some Sonic Generations gameplay footage which gives us our first look at the Knuckles race mission. The mission (at the 1:30 point) sees Classic Sonic try to beat the red echidna to the finish in a Green Hill Zone level that contains giant badniks that you’ll have to bounce on to get by or reach higher platforms. Knuckles will try to get ahead by using his digging ablity, so you’ll have to be quick.

There’s also a new remix of a song that those who have played Sonic R might recognise. We’ll let you find out what it is for yourselves. The rest of the video features more gameplay footage of Green Hill Zone and Sky Sanctuary Zone.

Thanks to Woun for the YouTube conversion and thanks to DbgtSonicX, Nikesh and SSMB member Ryan91 for the heads up!

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Jazwares Confirms Classic Knuckles Figure In The Works

Sonic action figure maker Jazwares has revealed in reply to a fan query on their Facebook page that work is underway on a Classic Knuckles action figure.

Well folks he is in the works. And he looks AWESOME!

No pictures or details about the figures have been released, but we would assume it will be part of the 20th Anniversary line and be out before Christmas.

We’ll keep an eye out for more details.

Source: Jazwares Facebook page

Thanks to Rooftrees Spindash at the SSMB for the heads up!

Got a news tip? Send it in to thesonicstadium@googlemail.com, shadzter@sonicstadium.org or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.

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Awesome Chaotix is Awesome!

Newgrounds animator Egoraptor returns, this time with another Sonic-themed videogame parody, this time of the 32X title Knuckles Chaotix (if you haven’t seen the original Awesome the Hedgehog, check it out here). Expect lots of street talkin’ , a totally stacked Espio the chameleon, and an Oscar award-winning performance from Knuckles at the finale. Get your hankies ready.

Check out Awesome Chaotix on Newgrounds here (NSFW!!!)


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Knuckles Is a Smooth Criminal

Archie’s Sonic creators Ian Flynn and Tracy Yardley! both made an appearance at Toronto’s FanExpo con. Naturally, their presence attracted some Sonic fans to the show, including the person pictured below. The Archie people got a picture of one of them and posted it up on their facebook wall.

Prepare yourself for the most epic cosplay ever!

Knuckles Jackson

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Ken Penders speaks his mind on Ian Flynn’s performance on the Sonic comic, updated with Flynn’s comments

Well, one thing people have been wondering ever since Ian Flynn became head writer over at the Sonic the Hedgehog comic is…well, what do his predecessors think? Ken Penders, who worked on the Sonic comic for over a decade, finally spoke his mind over on his forum yesterday.

Reading everyone’s comments leave me with the impression neither Mike Pellerito or Ian really know what to do with either the characters or the stories beyond regurgitating what came before.

I haven’t commented on any of this earlier because I believed it was too soon and I didn’t want to be accused of sour grapes or stealing Ian’s thunder. The fact is I get e-mail all the time asking me about this character or that storyline, and it leaves me scratching my head wondering if Ian has ever attempted going beyond what any of us did, if he’s created a character like a Julie-Su or a Geoffrey St John, or if he’s written something like an ENDGAME or THE DARK LEGION that people are still talking about years later.

The fact is I never relied on any other Archie-Sonic writer’s material for any of my stories, not even when I was working with Mike Kanterovich. I would always come up with the basic plots and Mike would throw in bits to improve them, then we would work on the dialogue. I didn’t rely on Mike Gallagher’s material to drive my stories, nor did I ever pay attention to anything Karl was doing beyond supplying him with bits of info whenever he was incorporating one of my characters into his stories. A thorough check of my work will show I never used a Karl-created character until I used Mina in SONIC #150, due more to a conversation with Mike P when working out the plot. Likewise, Athair may have appeared with the Ancient Walkers in the TAILS mini-series written by Mike Gallagher, but I had serious input with regards to Athair’s development before Mike G wrote that story, as I had with the young Knuckles story that appeared in SONIC SUPER SPECIAL #9, wherein I was handed a copy of the script and told to make whatever changes necessary in order for it to fit continuity as I saw it at the time. Otherwise, beyond the core characters established in the original games and animated DiC series in the early 90’s, as well as the settings of Robotropolis and Knothole Village, and a character or two like Lupe and Amy Rose, I pretty much engaged in serious world building to keep the series interesting in the long run. I didn’t hesitate to push for killing off Robotnik and fighting to keep him dead, thus allowing Sonic to find new adversaries and new adventures. The map of Mobius I designed for SONIC SUPER SPECIAL #2 was so I’d always have a jumping off point for Sonic to have some new adventure or a new threat to engage him.

Ian, on the other hand, hasn’t done any of that from what I see and hear. In fact, many of the stories that appeared in issues #160 through #175 were based off an outline I submitted to Mike Pellerito around the time I turned in the script to SONIC #157. I didn’t pay attention until I caught the issue where Antoine married Bunnie, which was either the exact issue I slated the story for or off just by an issue or two in the outline I submitted. I never bothered to mention it until now because I didn’t see the point. All I had was an outline that could be claimed by some to be written after the fact, resulting in a pointless flame war because some would claim I was jealous or resentful.

The fact is I’m extremely happy where my life has led to these days. Not everyone gets the experience I do directing a film in Hollywood with real stars and trying to sell it to the studios and networks. My tenure on SONIC alone has given me serious street credit in this town and opened some very unexpected doors. I have nothing to be resentful over and much to be grateful for.

So from where I sit, all Mike and Ian are doing is living off the work done by others that came before them instead of allowing SONIC to grow and evolve in a similar organic manner when I was on the book. I especially don’t consider anything either does with any of the echidna characters – especially Locke – to be canon as neither created the characters nor established them in stories as the viable fan favorites they’ve become. No matter what Ian writes, he can never alter the fact that in MY universe, the events of Locke’s passing as depicted in SONIC #143 is canon. Anything he writes can easily be counter-written by a better story with an alternative solution.


I would like to request that everyone posting in the comments section to keep in mind that these people actively use and read the internet. This means any flaming you do will likely be read by them. I’d like you all to respect both creators in the comments section. Thank you. I would also like to request that no one go to either creator’s forum for the expressed purpose of flaming. Be respectful, please.

Update: Flynn has since responded both on his board and the comments section of this news post, with the following:

In the interest of accuracy, I would like to contribute the following:

Mr. Penders is mistaken in his assumption that we used material he had prepared before his departure from the book. All stories and the over-all story direction was of my own creation. Specifically, the marriage of Antoine and Bunnie was the logical progression of their relationship, and was meant as a strong positive “high note” to be juxtaposed with the tragedy of STH#175.

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#33 Sonic Paradox Presents: Knuckles Briefs!

The Sonic Show is PREMIERING Knuckles Briefs? Great… but what on earth is that?!

Knuckles Briefs is a collab created by all of you’re favourite (or more likely, hated) Sonic characters. Knuckles is fed up of the attention brought to Sonic through the acclaimed series, ‘Sonic Shorts’ and has decided to have his own collection of “briefs”.

But seriously, what the hell is it?

Knuckles Briefs is collection of hilarious shorts by the Sonic Paradox team. Sonic Paradox are known for many things in the community, most notable being the Sonic Shorts and Sonic Tribute collections. This flash was created for the Summer Of Sonic event, however unfortunately never made it’s appearence on the day. But fret not as we can finally share it with you here!

Sonic Paradox… sounds familiar.

I should hope so, Sonic  Paradox has been around since 2006, though the first collaboration was the “Tribute Collab 1″ back in 2005. Their forum was created by Lilmario and The Wax created the main site. The first project was started by Sweet_Kat22 from Newgrounds. She, however, has moved on from Sonic Paradox.

When Sweet_Kat22 dropped down from being leader, HyperactiveYouth (known for Sonic: Uncut 1, 2 and 3) stepped in, becoming the 2nd leader in charge of Sonic Tribute Collab 2. However, due to development hell, HyperactiveYouth stepped down as well and their longest in service member, Bit-Master, became the 3rd leader. Due to slow progress, he stepped down from being leader to co-leader with their current leader, The Wax (known for Full Metal Sonic, Sonic Halo, and Sonic: Dark Chaos, and a variety of shorts). The Wax is the creator of the Sonic Short Volumes you all know and love.

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Fanatics: Punch That Werehog Dead

I have a question for you all.  Did you play Sonic Unleashed and wished that you played as Knuckles during the nighttime stages?  Well, according to DeviantArt user, gilau, so did Knuckles.  In a blur, Knuckles is seen here beating the shit out of  the most awful character in the series.  Yes, Big the Cat is better than Sonic the Werehog.  Allow me to pause as you pick up the pieces of your blown mind.

Anyway, thumbs up on the image concept, gilau. Super-thumbs up on the coloring and the whole “dirty draw” look.  I’m not quite sure how you made this one, but whatever, it’s cool.

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Fanatics: Death Egg & Sunset Park Memories

January 6th belongs to Hazard the Porgoyle (What in the blue hell is a “porgoyle?” Fan characters just get weirder and weirder.), because he absolutely dominates at Sonic art. The two pieces that I’d like to display here are absolute gems, giving moments in Sonic history a new perspective, literally. The top one at right here is a rendition of a boss in Death Egg, act 2. You all recall this encounter, I’m sure. Use gravity to make the spike tanks hit the giant egg ball, rinse repeat, get owned by the giant Egg Mech. It’s a wonderfully drawn scene from the game that someone could mistake for an HD remake of Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Hazard comments:

Sonic doesn’t seem too concerned about Eggman’s new devious machine as he checks his glove cuff. Well, he’s done this stuff enough, right?

The second piece follows a similar style, but of a bit more esoteric moment. Sure, most people can recall that boss fight from Death Egg, but how many of your friends owned Game Gears and experienced Sonic: Triple Trouble? I know that most of us at TSS and SSMB have. The photo at right is a scene from Sunset Park’s famous train boss. I can hear the song now…

Check out Hazard’s DeviantArt profile for awesome renditions of moments from Sonic games, including boss fights from the Adventure and Advance series!

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When Sonic fans met Spore

Creature creating PC game Spore hit stores on Friday and what is the first thing to come to gamers minds? Create a deformed devil damnation of their favourite video game hero. Various Sonic character creations have hit Youtube – the Sonic one above is quite impressive if I do say so myself. Hit the jump for Knuckles and a Chao. Continue reading When Sonic fans met Spore

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More Sonic Plushes hitting UK stores!

For those of you who live in the UK and have been into GAME recently, you’ll have noticed you can pick up a Sonic and Tails Plush toy for the mere price of £9.99. Well, as advertised on the back of the box, the Knuckles Plushes are now available to buy, as I found out today while roaming Newcastle.

And here’s some guy with one… Continue reading More Sonic Plushes hitting UK stores!

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A Knuckles The Echidna Game?

Usually at Sonic News we try to avoid rumors lacking substance, however, this latest juicy tidbit comes from such a credible source we couldn’t pass up sharing it. In a synopsis for an upcoming of G4’s Cinematech we see what may be the first hint of a potential new game starring Knuckles The Echidna, ala the soon to be released Shadow The Hedgehog title.

From G4’s summary of ‘Race for Mediocrity’ (Episode #5066): Continue reading A Knuckles The Echidna Game?

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Knuckles Sonic Adventure 2 Wallpaper Posted on Nintendo’s Game Boy Website

Nintendo was kind enough to feature the Sonic the Hedgehog series on its official Game Boy website this month, offering a downloadable wallpaper featuring Knuckles the Echidna. Strangely though, the game its promoting is Gamecube title Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.

Continue reading Knuckles Sonic Adventure 2 Wallpaper Posted on Nintendo’s Game Boy Website
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