Happy 30th Anniversary to Sonic The Comic!

Thirty years ago today, the very first issue of Egmont Fleetway’s Sonic The Comic hit store shelves in the UK. And with it began a revolution in video game universe storytelling that gripped an entire generation.

‘STC’ initially started out as a more general SEGA-themed comic book that happened to feature Sonic the Hedgehog as the headliner. Early issues always had a one-shot Sonic story at the front, but also ran strips for other Mega Drive titles such as Ecco the Dolphin, Golden Axe, Streets of Rage and even Decap Attack.

The first few Sonic adventures were pretty simple affairs, without much substance beyond the blue blur taking on Dr Robotnik’s “mean trap of the day”. But Sonic the Comic really came into its own some ten books in, when writer Nigel Kitching decided to break away from one-shot stories and introduced a universe-setting event that would allow for much more interesting plots and multi-issue arcs.

As the comic evolved, so too did the complexity of the characterisations of SEGA’s mascot and his friends. Sonic, as a hot-headed leader of a pressed team of freedom fighters, often plays against incredible odds in order to take back Emerald Hill and the rest of Mobius from Robotnik’s rule, while Knuckles’ ancestry and duty to Angel Island is explored through multiple side stories and adventures with the Chaotix crew.

And while the Fleetway team was careful to stay incredibly close to the video game source material (unlike the US Sonic comic of the time by Archie Comics, which leaned more towards the DiC cartoon universe), in doing so they were able to create original, vicious enemies that really felt like they could have belonged in a Mega Drive game. Robotnik’s near-invincible robot general Brutus gave Sonic – and Robotnik – a serious challenge, while the Brotherhood of Metallix took the Metal Sonic concept and evolved it into something more of a creepy and incredibly dangerous robo-cult bent on transforming the universe.

Over the years, characters such as Tails, Knuckles and Amy got their own strips (pushing out the other SEGA IP until Sonic the Comic was filled with nothing but blue blur adventures) with equally-interesting arcs (Tails having a secret life in an alternate dimension as a Troll-defeating knight of honour?), and many of these crossed over to great effect.

Knuckles would co-star in Tails adventures, while Knuckles’ strips often canonically ran alongside – or preceded – the events that were taking place in the headline Sonic story. Even minor Fleetway-original characters like Tekno the Canary and Shortfuse the Cybernik had their fans, and starred in strips of their own.

Throughout all the years of incredible game adaptations, original story arcs and crossover events, Sonic the Comic sadly came to the end of its original run at the end of 2001, the publication squeaking along for a few years more as mere reprints of what happened before. In a world where many video game IPs now have some form of expanded universe multimedia, the UK’s Sonic the Comic arguably blazed a trail and set the standard for what could be done. And in our view, it still hasn’t been topped.

Happy 30th Anniversary, Sonic the Comic! Share your favourite stories and memories in the comments below!

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Sonic the Comic’s Nigel Kitching Among Writers Confirmed for Sonic’s 900th Adventure One-Shot

It’s starting to feel like a little Sonic the Comic reunion! Nigel Kitching, a writer known for his work on Fleetway’s UK-exclusive Sonic the Comic series, has been confirmed as one of the six writers who will be working on the Sonic’s 900th Adventure one-shot. He will be joining fellow Sonic the Comic alumni Richard Elson, who was confirmed as one of the comic’s cover artists last week. Elson has not yet been announced as one of the comic’s interior artists. The other members of the writing team include the comic’s current headwriter, Evan Stanley, longtime Sonic writer Ian Flynn, Scrapnik Island author Daniel Barnes, as well as Caleb Goellner and Aaron Hammerstrom.

The comic has also been confirmed for an August 16 release date, roughly two week ahead of IDW’s “Endless Summer” Sonic one-shot, which’ll be arriving August 30. The comic’s story will center around Sonic and friends playing “hot potato” with the warp topaz, trying to keep it from warping the world into oblivion.

via PreviewsWorld

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Fleetway’s Sonic the Comic Set For Re-Release

TSSZ News have reported on the emerging of the possibility that the original Sonic stories, which first appeared in the UK based Fleetway Sonic the Comic will be re-published in the near future.

Joe Schumaker from the Sonic Zone has recently posted on the site with regards to recent communications between himself and SEGA. The Sonic Zone, which until recently hosted the comics online, have now removed all the comics from their site in order to prevent damage to any future sales.  However, many fans will be pleased with the potential prospect of seeing these classic stories, first seen way back in 1993, hitting the shelves once more.

However, no details are currently available as to when and how these comics will be published. We will, as always, keep you updated!

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You Know You’ve Read Too Much Sonic The Comic When…

…your walls look like this.

If that isn’t hardcore fandom then I don’t know the meaning of the words. This whole mural was created by an artist in Edinburgh named John Arnott and spans all four walls of the bedroom. It’s pretty awesome but I don’t think I’d have it done to my bedroom.

Source: Kotaku

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Sonic the Comic Online Release Issue Number 250

Those of you lucky enough (and old enough!) to be a UK resident will no doubt hold dear in your heart the memory of picking up the first issue of Sonic the Comic from your newsagents way back in 1993 and squealing with delight at the plethora of stories and articles before you. Unfortunately that all came to a bitter end in 2002 when after months of re-releasing older stories and losing the interest of the die-hard fans, the comic ceased production.

However as a testiment to the captivating script writing and gorgeous artwork, a band of fans simply could not let the comic die.

From the ashes rose Sonic the Comic Online (or STC-O as it is known), took off from issue 224 where the official release left off, with a large group of fan artists and writers joining forces to produce issues every few months in the style of the original. Over the years the comic has gradually gained momentum, caught the attention of the writers from Fleetway (including SoS regular Nigel Kitching!) and has being nominated for many online comic awards.

This month STC-O celebrates the new decade with the release of issue 250, a milestone in the comic’s history! I think you’ll agree the artwork is nothing short of fantastic (the team of artists include no less than three SatBK art contest winners, with others going on into the world of professional comic book writing!), and the plot as convincing as those from way back in the day.

TSS caught up with STCO artist Stiv, who kindly commented on the release of the issue:

“It’s been a labour of love.  First conceived over 7 years ago, it’s been brilliant to see it finally reach the masses.  So many people have worked very hard on getting it finished and it’s the most exciting thing in the Sonic Community I’ve taken part in.”

Go check out the new issue issue over on the Sonic the Comic Online Web page.

Maybe if I write to Megadroid they’ll do another Sparkster comic for me…

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Comics Zone Relaunched!

It’s about time I started adding back some of the really old content TSS used to have on here, and I’m making some progress now by relaunching the Comics Zone. It’s not hard to miss on the sidebar – look for the flashing ‘new’ icon. It aims to be a vault of information on the Archies, Sonic the Comics, random Japanese Manga and all sorts of other miscellaneous books that get discovered.

At the moment, you can view information on Fleetway’s Sonic the Comic from Issues 1 to 11. Now that the section’s relaunched, I’ll find time every now and then to add a few more issues to the archive. So for now, enjoy a Fleetway blast from the past while I get more stuff together for you.

The Games Archive is requiring a little rethink before I fully relaunch that – having said that, you can see full-view boxart of M&S at the Olympic Winter Games by going to its archive directly here.

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Sonic Comic Seller Challenged

A Sonic the Comic fan community has recently called to question the honesty of an online trader, offering back issues of the Fleetway publication for various sums of money.

The Sonic the Comic Archive forum was approached on March 2nd by Pete Wilcock, owner of the Comical Games store. While his offer appeared otherwise genuine, an issue over front cover images led to a community-wide inquiry to Wilcock’s honesty.

The images used on the website were in fact scans from the Sonic the Comic Archive (StCA). ‘Hogfather’, co-webmaster of the website, expressed his initial concern: “I was at first impressed, he had all the cover scans of every issue… I had thought he was a long time subscriber to the comic, but then I discarded that when I noticed that he had issues that were “out of stock”… The images of the comics he had on his site were in fact my comics that I own. I could tell this because of the damage on the covers where the free gifts had been removed.Continue reading Sonic Comic Seller Challenged

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Friday Loungin’

Don’t you just love Fridays? Beginning of the weekend (which is always dogged with work for me), all-round good feeling, spring in yer step. For us at TSS, it means we polish off another healthy update for you to get your teeth into.

First off, we have new entries for the TSS Mailbag’s April month. Have a general question, comment on something Sonic or even TSS itself? Or maybe you just wanna chat. Be sure to get in touch, and mark your email subject “Mailbag”. Today’s update discusses Death Eggs, online Sonics, Shadow (again) and a fan of the ol’ Illegitimacy section.

Continue reading Friday Loungin’

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Hooplah! It’s Easter, the time of eating Choccy Eggs… there’s also something vaguely religious about it and all (…NAAAH, the eggs! ;D), but woo. I’m going to be taking a day or so’s holiday for Easter with family (which means no comp access, hooray – be nice while I’m gone guys!), but it wouldn’t be a holiday without a long-overdue update, right? 😉

Well, after all that Shadow the Hedgehog hullabaloozah, you people certainly have been vocal about that. Be it in the SSMB Forums, in the TSS Mailbag or be it submission of Fan Articles. The latter of which will be added next week; we had a couple of Shadow oriented articles submitted, and quite frankly I just want to avoid the thing for the time being P; So next week for the articles. Promise.

Continue reading Happy EASTAAAAAH!

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Sonic Scansday Deluxe: Day 2

Good job we dedicated two days to this bumper Sonic Scansday eh? I promise you you will have the most fun with today’s update – all comic scans related! First off, the Fleetway Comics section has been improved, with Issue 7 and Issue 8‘s scans replaced with TSS’ own high quality scans now. Alongside that, courtesy of regular submitter Robert Frazer, we have two new Fleetway issues too – Issue 20 and Issue 78 are now online for you to read.

Finally, the Manga Comics section is due a bit of a makeover and information reformat, and you can read new Sonic manga at the information page for the SEGA Gag 1P Comic book, that includes Sonic and NiGHTS manga, both of which you can read right now. And that’s not even it yet. An website on the TSS Network returns today, and we know it has it’s fans for it’s innovative…ness. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Click here.

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Sonic Scansday & HUGE Update

First off, the response to the Sonic Scansday has gone, for the most part, pretty well. Remember if you have any magazine adverts, old artwork from comics and mags, comic scans or other print media that can be scanned, be sure to wing them our way. On the back of this, some people who don’t seem to like Sonic can’t understand that if you don’t like Sonic, then you shouldn’t be here. These people’s behaviour is what’s scientifically known as “Being A Dumbarse”. Here are the rewards from this weeks Scansday:

More from Scansday next week. Get your submissions in! Continue reading Sonic Scansday & HUGE Update

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Sonic the Comic’s Richard Elson, Nigel Kitching and More Attending Bristol Comics Con

The UK’s flagship SEGA magazine, Sonic the Comic, might be dead and buried now, but the burning passion for the series lives on amongst fans across the country. And an upcoming comics festival will allow you to meet a large number of the STC creators in person. Continue reading Sonic the Comic’s Richard Elson, Nigel Kitching and More Attending Bristol Comics Con

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Sayonara, Sonic the Comic: Last Issue Out Now on UK Store Shelves

We knew this day was coming, but it now feels all too real – Fleetway has published the very last issue of Sonic the Comic, marking the official end of the UK comic’s eight-year print run.
Continue reading Sayonara, Sonic the Comic: Last Issue Out Now on UK Store Shelves

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Fleetway’s Sonic the Comic #223 Will Be The Last

Sad news for UK Sonic fans. Fleetway’s Sonic the Comic will soon be gone for good, as the publisher is winding down its series of reprints. The comic stopped producing original stories from Issue #185, and Issue #223 will be the final ever issue, according to the company, and will likely be released to shops in December. No word as to whether the final issue will be a reprint or contain a unique Sonic story, but given that there are only six or seven more issues left to go, it could be a reprint of ‘The Evil Empire’.

You had a good run, STC. Farewell!

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