IGN Japan Sonic Superstars Footage Reveals In-Game Look of Fang, New Character, Game Play Details

While we’ve uploaded a significant amount of off-screen snippets of Sonic Superstars, IGN Japan has uploaded an HD quality video containing both acts of one of the game’s levels, “Speed Jungle.” You can find the video here, but we’ve decided to take the time to highlight some interesting details from the video below:

The level has a grappling hook gimmick, which can be activated by hitting a yellow switch floating above it. It is then possible to run up it! There are also some badniks that disguise themselves as ring boxes, and fly when you get close.

Later on in the level, we see a few more gameplay elements. There’s a holographic pulley that the player needs to hold onto while a timer counts down to earn rings. There are four pulley, meaning up to four players can use it at once. We also see a spinning blue portal above a checkpoint post, which likely leads to some sort of bonus stage. Finally, there’s a part of the game level where you can see Tails running in the background. In footage our own Jason Berry took of this level, we saw Sonic running in the background at one point while someone played Amy. So maybe these moments are meant to convey other characters participating in the adventure during single player?

Next up, we see the first of those “ginormous creatures” mentioned in the PR materials: a fat flicky! He appears in a cutscene introducing Speed Jungle’s first mini boss, which utilizes a grappling hook similar to what was used in the level earlier. Sonic must spindash up it in order to hit the boss. Afterwards, the flabby flicky celebrates with Sonic at the end of the level.

Act 2 introduces a new gimmick, where Sonic must use a glowing butterfly to illuminate a darkened area of the level. We also get our first look at Sonic’s edge-of-the-platform animation!

Next up, we get to see how physics work on the games grinding vines! Rather than being automated segments with automatic momentum, or something you can fall through if you lose speed, Sonic will instead simply walk when he loses momentum. This is demonstrated when a frog badnik slows Sonic down and he has to regain his speed to grind again.

The final boss attacks Sonic with a extendo arm that goes through the ground, and missiles. Rather than attack the boss directly, Sonic has to avoid the arm until it eventually strikes the boss on its own, and can also damage the boss by knocking blue missiles into it.

Finally, we got a look at an end level cutscene! We got to see this game’s version of an animal capsule, as well as the in-game models of Fang and a mysterious new character (almost certainly the one that was designed by Naoto Ohshima). Fang and the newbie got a humorous little cutscene that also calls back to a trap utilized by Eggman in the first episode of Sonic Mania Adventures!

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Fang the Sniper Returns in Sonic Superstars, Naoto Ohshima Designing New Character

Well strike us down if the hits just don’t keep on coming with Sonic Superstars! Your eyes don’t deceive you – after a many-year hiatus, everyone’s favourite Wolf/Gerboa is back as an antagonist in the upcoming 2D Classic Sonic game. And this time, it sounds like he has a friend; designed by none other than the original designer of Sonic himself!

Fang the Sniper (or Nack the Weasel, as the character was known in the West during the 1990s) was a sneaky gun-toting foe of Sonic’s that originally appeared in the Game Gear classic, Sonic Triple Trouble. Besides a brief stint in spinoff game Sonic the Fighters, however, the character has not been seen or recognised in the franchise since. So for big Fang fans (like me!), his return as an enemy in Sonic Superstars is super exciting!

You can see him clearly at the end of the Sonic Superstars trailer as he hovers around in his trademark ship, the Marvellous Queen…

But if you’re quick you can also spot him sneaking about at the very start of the trailer too!

What’s more, is that a press release for the game has revealed that original Sonic designer Naoto Ohshima is on board with SEGA and Sonic Team to create a brand new character that Sonic and his friends will have to face. We are taking this to mean that whoever this mysterious new foe is will be teaming up with Fang in some way as well (after all, the Weasel does like to have a contingency plan in place!).

We’ll share more details about Sonic Superstars as we get it!

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10-Inch Fang the Sniper Now Available from GE Entertainment

Here’s hoping they’ll release a Nack the Weasel plush too.

Continue reading 10-Inch Fang the Sniper Now Available from GE Entertainment
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Tangle & Fang Plushies Incoming from Great Eastern Entertainment

The past few years have been something of a golden age for Sonic plushies, with increasingly obscure characters finally getting their own stuffed toys thanks to Great Eastern Entertainment. That trend continues with GEE’s latest plushies: Tangle the Lemur and Fang the Sniper.

Tangle was revealed by GEE on their Twitter just a few moments ago, and is available now on their website for $23.99. The plush is 10 inches tall, and I must say, it looks pretty good:

Tangle is the second IDW character to get a plush, after GEE released Whisper last year. Unfortunately, Whisper is currently sold out on their website, but she will be getting a restock in Q1 2022.

In addition to Tangle, Fang the Sniper also appears to be getting his own plush. Though not officially announced as of this writing, the plush was leaked via Ali Express and confirmed by Sonic Merch News.

Because this is a leak, this is technically a rumor. But GEE itself has more or less confirmed that the leak is real.

Below, we have the tweet from Sonic Merch News, as well as the images from the leak:

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Fang the Sniper or Nack the Weasel? Character Creator TOUMA Explains The Two Names

Depending on which region you grew up in, you might have come to know one of Sonic Triple Trouble’s main antagonists as either Fang the Sniper in Japan or Nack the Weasel in the west. But why the two names? Character creator ‘TOUMA’, explained to fans via twitter this week as to the origin of the two aliases, amongst other bits of character information!

Continue reading Fang the Sniper or Nack the Weasel? Character Creator TOUMA Explains The Two Names
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Concept Sketches of Fang the Sniper Revealed By Former Sega Artist

Shinichi Higashi, also known as TOUMA, has shared some early concept sketches of Sonic Triple Trouble / Sonic the Fighters character Fang the Sniper! Continue reading Concept Sketches of Fang the Sniper Revealed By Former Sega Artist

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Ex-SEGA Employee’s Instagram Account Is A Treasure Trove Of Sonic The Hedgehog History

Ex-SEGA European Product Manager Tony Takoushi has recently created an account on instagram, and has shared an array of incredible images from early 90s Sonic merchandise, to original and development artwork from Sonic the Hedgehog designers.

Continue reading Ex-SEGA Employee’s Instagram Account Is A Treasure Trove Of Sonic The Hedgehog History

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Mistaken Identity: Fang and Bean Are Not What You Think They Are

In the past, I’ve talked about Sonic facts that aren’t true. We’ve seen various reasons for such misinformation to become fact. However, I don’t think we’ve seen such a web of different reasons play out to get to the points we have with these misconceptions.

The misconceptions? We’ve been getting Fang and Bean’s species wrong for decades.

Continue reading Mistaken Identity: Fang and Bean Are Not What You Think They Are

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F4F Asks: Would you buy a Fang the Sniper Statue?

Sonic’s circle of friends and foes has grown huge as of recent, but there’s a cheeky purple weasel who dates all the way back to Sonic Triple Trouble (Or Sonic & Tails 2 if you hail from Japan) who has been long since forgotten by SEGA since Sonic the Fighters. Fang the Sniper (or Nack the Weasel, again, depending where you are from!)  has become a cult fan favourite, particularly it seems, amongst like-minded merchandise hunters!

First 4 Figures, the creators of the Sonic, Super Sonic, Metal Sonic and the upcoming Knuckles statues amongst many other Sonic-themed figurines have posed a question on their facebook page…would you buy a Fang the Sniper / Nack statue? Now while this question is likely purely out of interest, how cool would it be to see this character immortalised in figurine form?

If you’re interested, head over to the facebook group and cast your vote – who knows what might come of registering interest!

I’ll take three – 2 regulars, and a special addition…with a working cork gun and light up Marvelous Queen please!

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A Guide to Sonic Merchandise Part 2: The Fighters Franchise

The Fighters Plush Range.
The Fighters Plush Range.

Although the West seems to be getting its fair share of merchandise nowadays, it wasn’t always that way. Sure, in the early 90’s us Americans and Brits were treated to a whole load of Sonic and Tails plushes, a couple of different comic series and the odd figurine now and again, but once we hit 1995, the widespread interest in Sonic seemed to die off. The West was pushed into Sonic-merch limbo until 1999 when Sonic Adventure came around. This was not the case over in Japan…

Continue reading A Guide to Sonic Merchandise Part 2: The Fighters Franchise

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Unleashed, De-Fanged

No Fang 4 U

After much hype and hearsay about the return of what some deem to be a cult character from the Sonic Universe, it looks like the Hatted Weasel/Wolf character, Fang the Sniper, WILL NOT be appearing in the up-and-coming multi-platform game Sonic Unleashed.

The SEGA Blognik, run and maintained by the ever present ArchAngelUK, made a post earlier afer enquiries had been made with SEGA’s brand manager in regards to the rumours about the return of Fang the Sniper: ” I asked the brand manager directly. The answer was “who’s he?” “.

So unfortunately kids, it looks like we aren’t going to see the return of Fang. Disappointed? Perhaps, perhaps not. On the positive side, the images released from Leipzig looks promising, so hopefully the lack of cork guns won’t ruin what looks to be a promising game.

I seem to have misplaced my DS…if anyone sees it, let me know.

Props to Mr. AAUK for the info!

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TalkPlayStation Speak of ‘Leaked’ Sonic Unleashed Story, Fang

The Leipzig Games Convention takes place tomorrow, and we can expect plenty of fresh information on Sonic Unleashed. According to the TalkPlayStation Blog however, one reader (called ‘Dan’) couldn’t contain his secrets any longer and apparently spilled some massive story-based beans. Among the unsupported claims is talk of Sonic and the Werehog having separate ‘Super’ forms, Tails appearing with the Tornado and something about a Chaos Golem. Here’s TalkPlayStation with some more tidbits:

The returning character is called Fang the Sniper. He’ll be reinvented like the Chaotix were when they were reintroduced in Sonic Heroes. Fang the Sniper is hired to destroy the Werehog with the promise that he can get the Emerals from his dead body. He becomes an occasional rival in three or four boss battles. In their final battle, he reaches the last Emerald before Sonic and has an adverse effect.

Again, there are no official sources confirming this, so don’t go over the top with this newfound information, kids. There’s a chance that reader ‘Dan’ may just be, you know, making it up. But GC’s only tomorrow, so we’ll know soon enough.

Source: Sonic Unleashed Story Leaked – TalkPlayStation

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