Amazon Prime Members in Canada Can Now Save 20% Off Preorders and Newly Released Games

Sonic Mania Collector's Edition

So it’s no great secret that the Canadian dollar has flopped quite a bit over the past decade, with prices on imported goods having seen a major increase in order to make up for the drop in our currency’s worth. Meanwhile, Amazon Prime members in the US of A have enjoyed their exclusive 20% discount on the latest and upcoming hits in gaming while their northern neighbours wondered why they were still subscribed to this service in the first place if no such incentive was available to them.

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Sonic Lost World DLC Not Working in Canada

deadly six edition

UPDATE: SEGA’s RubyEclipse has answered the topic at the SEGA Forums to inform that SEGA is now investigating the problem.

Hi guys,

Thanks for your patience – we’re investigating this now. 🙂

If you’re having the issue and haven’t already, please do send in a ticket to Customer Support so we have you in our records.

Original story:
Sonic Lost World has finally been released in North America today, but it appears the wait hasn’t been completely worth it for those purchasing the Wii U version in Canada specifically. SSMB member XD375 grabbed his copy of the Wii U Deadly Six Bonus Edition today at his local EB Games store, but when he got home and tried to enter his DLC code on the eShop, it wouldn’t work. XD375 reports that his Canadian friends at other forums are also having this problem, as is a Canadian user over at the SEGA Forums.

American residents aren’t reporting any issues, so it appears the problem might be that SEGA has accidentally put codes intended for the American eShop in with the Canadian copies of the game, which don’t work on the Canadian eShop. Worse still, XD375 says his EB Games Store hasn’t received the advertised pre-order bonus DLC either.

XD375 has created a topic in the customer support section of the SEGA Forums, but so far hasn’t received a reply. If we hear anything from SEGA on the matter, we’ll update.

Thanks to XD375 at the SSMB for the heads up!

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Merry Christmas! SEGA Soundtracks Finally Available on iTunes Canada and Australia!

My fellow Canadians, and to my good Australian friends… the dark days are over.


And this is just the tip of the iceberg!

I am pleased and downright tearful to announce that SEGA soundtracks have finally expanded their presence to other iTunes territories! While the US, most European nations, and Japan have gotten each digital soundtrack release as they came, many of us were forced to sit idly by as more and more OSTs just went on by and missed us. As of now, those days have finally come to an end!

Confirmed as of now for Canada and Australia, most – if not all – of SEGA’s expansive repertoire on iTunes can now be purchased! In the mood for Sonic Rush sounds? You can finally get what u need! If you think you’re dreaming (and I don’t blame you), try looking up both NiGHTS into Dreams and NiGHTS: Journey into Dreams – they’re on there! Still can’t understand this concept? Then turn your attention to the tunes of Jet Set Radio and see for yourself!

A complete list of available SEGA OSTs are up after the jump!

Continue reading Merry Christmas! SEGA Soundtracks Finally Available on iTunes Canada and Australia!

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Sonic Colours DS Selling Out Already

The game may not be out for another few weeks, but it appears that Sonic Colours is already performing very well in the sales department, because Toys R Us Canada’s website is now out of stock of the DS version of the game. We checked for the Wii edition, but their website isn’t listing it at the time of this article’s publication. The fact that the game is selling out is good news for SEGA’s sales, but for some fans it may mean having to get those pre-orders in and buy early if they’re looking to nab a copy before Christmas.

Will this sales performance continue with other retailers and other countries? We’ll keep an eye open and report back. Meanwhile, share your thoughts in the comments.

Source: Toys R Us Canada’s website

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Sonic Underground Re-Runs Airing Weekdays on Canadian Television

Canadian fans might want to keep an eye on their television sets this week, because it looks like everyone’s favourite sibling cartoon adventure Sonic Underground has returned for a daily re-run.
Continue reading Sonic Underground Re-Runs Airing Weekdays on Canadian Television

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