It’s been no secret since the very beginning of Lost World’s reveal that Sonic will be squaring off against the Deadly Six – a team of villainous Zeti comprising of Zavok, Zazz, Zomom, Zik, Zeena, and Zor – but up until now we’ve been left wondering… what will the actual fights with them be like?
Well, wonder no more, as you can get a brief glimpse at all of the Deadly Six encounters from the Wii U version in this new Japanese trailer for the game, uploaded by SEGA earlier today. Obviously, it contains spoilers abound for anyone wishing to keep things under wraps until release day!
In an interesting turn of events though, the trailer has since been removed from SEGA’s own account. Credit goes to SSMB user WittyUsername for providing the video used above.
How do you think the boss battles are shaping up so far? Let us know in the comments!
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SEGA has today released fifteen more screenshots of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2. In this latest batch we get a good look at Sylvania Castle Zone and White Park Zone’s boss fights with Dr.Eggman and Metal Sonic respectively. You can check out all of the screenshots in our gallery after the jump.
Continue reading New Sonic 4: Episode 2 Screenshots Show Boss Fights
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A new trailer showcasing the various Bosses and Rivals in the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC version of Sonic Generations has slipped out onto the net. SEGA Europe just uploaded it to their YouTube account and quickly set it to private. But fortunately, YouTube user MaddZekrom999 grabbed it and uploaded it for everyone to see in 720p.
The new video gives us our first look at the Egg Dragoon boss from Sonic Unleashed, as well as our first gameplay footage of Perfect Chaos. We also get to see a peek of another cutscene at the end.
Thanks to Jetronic at the SSMB for the heads up!
Got a news tip? Send it in to thesonicstadium@googlemail.com, shadzter@sonicstadium.org or via Twitter at @Shadzter and we’ll credit you for the find.
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Courtesy of Game Plus Network we have the above new footage of Sonic Colours Wii from E3. The video is of Tropical Resort Zone which we’ve seen before but if you scroll to the 1:57 mark you’ll see the boss fight in action, which until now we’ve only really seen screenshots of. The boss fight is very short at just 3 hits but we’re told by Dusk the Alan Wake Keeper at the SSMB who attended E3 that a SEGA representative informed him that the hit total was kept short just for the E3 demo as a taster and associated cut scenes were also removed from the demo.
Since this is the first boss video it’s as good as time to say this, I was concerned about the boss only being 3 hits too, but a rep at E3 who I asked said the demo stage was edited for E3 to keep it a taste, including lowering the boss hit count (and the seen cut stages). So the final first boss likely won’t be just 3 hits, just they lowered it for the demo.
Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the find!
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This video could possibly be the funniest thing that I have ever seen. Watch as this kid shakes, grooves, and mugs the camera to the Sonic 3 & Knuckles boss music. And no, it’s not actually Tweaker, but it makes it all the funnier that the site says it. Damnit, why is this video so awesome?!
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Welcome to the Fan Spotlight, a segment that shines on creative works in the Sonic community that you should check out.
Over at Sonic Retro, member ColinC10 has made a brand new ROM hack that tests not only your time attacking skills, but your boss killing skills as well. “Robotnik’s Revenge” is a Genesis ROM hack that pits you against every single boss from both Sonic 1 & 2. Back to back, you are presented with these familiar challenges inside the Death Egg, a design reminiscent of the version of the Death Egg found in the “Sonic 2 Long Version” hack. The hack is incredibly addicting, as your previous experience with these bosses leaves you coming back for more if just so happen to die. I died a few times near the end and kept telling myself, “I know that I can beat this game! I’ve done it a thousand times!” Then, I kept playing.
The hack offers a time attack mode (unlimited lives) and a survival mode (with lives). You can play with Sonic or Tails in both modes. Please, give it a play, because it is really cool to see the Sonic 1 bosses implemented into the Sonic 2 engine.
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