eBay Watch: Little-seen Stuff Going Under the Hammer

Our good friend Kevin “ArchangelUK” Eva got up to quite a bit in his time at Sega UK, so it stands to reason he’s got his fair share of rare Sonic merch. Now the former Community Manager is raising funds with a load of his stuff seeing the light of eBay.

Now I’m no merch hog, but most of this stuff I didn’t even know existed, so if you like your collectables, you know what to do.

Continue reading eBay Watch: Little-seen Stuff Going Under the Hammer

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A history of ArchangelUK and The Sonic Show

Someone recently asked my why I picked on Kevin (best known as ArchangelUK) in one of our recent videos, as they found it a bit unfair. What they didn’t realise was that AAUK has been frequently popping up in this little podcast since the very beginning. I view AAUK as the lucky charm of The Sonic Show. Lets not forget that he was the first major Sonic site (Sonic Wrecks) to support the show, long before anyone else did! It’s his promotion that got SCD to see the show and begin its long journey to where it is today. Every so often we always feel it’s important we do a “Kev Kameo” (we spell it with a K intentionally okay?!?!) so while you may have only just noticed, lets take you through his many appearances (with and without his consent) in The Sonic Show’s timeline.


#1 The BIG crossover. 2007.

Back in 2007, The Sonic Show and Radio Redux merged into one big thing! Kevin hosted in his usual style and unsurprisingly The Sonic Show suddenly gained a ton of attention!

#2 The BIG crossdresser. 2008.


Hop along to early 2008 and we have our first “Kev Kameo”. Featured in season 2 of The Sonic Show, we for some reason got very bored.

#3 The BIG stroke. 2009

We managed to catch AAUK for a chat during Summer Of Sonic 2009. Bless him he was completely fucked and the day had only begun (yes it got worse, can you blame him from retiring from organising this thing!) but managed to show such energy for the event in his brief natter. He also sent a message direct to you guys who watched at home through The Sonic Show live stream getting everyone to wave and shout for Crush 40 to come (which worked).

#4 The BIG Afro. 2009


The Sonic Show site went offline for about a month while we did a whole site redo on a new server. In that time the site had one working video, our second “Kev Kameo”, in the form of AfroangelUK getting on the soul train.

#5 The BIG kidnap. 2009

In what is simply a bizarre and disturbing opening sequence to any episode we’ve done, AAUK discusses how much he loves the show. To the point that he will lay a trap and kidnap so he can take over my show. The next shot has me locked in an empty room tied and gagged by him… o_O

#6 The BIG sequel. 2009

We announced we had an exclusive launch trailer on the show. Which we did…. of course it was fake. And it featured our favourite “Kev Kameo”. We imagine this is how he worked at SEGA.

#7 The BIG stroke PART 2. 2010 

We interviewed AAUK the next year for our big Summer Of Sonic blowout. His answer for “How is it going”, pretty much sums up how his “I may collapse and die” metre was at it’s max, even if his charm says otherwise. He must love the fact we come up in his face every year when he’s really busy to ask how busy he is. If you’re reading this Kev, <3 your efforts these 4 years! We will be bothering you on June 25th, sticking a microphone in your face as your being taken out on a stretcher.

#8 The BIG rainbow. 2011

The most recent “Kev Kameo” is the oddest one. If you know Nyan Cat then you know what this is. We stuck it in at the end to see if people watch all the way through. It would appear they did!

So that’s AAUK’s numerous times with the show (that we can recall) forgetting all the mentions of Wrecks on our news segments. Will we continue to do it, yes. Why do we do it, because we <3 him and even though we only shove his face in on average once a year, we feel it’s a stupid nod to what he’s done for us. Well that’s our excuse anyway.

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AAUK Reveals New Sonic Colours Info

After some hands-on time with Sonic Colours, SEGA Europe Community Manager ArchangelUK has revealed 7 new pieces of Sonic Colours information via the Sonic City Blognik today. The information focuses on story, characters and call-backs to Sonic Unleashed. Some teases are also made to news coming in next week, which we’ll be sure to report on as soon as it is revealed.

Here’s the full list of information below:

1) Dr. Eggman has built his park after developing a sense of remorse for his past “indiscretions”. Hmm… a likely story.

2) At one point in an early cutscene Sonic “breaks the fourth wall” and talks directly to the gamer.

3) SA-55, the round red robot also known as “Ergo” by fans who appeared in Sonic Unleashed will return, but slightly more jaded than before. Oh and by the way SA-55 ISN’T his name… his name is actually “Orbot”

4) Orbot also has a counterpart this game… who we’ll be revealing next week.

5) Tails’ “Miles Electric” handheld device that appeared in Sonic Unleashed makes a re-appearance.

6) The boss you have already likely seen from Tropical Resort Dr. Eggman refers to as the “Big Boy”.

7) The curly haired white Wisp is important to the Colours story and its name is…. something you’ll have to tune in next week to find out!

Source: ArchangelUK at the Sonic City Blognik

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AAUK Explains Summer of Sonic Departure

Summer of Sonic co-organiser and webmaster of Sonic Wrecks, Kevin ‘ArchAngelUK’ Eva, has written a heartfelt open letter to the Sonic fanbase explaining his departure from leading the annual convention. Exhaustion, funds and career aspirations are all cited as reasons for the initial announcement on Twitter some weeks ago.

“[The] truth is all these years of being battered and battering myself with endlessly long hours for SOS I’ve just reached a limit and had enough,” writes AAUK in a statement on Sonic Wrecks. As an integral member of SEGA Europe’s Community Team, AAUK’s role in co-organising the Summer of Sonic has been nothing short of an extremely important one, arranging internal budgets and pitching the concept of the event to Brand Managers and other executives in the company.

Such campaigning is starting to bear fruit, as AAUK mentions the sudden interest from key members of SEGA Europe management during the execution of this year’s well-recieved convention. “I think you simply won’t need me by [2012],” AAUK writes, “Some SEGA/Sonic high-ups had actually been in the [2010] venue and already offered much more help than I got this year in securing wonders for you.”

Another reason is the inability to afford the costs of setup. AAUK contributes within the region of £500-1000 of his own money each year into the Summer of Sonic – while other members of the organisation staff also contribute a similar number, since 2008 the contributions AAUK has had to make has resulted in some “real financial headaches… I’m not THAT well off ya know and I’ve a family I need to take care of.

“I kinda hope by then I might’ve moved either onwards or upwards by the time people start thinking of an SOS12,” AAUK continues. “I don’t want to be Sonic Community Manager forever, I actually think I could contribute to the brand higher up.” Following this, he mentions his final and possibly saddest reason for leaving his role behind – the fact that he has simply lost the love for the event.

AAUK stresses that he is not exactly leaving the fanbase – “at least not yet.” Before parting with the announcement of a few final surprises to come for the event, the Community Manager finishes with thanks to “all the Summer Of Sonic staff who’ve helped so magnificently and magnanimously over the years – you’re all awesome sauce incarnate,” along with “all those who’ve come to SOS over the years and hey its not over yet – we’re just reaching the end of this particular chapter.”

Svend ‘Dreadknux’ Joscelyne: Speaking personally, as the creator and co-organiser of the event as well as a personal friend, I know that the Summer of Sonic event would never have become a reality without the knowledge, passion and dedication that AAUK has put into this project over the years. I may be so bold as to say that he is truly unaware of just how much respect and acknowledgement he has earned from everyone in the Sonic community for this convention, and everything he has worked for and achieved besides in his role as Sega Community Manager.

Ultimately his health, happiness and family come before anything else, and I would not have it any other way. He leaves the role knowing that he is directly responsible for helping create an event that touches so many Sonic fans’ hearts today. The Sonic Stadium, the Summer of Sonic attendees and the Sonic community at large salutes you, dude. All the best in your future Sonic (and non-Sonic) related endeavours.

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Big the Cat ASR Concept Art Revealed

You may remember when we informed you about a competition being held at Sonic Wrecks to win some Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing goodies. Site owner and SEGA Europe Community Manager ArchangelUK has now revealed every prize in photo form including the never before seen Big the Cat concept art.

The competition is open for just 2 more days so if you haven’t already taken part then head over to Sonic Wrecks now to get your entry in.

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>UPDATE 2< ArchangelUK Reveals More Info About ASR

UPDATE 2: ArchangelUK has revealed another music track in this post at the SEGA Forums –

I’ll tell you one track thats on there that I’ve not actually revealed yet, thats Crank The Heat Up from Sonic Adventure – that really works racing. Was a really good choice by SUMO.


UPDATE: ArchangelUK has kindly given us some more information via the SSMB, many thanks 😉


The Sonic CD track is indeed Palmtree Panic (Present) – Japanese/Euro version.

As I corrected myself earlier on Wrecks, Wrapped In Black does appear but only the Wrapped In Black end of level jingle.

The instrumental version of E.G.G.M.A.N is also purchasable.

One of the multiplayer modes, Grab, consists of you battling for control of the seven chaos emeralds… VERY addictive.

There are three arenas – the Curien Mansion graveyard, “Seaside Square” and a monkey ball level arena with ramps and a bridge.


After his revelation yesterday regarding 2 pieces of Sonic R music, SEGA Europe community manager ArchangelUK has revealed via his Sonic Wrecks website some juicy new information about Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing he’s discovered in the Xbox 360 version through time spent with the game over the weekend.

Here is a list of 10 of his findings –

•The music also contains a piece from Sonic CD and Sonic Rush tracks also feature… but Wrapped In Black doesn’t. BOOOO!
•Fish Hits plays when Big does his All-Star move.
•Switching difficulty to “Off” removes the AI from a multiplayer game.
•Race distances can be set between one and nine laps in length.
•There IS a reference to Ryo and sailors in the game. You can officially rejoice.
•There is at least one line of dialogue from the announcer when talking about Big that…well… it made me choke on my drink.
•Amigo’s boost is probably the most powerful in the game. It certainly seems to be from off the line.
•There is a very clever way of getting the “no collisions” achievement.
•It is entirely possible to legitimately do the “Wonder Boy” (winning by reversing over the line) achievement.
•You will definitely need to master drift for later Super Monkey Ball levels as they mirror the games a lot. This means lots of 90 and 180 degree turns

Source: Sonic Wrecks

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ASR Leak Source Defiant In SEGA Legal Threat

The blog site that leaked sensitive information about Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing yesterday has now issued a defence of its editorial position, including a personal attack against SEGA Community Manager ArchAngelUK, after receiving a legal message from SEGA to remove its information.

“This [legal threat], from the Sega employee [AAUK] who, in his spare time, runs on his Sonic website a “Depository,” which is chock full of items just begging to be tagged as copyright infringement,” site editor Tristan Bresnen exclaimed on a front page bulletin.

Sonic Wrecks, among sites such as The Sonic Stadium, hosts media obtained through SEGA products, but it is agreed that such use is not damaging to the company’s intellectual property. SEGA may see the leak of confidential information on an unreleased game as a different circumstance.

Bresnen further defended his position, stating that the discovery was not by way of hack but through files that were “already available without restriction” on the official game website. XML files were discovered, at which point the blog used ‘decompilers’ to uncover the information. Bresnen suggested that “Sega let something loose,” which is a bit of an extreme argument given the blog had to actually go out and find it for itself.

TSSZ sparked controversy when it obtained flash code from the official game website and reverse-engineered it to reveal material that had yet to be announced. Such content included new playable characters in the Bonanza Bros. and Opa-Opa from Fantasy Zone. It certainly was controversial when TSS picked up on it, for all of a sudden the subject became taboo.

SEGA is obviously not very pleased with the situation. ArchAngelUK’s letter to the TSSZ blog reads; “I’ve been asked to confirm upon you SEGA’s official request to take down the following posts made about information on SEGA title Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing with immediate effect. The posts below…contain information that puts TSSZ News in breach of SEGA copyright and I am told additional legal issues as well that facilitate this request.”

Bresnen concluded his announcement by suggesting SEGA is responsible for the blog’s actions in the first place. He implies that he had no choice but to sanction a subversive investigation into ASR’s official website, following an interview snub from SEGA with Sumo Digital’s Steve Lycett.

“Were those at Sega Europe better coders and better communicators–instead of those who seemingly can’t be arsed to return an E-Mail until it’s too late–it would have been possible for us to deliver you the information in question, and perhaps more, without subsequent fear and backlash erected from a situation that, again, rests on their shortcomings.”

Damn. This could get ugly, real fast. Remember No Drama ’09, and how it ‘completely failed’? Yeah, you’re looking at why we didn’t suggest a No Drama 10. Awkward.

Source: TSSZ

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SBK Script Up For Grabs In SEGA Europe Competition


UPDATE: In an update at the Sonic City Blognik ArchangelUK informs that the competition is now open to all countries.

SEGA Europe together with entertainment and media news website Digital Spy are offering you the chance to win one of only two copies made of the Japanese Sonic and the Black Knight script. Even better it’s signed by the game’s producer Tetsu Katano. ArchangelUK tells us in his latest Sonic City Blognik entry that he has the other one but with a bit of luck and by answering a simple competition question you could be the lucky owner of the second one. Three runners-up will get a Sonic and the Black Knight inflatable sword and a SEGA vinyl sticker. Entries are to be one per household and are to be in by Friday, April 10, 2009 at midday.

You can check out the question and full competition details at Digital Spy’s website.

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Sonic City Relaunching?

ArchangelUK is up to his old tricks again over at the Sonic City Blognik, he has posted a new entry with a question mark and a small square piece of an image. If anyone remembers, AAUK did this when he launched the European official Sonic site Sonic City last time before it went down. Could the site be re-launching again at long last or could this be something else?

Here’s an interesting message from AAUK in comment 5 of this blog entry –

Awww. I bet we’ll have to wait for another week.
AAUK Sez: Who knows how long… but the fact is it is coming and coming along fast. Assuming it is what you think it is!


Discuss and place your guesses over in the SSMB topic.

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SatBK Art Competition – Europe Entries Borked, Contest Restart

ArchangelUK of Sega Europe community staff has updated the Sonic City Blognik with an important update regarding the European side of the Sonic and the Black Knight art contest.




Now, due to the issues with this and also the looooong delay in the other language sites going online we’ve managed to get the the closing date for European/Australian entries ONLY put back til Friday September 26th.


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Black Knight Art Competition Update

Firstly, Sega Europe have captured ArchangelUK and dragged him back to Sega Europe’s London HQ and we at TSS welcome him back with open arms (and hands, where’s our presents? lol). Seriously though, welcome back to Mr.AAUK, we hope you enjoyed your trip.

To the headline in question, AAUK has updated the Sonic City Blognik with some updates regarding the Sonic and the Black Knight art competition.

Q: Can I enter? I live in (Country).
A: Because of the way the Terms & Conditions had to be it wasn’t really possible to have EVERY country listed and have individual terms for them. So please take whatever the terms and conditions for whatever language you can read and simply assume any instance of (country name) being your country.

So basically if you live in *deep breath* Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom which are the formally recognised European Union members as well as Australia (which comes under SEGA Europe bizarrely), Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, and should His Holiness wish to enter even Vatican City.

You will need to send your entry to the same place as everyone else! PLEASE check out the Sonic & The Black Knight page for details of this and the information you need to include as this is vital. The deadline is still September 19th at this time so you will need to hurry.

Q: Why does the US version of the site say you can include more characters?
A: I have absolutely no idea. I suspect it just wasn’t updated. For the record you can draw Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Amy, Shadow, Blaze and other characters (or any combination of one or more of them together) in your favorite scene from your favorite Sonic game. They must be Sonic characters, no fan characters or other series – showing Sonic punching Master Chief in the face might be fun, but won’t get in the game.

So, with all queries, problems and issues laid to rest, get those pictures in, you have but 4 days European arteests.

Sonic City Blognik update

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European Sonic and the Black Knight art contest site up

ArchangelUK over at the Sonic City Blognik and Martin The Fat Ninja at the Sega Europe blogs have updated with news regarding the Sonic and the Black Knight art contest that went live in the U.S. last week. The European site is now up and taking entries and it looks like every region will be getting it’s top piece of art in Sonic and the Black Knight’s Special Book. You can’t say fairer than that.

European’s can check out the rules and details for submitting your art at the contest’s site here.

U.S. site is here; ArchangelUK’s Sonic City Blog is here; Martin’s blog is here

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