TSS Wants Your Sonic Holiday Cheer!

sonic2-thumbIt’s December 1st and that means that the 25 days of Christmas has begun.  As usual, we here at TSS will be providing all sorts of Sonic-related holiday features throughout the month, but we also want to showcase the creations of our visitors.

If you build a Sonic snowman, draw some Sonic Christmas art, bake some Sonic cookies, or hang some Sonic ornaments on your Sonic Christmas tree, we want you to take some pictures and send them to us!  Pending on the amount of content that we get from you, our readers, we will be regularly featuring your holiday spirit!  Of course, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, and other holiday items are welcome as well!

Send us all of your Sonic holiday creations by using the e-mail address provided at right (thesonicstadium AT gmail DOT com), which is where you can also send us news tips and community stories for us to publish.

Many thanks and let’s have a great December, guys!

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Sonic Chaos Artwork Page Restored

As you can probably tell, we’re having a bit of an Artwork revival session at the moment. Here’s a restoration of all the images from TSS for Sonic Chaos’ official artwork.

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Sonic CD Artwork Page Restored

See some of the awesome Sonic the Hedgehog CD artwork in a restoration of TSS’ archive of images.

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Sonic Blast Artwork Page Restored

Not many here, we know, but still. Sonic Blast had some artwork, and it’s with some excitement that we relaunch our old archive of artwork on TSS today.

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Sonic Battle Artwork Page Restored

Check out the boldly-outlined artwork of Sonic Battle, now restored on The Sonic Stadium.

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Sonic Advance 2 Artwork Page Restored

Take a trip down memory lane with the re-addition of TSS’ Sonic Advance 2 Art section.

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Get In Touch With The Sonic Stadium

043Hey guys! My new job is somewhat stopping me from doing huge updates to the site unfortunately, so sorry about that. But the awesome efforts from T-Bird, Brad, Shadz, Paul and nuckles87 are hopefully all providing you with the news and Sonic info you need. But we’re always looking for stuff to write about. We love Sonic as much as you do, so if you have anything you want us to talk about – be it a news tip that we haven’t covered yet, your fan project or anything else Sonic related – give us a buzz via our Contact page.

Speaking of which, I’ve fixed it up a bit. People have been wanting to come to us to submit their Sonic news, info or community projects, and it’s been a bit confusing how to go about it. I’ve taken the liberty to fix that for you. There’s a direct link to our email address – thesonicstadium@gmail.com – on the sidebar and the Contact Us page has been edited to display it as well.

Please do get in touch if you have something Sonic-related that we can chat about on The Sonic Stadium. Of course, I’ve still included TSS Staff emails in the Contact page, just in case you want to email a specific staffer of your news.

Also, if you want to let us know about your Sonic fansite, then give us a buzz! We want to start a weekly (or otherwise regular) section writing about and getting exposure for all the fansites in the Community. We’re also looking to bringing back the TSS Banner Rotation service soon, exclusively for fansites and other non-commercial websites alike. So there will be more ways for your site to be recognised by the community. Continue reading Get In Touch With The Sonic Stadium

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Project24 Live Broadcast Is Go!

BlitzChris’ brainchild, Project24 is playing right now on SEGASonic Radio. That’s 24 straight hours of our in-house SSR DJs doing their thing live, all the way until midnight GMT tonight.

If you’re not listening and getting your chat on, WHY NOT?

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Win a signed copy of Jun Senoue’s The Works on Project 24!

signed works

Yup! Be sure to tune into the 24-hour radio livecast on SEGASonic:Radio on Sunday to have a chance of winning yourself a very snazzy CD!

Continue reading Win a signed copy of Jun Senoue’s The Works on Project 24!

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Jun Senoue’s The Works Added To Soundtracks Section

Learn more about the recently released compilation album from Jun Senoue in the Music Soundtracks section.

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Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Videos Archive Added

We’ve restored the Videos Archive for Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Gasp in wonder at the underground travelling television! Laugh at the Japanese-English phrase “Welcome to Sonic Land”! Learn new things as you discover that the plastic case really can fit into any tackle box.

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Still Time To Vote In The Sonic Site Awards 2009!

With nearly 1,300 individual votes for this year’s Sonic Site Awards event, it’s providing exciting results! If you have not taken the time to visit the sites nominated and cast your vote, you still have time to do so – you have until the 6th December 2009!

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Wii Screenshots Added To All-Stars Racing

Slowly updating the Sonic and SEGA All-Stars Racing Screenshots page by adding 4 Wii version screengrabs. When you click on the screen to see in full-size, the caption will clearly explain if it is a Wii screenshot or not.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

4 Sonic the Hedgehog Videos Added

As part of the site’s rebuilding of the Videos section, we’ve brought back all of the movie files we kept a hold of from yesteryear. Two gameplay videos – including an awesome tool-assisted speedrun – and two TV commercials line up the archive for the original Sonic the Hedgehog.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing: Hallowe’en Trailer

A spooky trailer that was released especially for Hallowe’en. Reveals some Curien Mansion stuff and zombie gameplay. Download the video from the direct link or watch it via the Youtube link.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Video Section Returns

You might have noticed that it’s a bit of a lull period for Sonic news and fresh information at the moment. Certainly, the side-effect is somewhat adverse for some. But rather than flap our gums, we’re knuckling down during this silent season and beefing up TSS’ resources. This morning (before work, natch – I’m actually working right now, I time-locked this post so it will publish at now rather than two hours ago – great huh) I have managed to re-open our Videos section! Now that’s useful!

Only thing is, there’s literally one video in there at the moment – Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing’s Hallowe’en Trailer. You can still download it by heading to the links on the sidebar, then going to the particular game section. Or you can simply watch it on Youtube, if downloading’s not entirely your thing.

I plan on doing this with the huge backlog of videos I have round here – I’ve started to think that there’s so many little things I can add to the site, that doing a huge whopping site post for them all every time I add a new vid isn’t going to be efficient for us, or you who want to read an array of different content on the front page. So I’m working on an ‘updates’ ticker of sorts. It’ll essentially be a quicklist of new content we’ve added, linking to the relevant page. I’ll probably slap it in the sidebar, and give it its own RSS feed too so those who want to know every little detail can sign up. How does that sound?

In the meantime, enjoy the video/incoming videos, and I’ll have more content ready. Likely during my lunch break. Am I good to you or what?

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

The Countdown to Project 24 – A Day of Music and Prizes!


With only 10 days to go until Project 24 kicks in, it’s about time we showed off just some of the reasons you should tune in!

Project 24 is an all-day radio livecast on SEGASonic:Radio, the Sonic Stadium‘s much-loved radio channel with 24/7 music and shows hosted by a swarm of SSR DJs, taking place from 0:00GMT on Sunday the 15th of November and continuing until Midnight the next day! Spearheading the organisation of the project is resident SS:R DJ and Sonic Remix Expert BlitzChris, who has painstakingly promoted the event and even ressurrected some DJs from the bygone days of the SS:R airwaves such as Hawkz and Iceman to brush off the dust on the headset and to take to their shows once more! Also joining the ranks during the day are TSS Staff writer and fangirl heart-throb Slingerland,  Scottish random-rambler JayZeach, a delicious slice of Speedknux Pie,  the husband-wife antics of AAUK and EchoHawk on Radio Redux and the all-too hillarious flagship show The Sonic Hour with our hosts Dreadknux and Roareye…just to mention a few! Even I will be cracking out a collection of my favourite face-melters and metal monsters for a T-TIME! special!


Not only do you have a whole day of back-to-back tunes, requests, programming and chat on the Sonic Stadium IRC,  there will be a huge hoard of prizes to be won during the day including T-Shirts, Sonic Unleashed Beachballs, SEGA Superstars Tennis branded controllers and Smash Brothers Prima Guides. Because this simply is not enough, we’ve even got a signed copy of Jun Senoue’s new album “The Works” to giveaway, yes, GIVE, to one of you lucky hedgehogs or hedgehogettes, complete with Sonic Adventure 2 stickers and an official Jun Senoue guitar pick, used by the man himself! How do you win this you ask? Well…we’ll have more details of that next week! All I can say is, keep Sunday the 15th of November free in your diary! (Props to Roarz for the awesome artwork!).

signed works

Check out more Project 24 details on the Project 24 forum thread!

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Sonic Site Awards Phase II Is Go!

About time, I hear you moan. Alright alright, shut up, I’ve had a busy week of it. 😛 Anyway, as you can probably tell by the title of this update, the second phase of this year’s Sonic Site Awards is now OPEN! Click here to be taken straight to the voting page. We had a hell of a lot of submissions this year, so thank you for all of your interest – unfortunately only five nominees can be considered worthy of the title for each category, so apologies if you didn’t get through – it just means you have everything to work for in next year’s contest!

You have until the end of play 6th December 2009 to cast your vote. Can I be a bit of a penis and politely ask everyone to at least visit all of the nominations for each category? These guys have put their back into making their websites and this event is all about awarding great work that might not get seen for all the TSS’ and Sonic Retro’s out there. Take the time to click the links, surf about, see what each site’s like, and contact the webmasters and let ’em know your thoughts if you like. This community is all about sharing, and if we can’t share just a moment of our time what’s the point of it all?

The winners, in traditional SSA fashion, won’t be revealed until a special Awards broadcast that takes place on SEGASonic Radio. That means you won’t even know who’s winning at the moment until the big day. It’s all a mystery! Suspense! Drama (the good kind)! Intrigue! It’s fun, isn’t it?

Good luck to our nominees!

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Hallowe’en Pumpkin Stencils Return!

werehog-bigIt’s back, with a vengeance… and this time, it wants your blood! Or something. Yes, the awesome Hallowe’en pumpkin stencils we offered last year are back, and now they’re permanently archived in a new section in the Media section over on the sidebar. Click on ‘Other Downloads’ and you’ll be taken to a page where our miscellaneous content will go, as and when we get it.

Rally the Cheetah lovingly made these so you can create your own Sonic pumpkins at home! And there’s still a day left to go to prepare, so what perfect timing!

New additions have arrived if you don’t fancy doing the same carvings as last year though, with Silver and an incredible Sonic the Werehog stencil for those looking for a challenge. You’ll need a hell of a pumpkin for the Werehog one, but doesn’t it look badass? Most appropriate for the season, don’t you think?

You can find a direct link to the Hallowe’en Pumpkin stencils here, if you don’t fancy going through that extra click, you lazy git, you. Be sure to write about your own Sonic-themed pumpkin/Hallowe’en stories in the comments box, and from me and everyone at TSS, have a ghoulish weekend!

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Sweepstakes: The Winners

Thanks to everyone who tuned in to TSS’ Birthday special on The Sonic Hour. We ended up with a great show with some good atmosphere in the chatroom. You didn’t have to tune in to SSR to know who won, though; I have the list right here. Congratulations to the following peeps, in no particular order:

  • SKrown – Sonic Rivals 2 on PSP
  • Reyn LeBeau – Mario and Sonic Super Pack (courtesy of SEGA)
  • Chelsea Noke – Sonic Car Sticker
  • John Elliot – Signed Archie #195
  • Tony Mattingly – Homemade CD Clock
  • Alex Smith – UniQlo Sonic Adventure ‘Hands’ T-Shirt
  • Ellie Finch – Sonic Jam (Japanese Version) for Sega Saturn
  • Angel C – Sonic & Knuckles Collection on PC
  • Ryan Nurse – Sonic Archives Vol. 1
  • Amelia Hansson – Sonic X Book
  • Jag Singh – Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog VHS
  • Yannick Daly – SONIC PANTSU

Unlucky to those who didn’t win anything, but that’s the luck of the draw! And double-unlucky to poor Yannick, who won our fabulous booby prize of a boy’s (4-5 years) size of white pants featuring a picture of Sonic on the front. Hopefully you won’t be too disturbed by the arrival of the prize.

The rowdy crowd in the chatroom were so nutty that they ordered us to give away the bags in which we contained the prize and entrant names in. These bags were nothing special – a plastic Forbidden Planet bag and a clear T-Shirt shrink wrap. Anders Muskens won the former and Zacharie Palmer won the latter, FYI – but only if you guys really want it. You know, honestly, what could you do with a piece of plastic rubbish?

The Sonic Hour Episode 506: “Super Sonic Underpants” will be added to the podcast in little over 10/20 minutes. Nominees for the Sonic Site Awards 2009 will appear later tonight, along with the opening of entry polls for you to begin your voting!

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And TSS Birthday Sweepstakes Entries Cease! [Update]

One of our contests, as mentioned a few days ago, will be the random lucky dip that we’ll be featuring on SEGASonic Radio tomorrow night. Please do not email us with your details – I won’t be able to find time to put your names in the special ‘hat’ we have here. Good luck to all our entrants; winners (and the prize they will get) will be randomly plucked out of a hat so the handing of goodies is completely fair. There will be only one prize per winner. Here’s a shortlist of what you can win;

  • A Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games ‘Super Pack’, courtesy of SEGA Europe
  • UniQlo Sonic Adventure ‘Hands’ T-Shirt, Blue
  • Archie Sonic the Hedgehog #195, signed by Matt Herms
  • Sonic Rivals 2 on PSP
  • Sonic & Knuckles Collection on PC
  • Japanese copy of Sonic Jam on Sega Saturn
  • Sonic the Hedgehog Archives, Vol. 1
  • Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog VHS
  • Classic Sonic Car Sticker
  • A Sonic X Children’s Book
  • A Crappy Homemade CD Wall Clock
  • White, Homemade Sonic Heroes ‘branded’ underpants, Ages 4-5

Basically, you want the good prizes and not the crappy ones. 😉 Listen to SEGASonic Radio’s The Sonic Hour at 7pm GMT tomorrow night (click the green button at the top of the page there) and then join in the IRC Chatroom (click the ‘Chat’ link at the top of the page) and chat about the show’s happenings with friends live. Remember that in the UK (where the show will be broadcast), the clocks go back one hour so for many places around the world please take that into consideration. If you’re ever confused as to what time it is for us, click here and look under the “London” section. See you then!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Happy Birthday to TSS!


Happy Birthday to us! The Sonic Stadium was launched on this day, nine long years ago. Originally a place I created while at school to just write about my favourite game series, this place quickly became one of the most popular places to go to online. Over its long history, this site has had countless firsts, loads of exclusives, official recognition from SEGA, and been the cause of many legendary community initiatives, with the most recent being the Summer of Sonic convention.

While it’s true that we have led the way in many ways regarding Sonic site communities and approaches to design and philosophies, the real success story is in the many Sonic fans that come to TSS to enjoy what we have to say in one weird way or another. You, the visitors, are what truly make TSS great and I want to thank you so much for giving me the encouragement to stick with it for nine years. Continue reading Happy Birthday to TSS!

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Mario & Sonic T-Shirt Competition CLOSED: We Have A Winner

M&S2 T-Shirt competition

Our Mario & Sonic Pre-Order T-Shirt Competition is now CLOSED.

The question we asked was –

Where are the 2010 Olympic Winter Games being held?
A: Antarctica
B: Beijing
C: Vancouver

The correct answer was of course C: Vancouver, we had 27 entries altogether of which were all correct answers.

Now my lovely assistant, I mean wife has just blindly picked one of your names randomly out of a shoebox.
Our winner is….

* Drumroll*

Emma Butler AKA Angel The Hedgehog

The Mario & Sonic T-shirt is yours, we will contact your for a delivery address and it will be sent your way in a Sonic second providing there’s no Royal Mail strikes in the way.


The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

TSS’ Birthday Sweepstakes

To celebrate our 9th birthday that’s coming up soon, we have a few prizes in store for you. At the moment, you can enter for our awesome Mario & Sonic Pre-order T-Shirt Competition, and today I’m announcing the TSS Birthday Sweepstakes. Basically, I’ve been trawling the Internets to find the most exquisite things to give away. I’ve not got a complete list of stuff to hand out yet, but the list includes

  • UniQlo Sonic Adventure ‘hands’ T-Shirt (Blue, very rare)
  • Matt Herms’ signed Archie Sonic the Hedgehog #195
  • Sonic the Hedgehog Car Sticker (rare 1990s, classic style)
  • Sonic X Book
  • Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog VHS
  • Sonic games (random, new and old)

And many more besides, including a prize from SEGA too. Ooooh. So, because it’s a veritable mish-mash of stuff, we’re going to give away one prize to one winner! Making many winners instead of just one! How can you have a chance to get your hands on one of these fabulous prizes?

Simply email your name, email address and mailing address to [contest now closed to new entries]. That’s it, but you MUST include those three details. Then, on Sunday, 6pm GMT listen in to The Sonic Hour, where myself and Roareye Black put all your names into a hat and pick out a winner for each prize. Click here to listen to SegaSonic Radio while TSH is on, and click here to sit in the IRC Chatroom while we’re on air and have some fun.

By the way; we have a few small/bunk prizes to give away too – just to make it more fun! Including this very nice pair of Sonic Heroes ‘branded’ pants, for ages 4-5. Will you win the awesome UniQlo T-Shirt? Will you win the SEGA prize? Or will you win a pair of grey homemade kid’s pants? The suspense! The fun!

Update: The contest is open to anyone (anywhere in the world, but it’ll help if you live near me! ;)) and it’s not required to listen to The Sonic Hour, we will email you after the show to let you know you’ve won something regardless. It’s just fun to hear the results played out live, is all.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

TSS Turns 9 Years Old This Saturday

How time flies. This website, born from my unhealthy obsession for Sonic the Hedgehog and eagerness to write whatever crap popped into my head, will soon turn 9 years old. On the 24th October I’ll have a surprise or two for you. Do stick around. In the meantime, we’ll be having a good few (proper!) updates to the information pages and content areas here during the run up. So, enjoy TSS’ birthday week (for what it is right now). 🙂

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

NOW CLOSED: Mario & Sonic T-Shirt Competition

M&S2 T-Shirt competition

Remember that exclusive Mario & Sonic t-shirt HMV gave away with pre-orders of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games? Well if you missed out on the offer then your in luck because we have one to give away to celebrate todays UK release of the game. The t-shirt is a size small, in brand new condition and never been worn.

What’s the catch you say? Well all we want to know is:
Where are the 2010 Olympic Winter Games being held?
A: Antarctica
B: Beijing
C: Vancouver

Send your name and answer in to shadzter@sonicstadium.org, all correct entries will be put into one of T-Birds many hats and picked out at random. Closing date for entries is Friday 23rd October 9pm. Entry is open to UK residents only. All ages are welcome to enter.

The winner will be announced on TSS Saturday 24th October and then contacted to claim their prize.

Good luck everyone!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games Hits Today


Just got both DS and Wii versions of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games for review – which incidentally, happen to be available for purchase today too! The last Mario and Sonic game was rather fun, despite not being exactly the result we all wanted from a franchise clash like this. From what we’ve played over the last few months, things are much improved over 2007’s effort, so I’m going to spend some time on this over the weekend. I’m going to a wedding tomorrow so the DS version is likely to get more playtime for the time being. Either way, a TSS review will be inbound for both versions soon.

Anyone getting the game today? Weekend? Never? What characters are making you excited right now? I know Roareye will want to (constantly) play as Waluigi. Myself, I’m psyched to play as Metal Sonic. Anyone have a particular favourite from the lineup?

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Virtual Summer of Sonic Competition: We Have A Winner!


A few weeks back we set you cretins the question of “If you were put in charge of Summer of Sonic ‘10, what would you do?” in order to bag yourself a signed copy of the ultra-rare “Virtual Sonic” album signed by Howard Drossin himself! Our inbox rapidly filled with entries, both cruel and unusual, but as always there can only be one winner!

Continue reading Virtual Summer of Sonic Competition: We Have A Winner!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Download Summer of Sonic 09’s “They Call Me Sonic” Mix

tcmlolicWith Summer of Sonic 2009 all wrapped up and way past awesome for all involved, we’re starting to crack out some great downloads for people to keep as memories – or to entertain those who couldn’t attend the convention this year. As it happens, Bentley Jones returned after last year’s performance and gave an exclusive Sonic-themed song. Last year he did a special mix of “In His World”. 2009’s piece?

They Call Me Sonic.

Yep. I wasn’t kidding. They Call Me Sonic. As Bentley took the stage to sing it live, he jokingly mentioned how ‘serious’ this song is and how meaningful it is for Sonic fans around the world. Damn straight, it is. Maybe next year we can get someone to do a cover of Wonderman.

You can download the Studio version of Bentley Jones’ “They Call Me Sonic – Furry Tails Enhanced Parody Mix” (AAUK named it that, by the way) right here on TSS. Watch it on Youtube (because nothing says music download better than a video website obviously) via Sonic Wrecks’ page, then get it via the link below:

Bentley Jones – They Call Me Sonic (Furry Tails Enhanced Parody Mix) – 4.3MB
Download from TSS’ Media Server

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

“Virtual Summer of Sonic” Competition – Win A Signed Copy of Virtual Sonic!

SOS09-LOGO-WITH-DATE1Because we simply can’t give away enough stuff to you ravenous Sonic fans, there’s one last chance to snag yourself a really nice piece of Sonic history for your collection! The legendary Sonic composer Howard Drossin has given us a Signed copy of the “Virtual Sonic” album for one of you lucky people to win in our competition!

Continue reading “Virtual Summer of Sonic” Competition – Win A Signed Copy of Virtual Sonic!

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

The Road to Summer of Sonic – Only Two Days to Go!

SOS09-LOGO-WITH-DATEMy bags are packed, I’m checked in online for my flight, and I tell you what – SoS fever is just about to kick in!

Everything is finally beginning to come together – Dreadknux, AAUK, Urtheart and many other staffers have been working tirelessly to bring everything together for the big day on Saturday; it is definitely shaping up to be a very busy day indeed! The stage schedule is packed – there’s just enough time to move things around in between the events going on there, and that is the tip of the iceberg; there will be a whole host of activities and contests going on throughout the day – some of which you know about, and some of which will be surprises!

For those of you turning up ultra-early in the morning due to whatever means of transport you are taking to the event, serial deviantartist Elson “Darkspeeds” Wong will be hanging around nearby – check out his plans on his deviant art account.

If you’re wondering what the special gift is – check out the Summer of Sonic website – yes, it’s a rather nifty artbook full of artwork old and new, of high quality, and surely something very special! There are a very limited number of them, so ticket holders, be sure to get there early to nab yourself one!

If you really can’t wait for SoS, and you want to tell everyone about how excited you are, what you’re going to be wearing (maybe you’re competiting in the cosplay contest?), or just generally want to gab about the event, head on over to the SSMB and join the chat there! Can’t be there in person? Then watch the live feed over at the Sonic Show site thanks to the amazing powers of Discoponies!

Right, I’m off to get my beauty sleep before my long day of travel down to London tomorrow – See you all on Saturday!


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The Road To The Summer of Sonic – 17 Days To Go

It’s almost time for the return of the world’s first Sonic the Hedgehog convention. And I am positively excited about the whole affair. Excited and nervous, actually. Who would have thought that an idea formed in my little head several years ago would actually become one of the most talked about events on the Sonic fan calendar? Not me for starters.

Thanks to the growing relationship I have with Sega Europe, which first began in 2005 when we ran Shadow Week, myself and a group of TSS staff and SSMB community members worked together with Sega to make the first true, real-life Sonic gathering. And it was really awesome. SoS 2008 couldn’t have gone better for a bunch of first-timers who never had any prior experience to hosting such an event.

Fast forward to 2009 and already SoS has grown exponentially. Sega are more heavily involved in the process; we have a budget rather than paying for a tiny hall out of a pool of community money; the success of last year’s event gives us some clout in inviting more special guests over… I haven’t had a second to really stop and think about it all this year, but given a chance this morning it’s really hit me how big and successful this thing is.

Of course, the additional luxuries mean additional pressures – we have a 500-strong space in the form of the Truman Brewery this time around, with a nice outdoor area, public parking, easy access and even a balcony (which I’m so using as a Command Deck! Watch me act like a pirate overseeing the sea of Sonic fans on the day!). But, seemingly endless amount of red tape are associated with actually hiring the space, because of the fact that it’s a proper professional venue rather than Dragon Hall’s cool and cosy community hall.

Continue reading The Road To The Summer of Sonic – 17 Days To Go

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Thank You, SAGE 09 Visitors!

Another SAGE has come and gone.  We thank all of those who took the time and visited the one and only online Sonic expo, celebrating the works of some of the most dedicated Sonic fans out there.  InstantSonic and KTZ, the show’s directors, would like to extend a big thank you to everybody involved in making this show a big success.  From the fangamers, to the SAGEcasters, to the special guests, and the visitors, this SAGE wouldn’t have gone off so well without you.  It was a great time to be in the community and a whole lot of fun.

See us again next year at SAGE 15!

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Sonic Amateur Games Expo 2009 Now Open!

sage_inviteThe 2009 Sonic Amateur Games Expo is celebrating its 14th showing and does not disappoint yet again with 40+ fangames for you to play.  InstantSonic, KTZ, and the members of Sonic Fan Games HQ have been working for months to put this annual event on for all of you, so head on over there and have some fun!

Aside from the fangames, there are many cool events to check out.  The SAGE chat room is always happenin’ and ridiculous.  An awesome chat client is provided on the site, but can be accessed through programs like mIRC (irc.rizon.net, #sagexpo).  In the chat room, you will be able to talk to Mike Pollock, the voice of Doctor Eggman, and Tom Payne, the level artist for Sonic 2.  Check the “Events” tab to see when they pop in the chat room.

Also, the ever-entertaining SAGEcasts are broadcast from a flash player on the site.  Sonic community members from all over will be broadcasting their music, thoughts, and sketches throughout the week.

The biggest online Sonic community event is waiting for you to come on over and enjoy yourself!  It runs from July 25th through the 31st.


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