Comic Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #288

We’re going back to the past for the newest comic arc!

The preview for Sonic the Hedgehog #288 has been released, and it continues the 25th anniversary throwback of Mega Drive and the Next Level with the start of a four-month classic-based arc! Relive the very origins of the franchise when this month’s issue takes a look back at the events of Sonic 1, with a little comic flavour sprinkled on.

Continue reading Comic Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #288

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Preview: Sonic Universe #71

There’s danger lurking in your gadgets for this Christmas time.


The initial spark has been lit for Sonic Universe #71 to kick off its new tale, and Comic Book Resources has a preview of it. When Nicole is suddenly summoned to the digital world, Tails, Sally and Big head to Isolated Island to get the low-down. Meeting with one Dr Ellidy, he appears to have quite a connection to Sally and Nicole’s lives. But they’re not there for tea and biscuits; there are monsters afoot, perhaps more than they anticipated, and one in particular seems to have its eyes on the AI Lynx. This is “Spark of Life”: part 1;

STORY BY: Ian Flynn, Aleah Baker
ART BY: Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash
COLORS BY: Matt Herms
LETTERS BY: Jack Morelli
COVER BY: Tracy Yardley, Ben Hunzeker, Rafa Knight
PUBLISHER: Archie Comics
RELEASE DATE: Wed, December 24th, 2014
ALL-NEW STORY ARC! “Spark of Life” Part One: Nicole detects a distress signal from the Digital World—but how can that be if nobody is supposed to know about the Digital World?! Sally, Tails and Big must travel to Isolated Island to answer the call for help! Who is Dr. Ellidy? And in what way does he link the lives of Sally and Nicole? Featuring a stunning new cover by Tracy Yardley and “Web Lynx” Variant cover art by rising Sonic star Rafa Knight!

Sonic Universe #71 came out on Christmas Eve. With the presents and the turkey out of the way, now would be a great time to pick it up if you were too busy preparing for the big day!

Source: Comic Book Resources

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Solicitations for Sonic the Hedgehog #271, Sonic Universe #74, Sonic Boom #6 and More

I don’t know if there will be saints with this particular band of March.

To send off the last few days of 2014, it’s time to look at Atchie updates that have come throughout December. For today, we have solicitations for March/April courtesy of Arcade Sushi. First off, the Blue Blur and Rad Red are facing off for the final round in Sonic the Hedghehog #271, and the prize is a Chaos Emerald and the world’s safety. But with several baddies also around for a scrap, this probably isn’t going to be a fair in “Champions”: part 4;


Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Diana Skelly, Terry Austin, John Workman and Gabriel Cassata
Cover: Tracy Yardley, Terry Austin and Ben Hunzeker
Arcade Variant: RAFA KNIGHT
Grab a front row seat for the finale to the brawl-iest, punch-iest, contest-iest Sonic comic saga yet! “Champions” Part Four: It’s the battle you’ve all been waiting for (again!): Sonic versus Knuckles—for the title and the Chaos Emerald! The old rivalry blazes to life as the True Blue and Rad Red throw down for glory—and for the fate of the entire world! But with the vengeful Hooligans waiting in the shadows, and Metal Sonic en route, will they even get to finish their fight, or will their foes beat them to the punch? Featuring new cover art from Sonic art legend Tracy Yardley and a super-special new ARCADE VARIANT by the latest Sonic art superstar RAFA KNIGHT!
Ship Date: 3/25
On Sale Date: 4/8
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.

Another Sonic story is reaching its final level in Sonic Universe #74. With Phage still at large and dangerous, Tails and Big still under assault from mooks, and Nicole’s artificial life on the line, the weight of the situation falls on Sally to save the day, but what cost will that bring? Find out in “Spark of Life”: part 4;


Script: Aleah Baker
Art: Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash, Jack Morelli and Matt Herms
Cover: Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash and Ben Hunzeker
TAILS Variant cover art provided by SEGA
The final showdown for the fate of the digital realm is HERE! “Spark of Life” Part Four: It’s pandemonium aplenty in this conclusion to the stunning “Spark of Life” story arc! Who, or what, is Phage? Introductions aren’t necessary—she’s creating havoc for our heroes anyway! Tails and Big—menaced by badniks and Dark Gaia Monsters alike! A Chaos Emerald—about to fall into enemy hands! Nicole—on the brink of deletion! Will Sally sacrifice it all to save her friends and the world? Only the dramatic conclusion to SPARK OF LIFE can tell! Featuring cover art from Sonic comic artist extraordinaire Tracy Yardley, and a special SEGA-art TAILS variant cover!
Ship Date: 3/4
On Sale Date: 3/18
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.

Next in Sonic Boom #6, we go karting with Eggman as he sponsors a race around the island. The rules are simple and fair, but rules are made to be broken, especially when there’s probably an evil plot to break! Ponder if there really will be Sonic R references in the story in “Everybody’s Super Sonic Racing”: part 1;


Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Ryan Jampole, Jennifer Hernandez, Rick Bryant, Jack Morelli and Matt Herms
Cover: Tracy Yardley and Matt Herms
BOOM-CREW Variant cover art provided by Sega
What…What is that sound? No, really—what on earth is that noise? Waitaminute… is that the sound of go-karts??? IT… IT—IS! LET THE RACE BEGIN IN “EVERYBODY’S SUPER SONIC RACING” PART ONE! (IS THE CAPS LOCK STILL ON, OH WAITAMINUTE, there we go. Much better.) When Dr. Eggman sponsors a go-kart race around Sonic’s Island home, you know that dude is up to no good. The rules are as follows: no special powers, no weapons, and everyone has to drive a kart to keep things fair. Since when does Eggy care about “fair”? What will happen to throw this race into a SPIN? How many rhetorical questions can we ask in one paragraph of solicit text?? Find out in this hyperbole-packed issue! Featuring cover art from Sonic comic extraordinaire Tracy Yardley, plus a new BOOM-Crew Sega art variant!
On Sale Date: 4/1
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.

In Sonic Super Special Magazine #14, the upcoming crossover Worlds Unite gets a prequel story to lead us into it. A strange energy signature crops up on Sonic’s World, and it seems like suspicious news for the heroes’ efforts to resolved the shattered world crisis, and could even have a big impact on Worlds Unite itself! Along with “The Genesis Portal”, there’s a slew of other features and stories, including a selection from the first crossover, Worlds Collide;


Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Lamar Wells, Rick Bryant, Jack Morelli and Matt Herms
Cover: Ben Bates
As Archie Action Comics races toward the WORLDS UNITE crossover event, prepare yourself with an all-new prequel tale: THE GENESIS PORTAL! When a strange energy signature appears on Sonic’s shattered world, what could it mean for our heroes and their fight to save the planet? And what ominous implications will this have for the WORLDS UNITE event? Featuring new story and art from the superstar Archie Sonic team! The SONIC SUPER SPECIAL MAGAZINE gives you the world of Sonic the Hedgehog comics as you’ve never seen it before, with tons of comic stories, special features and exclusive articles on the latest and greatest in the world of everyone’s favorite blue hedgehog-hero! This issue also features a special encore selection from the history-making “WORLDS COLLIDE” storyline, and much, much more! All this plus the extra features you love, an interview with Sonic newcomer Diana Skelly AND a super special shiny foil-enhanced cover featuring art by Sonic comic superstar Ben Bates!
On Sale Date: 3/11
128-page, full color comic
$9.99 U.S.

Finally, Sonic the Hedgehog graphic novel #3 covers Waves of Change. Dive back under the waters to see the complete tale of how Sonic, Amy and Rotor cleared the name of the local priestess and saved Meropis from the grasp of Dark Gaia’s influence;


Script: Ian Flynn, Aleah Baker
Art: Jennifer Hernandez, Tracy Yardley, Ryan Jampole, Evan Stanley, Terry Austin, John Workman, Matt Herms and Gabriel Cassata
Cover: Ben Bates
The new Sonic comic universe is here! Moving at the speed of sound, keeping the world free from robotic tyranny—it’s SONIC THE HEDGEHOG! One of the oldest, most beloved video game icons speeds into brand new comic book stories with new friends, new foes and new adventures! In this volume of this new graphic novel series, Sonic is on the hunt for the seven Gaia Temples. Only their mysterious power can restore his world to normal! His quest takes him to places he’s never been before—such as the bottom of the ocean! Join Sonic, Amy and Rotor as they encounter a whole new undersea world full of new friends, foes and monsters from the deep! SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 3: WAVES OF CHANGE collects SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #260-263.
6 5/8 x 10 3/16”
104 pp, Full Color
Direct Market On-Sale Date: 4/8

We will have more on all of these comics closer to their release. Stay tuned in the next couple of days for comic previews of December releases.

Source: Arcade Sushi

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Sonic 4: Episode 2 on iOS delisted from iTunes?

Sonic 4 Episode 2 Android

Screenshot of the Android version

There’s been comments around that the iOS version of Sonic 4: Episode 2 is no longer found in the iTunes shop.

This is evidenced by finding the page’s url via Google and clicking on it just hangs you on a message saying “Connecting to the iTunes store”. However the Google Cache of the page is still available here.

Good news though, it is still available to Android users in the Google Play shop here. Same goes for Episode 1 on iOS.

We’ll update if any news comes up.

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Early Big Red Button Sonic CryEngine Test Scene Found

I’ve spoken quite in length of the development of Sonic Boom and how Sega were apparently really impressed with what Big Red Button were doing with regards to the CryEngine & Sonic. Now, we’re not sure if this was one of those experiments, tests, concepts which were shown to Sega, but what we do know is that this was made by someone at Big Red Button during/just prior to the development of Sonic Boom. I think some of you are going to be shocked at what you see.


A former Big Red Button employee, Ryan VanMeter who was a technical artists has posted what he calls “Screenshots of a small scene rendered in cry engine. Hedgehog-inspired, but unrelated to Sonic Boom.”


You can clearly see traditional Sonic elements present in the scene, it looks nothing like what we got in Boom at all and the graphical fidelity is vastly superior.

You can find all the images in the gallery.

Source: Ryan VanMeter’s

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World’s Collide 2: Sonic Vs Sonic Boom Vs Mega Man, Vs Mega Man X



Oh my goodness, what is happening?

According to IGN UK, the sequel to the Sonic Vs Mega Man comic book Worlds Unite will not just star the Sega Sonic and Mega Man cast, but will also include Sonic Boom and Mega Man X.

The only other bit of information given was that the storyline is set to begin around Spring of 2015.

Are you excited?

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Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #267

Christmas in a tropical jungle? That’s this month’s issue for you.


The festive season may be upon us, but this climax is set to be electrifying, and Comicosity has a glimpse into the pages. In Sonic the Hedgehog #267, Sonic has just about learned how to use his furry (furrier, anyway) new form to his advantage. And not a moment too soon either; Sally, Antoine and Bunnie have found themselves in a spot of bother with not only three E100 series models on their tails, but an angry and vengeful little Egg Boss in the shape of Thunderbolt the Chinchilla! Not only will the heroes have to pitch in to stave off the situation, there’s some nasty surprises still around the corner in “Ambushed”: part 2.

Written by: Ian Flynn
Art by: Jamal Peppers, Evan Stanley, Terry Austin, John Workman, Gabriel Cassata
Published by: Archie Comics
Release Date: December 10, 2014
The THUNDEROUS conclusion to the latest Sonic story arc crashes to a close at LIGHTNING speed! “Ambushed!” Part Two: Sonic’s gotten himself into a hairy situation! The savage Werehog threatens to erupt from within, and the vengeful Egg Boss Thunderbolt attacks from without! What’s a cursed hedgehog to do? Unfortunately he won’t get by with a little help from his friends—the Freedom Fighters are far too busy fighting for their lives against three killer E-100 robots! Don’t miss the explosive ending featuring cover art by Stanley, Austin and Hunzeker, plus a hilarious new “Holiday Havoc!” variant cover with pencils by the latest Sonic artist extraordinaire Jennifer Hernandez!

Sonic #267 is out now in comic stores and on digital formats. Swing by your preferred source to catch the action…and watch out for trees.

Source: Comicosity

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Sonic Boom Toys to Appear at Nuremberg Toy Fair


You may remember a few months ago we brought you word that Tomy were indeed planning on releasing the Sonic Boom toys in the UK. Well, since then there’s been very little word on when exactly this will be happening, however it looks like that the toys are indeed on their way to both the UK and Europe as a whole.

An advert printed in the December issue of ToyWorld Mag for the Nuremberg Toy Fair confirms that not only will Tomy be there, but that they will also have on show the Sonic Boom toys.

Now, this unfortunately doesn’t give us a clear indication as to when the toys will actually be released. In the period of January – February, there are major toy fairs in New York, London and Nuremberg, what typically happens at these events is that toys due for release much later in the year are put on show, buyers then do deals for their stores later in the year.

The thing to take away from this is that this advert confirms that the toys will come to Europe, however there’s no firm release date yet and no word on the exact range, since for previous toy lines the EU range has been significantly reduced.

Source: ToyWorldMag.

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Classic Sonic and Super Mario 3D World cross paths!

YouTube Preview Image

We cover fan stuff all the time, but have you checked out this cool project? Currently in alpha release, this fan game using Blender sees classic Sonic explore a Mario 3D World inspired level landscape.

Creator Chishado describes his fan game as, “A fan game made in the blender game engine and gimp.  It has a very different art style and gameplay from the norm, however it is very interesting in it’s own way. This game have a lot of inspiration from Sonic Lost World and Mario 3d World game. It was the general look that I was going for and feel. The game will have platforming, team work, and speed.”

We like what we see and while it clearly is a WIP, we still had fun playing it!

Play it for yourself at and share your thoughts in the comment section!


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Sonic Boom Mid-Season Finale Airs December 6th

Sonic Boom cartoon screenshot

Call it a mid season finale (after only 8 episodes), Christmas break, a marketing decision, or whatever you want to call it, Boom isn’t going to be showing new episodes for a while.

According to a post on NintendoLife, Sonic Boom on Cartoon Network is going to be taking a break for Christmas, the last episode (entitled “Eggheads will be aired on December 6th which is this Saturday. Whilst no specific date was given, the show is due to return to screens early next year.

What is odd is that reruns of the series so far will still be shown around it’s usual timeslot.

Source: NintendoLife

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Joypolis Hosting Sonic Fan Thanksgiving Event


Sega have announced on their Joypolis news site that they are to hold a special ‘party’ to celebrate the launch of Sonic ‘Toon’ in Japan.

Translated the event is named ‘Sonic Fan Thanksgiving 2014′ and will be held at Tokyo Joypolis on December 28th 2014. Tickets to get into the fan event are free, however you will need to pay for admission to Joypolis itself.

Events confirmed so far are as follows…

  • Stage Events.
  • Autograph Session.
  • Art Contest.
  • Prize lottery
  • A game tournament (This might be a miss-translation).
  • Sale of original/new merch.

There’s also the mention of something called ‘A Sonic fan Thanksgiving passport with novelty’ which is being sold.

The list of confirmed speakers include Takashi Iizuka, Jun Senoue and a number of other Sonic Team/Sega staff.

Full Details at Joypolis.

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Preview: Sonic Boom #2

It was a friction between friends waiting to go…uh, boom.


Comic Book Resources has a preview for the latest issue of Sonic Boom, and there is treachery afoot! Following from the debut issue’s hijinks, Sonic and the team are out again for some old-fashioned Dr. Eggman beating good times. But there’s traitorship amongst the team that’s going to halt them in their tracks if they can’t get it resolved. And they’ll need to be more diplomatic if they ever hope of doing that. This is “Knuckleduster”.

Get ready for the BOOM, baby! The NEW HIT ONGOING SONIC COMIC BOOK SERIES from Archie Comics continues here with Sonic Boom #2: Knuckleduster! Race along at Sonic speed with the blue blur and his pals Tails, Knuckles, Amy Rose and the newest edition to the team—STICKS! But is there a traitor in our heroes’ midst? Say it ain’t so! Find out in this sensational second issue, featuring explosive new cover art from Sonic art legend Patrick “SPAZ” Spaziante, and a super-special “SONIC SPOTLIGHT” variant cover by artist T.REX! Be sure to pick up this next exciting chapter and own a piece of Sonic comic history!
STORY BY: Ian Flynn
ART BY: Evan Stanley, Rick Bryant
COLORS BY: Matt Herms
LETTERS BY: Jack Morelli
COVER BY: Patrick Spaziante
PUBLISHER: Archie Comics
RELEASE DATE: Wed, December 3rd, 2014

Sonic Boom #2 is out in stores and digitally later today. Pick up a copy of the newest addition to the brand new comic line for yourself!

Source: Comic Book Resources

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Humble Sega Bundle: ASRT, Sonic Adventure for 60p! Generations for under $4

Once upon a time someone had an idea, it went like this “Why don’t we gather together a bunch of games each week, put them in a bundle, and charge as little as 60p for the majority of them, and let people give most of that money to charity!?” And somehow this idea gets supported each week by various game studios, and it works!

Sonic Generations for PC

Well, it’s the turn of Sega to join the Humble Bundle, and there’s a bunch of Sonic games included in it as well as some top Sega titles, all for the PC all require a Steam account, but for the price, really can’t complain about it.

For as little as 60p or $1, you get the following.

  • Dreamcast Collection: Includes Sega Bass fishing, Crazy Taxi, Space Channel 5 & Sonic Adventure.
  • NiGHTS Into Dreams
  • Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed
  • Rome 2 (DLC pack)
  • Football Manager 2015 (DLC Pack)

If you donate more than the average price (at time of writing is $3.72) you also get…

  • Empire: Total War
  • Company of Heroes 2 (Multiplayer stand alone)
  • Sonic Generations
  • Viking: Battle For Asgard

Donate more than £10 and you get…

  • Total War: Shogun 2

Donate more than $50 and you get a limited edition Dreamast T-Shirt!

Personally I’ve gone for the ‘average price’ tier and I really can’t complain, Sonic Generations in 60FPS glory along with the modding community makes me a happy panda. But also, ASRT on PC for 60p and all those Dreamcast titles!? Seriously what are you waiting for!?

Source: HumbleBundle

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Rise of Lyric Demo arrives on 4th December


Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric has been out on the Wii U now for a couple of weeks and has since been met with some… less than favourable reviews, shall we say?

Given the game’s dubious reputation, and with Christmas drawing ever closer, you might want the chance to give it a try before you splash out your hard-earned cash. Well, good news! Just like with Sonic Lost World last year (but curiously unlike Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal on 3DS), SEGA have decided to release a post-launch demo of Rise of Lyric through the Wii U eShop, which will be available in Europe and North America from this Thursday, 4th December. Of course, it will be free of charge, although there’s no word yet on how many tries you get or what the actual content will consist of.

If you’re also a European 3DS owner, there’s some more Sonic love heading your way – four brand new Sonic 3DS themes (already released in the US) will be available on the 3DS Theme Shop from Friday, 5th December. Choose from Sonic, Shadow, Amy and Chao designs, all priced at £1.79 apiece.


Will you be downloading the Rise of Lyric demo or any of the Sonic 3DS themes? Let us know in the comments! In the meantime, you can read our very own TSS review of Rise of Lyric to give you some idea of what you’re letting yourself in for!

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4 new Sonic themes now out for 3DS in NA for $2 each, get all for $6!

That’s right! 3DS owners now have 4 more Sonic themes to stylize their home menus with in addition to the free Sonic Boom theme just recently released. Each theme stars a character; Sonic, Amy, Shadow, and Chao, each costing $2, but you can but them all for $6 together!

Have a look at the icons in the shop courtesy of a fan on twitter named NintendoTweet:


As of right now there’s no word on availability in EU, I’ll update this if something comes up ASAP.

Are you buying one, or will you buy them all (buy them all… buy them all… *echo*)?

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Covers and Solicitations for Sonic the Hedgehog #270, Sonic Universe #73, Sonic Boom #5 and More Revealed

Bring on the…Zap, for this batch.

Midtown Comics brings us another dose of new covers and solicitations for the Sonic comic, and a holographic Freedom Fighter gets to shine in the side stories. In Sonic the Hedgehog #270, the tournament continues with heads butting heads. Not one to be passive, Eggman throws in Metal Sonic to spice things up, but what link does Breezie have to the machine? This is “Champions”: part 3.


(W) Ian Flynn (A/CA) Terry Austin & Various
‘Champions,’ Part 3. The battle for the Chaos Emerald is reaching a fevered pitch! Hero versus hero! Villain versus villain! Will Dr. Eggman be content to play by the rules? Will Metal Sonic come in and shake things up? And what exactly is the secret history between Metal Sonic and casino mogul Breezie? All of the answers await you in this thrilling, penultimate chapter! Featuring all-new cover art from one of the newest Sonic superstars Jennifer Hernandez, plus a special ‘Marvel at the Showdown’ variant cover by the incomparable Brent McCarthy!

Nicole’s story continues in Sonic Universe #73. Dr Ellidy reveals the origins of Nicole, and it’s not exactly a happy affair. What else isn’t happy is the emergence of new enemy Phage, an entity in the digital world who wants to cause terror across the real world as well, and Nicole is in its way! See if Tails and the gang can save her from this new threat in “Spark of Life”: part 3.


(W) Aleah Baker (A) Jim Amash & Various (CA) Tracy Yardley
It starts with a spark! ‘Spark of Life,’ Part 3. Shocking truths are exposed as Dr. Ellidy reveals the tragic origin of the beloved A.I., Nicole! Meanwhile, Phage erupts from the shadows of the Digital World to sew chaos on the island! Can our heroes rally to save Nicole and drive off this new threat? Night is falling, and terrible monsters are closing in! Don’t miss this exciting next chapter in the latest Sonic Universe epic, featuring all-new cover art from Sonic artist supreme Tracy Yardley, and a special new ‘EXTREME BFFs’ variant cover from My Little Pony artist Agnes Garbowska!


Sonic Boom #5 has Eggman try to bolster his popularity by setting up a carnival called ‘Eggtoberfest’. The only problem is that there’s nobody around to help him run the place, but fortunately he has rescue from the predicament in the form of…Sonic? Let the mind quiz away until the release of “Eggtoberfest”.

sonic boom #5

(W) Bill Freiberger (A) Matt Herms & Various (CA) Patrick Spaz Spaziante
Sonic Boom is your antidote to comics that lack amaze-ma-tude! Eggtoberfest! Dr. Eggman’s sick and tired of no one trusting him! How on earth can he take advantage of people if they don’t trust him to begin with? The answer? Eggtoberfest! Just one small problem: the mechanical master forgot to hire ride operators for his carnivorous carnival creation! So it’s Sonic to the rescue! If a good guy helps a bad guy, is that ‘helping’ at all? Ponder this and other philosophical queries in the latest action-packed issue of Sonic Boom, written by Sonic Boom TV Series writer Bill Freiberger! Featuring cover art from Patrick ‘SPAZ’ Spaziante and an X-RAY variant from the newest superstar Diana Skelly!

Sonic Super Digest #11 brings up the AI Lynx again in a bit of fortuitous timing. Learn even more about her history, and get a selection of stories from previous Sonic comics.


(W) Ian Flynn (A/CA) Lamar Wells & Various
Featuring an all-new edition of Sonic Comic Origins spotlighting the heroic artificial intelligence known as Nicole! This new story serves as both an introduction to the character as well as a side story to the ‘Spark of Life’ arc concurrently occurring in Sonic Universe! But that’s not all! Don’t miss all the classic fun and adventure you love in stories from the comics’ 20+ year history as Sonic and his friends embark on daring adventures, face evil villains and save the day one chili dog at a time! Spin into the fun that only Archie Comics and Sonic Super Digest can bring! Plus new cover art from Sonic rising star Lamar Wells!

Finally, the Sonic Universe graphic novels get into a flap as the Babylon Rogues get to centre stage. Sonic Universe GN #9 revists Babylon Rising (SU#33-36), as Jet and his band of thieves not only have to go against Sonic for the treasure, but the entire Battlebird Armada!


(W) Tracy Yardley (A) Tracy Yardley & Various (CA) Tracy Yardley, Ben Hunzeker
Explore the characters, worlds and dimensions of Sonic’s comic book universe in the wildly successful Sonic The Hedgehog spin-off series! Sonic the Hedgehog is the fastest thing on land, but the ruthless Babylon Rogues are the fastest things in the air! And they need to be, with the sinister Battle Bird Armada close on their tail-feathers! An age-old feud leads to hidden treasure, a buried city, and a startling revelation from beyond the stars! Sonic and Jet race to the finish in this game-changing storyline! Babylon Rising collects issues #33-36 of the Sonic Universe comic book.

We will have more on these comics closer to their release.

Source: Midtown Comics

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Preview: Sonic Universe #70

A year’s worth of comic stories draws to an end in this shattering finale!


This month’s Sonic Universe is out today, and Comic Book Resources has the preview pages for the end of the comic arc trilogy. In Sonic Universe #70, Knuckles and Shadow are still duking it out, and the rest of the team aren’t enough to keep Eclipse and his Dark Arms away from the Master Emerald! It’s time to focus on the imminent issue at hand, but despite the combined cunning of the two rivals, it may be too late to prevent drastic action that will bring said Master Emerald and Angel Island into broken peril. The Dark trilogy reaches its action-packed conclusion in “Total Eclipse”: part 4.

The FIRST EVER SONIC UNIVERSE TRILOGY reaches its stunning conclusion in “Total Eclipse” Part Four!
Knuckles and Shadow must end their duel—because Eclipse has escaped with the Master Emerald! Can the two chaos-fueled warriors stand up to the power of the Dark Arms? Knuckles may be forced into the one choice he doesn’t want to make! Don’t miss the sense-shattering finale that will change the shattered world crisis and the Sonic comic landscape as we know it!
Featuring stunning new cover art from Yardley, Amash and Hunzeker, plus an awesome SEGA art variant featuring two of the biggest “Total Eclipse” stars: Knuckles and Rouge!
STORY BY: Ian Flynn
ART BY: Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash
COLORS BY: Matt Herms
LETTERS BY: Jack Morelli
COVER BY: Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash, Ben Hunzeker
PUBLISHER: Archie Comics
RELEASE DATE: Wed, November 19th, 2014

Sonic Universe #70 is out in comic stores and digital formats now. Make sure not to miss the end of this epic saga!

Source: Comic Book Resources

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Sonic Boom 3DS Theme hits Europe on Friday


They’ve been out in the US for almost a week now, but this Friday will see Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric and Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal making their way to European shores – and that’s not all! Revealed via Nintendo’s UK 3DS Facebook page, the Sonic Boom 3DS theme (which has been available to American 3DS owners since last week) will also be hitting the handheld come 21st November… and best of all, it’ll be completely free to download!

The Sonic Boom 3DS theme initially displays only Sonic and Tails, but scroll it along and it’ll eventually showcase all five members of the main cast, including Knuckles, Amy and Sticks. You can get a better preview of the theme in the video below, alongside a sneak peek at a 3DS StreetPass puzzle – there’s no confirmation yet whether this will be arriving in Europe as well as the theme, but we’d place a good bet on it!

Will you be downloading the Sonic Boom 3DS theme on Friday, be it in addition to the games or just to decorate your handheld menu with everyone’s favourite blue hedgehog? Let us know in the comments!

In the meantime, stay tuned for our TSS reviews of Rise of Lyric and Shattered Crystal, both coming your way soon!

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Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #266

Moss Miyagi teaches us a valuable lesson; “Werehog on, Werehog off”.


Sonic the Hedgehog #266 is out today, and Comicosity has a little look at the preview. In this month’s issue, Sonic is staying with Moss, Mighty and Ray following his outburst as the Werehog. He wants to control that fearsome beast, but what kind of help can his current allies provide for him when he’s already got abilities aplenty? A little bit of zen philosophy, it seems! Meanwhile, Sally takes her own little band of heroes to retrieve another Chaos Emerald, but something sure seems off around their parts. This is all part of “Ambushed”: part 1.

Brand new STORY ARC! “Ambushed!”
Part One: Sonic’s in need of some inner-peace…but it’s going to take more than yoga and meditation! He seeks the guidance of Mighty the Armadillo’s mentor, Moss the Sloth. Can the sage help Sonic tame the savage Werehog within? Meanwhile, Sally leads the Freedom Fighters in recovering a Chaos Emerald—but could she be leading them right into a trap? Featuring all-new cover art from Lamar Wells, Terry Austin and Ben Hunzeker, and part 3 of a 3-part connecting “SUPER SMASH” collector cover set! Collect all 3 covers with Mega Man #42 and Sonic Universe #69!
Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash, Jack Morelli and Matt Herms
Cover: Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash and Ben Hunzeker
“SUPER SMASH” Collector Cover: Rafa Knight
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.

The comic should be out in stores and on digital formats later in the day. Contemplate a purchase if you want.

Source: Comicosity


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New Sonic Toon/Boom Wii U and 3DS footage shown in today’s Nintendo Direct

B1thd0cCIAAS10O.jpg origSurprisingly, only the Japanese airing of today’s Nintendo Direct showed extensive footage of both versions of the game, as seen in its entirety below ripped by yours truly:

Sonic Toon JP Nintendo Direct 2014.11.6 Footage

To see the Japanese Direct in its entirety as well, click here (Sonic Toon appears at 26:23).

Both versions are due in Japan on December 18th, 2014.

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News Boom: Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal 3DS demo now on the eShop in NA and EU. New info found in the digital manual. Rise of Lyric demo on Dec 4th, and a FREE 3DS theme and StreetPass puzzle!

15528335357_50b2a842ff_oWe were a bit slow to mention this yesterday, our bad! :P

So yeah, right after the Nintendo Direct, the demo of Shattered Crystal finally came out on the eShop in NA and EU.

Fellow staff member Brad transcribed the contents of the demo’s digital manual:

  • Amy is kidnapped by Lyric because “she’s a history buff who has studied the legends and lore of this mysterious island… and a menacing reptile has taken notice.”
  • Lyric The Last Ancient is the last of his kind who lived on the island a millennium ago. His race was devoted to perfecting technology using organic energy to power their creations and invention. Lyric rose to power and tried to use this technology to conquer all other races, but this went against his peers’ beliefs so they captured and imprisoned him. Now he’s back and seeking to reclaim the forgotten technology to unleash a terrible robotic army on the world.
  • There are 6 islands (zones) in SC: Seaside Coast, Scrapyard, Shadow Canyons, Ancient Ruins, Volcanic Crater and Cloud Sanctuary.
  • Adventure Stages are the main gameplay levels, where you switch between the four team members.
  • Badges are needed to unlock levels and progress through the game. They are attained by completing level challenges on the Level Stats screen.
  • You can collect broken fragments of the Lost Crystal in adventure stages to prevent Lyric from obtaining them. You take them to Sticks.
  • Blueprints are found similar, and are to be collected and given to Tails.
  • Connecting to Wii U unlocks specific character upgrades.
  • Streetpass can earn you additional Tokens to be used in Q-N-C’s Toy Shop.

In other news, Sega also confirmed that a demo of Rise of Lyric on Wii U IS on the way… except it’s coming AFTER the game’s release date. The demo will be out on Dec 4th.

But wait, THERE’S MORE! On November 11th, Sega will release a StreetPass Puzzle Swap puzzle of Shattered Crystal AAAANNNNDDDD a free Sonic Boom theme for your 3DS menu!

Have a look at the theme:


And the puzzle:


Finally, Sega provided more info on air times and when other regions will get to see the show:

For the first time ever, the rich realms of the franchise’s Wii U and Nintendo 3DS titles will be blended with Sonic’s first CG-animated TV series, debuting on Cartoon Network! The series will premiere on Saturday, November 8 at 7:00 AM  in the U.S., with a global rollout in France on Canal J on November 19 and on Gulli in spring 2015. The Middle East will launch in spring 2015 with other territories to follow in fall 2015. Be sure to tune in!

All are part of what Sega are calling Sonic Boom November.

Excited? Let us know!

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Preview: Sonic Universe #69

I’m not saying aliens did it…actually, I totally am.


Sonic Universe #69 is out today, and Comic Crusader has a peek into the pages. This month, Knuckles and Shadow finally clash over the fate of the Master Emerald in the wake of the Shattered World Crisis. While our heroes and semi-heroes are struggling to work together, Eclipse is preparing for another attack, this time armed with the wispy Dark Arms! What tricks does he have up his shed sleeves this time? Find out in “Total Eclipse”: part 3.

The FIRST EVER Sonic Universe trilogy rolls on in “Total Eclipse” Part Three! As the DARK TRILOGY inches closer to its shocking conclusion, it’s a no holds barred battle between Knuckles and Shadow for the fate of Angel Island and the Master Emerald! As Sonic’s top rivals clash, the rest of Team Dark and Relic are attacked by Eclipse and the terrifying power of the Dark Arms! Featuring all-new cover art from Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash and Ben Hunzeker, and part 1 of a 3-part connecting “SUPER SMASH” collector cover set! Collect all 3 covers with Mega Man #42 and Sonic the Hedgehog #266!
Script: Ian Flynn
Art: Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash, Jack Morelli and Matt Herms
Cover: Tracy Yardley, Jim Amash and Ben Hunzeker
“SUPER SMASH” Collector Cover (pt 1 of 3): Rafa Knight
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S

Sonic Universe #69 should already be out in comic stores and on digital platforms. Don’t miss the clash of rivals come to the fore!

Source: Comic Crusaders

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Preview: Sonic Super Digest #9

I’ve heard of eating rabbits, but rabbit cyborgs? Can you Digest that?


To whet the appetite for a preview double feature, Sonic Super Digest #9 is out tomorrow, and Comic Book have a preview of it. On top of the usual reprints and pin-up images, there’s a new chapter in the Sonic Comic Origins series of short stories! Bunnie has always been a kind lass, but how did she go from a cutesy mademoiselle to the Egg Army-bashing tour de force she is in the present? As it turns outs, it was rife with hardships as we get a peek at “The Belle in the Machine”.

Get ready for a SUPER SPECIAL EDITION of the Sonic Super Digest! Featuring an ALL-NEW STORY continuing the hit SONIC COMIC ORIGINS mini-feature blasts into your hands as that boisterous southern belle, Bunnie Rabbot, takes center stage! Learn how everyone’s favorite bunny bomber overcame her tragic disability to grow into the freedom fighting powerhouse she is today!
Then, continue the fun with more classic adventures from the Sonic comic library as well as special features focusing on the brand new Sonic Comic Universe only Archie Comics and Sonic Super Digest can bring! Featuring an all-new fifth-color cover by Sonic superstar Tracy Yardley, Terry Austin and Vincent Lovallo!
Script: Ian Flynn & Various
Art: Lamar Wells, Rick Bryant, Jack Morelli, Matt Herms & Various
Cover: Tracy Yardley, Terry Austin and Vincent Lovallo
On Sale Date: 10/29
128-page, full color comic
$4.99 U.S.

Sonic Super Digest #9 is out in stores and digitally Wednesday. Ideal for a little bite of comic goodness.

Source: Comic Book

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Preview: Sonic Boom #1

How would one go about bringing on the boom, anyway?


The beginning of the Sonic Boom influx is finally at our doorstep, and it all begins with a preview for the debut issue of the new official comic coming out tomorrow! Comic Book Resources brings the preview pages for this month’s issue, and it’s a whopping eight pages worth of insight. In the first issue, Sonic and his friends are doing what they do best; stopping yet another one of Dr. Eggman’s evil schemes. But things go strange when Tails’ House simply disappears! What’s the cause of this abode abduction? Find out in “Getting a Little Boulder”.

STORY BY: Ian Flynn
ART BY: Evan Stanley, Rick Bryant, Jack Morelli, Matt Herms
COVER BY: Patrick Spaziante
, Evan Stanley, Rick Bryant, Matt Herms
PUBLISHER: Archie Comics
RELEASE DATE: Wed, October 29th, 2014
Here comes the BOOM! FIRST ISSUE in an ALL-NEW ONGOING SONIC COMIC BOOK SERIES! Based on the new hit TV and video game comes SONIC BOOM #1—a new Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series from Archie Comics! Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends are back and ready to do battle with the evil DR. EGGMAN and his diabolical death-machines! This ground-breaking new chapter in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise puts a new “spin” on all your favorite heroes and villains—plus new faces and hilarious new stories chock-full of action—and it’s all brought to you by the folks that bring the hit series Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Universe to you each and every month! Featuring a stunning first issue cover by Sonic art legend Patrick “SPAZ” Spaziante, and 4-part “HERE COMES THE BOOM” collector covers from series artists Evan Stanley, Rick Bryant and Matt Herms!! Collect them all and own a piece of Sonic comic history! Get ready for the BOOM, baby!

Sonic Boom #1 blasts onto shelves and to digital platforms Wednesday. But store shelves are hardly the worst casualties when the fourth wall is at stake!

Source: Comic Book Resources

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Covers and Solicitations for Sonic the Hedgehog #269, Sonic Universe #72 and Sonic Boom #4 Revealed

Man the decks! The ship wars are fast approaching, even if they’re not relevant to the actual stories of January!

Midtown comics has a slew of new covers and solicits. In Sonic #269, the tournament continues with the next round of match-ups going ahead. Of course, when you’re dealing with crooked figures like Breezie and Fang, something’s bound to be up. Sonic takes it upon himself to try and find out what’s going, and the faces he’ll turn to for some help are surprisingly familiar. This is “Champions”: part 2.


(W) Ian Flynn (A/CA) Terry Austin & Various
The contestants are brawlin’ and the saga continues in ‘Champions’ Part Two! The fighting tournament for the Chaos Emerald is in full swing! Tails vs. Honey! Espio vs. Bean! Knuckles vs. Bark! But it’s a sure bet that if a competition’s going down, something’s fixed with thugs like Breezie and Nack involved. Sonic will need some inside info – and he finds it from some surprisingly familiar faces! Featuring new cover art from Jammin’ Jamal Peppers and a SWE (Sonic Wrestling Entertainment) variant cover by the indomitable T.REX!

Meanwhile, in Sonic Universe #72, Dr. Ellidy’s defences are going offline, bad news when Dark Gaia monsters have been a problem for the past few months! Sally and Big are busy investigating the mystery behind the Red Star Rings, whiles Tails and Nicole are trying to fix up the computer systems so Nicole can confront the mystery being who’s waiting for her. It’s all going down on Isolated Island in “Spark of Life”: part 2. Also note the variant cover, which might need a few firewalls itself.


(W) Ian Flynn, Aleah Baker (A) Jim Amash & Various (CA) Tracy Yardley & Various
What monsters lurk on the mysterious isolated island? Find out for yourself in ‘Spark of Life’ Part Two: Things are getting very creepy in the lab of Dr. Ellidy! His badnik defenses are going offline – which is bad news when there are Dark Gaia Monsters prowling the shores at night! Sally and Big investigate the mystery of the Red Star Rings as Tails and Nicole debug the system – where something, or someone – is waiting for Nicole! Featuring new cover art from Tracy Yardley and an interactive Matchmaker variant cover by rising Sonic star Jennifer Hernandez, where you can ‘ship it yourself’!

Finally, in Sonic Boom #4, Dr. Eggman has been refining Burnbot to its maximum destruction capability, and he appears to have Sonic and his friends on the ropes. But Sticks has an idea for a secret weapon to use against the threat. What is it, and how will it help save the day? Find out in “Sticks and Stones”.

sonic boom #4

(W) Ian Flynn (A) Evan Stanley & Various (CA) Tracy Yardley & Various
The new ongoing Sonic comic book series from Archie Comics keeps on BOOMIN’ with Sonic Boom #4: Sticks and Stones! Dr. Eggman’s Big Boy mech has been refined into its final, deadly form. Sonic and his friends are on the ropes, but have no fear! Sticks has brought her secret weapon! It’s a… wait, seriously? Sticks thinks that’s going to help? Find out what her secret weapon is in the weird and wacky conclusion to the first story arc of the brand-new series Sonic Boom! Featuring cover art from Sonic art guru Tracy Yardley and an all-new ‘Sticks-with-stones-being-chased-by-bones’ variant cover from rising Sonic star Diana Skelly!

We will have more information on all of these comics closer to the time of release.

Source: Midtown Comics

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Free T-shirt With Sonic Boom Pre-orders at UK Nintendo Store

YouTube Preview Image

Via the above UK version of a recent trailer for the Sonic Boom games, Nintendo has revealed that fans who pre-order either Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric or Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal at their UK online store will get a free Sonic Boom t-shirt. The shirt (seen below) features all five members of the Sonic Boom gang and comes in small, medium, large and extra large sizes.

Sonic Boom t-shirt

Interested? You can pre-order the game and shirt here. Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric and Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal will both release in the UK and the rest of Europe November 21st.

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Sonic Dies April 2015… According to the Official 2015 Calendar

calendar 20151So last year we brought you news that Sega was planning to release a Sonic the Hedgehog themed calendar for 2014, well it seems that Sega will be doing it again this year too.

And according to the calendar, Sonic will die in April. Very Sad… anyway.

calendar 2015

We don’t know how this motobug found it’s way into the Marble Zone, the only explanation is that they’ve become self aware and are expanding from their normal habitat, there is no escape, you are all in danger, barricade your doors, your windows, arm yourselves, the motobugs are coming.

Calendar is now available to order from Amazon and it comes with a fridge magnet.

Source: Pyramid International

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New Sonic Boom Screenshots & Vehicle/Weapon Info


Knuckles - "I wanna see Nemo." Sonic - "We're not at Disneyland and this is not that submar-"  Knuckles "IWANNA SEE NEMO!"

Knuckles – “I wanna see Nemo.”
Sonic – “We’re not at Disneyland and this is not a submar-”
Knuckles “I WANNA SEE NEMO!”

Recently the Japanese website for Sonic Boom (AKA Sonic Toon) released some new screenshots of the upcoming game as well as some info on new vehicles and weapons. Also shown were some brand new screenshots of some levels including ones that haven’t been seen before. Check below for screenshots, descriptions and of course, my hilarious captions. They are hilarious aren’t they? I NEED VALIDATION! The first pic you see at the top is the “Battle Boat”. A four-seater where one person steers and the others man guns. I’d love to see how this plays out in co-op.


Sonic- Anyone getting Phantom Menace vibes? Knuckles – “Meeza tink so!” Sonic – Shut up Knuckles.

The Submarine “Angler” is a two-person submarine craft “that specializes in high speed navigation” and “can respond to fierce fighting in water”.



If I’m reading this translation right, this feather sword can shoot feather blades from a long distance at enemies. It’s also a bit weak in power, but good for a long range attack.

I hate to toot my own horn but.....Oh who am I kidding. I LOVE to toot my own horn!

I hate to toot my own horn but…..Oh who am I kidding. I LOVE to toot my own horn!

Again, going by the translation, the Battle Trumpet can put out a good blast at a short range.

"C'mon baby! Let's do th-" What? too obvious?

“C’mon baby! Let’s do th-” What? too obvious?

The Cyclone Generator produces a good size twister and is a powerful support weapon.

Now THAT'S what I call "Burnbot"!

Now THAT’S what I call “Burnbot”!

The Explosion Switch creates a big boom and is the most powerful of the support weapons.

I knew that trip to ToonTown would come in handy!

I knew that trip to ToonTown would come in handy!

The “Hand Gun” is a comical, but powerful short range weapon.

Yup. It's a water balloon alright.

Yup. It’s a water balloon alright.

The Water Balloon. Old tech robots and water don’t mix well.

Now check out some more screenshots.

"Welcome to the jungle! We got fun and games!"

“Welcome to the jungle! We got fun and games!”

Come at me windmill! My name is Amy Rose, the woman of La-Mancha!

Come at me windmill! My name is Amy Rose, the woman of La-Mancha!

Good thing that trail of rings shows me where to jump or else I might have hit those thick lasers that are obviously in front of me!

Good thing that trail of rings shows me where to jump or else I might have hit those thick lasers that are obviously in front of me!

Oh yay! More of that level we've seen a million times!

Oh yay! More of that level we’ve seen a million times!

Check the Japanese Sonic Toon website for more details and updates.

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Hero Bank 2 (3DS) demo to unlock Sonic and Shadow costumes in full game

img01Well this is quite the surprise! The currently Japanese-only game Hero Bank 2 on 3DS has a demo you can obtain via the newest issue of Coro Coro magazine (Pokemon fans should be very familiar with this magazine as it’s usually the place where news first ever appears in) via a QR code, and if you do this and then buy the full game, you can unlock actual models as costumes in the game, as shown on the game’s website!

bg_tryVery special thanks to Impotaku at NeoGAF for the heads up!

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Old Sonic Boom Logo Discovered

So a bit of a history lesson here. Sega originally announced the Sonic Boom cartoon on October 2nd 2013.  There were no details other than that ‘shadows on the cliff’ image.

"Here I come! More...oddly shaped than the rest of them!"

Since then we’ve been told that Boom underwent a number of design changes before it was finally announced earlier this year. Well it seems we here at TSS might have found one of the early changes.

Last week, there was a TV Convention held in Cannes France called MIPJunior, you might recall how we told you about it. Well, since then I’ve been trying to dig up any information regarding the event, and instead I found something very different.

The following image was posted on Flickr on October 5th 2013, 3 days after Boom was teased.


The image appears to show an advertising banner for Sonic Boom, only it’s using early assets, the big difference appears to be the title. Unlike the final design, this one is using the normal ‘Sonic’ font and a totally different ‘Boom’ logo design.

We’ll try and see if we can dig up any more early Boom promotional images, if we’re successful you’ll be the first to know.

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Sonic Boom TV Show Premiere and Merchandise Debut Lined up for Armageddon Expo


Armageddon Expo in Melbourne Australia has announced that SEGA will be exclusively presenting the premiere of the upcoming Sonic Boom TV show with them this Saturday October 18th at 10:00am. However, the premiere is for VIP Guests only. To obtain one of the limited seats for the premiere you can contact the organisers at

The Expo, held in Melbourne Australia, will also be the first place in Australia you can purchase new Sonic merchandise, including t-shirts, hats, and Sonic Boom figurines. Sonic himself will also be on hand for an arm wrestling and trivia competitions. Yes, you read that right, an arm wrestling competition with Sonic the Hedgehog.

For more information, visit Armageddon Expo’s website via the link below.

Sources: Armageddon Expo website, Armageddon Expo Facebook page

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First 4 Figures Dr. Robotnik Statue: Pre-Orders Now Open


First 4 Figures’ Dr. Robotnik statue has gone up for pre-order, and all I can say is, “reinforce your shelves, and prepare your wallet for severe trauma”.

The statue has Robotnik portrayed in a pose that is identical to that of the old Japanese resin statue (the one with the wooden base). Unlike the wooden base of the Japanese statue, he’s standing on one of Wing Fortress’ floating platforms. No alternative light up ‘exclusive’ features this time around, instead we have a set of alternative hands, allowing the Doctor to hold on to two Chaos Emeralds.


Now where have I seen that before?


…Nice touch.

Robotnik is a beast too. The statue has been made to scale with the others in the series, meaning it measures in at a whopping 22 inches tall (and 19 inches wide), making him nearly twice as tall as some of the other statues in the series. I sense quite a few cabinets being too small for this one.


You’ll probably be anticipating that this goliath will be all kinds of bad news for collectors and Robotnik fans on tighter budgets, and you’d be right. To get one of the 1000 produced Dr. Robotniks, you will need to cough up $399.99. Yeowch. I can already hear bank accounts across the land crying ‘MERCY!’ in unison. At least there’s a ‘flexi-pay’ option to cushion the blow (somewhat).

With Dr. Robotnik now joining the ranks of the other statues, it could be argued that the Classic Sonic the Hedgehog line is ‘complete’, unless First 4 Figures decide to polish the line off with a classic Amy Rose.

You can Pre-Order Dr. Robotnik, and see the whole set of images right here.


One more thing… This image right here:



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Preview: Sonic the Hedgehog #265

Don’t get mad, get even more information on Sonic media.


Arcade Sushi has a preview for the upcoming Sonic issue, and it’s quite a howler in time for Halloween! In Sonic the Hedgehog #265, after seeing his friends in agony, Sonic has been consumed by Dark Gaia’s influence and is now Sonic the Werehog! This means bad news for his enemies…but it’s not exactly good news for his allies either. Mighty steps up to subdue the beast, but all his friends have to calm him down while avoiding turning his rage onto themselves in the process in “Control”: part 2. Meanwhile, Rotor gives a whizbang tour of the Sky Patrol’s nifty features, while Eggman concocts an attack on the flying base in “The Grand Tour”.

Script: Ian Flynn, Eric Esquivel
Art: Tyson Hesse, James Fry, Terry Austin, John Workman and Gabriel Cassata
Cover: Tracy Yardley, Terry Austin and Evan Stanley
“SONIC ADVENTURE” Variant Cover: Rafa Knight
On Sale Date: 10/8
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.
A-WOOOOOOOO! Get ready to HOWL with horror in “Control” Part Two: The Werehog is unleashed! As the jungle collapses in flames, it’s up to Mighty to bring his feral friend to heel! But can Sonic even tell ally apart from enemy anymore? Then in “The Grand Tour,” Rotor shows off all of the Sky Patrol’s abilities—unfortunately it’s right as a Badnik Horde attacks! Don’t miss a moment of the action, with cover art from the titanic team of Yardley, Austin and Stanley—plus an epic SONIC ADVENTURE variant by the newest sonic superstar: RAFA KNIGHT!

Sonic the Hedgehog #265 will be out tomorrow in stores and on digital formats. Pick it up and sink your teeth into it.

Source: Arcade Sushi

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Tomy Reveals Boom Toy Release Details

Over at Sega’s Sonic Boom event in NYC, Tomy took to the stage and revealed some new information regarding Sonic Booms Toy Line. The first bit of information was regarding a Sonic plush which comes with a plush chili dog, we first brought you news of this about a week ago, but here it is again.



However, in addition SSMB member El Driver who is at the Sonic Boom event made this post on the Sonic Stadium Forums a short while ago.

So 11 products are going to come out for the fall (and apparently stuff like the biplane rc toy and chili dog Sonic to come out in Spring 2015)

A second line was confirmed for fall 2015.

What are these products? Well we might have a very good idea. A Sonic & Tails plush, and a toy launcher have already been spotted, however, yesterday the following image was taken from a Toys R Us in Florida.

tomyboomtoysYou can see a Knuckles and an Eggman picture. Not pictured is a Sonic action figure. That’s 6 of the 11. There are more images of toys on ToyWiz, so odds are the other 5 will be one of those.

More interestingly is that there is a second toyline planned for the end of 2015… dare I suggest they’re planning a 2nd season of the show already.

Thanks to El Driver for the tip.

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Four New Sonic Boom Episode Plots Revealed

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According to information coming from people who attended last nights Sonic Boom event, several episode plots from the Sonic Boom TV Show were revealed.

During the live reading from the Sonic voice actors, details regarding a number of episodes were revealed as well as details from a short video which was played before the attendees were shown the trailer for the television show.

1. Tails makes a translator that read people’s minds. It’s later revealed that when Amy’s mind almost gets read aloud she loves Sonic in Sonic Boom too. (This episode is probably entitled ‘Translate this’ which was also announced at Sonic Boom)

2. The cast find and read Amy’s “fan fiction” of the cast.

3. Amy and Eggman play a pretty puppy MMO together without letting everyone else know. Sonic catches Eggman at Amy’s house. Amy and Eggman end up going to PuppyCon to the reluctance of Sonic, who will be going as well.”

4. When Eggman is made homeless, Eggman comes to live with Sonic and friends by crashing on their couch for a few weeks. Episode is entitled An Evil Genius Crashes on the Couch for a Few Weeks

Samples from ‘Translate This’ and ‘An Evil Genius’ were shown in a new trailer released last night which can be found here.

Sonic Boom Event – Sonic Boom TV Trailer

As of yet, no footage of the cast reading has been uploaded. But stick to TSS, we’re working on it.

Thanks to Nintega137 for some of the synopsis’


P.S. PuppyCon needs to become a reality.

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Sonic Boom Cast Live Reading Videos Uploaded

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At last nights Sonic Boom event, the cast of Sonic took to the stage to perform a live reading of a few scenes from the TV show. Well… someone has uploaded that moment in it’s entirety.

We learn quite a lot about a number of episodes from these, as well as a number of insights into the characters and how they feel about each other. I won’t put any spoilers for you… but fans of SonicXAmy will be quite pleased.

The quality isn’t the best, but you can make out what’s being said and what’s going on, if a better quality video is uploaded, I’ll be sure to edit the article to include it. But if you can’t wait until then, give these videos a watch.

Sonic Boom 2014- live cast reading part 1

Sonic Boom 2014- Live cqst reading part 2

Personally, the episode ‘translate this’ sounds hilarious, what’s your opinion on the scenes? Let us know in the comment box.

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