You can win BIG at BIGNEWS. All of our past, present and future contests will be housed here, and you can be happy in knowing that you won a house. Unfortunately, we don’t have a house to give away yet, but there will be houses.
Win a Furbaal! – Closed
You have heard of Furbees, right? Well, this is the next generation. A Furbaal! It’s purple, cute and cuddly. And moist on humid days too. And what’s more, the… production company that makes these have given BIGNEWS an unlimited supply to give away, so there will always be a chance to win a Furbaal, direct from Big the Cat.
All you have to do is catch a fish. I don’t care what fish it is, because I like fishes. If I approve of the fish, a Furbaal is all yours. Get fishing!