Fishing 101: Know Your Fish
Big the Cat | Apr 1, 2010
Fishing is important for the mind and body. I spoke to Big the Cat, expert fisherman, on the matter, and he agreed. So that’s settled then. But how can you be a good fisher like the big purple one? Well BIGNEWS has you covered, with a series of special articles that help you catch big ones, and fish.
“You need a rod first, silly,” said me when I asked myself. “Oh,” I replied, “I thought it was something you did with your hands.” “It can be,” Big said, “but it will be painful when you attach the fishing hook to your finger.” “I guess you’re right,” I said back. Pain doesn’t discriminate.
“When you have a rod, you need to find a good place to fish, like the swimming pool of a theme park,” I said with a knowing grin. Clearly this cat has had more than his fair share of catches with savvy like this. “Another good place is a frozen lake. You know, places that you would normally not expect fish… usually don’t have fish. But somehow I get them anyway.”
And the secret, which BIGNEWS reminds you may be subject to our recently established sensitivity guidelines, is more skilful than one with rod may think. “This is where the last bit of essential equipment comes in,” I said at some point in my confused self-conversation.
“My rubber ring. Basically, I try to catch a fish, and Fish Hits, but it always go away. It makes Froggy so mad. So what I do is belly-flop the body of water and it all fly out. That way you too can catch fish. It can’t go anywhere if it can’t swim.”
Sage words for the fishing enthusiast. Next time, BIGNEWS covers the eating of fish, and why it not good to try to talk to fish whilst underwater.
Gr8 tps Big, il b shur to tri tem owt sumtim
I fished in a pool once, but I got shot in the face 🙁
Who’s da apreel foo naw?
Big has spoken, now spread the word to the people!
We shall find the inner peace we were looking for while fishing, and humanity will be… saved!
you know the truth when Big speaks it!