
Big the Cat is serious business. I know, because I am a Big the Cat myself. So why not advertise on the premier site for serious reportage on Big the Cat? I get like, 1.2 hits a day because Froggy doesn’t really count as a whole hit (he is rather small and may be considered a dwarf in his land). How can you refuse that kind of exposure?

Someone called Alexa wanted to talk to me the other day about how many numbers I was really getting, but I don’t listen to things like that. I mean, there might be other Big the Cat websites out there (it is a huge marketing potential, advertising people men) but there may be some that pretend to have more hits than my 1.2. Not that I make up my numbers or anything. We’re cited on Bigtaku, Official Big Cat Magazine and others anyway, so I dunno.

The point is you don’t need a big stadium to have your voice heard. Sign up for BIGNEWS and you’ll be able to talk about how fishing is nice, and how teasing friends is not nice. I am also nice, because I am friendly and would not say boo to a goose.

What’s a goose?


Hello. My name is Big the Cat. I like to fish a lot, and play with myf riend Froggy. He runs away sometimes, and I look for him because he would never leave his best buddy and pal. I also like to sit down.
Copyright © 2010-20XX BIGNEWS. Do not fish on this site without written permission.