Holidays: Arabia

Big the Cat | Apr 1, 2010

If you have one holiday this year, then BIGNEWS recommends Arabia. I went there once for a couple of weeks and it was hot. Hot is fine for cats. We just don’t like it when it rains. We just have a go at someone else if that happens. Hotness is A-OK!

There is lots to do in Arabia. You can go fishing in the nearby lake, which was a new experience for me. I highly recommend fishing in new areas all the time. It is truly the best way to appreciate someone else’s land. The sandy location is owned by King Shahryar who sounds like a nice chap, but I don’t know if he has some sort of funny look about him or what. He reminds me of someone.

If sandy beaches aren’t your thing, you can visit some jungles in Arabia and look at some lovely old dinosaur bones. Froggy was scared because he ran away from me at one point, but I caught the little rascal. Or there’s a really hot foundry that you can tour in, but we didn’t go in because Froggy’s skin dries easily.

Yes, Arabia is truly a diverse place. There’s even ashy skeleton domes and pirate ships cast in oceans in this fascinating country. And here I thought it was all just sand! Thanks to Big the Cat and BIGNEWS, you now know the truth too. Stay tuned for more revelations regarding Arabia, but be aware that this material may be subject to our recently established sensitivity guidelines.


  1. Yes, Arabia is swell. I also recently went on a holiday to an Arthurian era, which was fine, but quite violent. All those kids, joyriding on their horses, carrying all sorts of swords. I just didn’t feel safe.

  2. But Big!
    You forgot to mention how hard it is to walk left and right when your there!
    I also heard theres this big bad man with a big sword that tried to kill you and everything

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Hello. My name is Big the Cat. I like to fish a lot, and play with myf riend Froggy. He runs away sometimes, and I look for him because he would never leave his best buddy and pal. I also like to sit down.
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