New Mario & Sonic at the Tokyo Olympics Details Surface From Translated Interview

A Japanese interview with the producer for Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 from E3 by Dengeki has been translated, and it reveals some details about the upcoming title, from motion controls to characters and even a story mode!

Nintendo Everything has provided a translation of an interview from Japanese site Dengeki, and it answers some questions fans may have had about the game. Here are a few highlights:

With the Joy-Con’s release, have you looked at the controls differently from a development point of view?

The Wii title also had that ability to play in a unique way, but I think the control horizons have broadened far more for with the Switch. For example, in the 100 meter race we’ve been able to create a feeling of motion like nothing we have managed before. On the starting line you put your hands to the ground like the athletes really do, and for the hurdles, rather than just waving a Wiimote, you put your hands out in front as you press the button, as if you are clearing the hurdle yourself. By allowing the player take the same poses as the character on the screen, they get the feeling of really being in their shoes, which then creates that sense of competing in real life.

Are there more characters this time around?

There’s the same amount, but each character will wear the appropriate sporting dress for each event. For example, in the Karate I mentioned earlier Mario competes wearing a padded undershirt. As part of the appeal of the game is the characters themselves, we’ve added bits like this that I think can increase the appeal of each one.

In previous entries in the series story modes have been included. Is one included here? If so, please tell us a bit about it.

All I can say is that we intend to include something to represent that moment of making an appearance at the Tokyo games. I know there were some players who saw the E3 trailer and asked those same questions, but all I can say is for them to keep their eyes peeled for more details. I think this will be a package with quite a lot of depth.

How is the development of the game progressing?

It’s going well and we are now into the final checking stage. At this point we’re looking at how we can make the game easier to play and also give it more depth.

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 is scheduled for release this November. Keep your eyes here at The Sonic Stadium for more news on all things Sonic (and in this particular case, Mario!) as they happen!

What do you think about the the different control options? What kind of plot do you expect from the story mode? Were you hoping for more characters than we got? Let us know in the comments!

via Nintendo Everything

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