Sonic Team Details Sonic Forces on Switch: 30fps and 720p in all modes

New info on the Switch version of Sonic ForcesĀ has emerged from an interview DualShockers did with Sonic Team.

The Forces team wanted to make sure that the game would release on Switch, even before even learning what the system would even be like. Development of the Switch version was made easier due to the usage of the new Hedgehog Engine 2, once the details of the system was understood.

Development on the Switch version was the last to start development, with the PC version being the first The Switch version has an interesting feature in that the game only runs in 30fps (while being 60fps on the others), however the controls respond in 60fps to allow smooth interaction with the game.

Sonic Forces releases on November 7th, 2017 on Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Via DualShockers.

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  1. Always good to see that SEGA still have a strong connection with Nintendo.

    And I feel like the lowered frame rate for the Switch version shouldn’t affect the game at all. After all, both Unleashed and Generations had the same “issue,” and I don’t remember anyone talking about it then…

  2. I just hope the framerate is consistent. But I think I’ll wait for a full review from you guys before I commit.

  3. I can see the comments now here meh….still getting it portability and great controls are good.

  4. I just hope the frame rate is solid in Handheld mode, because that’s the only way I play my Switch.

  5. Don’t own a swtitch but would definitely like to play a console style game portably. Hope all the issues are ironed out at release.

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