Official Sonic Twitter Teases More Project 2017 Info To Be Revealed At SXSW

The official Sonic twitter account has shown off another teaser image, depicting the giant robots seen in the original trailer of Project Sonic 2017. The image was accompanied by the simple tease of “See you at !”.

The wait may soon be over as to when we’ll finally see what the game is about, and what to truly expect from it. Project 2017 was announced alongside Sonic Mania all the way back on July 22nd last year under the title, with little additional information having been revealed since. You can see the trailer right here:

Takashi Iizuka announced that the game would not be a sequel but rather a “new experience”, while still retaining the action/adventure format. We have sinced learned that the title will introduce a new character and a new gameplay component, as well as that the Switch version and possibly all other platform versions, will be a 1 Player-only game, and feature some of the Switch’s play modes.

The Sonic SXSW panel takes place on March 16th at 5PM CST/11PM GMT/6PM EST/3PM PST.

Project Sonic 2017 is scheduled to be released this holiday on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Information via the official Sonic the Hedgehog twitter account.

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  1. “Takashi Iizuka announced that the game would not be a sequel but rather a “new experience”,”

    Uh huh, and I’m Naoto Oshima.

    Skepticism aside, I am at least curious to see what exactly this game is – this new character especially! – if they are gonna reveal anything of worth at all this time. A title drop would be the very least they could do.

  2. I’ve said it before, and I will say it again. Create-a-Character is in fact happening. That is the “new character”.

        1. I honestly hope so, only because it’d get so many people to stop talking and sit down. 😀
          And with the game being on the Switch, it’ll hopefully get people to go outside, too. 😀

        2. At long last, I can let my inner fan boy out again. Hero the Hedgehog shall be made the most canon of Sonic OC’s! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! >XD

          1. Oh god, I hope they would let you add in layered spikes, mine’s a little heavy on the Raditz side… X)””

    1. I just hope that’s not true. Because otherwise I’m not creating a new character.

  3. The day that the Eggmans destroyed the neighboring city was the worst day of the Burger Shop lady’s life. But for them, it was Tuesday.

  4. I noticed that the writer put EST and CST instead of CDT and EDT since Daylight Savings Time has started.

  5. I said it on Twitter, but I have yet to see anyone else say anything about there now being 4 mech’s instead of 3. Not a huge deal probably, but still interesting I think!

    1. This could be nothing. There may be hundreds of them, and the amount we saw each time depend on the screenshot at the time.

  6. I wouldn’t be surprised if they acted like the Guardians in Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Whether or not these are autonomous remains to be seen.

  7. Great to see some news about this game after so long. Really excited to see what it will be. The real of green hill zone act 2 the other day was pretty special too, really happy for both development teams.

  8. Got to admit, suddenly coming to the realization that it’s due to come out in yet another holiday season and the project’s codename literally pastes the deadline on it kind of has me nervous, but I’m sure it’ll all still work out so long as what we see/learn on thursday is really promising.

    1. That’s fine dude, we know nothing about it save for the teaser and what Takashi Lizuka’s said about it. If you’re not impressed on a whole with the series direction then that’s another thing, but we don’t have a game to speak of yet. Not being hostile, not being smart or snide I’m just saying I’m not quite sure what you mean.

    2. You’re not impressed because we are not yet given anything to have an impression on. They gave us a vague two-minute teaser eight months ago. Slow down.

  9. I’m not going to guarantee much will be shown at SXSW, I was personally told of some of the things we’d be seeing at E3. And unfortunately until anything I’ve said actually comes true I know I’ll remain untrusted. But unless they’ve changed E3 plans. I would say don’t get your hopes up too high for anything besides a gameplay trailer.

  10. I’m calling it one last time before the reveal tomorrow: join the resistance will be reference to a character creation element! I’m sure of it!

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