Merch Alert: Forbidden Planet stocking numerous new Sonic/Sega items


From out of virtually nowhere…

As part of their new ’16 bit Summer’ initiative, UK based pop-culture megastore Forbidden Planet have begun stocking numerous new merchandise items based off of classic Megadrive box art/cartridges. Thanks to Forbidden Planet, you can now have all of your following everyday items with Sonic 1’s classic megadrive box art:

  • Mug (£7.99)
  • Passport Holder (£4.99)
  • Travel Card Holder (£2.99)
  • T-Shirts (regular fitting or Skinny fitting) (£14.99)
  • Greetings Cards (£2.25)

All of the above are pretty awesome, but come on! Sonic 1 greetings cards! How awesome is that? If you don’t particularly feel like indulging yourself in more Sonic, all of the above are available with artwork from other classic SEGA games. The full list is as follows:

  • Sonic the Hedgehog
  • Alex Kidd and the Enchanted Castle
  • Ecco the Dolphin
  • Streets of Rage
  • Altered Beast
  • Golden Axe
  • The Revenge of Shinobi

You can browse the full range on Forbidden Planet’s website.

Grabbing any of these for yourself? Let us know!

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Documentary filmmaker, contributing commentator on The Sonic Show and self-confessed merch addict. If he's not making films or polishing his collection, he's probably at a theme park.


  1. Interesting.

    I hope these out of nowhere announcements aren’t going to become a thing though…

  2. “available with artwork from other classic SEGA games. The list is as follows: Sonic the Hedgehog” um…

    Also meh… I never did like the Sonic 1 boxart much and these honestly seem a bit lazy to me… I mean, I could just grab it off Google, go to a T-shirt printing site or shop and do it myself…

  3. The shirt would work if it were cream colored, card holder is awesome being a double sided cartridge

    1. Yeah, I’ll admit I love the card holder. it’s just kinda bugging me they’ve literally just got the Sonic 1 box art and printed it onto various items (aside from the card holder). Just seems lazy to me.

  4. well I know what I will be getting at some point a t-shirt of altered beast’s box art yes please and oh also the sonic 1 box art as well

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