Weston Super Sonic: Returning 17th of January 2015!


‘Oh… I do like to be beside the seaside~’

Weston Super Sonic, that little Sonic convention that we covered back in January is returning on the 17th on January 2015, and it’s looking to be back with a vengeance! Earlier today, the following banner was posted onto the convention’s Facebook page.

Weston Super Sonic banner

That’s right. England’s only South-West Sonic the Hedgehog convention is back and has been confirmed to take place in Weston-Super-Mare: one of Britain’s classic seaside locations.

Not only do we have a date for the event, but also a venue… And what a venue it is. None other than Weston-Super-Mare’s famous Grand Pier!



As of yet, there haven’t been any specific details about what exactly will go on at the event, but with a generous sized conference suite and a big selection of arcade machines and rides downstairs, 2015’s outing is already looking to be a ton of fun.

For more details and future updates about the event, keep your eyes on the convention’s Facebook Page. We at TSS will be watching closely how this one pans out! Will any of you folks be attending?

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Documentary filmmaker, contributing commentator on The Sonic Show and self-confessed merch addict. If he's not making films or polishing his collection, he's probably at a theme park.


  1. I wish Summer of Sonic can give even half as much notice as these dudes have done for their annual convention!
    Already booked Weston Super sonic in my calendar!

    1. The joint Sonic Boom/Summer of Sonic announcements are the culprit there. Sonic Boom takes longer to finalize everything, and SEGA desires to have all these sorts of events announced at the same time.

      Naturally, I’m hopeful the joint announcements will be discontinued one year. Two months’ notice isn’t enough; most conventions are announced nearly a year in advance.

      1. I missed last year be course of that 🙁
        When going on a trip to another country you need to plan early other wise it get to expensive whit the plane tickets and also other stuff that needs to be planned before going some where.

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