Mike Pollock and Roger Craig Smith nominated for Behind The Voice Actor Awards


It’s seemingly not often that the vocal talents behind the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise receive any real recognition for their work on the series (and disappointingly so) – but rejoice, there is good news on this front at last! Two of the series’ principal cast members have been nominated for accolades in the latest Behind The Voice Actor Awards, and they’ll no doubt be looking for your votes and support to help them take home the gold.

Roger Craig Smith, known of course amongst the fanbase as the voice of the titular blue blur, has been nominated in the Best Male Vocal Performance in a Video Game in a Supporting Role category for portraying the wise-cracking Wonder Blue in the recent Wii U title from Platinum Games, The Wonderful 101. However, it’s Mike Pollock that should be getting special attention from the Sonic fandom, as he has been nominated in the Best Male Vocal Performance in a Video Game category for his role as none other than Dr. Eggman, specifically in last year’s Sonic Lost World.

The two vocal stars are in esteemed company in their respective categories, nominated alongside the likes of Troy Baker (the voice of Espio), Nolan North, and Alan Young (Scrooge McDuck himself!).

We here at The Sonic Stadium wish to congratulate both Mike and Roger on their nominations, and if you wish to cast your votes for them you can do so at the awards page (you’ll need to register for an account first though). The winners are scheduled to be announced next Wednesday (19th March), so you don’t have long to get your votes in!

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Published by

Doctor MK

Tally-ho! Doctor MK is a writer and English Language enthusiast with a love of gaming, especially when it comes to Sonic! He's known for being fond of puns, so provide opportunities for wordplay at your peril. Founder of the Sonic Relief fundraising campaigns (2009-2011).


  1. I can’t decide! There are too many good choices!
    Mike Pollock or Alan Young?
    Ducktales Remastered or The Wonderful 101?

  2. i got to admit , roger is improving but ! mike is definitely my vote because hes one of the longest running sonic VA and hes so nice that he responds my questions 🙂 so mike i hope you win , you deserve it 😀 !

  3. Well I wish them both the best of luck, they are sure up against some tough competition. Win or lose, just seeing them nominated is a win in my books.

  4. “Roger Craig Smith… has been nominated in the Best Male Vocal Performance in a Video Game in a Supporting Role”

    Supporting role?!! Am I missing a trick or does the idea that Sonic is a supporting character in his own game seem extremely illogical?

    1. He wasn’t nominated for playing Sonic, he was nominated for playing Wonder Blue. Read the article closer next time.

      1. @metal obviously wonder blue sounds like a nickname for sonic. You, metal, are the only one that would know that its something different. Like seriously wtf is wonderful 101 Lol not like anyone has ever heard of that.

        1. @tim

          “Roger Craig Smith, known of course amongst the fanbase as the voice of the titular blue blur, has been nominated in the Best Male Vocal Performance in a Video Game in a Supporting Role category for portraying the wise-cracking Wonder Blue in the recent Wii U title from Platinum Games, The Wonderful 101.”

          It says it in the article, silly. I know this is exciting news but try not to skim the article, because you miss important facts in it if you do ^^

  5. There is no way I’m going to vote unless Jen Taylor as Cortana gets nominated for an award. Anywho I think Alan Young would be a tough act to beat since he did portray Scrooge McDuck for years, not only that he is the actor who portray Wilbur Post from Mr. ED (some of you here that are in their 30s or 40s may remember that show).

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