Christopher Evan Welch Has Died


Uupdate: Following new information released by Welch’s family and acting agency, it turns out that he was not the voice actor for Tails or had anything to do with the Sonic cartoon show.

Please see our newest story for details.

Original Story: It has been brought to our attention that AoStH voice actor Christopher Evan Welch, who played the role of Tails has passed away. His agency Paradigm confirmed that Welch was filming for HBO in LA when he died early Monday morning in hospital, he is believed to have been 48.

Many early fans will have memories of his voice acting career as Tails, in the television series “Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog.” However, he was also a very well respected actor, having roles on Broadway and film credits that include Spielberg’s “The War of the Worlds” and Woody Allen’s “Vicky Cristina Barcelona.”

Our thoughts and condolences are with Christopher’s family at this difficult time.

Source: Variety

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  1. My Condolences to his Family, he was a cute Tails voice but how old was he when he voiced Tails??? 0_o

      1. I reckon his given age of death isn’t completely accurate. He was clearly rather young when he played Tails, but at 48, that would imply he was in his late 20’s. Either he was insanely awesome at making himself sound like a child, or the site simply got their facts wrong…

          1. The biography in these reports is probably mixed up, so I don’t think it’s true at all. Either IMDb and Wikipedia have gotten Chris’ age and birthyear wrong, or there’s two different actors in reality bearing the same name. Where does the internet go wrong?

  2. Rest In Peace, Christopher Evan Welch. We’ll never forget you and the memorable moments for Tails that you gave to us fans. Deepest condolences to his family especially~

  3. Another one gone way too soon 🙁
    Now that I think of it he was probably my favourite Tails voice actor

  4. I always loved his work as Tails growing up watching Adventures of Sonic the hedgehog every morning, he was one of my favourite Tails voices, he will be missed.

  5. Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog was made in 1993 and It is back on 2010 then cancelled It today.

  6. Aw man he was the best actor of tails in that television show but i feel sorry for them for losing a member of the series damn it he was a good actor of tails geez its just make me so disappointed of this well he was a good role of tails

  7. I’m so sorry to hear this. I thought he played a great young-Tails in AoStH. Rest In Peace Christopher Evan and God bless his family, I hope they’ll pull together through this tragic loss.

  8. I don’t want to overlook the tragedy of someone dying, but I’m simply amazed at his age. I had always assumed they just found a child voice actor to do the role.

  9. Wow. He was too young to die. Although, he’s quite a bit older than I thought he was. I always thought Welch was a kid when he voiced tails, not someone in their late 20’s.

      1. Variety was the first to report it, now there is another Christopher Evan Welch who is also an actor of a younger age. Only I’m not sure if Variety got some details wrong since they even mispell his name at one point.

        I decided to check how other sites were reporting it and the bulk said 48. I don’t know if thats correct but thats the basis of why I put his age as that.

        Either way, it still sucks.

  10. That is really sad 🙁
    He did an amazing voice for Tails and it profoundly suited him in AoStH. To think, that this was his first thing for his career and also done so amazingly, and at such an age too.
    Prayers for his family, friends, and acquaintances.

  11. RIP I am so sad now he seems like an awesome guy, I will neber be able to whach his shows the same again but I have so many things I want to say right now but he probobly already knows. I respect him and I jave just reacently been watching that cartoon and now I am sad and he might not want us to moarn over him. We all love you sir not just for the acting but also for who you. are!

  12. The voice actor for Luigi, Danny Wells, also died recently. Cartoon sidekicks are all kicking the bucket!

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