You know what I’m looking forward to the most in Sonic Lost World ? …well, besides the fact that Sonic and Eggman are teaming up?
The parkour-inspired gameplay! Going nuts over massive stages however you please! Running along walls, climbing up to new routes, that sorta thing! Just thinking of the endless possibilities forgive me in clearing a single level gets my mouth watering~!
So, how do you define parkour anyway…?
par·kour [pahr-koor, -kawr, -kohr]
Internet sensation of 2004; art of moving from point A to point B as creatively as possible.
So, technically, Sonic is doing parkour… as long as point A is delusion, and point B is the hospital.
Animated by MarkandFlops, audio from NBC’s The Office!
SEGA, an idea:
Voice DLC that makes Sonic yell out PARKOUR at random intervals….even when he’s not doing Parkour. XD
Lol that would be hilarious!
You have no idea how much money I would give to support that idea.
No offense, but I am pretty sure the entire sonic fan community has seen this already. It’s still pretty funny though. It has been a while since we had a freak out Friday… PARKOUR!
I hadn’t seen it.
Lol about time you guys got on this video. Still pretty funny stuff. HARDCORE PARKOUR!
Favorite scene from the office, and a great video to boot!
This is hilarious xD “PARKOOOOUUUR!”
Jackass Sonic style
Pretty funny this little blue fella. I always found it quite nice to see some serious parkour action, but this takes everything to a whole new level (in a very ironic way)!
Sonic AND The Office, in ONE video? Heck yes.