Sonic Adventure 2 Xbox Live Avatar Awards Revealed

Xbox Live Avatar Award items have been revealed online for the upcoming HD port of Sonic Adventure 2 on Xbox Live Arcade …and they aren’t much different to the ones released with the first Sonic Adventure. Even the tasks to unlock them are the same. The items include a Sonic Adventure 2 shirt and Sonic’s shoes that he wears in the game. You can check out pictures of the items after the jump.

2G Vintage Sonic Tee
5 Hours game time in any game mode.

Sonic’s 2G Hi-Speed Shoes
10 hours game time in any game mode.

No word right now on if PS3 fans will be able to unlock these items as Home Rewards like with the first Sonic Adventure, unfortunately.


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  1. That’s why keeping-the-console-on exists. Those shoes look sweet.

    Will look cool on my coughfemalecough avatar.

  2. Meh. I’d love different things, maybe like:
    Shadow’s shoes
    Knuckles’s gloves
    Rouge’s boots (?)
    Tails/Eggman mech
    Or a rail to grind on…I dunno

  3. I’ve been wearing the Sonic Adventure Shoes Award ever since I unlocked them. It’ll be nice to replace them…… with THESE Sonic shoes.

    1. Same here πŸ˜› the only time that they’ve over not been on my avatar is when I was wearing the Super Sonic costume. xD

      Sonic’s SOAP shoes.. sweeeeeeet.

    1. I’ve gotta agree with you on the shoes. I love the idea of having Sonic’s Soaps, but it would’ve actually looked better if they’d just taken the shoes straight from the game and slapped them on the Avatar. Hopefully they look better in action… I like the shirt though.

      Also, would’ve been nice to get Shadow’s shoes or gloves.

      1. Agreed. I’m sad they didn’t do that. But then again there are SONIC ADVENTURE 2 themed avatar items coming to Xbox LIVE SO WHO CARES.

    1. Turn on SA2, go to any stage, and just stay there. Turn your TV from game mode to TV mode and watch some TV or do something else for 10 hours. πŸ˜›

        1. Or play the game normally, completing everything. It’s cumulative, not in one sitting. (I got the Sonic Adventure stuff and never played for more than 2 hours in a row)

  4. As metioned somewhere above:

    As far as I’m concerned… To me… This just spells out ‘PS Home Items confirmed’…

  5. it’s funny how they set the reward goals again like in sonic adventure. i remember getting these items in the ps3 version

  6. Awesome! Hopefully, they’ll be available as PS Home rewards like with SA1! Then I’ll finally realize my dream of owning a pair of SOAP shoes, albeit virtual ones. πŸ˜€

  7. I owned a pair of soaps at one point in middle school. Most heavy and uncomfortable shoe I’ve ever worn. And because they have plastic on the bottom ID slip on everything. But it was all worth it to sport that sonic love

    1. I feel your pain. I’m currently using soaps for school now. THEY ARE SO HEAVY. And I cant take the plastic things out because they look like high heel shoes without them. BUT as you said, all worth it for that Sonic look.

  8. T-shirt is epic, but the shoes are better! This is only coming out on Xbox LIVE, or is it being rereleased?

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