[UPDATE] SA2, NiGHTS into dreams… HD Spiralling to Consoles in October

UPDATE: HD screenshots are available for your viewing pleasure after the jump! Original article below!

Crusaders of dreams and adventurers of the world, mark your calendars and ready your wallets!

SEGA has just announced the exact dates and prices for the upcoming HD rereleases of both Sonic Adventure 2 and NiGHTS into dreams…! And by ready your wallets, I mean ready your wallets. Both games are set to come out at the same time.

Playstation Network users will find both Sonic and NiGHTS’s returning journeys on their market on October 2nd for 9.99$ (US), while the XBLA versions of the two classics will be available on October 5th for 800 MSP each! No word on the PC version’s release, but gamers on that field might want to prepare themselves in advance.

The Battle Mode DLC, which will compliment Sonic Adventure 2 just as the DX Mode DLC did for Sonic Adventure, is priced for 240 MSP/3.49$ (US). It is here where the multiplayer mode will be fully expanded on, with more maps and playable characters, as well as the unlocking of Chao Karate.

NiGHTS fans will be pleased to know that Christmas NiGHTS will be a packaged bonus for NiGHTS into dreams…!

So, which one of these two highly anticipated titles will you be picking up first? Or will you end up getting both at once? What are you looking forward to the most in both games? Let us know in the comments!

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Unparalleled Canadian greatness! Jeffrey is a writer for TSS and Gamnesia, a pianist obsessed with video game music, and a recent university graduate majoring in Communications. Loves all things Sonic and Nintendo to a fault.


    1. I was pretty much expecting that. There was no way they were going to make it 1600 fucking points.
      I will gladly take the game for the 800 points. Hell I might even buy multiplayer all it adds is a couple of maps. The Screenshots look a bit grainy for some reason. Maybe that is because the game has aged a bit and it is in HD but I don’t know.

  1. both released on october? hmm… if i have the money, i might buy them both on my xbox 360 if i can get internext connection as it’s the white 60GB one :\

    1. If you have a digital box/pvr beside your Xbox, just connect the two with the ethernet cable given with your Xbox to have internet (that’s what I do) or if you have a laptop, do the same.

  2. as far as i know both jet set radio and NiGHTS are on pc so there is a strong posabllity that it may be on pc

  3. My hopes and dreams of FINALLY getting my hands on a copy of Christmas NiGHTS without spending hundreds of dollars on eBay have FINALLY come true

    1. Erm…Christmas NiGHTS averages about $10-20 for the import and $30-40 for the US version on eBay, last I checked 😛

      Still, glad the PS2 up-port of NiGHTS is finally making it to the US.

      1. Man, if I would’ve found a $10 Christmas NiGHTs before I heard this was coming…I would’ve got it ages ago. But, hey thanks anyway

  4. What are those prices in GBP?

    Also, Please, Please have PlayStation Home support like SA1… Need another Vintage Sonic shirt xD

  5. I don’t get it. You get some of the emblems from chao karate, right? So without the DLC, you can’t collect all 180 emblems??

    1. there weren’t 180 emblems in the original game therefor I am certain there will not be 180 Emblems without the add-on… however you likely will not be able to get all trophies without the add-on

      1. Actually, yes there were.

        Dreamcast Emblems…

        Missions: 155 Emblems
        Chao Racing: 10 Emblems
        All A Ranks: 6 Emblems
        Boss Mode: 3 Emblems
        Kart Racing: 3 Emblems
        Endings: 3 Emblems
        Total: 180 Emblems

        Gamecube Emblems…

        Missions: 155 Emblems
        All A Ranks: 7 Emblems
        Chao Racing: 5 Emblems
        Chao Karate: 4 Emblems
        Boss Mode: 3 Emblems
        Endings: 3 Emblems
        Kart Racing: 3 Emblems
        Total: 180 Emblems

        So either they’ll be using the original Dreamcast list, or it’ll be impossible to complete the game without the DLC. And if they do use the DC list, will it remain when you upgrade to Battle? Sadly, these are the sorts of things that nobody’s gonna be answering until the game comes out.

  6. I bought SADX off the PSN even though I had the game for a few years on Gamecube before and I plan on doing the EXACT same thing with SA2B =D forever a loyal and hardcore Sonic fan!

  7. Wow my head exploded. Sega put great prices and had an unexpected card from their selves. Now i cant wait for Christmas NiGHTS!!!

  8. Wow! Look at all that stuff in SA2 that’s still the exact same as the original versions! It’s so incredible!

    – –

  9. Don’t think I need the Battle stuff.

    The PC version of Sonic Adventure 2 might be cool if people mod it, though.

  10. Eh. Was kinda hoping for a vita version like Jet Set Radio HD got.
    Trophy list is kind of a bummer too – I ain’t getting 180 emblems for a third time just for 12 trophies.

    Ah well. Back to Dreamcast.

  11. Is the Battle stuff going to be DLC for PC? I hope it’s just included to be honest xD Hope to find the PC release date too. I’m sick of setting up my Wii as a GC.

  12. $12 with $3 for battle DLC in Australian money, good ting my birthday was on Saturday so I have enough to pay for both!

  13. I know this sreem weird to say it but already got both version on Dreamcast and Gamecube (I hope they will fix these glitch for all action stage, but the chao world keep a glitch on it will help rasing chao even higher ^w^ “Chao, Chao” 😆

  14. Its funny how i get Nights finally for the Sega Saturn this year and they are now releasing it for the PSN lol i might get it for the Christmas Nights stuff, sonic adventure 2 HD i cant be bothered though i play it still today on my Gamecube.

  15. I’ll be honest – I was hoping this would be a remake, not a re-release ^^; Oh well. I’m still looking forward to it.

    I wonder what the next big Sonic game is going to be…

  16. I’ve been thinking, and y’know who long it took to get to the Green Hill Zone level in the GameCube version, I don’t think I’m gonna have enough time in my life to get it on the Xbox360.

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