Sonic 4: Episode 1 Gets Permanent Price Drop on Xbox 360 & PS3

Following our report on yesterday’s random discount on the Xbox 360 version of Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1, SEGA has announced early this morning on their blog that the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game have been/will be given permanent price drops. The Xbox 360 version has already received its 400 MSP cut worldwide from 1200 MSP to 800 MSP and the PS3 version will drop from £9.99/€12.99/AU$19.95 to £6.29/€7.99/AU$12.95 in Europe, the Middle East and Africa later today. The PS3 version will also get a price cut in North America next week on Tuesday October 18th.

Source: SEGA Blog

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  1. New Generations 3DS screenshots on the official SEGA SG page. Casino night and emerald coast 🙂

  2. eh, maybe I’ll get the version for the PS3 soon since I just bought one last month for when Generations comes out.

  3. Hey, it’s the price it SHOULD be now! Maybe I’ll buy it when there’s a price cut that makes it seem like I’m saving money.

    I’m really hoping they don’t go crazy with the pricing for Sonic CD. I’m buying it regardless, but still, at least THAT’S a justified purchase.

    1. You know what else was too overpriced? PSN Version of Castlevania: Harmony of Despair. I mean, the DLC was a hefty price. Good thing I didn’t buy the music packs. It would’ve been overkill. But I got all the characters and stages. Should I buy the PSN Version of Sonic 4 Episode 1, despite having the WiiWare Edition?

  4. Great – now I own it on three platforms, just like I do with Sonic 1, 2, 3, Knuckles, Spinball, R, Adventure, and (soon) CD.

  5. What about WII!!?!? The price they’re asking for is pretty steep especially since its not that long of a game! make it at least 1000 wii points or something x-(

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