The Sonic Show’s Summer of Sonic Retrospective

This year’s Summer of Sonic convention had so much going on…competitions, Sonic Generations, music performances, guests and loads more – even if you attended, you no doubt missed some parts of the day.

But have no fear! Discoponies and the cyberwizards over at The Sonic Show have put together a 75-minute Summer of Sonic retrospective show, absolutely packed with all the events of the day!

Even if that doesn’t satisfy your appetite for Summer of Sonic or if you’re still feeling blue and missing hanging out with all your fellow Sonic fans…there is a whole heap of other bonus footage to catch including the Nevermind the Buzzbombers competition, all 40 minutes of Julien-K’s performance, and of the uncut, unedited Sonic Team Interview!

You have absolutely no excuse to be bored this weekend!

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Published by

Adam Tuff

With a decade under his belt, Adam is one of The Sonic Stadium's most seasoned writers, with interests in the music and merchandise of the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. Adam is the co-organiser for the Summer of Sonic convention.


    1. If I recall correctly, I actually sat across from Old Man Nega on the art tables. And, with risk of being offensive, his son’s probably one of the most spoiled 20 yr olds around. XD

    2. I really hope they at least got a glimpse of him on camera at some point. I’ll die laughing if I see him. xD

  1. why didn’t they show the surprise game at the end like they promised, all they showed for the end was some random british man singing live and learn REALLY BADLY…wheres mah sonic adventure 3?

    1. They didn’t promise a surprise game at any point. (Where did you see that?) The surprise was the live performance – though something that happened earlier on in the day would have counted better for the ending surprise, I think, though it’s always lovely to hear Jun play…

      Also that was AAUK, one of the event organisers and pretty much the event’s main host, singing badly. Because Senoue Jun told him to about two minutes before he was due to perform. XD His mike wasn’t that loud on the day (we could all barely hear him over ourselves) but it recorded very loudly on video versions.

    2. Yeah I don’t recall us promising a surprise game. Probably because we didn’t.

      Feel free to point it out where this was promised if you can tear yourself away from Club Penguin.

      1. You mean you didn’t know? Some random guy on some random forum in a random chat room said that Iizuka would announce Sonic Adventure 3 four weeks before Iizuka and Yuji Naka were even confirmed to be at SOS….

        And people believed this random guy on the random website instead of actually using their brains to read up as to what would actually be there and be announced.

        1. Ohhh my god, that’s dumb. Apologies to anybody involved in that chat for saying that, but it is dumb. If it’s not officially announced, dears, it counts as rumour – and that means that even if it seems perfectly believable, don’t let yourself be convinced that’s what’s definitely going to happen.

  2. I only managed to get in for the last 2 hours of the show, but those 2 hours where definately one of the most magical moments of my life <3

  3. That was pretty cool.
    By the way, sorry if I’m asking something stupid but, is there any video of the first Sonic Team interview? I think the videos here only show the second one.

  4. I kept popping back to the line throughout the day – waiting more than an hour all through the day? Shocking >_>
    I didn’t get to go in.. .wanted to make a day of London

    Charge £5 per person and get the NEC, much easier to get to for internationals, much cheaper accommodation and NO queuing. Benefit of being in the centre of the country means the north can also attend.

    1. Oh, my dear, I’m sorry. ;A; So very sorry!

      Unfortunately we can’t redo the day, and next year is still only an ‘if’…


    Where It’s Available, and A Reason for Doubt

    The Spanish website Sonic Paradise has found for pre-order on Spanish vendor Xtralife a special edition of Sonic Generations, both for XBOX 360 and PS3.

    The pre-order, for the moment only spotted in Spain, retails for €40 higher than the normal editions, at €96.95, the equivalent of nearly $140 in US dollars.

    Sonic Paradise does note the box art used for the collector’s edition is the same one used in a fan imagination circulated some months back. Still, they wouldn’t take pre-orders if one wasn’t coming, and if you remember, the special edition for Sonic Colors was limited to certain areas of the world as well. The game was the same, but it came with other special goodies, and we suspect this will be no different.

    Your welcome stadium.

    1. Thanks for the info, but we have been keeping our eye on that story since it appeared at Sonic Paradise until some further confirmation comes along, since the Spanish retailer is using fan art. A listing has popped up at a popular UK retailer now and they’re not using fan art, so we’re certain now. We’ll have a news post up soon.

  6. And geeze people shut up about Adventure 3 you are NEVER getting it. It’s way too late in the Sonic timeline now to make a sequel to 2 because it just wouldn’t make any sense. Call Heroes the Adventure 3 and shut up. That’s what it was technically supposed to be so can it.

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