“Yardley Working” Contest Winners Announced!

Hey folks! Jason Here.

Well, the contest has been over for a week now and to help build suspense I’ve delayed up till now before telling you the winners of this fine art contest. It had absolutely nothing to do with me being too lazy and playing too much Goldeneye and Rock Band 3 to be bothered putting this up. Honest! All entries were looked over and judged by yours truly.

Anyhoo, for each category I’ll be showing the winners and the runner ups. What do the runner ups get? The knowledge that if that jerk hadn’t entered the contest too, they’d be the winner! Each winner must PM me your address so I can mail your art out to you. The winning art should be sent out by the end of the month. (Hey, it’s Christmas time folks. I ain’t makin’ any promises here.)

Now, onto the victors!!

Category 1: Shades Fan Art (Prizes = Page 13 of Sonic Eggs issue 2 and Knuckles art by Spaz)

prize 1

Winner – Smash
Shades fan art

Most of my Shades fan art came with him in Vanilla’s dress. I guess people like seeing him that way. This made me laugh as I wondered why Cheese was so ticked off at him.

Runner Up – Super Sonikku

Shades Art

What looks cute and cuddly to others looks scary to Shades.

Category 2 : Funny Fan Art (Prizes = The two pages that make page 11 and a page from Sonic X )

Prize 2

Winner – Nemain

Funny art

Rouge learns the nightmare of cosplay.

Runner Up – Rabbid A

Funny Art 2

Rabbid A gives us this rendition of a not so happy Sonic being forced into Shades dress up party.

Category 3: Writing Contest (Prizes = Page 14 and a page of Ron Lim art from a Knuckles comic)

Prize 3

Winner – Mimi

Writing Contest

Mimi won with her last minute comic. Very funny stuff.

Runner Up – Fairfieldfencer

This one’s for the comic book fans. May make it into an Egg Whites!

My entry for Category 3, based on the opening page of SU: #21.

Panel One: Same as SU: #21:

Panel Two: Visually the same as SU: #21 with different dialogue.

Zone Cop Ship: Dr. Nega! This is Nurse Ratchet of the video game villain asylum! Nurse Clank is at the gun and will not hold back!

Panel Three: Visually the same. Different dialogue.

Dr. Nega: I’LL NEVER GO BACK!!!!!

Panel Four: Exactly the same as SU: #21.

Panel Five: The two ships fly opposite each other and the Zone Cop Ship is panicked as it looks down at the fallen capsule that has dropped in a pond and has fizzled out of existance.

Zone Cop Ship: Darn it! His scheme succeeded!

Panel Six: Inside Dr. Nega’s ship. Nega is sweating and wiping his forehead with a relieved smile.

Dr. Nega: Phew! There was no way I was taking that suppository!

Congratulations to all the winners!! To the runner ups, ooooh! So close!

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Interview: Sonic Colors Adaptation – Ian Flynn

Continuing from where we left off yesterday, today we bring you our interview with the writer of the Sonic comics, Ian “Potto” Flynn.

TSS: Hello Mr. Flynn, thank you for taking the time to talk with us today!

IF: My pleasure!

TSS: When where you approached with the Sonic Colors adaption?

IF: If memory serves, it wasn’t too long after the first public announcement.

TSS: How did it interfere with the plans you already had for the book?

IF: It didn’t, really.  “Welcome Back, Chao!” was originally going to be two parts, but we were already thinking it was a bit too slow paced.  We condensed it down to one and put in “Sonic Colors” in its place.  One or two back-ups had to be shuffled around as well, but that happens all the time.

TSS: How did the development of the script differentiate from the development of a typical Sonic comic script?

IF: Not much.  The only real difference was that, instead of me coming up with the story on my own, SEGA supplied us with the English script and some concept art.  The rest of the process happened as per usual.

TSS: What sorts of materials did you have access to from the game during the script’s development?

IF: I guess I got a little ahead of myself with that last question!  SEGA provided us with the English script and concept art for the updated Orbot, for Cubot and all the Wisps.  There was level concept art and videos, primarily of the opening sequence and CGI promotional stuff.

TSS: This is…I believe the third game adaption in the book to use the setting “Another Time, Another Place”.
Do these stories all take place in the same universe?

IF: They could be – call it the “SegaSonic Universe” if you like.  Or they could each be their own zone.  It’s entirely up to the preference of the reader.

TSS: Are these stories basically meant to take place in the game canon?

IF: More or less, but it varies from project to project.  The “Sonic and the Black Knight” tie-in was almost shot-for-shot, word-for-word the opening sequence so it’s obviously the same thing.  “Sonic Colors” will be a little more liberal, but it’s still true to the source, so you can take it as a retelling or a synopsis.

TSS: Will we be seeing Orbot, Cubot, or Yacker in this adaption?

IF: Yes on all three counts!

TSS:  Do you have to work under any special restrictions for these types of stories?

IF: Aside from the tighter deadline, we really have to be true to the SegaSonic art style and accurate to the story.  For instance, I couldn’t add Amy into the story if I wanted because she isn’t in the Wii version, and that’s the version we’re adapting.

TSS: Back in the day, the comics use to reserve substantially more space for in-continuity adaptions of the games. Why don’t we see those anymore? Might we ever see them again?

IF: Part of it stems from the game’s having much bigger stories.  The more involved the game plot, the harder it is to integrate it into the comic’s plot.  This ties directly into the next issue, which is time.  We usually work six months ahead, and the game tie-ins are usually requested with much less time to work with.  This means adjusting the publishing schedule, the story order, and taking the plot of the game and whatever’s currently going on into account.  Add on top of that the higher level of scrutiny since it’s a direct tie-in story, and it simply becomes unfeasible to do stuff like the Sonic Adventure tie-ins.  For now and the foreseeable future, we’re sticking with the elegantly simple “Another Time, Another Place” option.

TSS: Many ask why the Archie comics do not simply base a comic in the game continuity, either as a reboot or as another series. Would you run into any problems – beyond angry fans who enjoy the current comic canon – with such a move? Would there be any restrictions writing a comic in the game canon that you don’t currently work under in the comic’s own canon?

IF: We’ve considered a SegaSonic companion book, but never seriously pursued it.  The ArchieSonic canon is hard enough for new readers to keep track of without having a totally different canon to follow as well.  “Sonic X” had a little bit of this problem, but we mostly solved it by making it very continuity light.

Additionally, SEGA is very protective of their material, and rightfully so.  But that means the SegaSonic cast is perpetually stuck in their present characterizations.  The ArchieSonic cast and world give us the means to tell compelling stories where individuals grow and develop.  Come for the Sonic, stay for the story.

TSS: Will we be seeing any of Sonic Colors’ characters appear in the main book? Orbot already has quite a following from his Sonic Unleashed appearance.

IF: That all depends on SEGA.  Orbot and Cubot would fit right in, and the Wisps would certainly make enough sense given all the other aliens running around.  You’ll just have to wait and see.

TSS: Have you had a chance to play Sonic Colors yet?

IF: Unfortunately, no, but I do have it pre-ordered. (I. Must. Have. That. HAT!)

TSS: Thank you for your time Mr. Flynn

IF: My pleasure.

The final interview will be going up in the next few days. It will be with artist Tracy Yardley, and will include some exclusive concept art from the story Archie was nice enough to send to us.

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Sonic The Hedgehog #218 On Newstands Now

The second part of the two part storyline “Thicker then Water” is in stores today! The story gives some long awaited backstory on fan favorite Freedom Fighter Bunnie Rabbot, and also begins the build up to landmark issue #225.

Posted below are the preview pages and solicitation.

“Thicker than Water” Part Two,” “Hindsight”:
It’s Sonic versus Bunnie in a no-holds-barred battle! The prize: the sprawling Oil Ocean Refinery! Two factions stand poised to attack as hero turns on hero – but is everything as it seems? There will be as many revelations as explosions! Then, in “Hindsight,” Dr. Eggman calls Snively in for questioning. What is the conniving little man up to this time?
SCRIPT: Ian Flynn.
ART: Ben Bates and Jamal Peppers
COVER: Tracy Yardley!, Terry Austin, and Matt Herms
Shipping Date: October 20th, 2010
On Sale at Comic Shops: October 27th, 2010
Newsstands: November 9th, 2010
32-page, 40 lb glossy stock, full-color comic
$2.99 US

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Interview: Sonic Colors Adaptation – Paul Kaminski

The creative team of Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic Universe have been gracious enough to grant us a three part interview about their upcoming adaption of the Sonic Colors game. The adaption will be included as the backstory of Sonic the Hedgehog #219, which releases later this month. First up is the comic’s Editor, Paul Kaminski! Enjoy.

TSS: Hello Mr. Kaminski, thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions for us!

PK: My pleasure!

TSS: Did SEGA approach you with the idea of a Sonic Colors adaption story?

PK: After the game announcement back in May, we approached SEGA to see if they would be interested in working out a “Sonic Colors” story the same way we worked the past few game adaptation back-ups. SEGA seemed as enthused about the idea as we were and shortly after the exchange the details were ironed out and Ian was hard at work on draft one of the script!

TSS: As I understand it, the comics are meant to help advertise the games in the series. Why does SEGA ask you to only do adaptions for a fraction of the Sonic games released every year?

PK: Whether games get adaptations or not, at least in my experience, is less of a strict mandate and more a matter of practicality/availability. Our primary goal, besides trying to tell a good story, is to help promote the Sonic  franchise as a whole, and I think we do a pretty good job of doing just that.

TSS: Do you have any idea what it is about the Sonic Colors game that separates it from the other games that haven’t been adapted, in particular Sonic 4 and the upcoming Sonic Free Riders?

PK: A comic adaptation of ‘Sonic Colors’ just makes sense. The game has fantastically stunning visuals, plus new characters like the Wisps that lend themselves to the types of storytelling we seek to achieve month after month with the Sonic comics. As for the other Sonic game releases this year, you may in fact see adaptations of these games, just not in the traditional “another time, another place” style.

TSS: SEGA has a reputation for keeping actual game material very close to its chest when it comes to game adaptions in the comics. What sorts of materials did SEGA lend you to allow you to do a proper adaption for this game?

PK: We had access to a pretty awesome collection of materials and imagery from the game to make the adaptation as faithful to the source material as possible.

TSS: How much lead time did you have with this adaption compared to typical Archie stories? Has it significantly altered plans for comic’s near future stories?

PK: The game adaptation stories require a little extra lead time because of the sensitive game materials and more meticulous rounds of approvals. The first conversation about doing the adaptation was back in May so that’ll give you a rough idea of how long the process took. As for altering plans, it hasn’t really. Ian wound up having to cut “Welcome back Chao” down to a one-parter but that was pretty much it. Other back-up stories got shifted around too to make sure the game story came out at around the same time as the game’s release.

TSS: What sorts of behind the scenes work have you done for this story in particular?

PK: Just a lot of coordinating with SEGA contacts, freelancers and media types to make the thing come together-  which sounds boring but is in fact a lot of hard work! I LOVE to get creative with the books and contribute as much as I can, but this story is SEGA’s baby and we’re just here to help the team!

TSS: Are the wisps and other Sonic Colors characters off limits for the in canon stories in the same way Eggman Nega is, or will you be able to include these characters on your whim?

PK: Well I can’t speak for SEGA, but the only folks I’ve ever dealt with over there are wonderfully creative cats that are just as interested in telling a good story as we are. I would guess that if there was a story that demanded we include the Wisps down the line, they would be cool with it.

TSS: Have you had a chance to play the game at any point? Maybe at NYCC?

PK: What is this…”leaving the Archie booth” you speak of?

TSS: Thank you for your time Mr. Kaminski

PK: Anytime!

Tomorrow, we’ll be interviewing Ian Flynn, and after that, artist Tracy Yardley, complete with exclusive concept art straight from the story!

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English Voice Cast List, Blaze & Silver’s Voices, Free Riders Story Ending & Full “Free” Theme Song

UPDATE: Silver the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat’s voices have been added to the bottom of this article. /UPDATE END



The English voice actors have just been revealed in the above new video of the story ending in Sonic Free Riders for Xbox 360 Kinect. The full credits sequence is featured in the video from the 09:48 mark and at the 10:54 mark you can see the full English voice cast.

Here’s the full list and large and small screen grabs:
Roger Craig Smith
Kate Higgins
Mike Pollock
Kirk Thornton
Wally Wingert
Cindy Robinson
Karen Strassman
Michelle Ruff
Mike Mycheck
Kent Hampton (Travis Willingham)



Kyle Hebert has also announced on his website that he voices Big the Cat in the game, but oddly he’s not in the credits.

If you picked up the new Kinect controller for Xbox 360, there’s a new Sonic the Hedgehog game out now called “Free Riders”. I voice the non-playable character, Big the Cat. I’m very excited to be added to this popular franchise!

The full theme “Free” can also be heard during the credits sequence or you can check it out above.

Big thanks for all this go to BoyleVoices or SonicBoom771 as he goes by in the Sonic community.

Thanks to Aquaslash at the SSMB, we now have Silver the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat’s new voices to listen to. Thanks to SpiritsUnited for the YouTube upload.

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Sonic Free Riders: New Screens, Videos & Reviews


More reviews for SEGA’s first Xbox 360 Kinect title Sonic Free Riders have rolled out to join IGN’s 7.5/10, GameInformer’s 5.75/10 and G4’s 3/5 that we reported about yesterday. GameTrailers put out the above video review, scoring the game 4.5/10. Elsewhere, Kotaku, a site that doesn’t give scores, called the game’s controls broken, but said if SEGA could fix them he would recommend the game. Joystiq put out the game’s lowest scored review yet, with a painful 1/5, but there has been another higher score from the U.S. Official Xbox Magazine that matches IGN’s score of 7.5/10. The main complaint among the reviewers is the controls and how poorly they work, especially the steering. Check out the reviews at the links provided and share your thoughts in our comments section.

In other news, SEGA Japan updated their official Sonic Free Riders website with fifteen more screenshots from the game and two images from later unlocked tracks Final Factory and Metal City. You can check out those screens and images below.

Finally, we have some new gameplay videos from Kotaku, Giant Bomb and GameTrailers:
GameTrailers gameplay video:

Kotaku gameplay video:

Giant Bomb gameplay video part 1:

Giant Bomb gameplay video part 2:

Thanks to SSMB member Woun for the YouTube conversions and for obtaining the images and screenshots.

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NYC Sonic Colors Event Caught On Video

Youtube user “TrippyFeline” has put up the first footage of Sega’s Sonic Colors Premiere Party at Bryant Park. Among the sights seen are Sonic riding a Zamboni and some concert footage of Cash Cash including a stripped-down version of “Reach for the Stars.”  Frankly after hearing it, I can kind of see why Sega had them use auto-tune.


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Sonic Colors US Commercial Recorded

We’ve got the Sonic Colors US commercial, courtesy of Sonic Stadium forumer Jetronic. Not really much to say about it. It was first reported on Nick @ Nite.

Here you go:


Special thanks to all the great people on our Sonic Colors board who went out of their way to hunt down and upload this commercial! We appreciate your hardwork.

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Sonic Stadium Soundtrack Squad Review: Sonic 4: Episode 1 OST

Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Epsiode 1 OST Review

by JezMM

With veteran Sonic composer Jun Senoue taking the musical helm for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1, many interviews inquired into how the inspiration from Masato Nakamura’s works from the original games would be shaping Sonic 4’s soundtrack; fans of the classic era began looking forward to future, and the music that would inevitably accompany the title.

Generally speaking, almost every track uses a blend of old 16-bit style samples and synthesised instruments as appropriate, such as the jazzy horns of Casino Street or atmospheric pipes of Lost Labyrinth. This works well and is very appropriate, reflecting the way the game also uses a mix of old and new visually. In a rather different move for a 2D Sonic game, each act has its own melody, rather than traditionally remixing the zone’s theme. However each melody generally keeps in style which the rest of the zone with regards to instrumentation, with vague hints of melody shared between acts. Likewise, each act has its own unique and memorable gimmick, so unique and memorable melodies for each one is a great idea.

However, while there are a fair few ear worms (Splash Hill Act 3 and Lost Labyrinth Act 1 are sure to stick with you) I found a few songs quickly forgettable, or just simply too repetitive, especially considering almost every act is between 3-6 minutes long. Repetitive music certainly reminds one of the old days, but I felt there are still certain standards to adhere to considering this is a modern game being released in a modern market.

Of particular offense was the downright dreadful Final Boss theme. In light of the episodic nature of Sonic 4, a ridiculously epic boss theme would have been inappropriate (well, not that it was a problem for Sonic 3), but frankly Episode One ’s grand finale is just boring sound-wise. The boss is long and difficult, requiring many, many re-attempts – a 20 second loop just simply does not cut it for these circumstances. This might have been forgiven had there been a more dramatic “pinch” version for when Eggman goes nuts half way through (as with the other bosses), but not even that happens. A crying shame as a great, memorable piece of music would have been just what this boss needed to smooth the frustration threshold after frequent failure.

The soundtrack feels like Jun tried too hard to capture the original soundtracks – including what little was wrong with them. Additionally, while several of his melodies have that classic almost melancholic Sonic 1 aura to them, several don’t quite pull it off for me. For example, Lost Labyrinth Act 1 and Act 3 really pull it off in a way that slightly reminds me of Marble from the original game. Meanwhile, I can clearly hear the Special Stage theme trying to emulate the Sonic 1 version’s melodic style, but it fails to grasp quite the same magical something the original had. I also feel that the classic Sonic 1/Sonic 2 tappity-tap percussion severely limited the potential “oomph” factor any track could have possibly had. Using some more modern beats – at least in a few songs – wouldn’t have gone amiss.

In my opinion, Jun’s style was hampered by his attempts at mimicry. When I think of other tracks of his, in particular Azure Blue World from Sonic Adventure, I think it’s very possible for him to come up with an enthralling melody that wouldn’t sound out of place in a classic Sonic game, yet using modern instruments for that extra edge. I’m hoping the reliance on classic elements was purely in celebration of Sonic’s roots, just as the game’s graphics and level genres were, and that we’ll have a much more exciting soundtrack for the next episode. In summary, Sonic 4’s soundtrack does its job. It is a good soundtrack. But being appropriate is the bare minimum a soundtrack should do, and to me that is all Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1’s soundtrack is – good and appropriate – when it could have been so much more. [6]

Thumbs Up: Perfectly fitting to the content of the game and theme of each zone.
Thumbs Down: Plays it a bit too safe, making for a wholly unsurprising aural experience.
Favourite Track: Splash Hill Act 3

Though it originates from a wholly god-awful source, (the game from which the soundtrack comes is, quite frankly, an absolute travesty) Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1’s fantastic BGM is a monstrously marvellous electro masterwork, with fiery synth, rockin’ retro beats and a shining and prominent influence from the styles and moods of the tunes of the classic titles – it truly is a glorious flashback to the halcyon days of chippy-trippy MegaDrive music, and is an absolute godsend to anyone who’s been hankering after a taste of a fresh, modern, Sonic-style take on the genre since the series changed its musical fashions so dramatically when guitars took over the audio side of things in Sonic Adventure.

With blindingly awesome tracks such as Splash Hill Zone Act 3 (which truly is the alpha of the pack, sporting supremely catchy chord sequences and a massively memorable melody) and Mad Gear Zone Act 1, (a far jumpier, more dance-orientated affair, which contains more saw-wave licks and syncopations than you can shake a glow-stick at) the Sonic 4 OST is most definitely an album to be remembered and revered as one of the true greats that the Sonic series has managed to produce, and despite a couple of minor niggles, (the instruments aren‘t exactly what I‘d call “authentic“ in terms of their ability to re-create a realistic retro sound, and, right from the off, it’s crystal clear that the track entitled “Boss 1“ was booted from the final cut of the Sonic 3D Soundtrack for a very, very good reason) is the epitome of excellence in modern electronic video game music – it’s by no means perfect, but extremely good and wonderfully well-formed nonetheless. [8]

The stand-out quality of the Sonic 4 soundtrack is that they do a bang-up job of being reminiscent of the older classic tunes. The majority of the compositions are instantly synonymous with Sonic, and while not exactly replicating the Megadrive soundcard, there is a definite fresh, regenerated feel and pace. I’m particularly glad to see Senoue has borrowed from the later Megadrive titles to revive the evolution of each stage’s sound from one to the next.

While I disagree with any consensus that the classic kick-drum and snare is used too much (they were used in the original as frequently), they don’t seem to have been used with much originality ; for example, the Casino Street percussion is extremely similar to that of Casino Night from Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Having said this, I would love to see the Sonic 3 drum set utilised in future titles…but that’s personal preference! Mad Gear’s vibe lands itself perfectly at a transition point between classic titles and the post-Sonic Adventure style, a format I think sound be maintained for Episode 2. [8]

Thumbs Up: A vibrant new sound to compliment the new title.
Thumbs Down: You’d be forgiven to think you’d heard some tracks before.
Favourite Tracks: Lost Labyrinth Act 2 & Mad Gear Act 1.

When he isn’t busy being chased by flocks of beautiful woman, Jun Senoue composes music for SEGA. His latest soundtrack for Sonic 4 doesn’t disappoint, immersing you into sonic’s new 2.5D environment. I’ll start off by being completely honest. I LOVE the title theme to Sonic 4. It’s short, catchy and whenever I hit an invincibility box I hum along to it.

One of the things I love most about the soundtrack is that the music for each of the four zones is very different, but the acts all have a similar buzz to them. The Casino Street stages all have a little Casino Night charm in them but are distinctively different from the more Metropolis sounding Mad Gear acts. The album isn’t without its faults however, with the drum set being a constant annoyance. As much as I liked the throwback to the genesis/megadrive sound font, it quickly begins to stick out like a sore thumb and can really get on your nerves. The E.G.G. Station track is also disappointingly short and can begin to irritate your ears as it loops 5-6 times every time you play the level.
Getting the limited low points out of the way, it’s difficult to pick out a favourite track in Sonic 4 because the rest all have their own charm. I absolutely love the flute in Boss Fight and it helps give it an almost “Banjo Kazooie” feel. I am also a huge fan of Splash Hill Act 1. It’s such a catchy tune, and I think it is well worthy of being the next “First Stage” tune alongside the other classics like Emerald Hill and Angel Island. On a side note, be sure to check out the range of Sonic 4 Remixes sprouting up all over the place. Overall, the music is really appropriate for the game, and I hope Jun can hold back his huge female fan base long enough to produce some Episode 2 magic. [8]

Thumbs Up: Each acts music is noticeably specific to that zone and complement each other really well.
Thumbs Down: Drums can drain the brain, Egg Station really isn’t long enough
Favourite Tracks: Title Music & Boss Fight

A formidable collection of catchy beats that capture concepts of the older titles and blend them with the new.  Although there are many examples of memorable tunes, some fans will grow tired of the recycled drums and the shorter looped tracks.

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Gamepro.de’s Sonic Colours Video Review


It turns out that the rumour we reported that about Gamepro German division reviewing Sonic Colours (Wii version) in the latest issue of their magazine is true and they have indeed scored the game an 87%. The publication has now released their video review of the game, which features plenty of new gameplay footage of the various stages and even some cutscenes clips with English and Japanese voice acting. If you’re trying to avoid all story spoilers, then we advise against watching the video. The written review has not yet been published on their website.

Thanks to Slashhedgehog at the SSMB for the heads up!

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First Recordings of the New Voice Cast In Sonic Free Riders


Thanks to a team effort from SSMB members Fantasy the Almiqui and XD375, we have some voice clips of the new voice cast in Sonic Free Riders. Fantasy the Almiquie bought a copy of the game this morning and has already beat the Heroes story and got hear a lot of the cast, but unfortunately hasn’t seen the game’s credits appear yet, so we can get the names of the cast. In order, the clips released are Amy, Sonic, Cream, Vector, Omochao, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Rouge, Omochao, Rouge, Omochao. We have another set of clips from the intro movie below too:


Finally, we’ve got a clip of the Babylon Rogues voices:

If you have a copy of the game and can give us the names of the voice actors, please share the list in the comments.

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Sonic Free Riders Launch Trailer, Out Now In U.S.


The Xbox 360’s new motion sensing device Kinect is now available at U.S. retail today, along with a selection of launch titles, including SEGA’s Sonic Free Riders. To mark the occasion, SEGA’s released a launch trailer filled with CG goodness and in-game footage. You’ll also get to hear a good portion of one of the game’s theme songs Free.

A couple of reviews have been published so far to join IGN’s 7.5/10 review and we expect more will roll out during the day. Game Informer has given the game a 5.75/10 and G4 has scored it 3/5. We’ll keep an eye out for more, but if you spot any before us, share the links in the comments.

Finally, the new images of 6 of the easy and 6 of the hard tracks on the game’s official website have been made available, thanks to Woun at the SSMB. You can check those out below:


Will you be picking up Kinect and Sonic Free Riders?

Trailer source: SCRAWLfx.com

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Microsoft Gets Their Riders Crossed


Microsoft’s new Kinect sensor for Xbox 360 is hitting U.S. stores shortly and what better way to help grab interest than for Microsoft to show all Xbox 360’s Xbox Live users the launch game line-up in an Inside Xbox video, what could possibly go wrong? Well, it appears the Inside Xbox team haven’t paid too much attention to SEGA’s Sonic Free Riders, because they seem to have it confused with the original Sonic Riders title on Xbox, PlayStation 2 and Gamecube. When Microsoft’s Bridget O’Neill gets to the game at the 02:34 mark, a trailer for Sonic Riders is on display, logo and all. Before the end of the video the Sonic Riders logo (seen below) is shown again and O’Neill refers to the title as Sonic Riders, too.

You have to wonder, how does the company behind the Xbox 360 confuse an original Xbox title with an Xbox 360 game, especially one that’s launching the next day, only on their new Kinect peripheral? Now, I wonder what SEGA would have to say about this comical promotional failure…

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Sonic Free Riders Website: Characters & Tracks Update

Sonic Free Riders is out for Xbox 360 Kinect in the U.S. tomorrow, so SEGA has given a big update to the game’s official website. Shadow, Silver, Eggman, E-10000G, Metal Sonic, Blaze, Amy, Cream, Rouge and Vector have been added to the characters section with new artwork and profiles, while the tracks section has now been unlocked with Dolphin Resort, Rocky Ridge, Frozen Forest, Metropolis Speedway, Magma Rift and Forgotten Tomb on display. The Final Factory and Metal City tracks revealed in the Achievements list are nowhere to be seen at the moment, but we do get a look at the alternate expert map of each of the tracks, along with an image and description of each one. Finally, SEGA have also added a voice command guide to the site for you to download.

The character artwork is available below:

Source: Sonic Free Riders official U.S./EU website

Thanks to HunterTSF at the SSMB for the heads up and obtaining the artwork!

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Cash Cash To Perform Live At SEGA’s New York Sonic Colours Event

Cash Cash band pic

SEGA has announced that Sonic fans attending their Sonic Colours event in New York will be getting treated to more than free ice-skating (first 300 people) and a free play on Sonic Colours before release, with news that the band Cash Cash will be performing Reach for the Stars (the theme of Sonic Colours) live for all attendees. The free goodies don’t end there, as fans will also be able to grab a free Sonic hat while stocks last. The event is being held at The Pond in Bryant Park tomorrow from 6 PM EST.

The full press release is below:

SAN FRANCISCO –(Business Wire)–
SEGA® of America, Inc. today announced that on Thursday, November 4th they will be inviting Sonic the Hedgehog fans to a Sonic Colors™ ice skating party at Citi Pondsm at Bryant Park in New York City (42nd Street & 6th Avenue) from 6pm ET – 10pm ET. Fans will have the exclusive opportunity to play the game two weeks before launch and to enjoy a live performance of the Sonic Colors theme song “Reach for the Stars” by the band Cash Cash. In addition, the first 300 fans to arrive will be able to ice skate for free and receive one of the highly coveted Sonic the Hedgehog hats** that are currently being offered as a pre-order incentive U.S, GameStop locations or at www.GameStop.com.
“We are extremely excited to allow fans to play Sonic Colors two weeks before launch,” said Judy Gilbertson, Senior Brand Manager of Sonic Colors. “We’re delighted with the quality of Sonic Colors and the passion that both fans and press are showing for the game. This party is our way of thanking everyone for supporting us as we prepare for the releae of the most exciting Sonic game in recent memory.”

In Sonic Colors, Sonic the Hedgehog races through incredible theme park inspired worlds to rescue a colorful alien race from the clutches of Dr. Eggman. An extraordinary amusement park has been seen orbiting around the home planet of Sonic the Hedgehog, and rumors are spreading that an alien race of Wisps, who have a unique colorful energy, are being held captive there by the evil Dr. Eggman. Soon after arriving at the amusement park, Sonic discovers he is able to use these mysterious alien forces to help the Wisps escape! These new “Color Powers” offer players the ability to perform new moves and access hidden areas within the game. Sonic Colors for the Wii™ seamlessly combines both 3D and classic 2D game play perspectives, while the Nintendo DS™ version takes full advantage of the console’s dual screen; each platform includes exclusive “Color Powers”. Sonic Colors will be available on the Wii system and the Nintendo DS system and is rated E for Everyone. Nintendo Power recently awarded Sonic Colors on Wii with a 9/10 rating, calling the game “an unequivocal success.”
Sonic Colors is set to release on November 16, 2010. For more information please visit www.soniccolors.com. For press assets, please visit www.sega-press.com

**While supplies last.

About SEGA® of America, Inc.:
SEGA® of America, Inc. is the American arm of Tokyo, Japan-based SEGA® Corporation, a worldwide leader in interactive entertainment both inside and outside the home. The company develops, publishes and distributes interactive entertainment software products for a variety of hardware platforms including PC, wireless devices, and those manufactured by Nintendo, Microsoft (News – Alert) and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. SEGA of America’s Web site is located at www.sega.com.

Source: 4GWE

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Sonic Free Riders Multiplayer Trailer, 6 New Screenshots


A new trailer for Sonic Free Riders has appeared on YouTube user SegaCzech’s channel, which showcases the various multiplayer modes of the game, namely VS Mode, 2 Player Co-op/Tag Mode and Relay Race. The trailer is just like the Introduction and Weapons trailers, in that people show how the game is played, actions and all. Plenty more gameplay footage can also be seen from the variety of tracks the game has to offer.

Elsewhere, IGN has released six more screenshots of the game, which you can view below.

Screenshots source: IGN

Thanks to Woun at the SSMB for the heads up on the screenshots!

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U.S. Sonic Colors DS Demo Now Available

The Sonic Colors DS demo has finally hit American shores through the Wii Nintendo channel. So you folks who have been patient all weekend can finally try it out!

Whether you have the U.S. or Europe demo, give us your fastest time in the comments or just say how you are enjoying the game.

UPDATE: Get it while you can, because this demo ends on Nov 7.

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IGN Gives First Sonic Free Riders Review


IGN has put out the worlds first review of Sonic Free Riders, SEGA’s first Xbox 360 Kinect title. Associate Editor Jack Devries has given the game a 7.5/10, just .5 less than the website gave Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing. Devries is very positive about the multiplayer aspects of the game, even the new relay and tag modes. The only real complaints expressed are that the game is shallow, isn’t so easy to jump into for casual players. You can check out the video review for yourself in the video above or read the written review at IGN’s website.

Outside of the review, we get a look at more gameplay footage from the various tracks and characters, as well as some of the static cutscenes and voice acting.

Source: IGN
Video review
Written review

Thanks to Doctor Eggman at the SSMB for the heads up!

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New Sonic Free Riders Screenshots

SEGA Europe has released 11 more screenshots of Sonic Free Riders for Xbox 360 Kinect this morning, showing more of the game before it hits store shelves Thursday in the U.S. and 6 days later on the 10th in Europe. The screenshots are focused on the 2 player races and co-op Tag Modes and also give us more glimpses of the Frozen Forest, Metropolis Speedway, Magma Rift and Forgotten Tomb tracks, which were named among others in the Achievements list revealed yesterday.

Check out the rest of the screenshots below and share your thoughts in the comments.

Thanks to ArtFenix at the SSMB for the heads up!

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Rumor: German GamePro Gives Sonic Colors an 87%?

What’s this? Another high score for Sonic Colors? Seems that way. According to Sonic Stadium’s Dusk the Horror Keeper, the German version of GamePro has given Sonic Colors an 87%.

You can expect this news post to be updated with any new review scores that trickle in over the next few days, to prevent additional reviews from clogging up TSS’s news feed. You can also expect that wonderful image above, created by NeoGAF’s Technomancer, to accompany any more review news. Provided the scores continue to warrant it, anyway.

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