Sonic Chronicles goes gold

Crispygamer have posted news that Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood is now 100% complete and henceforth gone gold. This is contradictory to the new Bioware behind the scenes video that was released yesterday in which Bioware staff said the game is now being polished but they may have recorded that so many days back and the news does makes sense as the game is being released the 26th Sept in Europe and Sept 30th(28th at Nintendo World) in the U.S.

Now let’s hope Bioware have pulled off a great title for us all to enjoy.


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Official Sonic Chronicles Mini Game launched!

I can has chaoburger?

SEGA have released quite a snazzy little teaser flash game for all of you people who just can’t wait to get your grubby little mittens on a copy of Sonic Chronicles at the end of this month!

Apparently, Sonic is having visions of his up-and-coming adventure, and the idea of the minigame is for you to help make sense of these premonitions to see who Sonic will meet, what items he will need etc… Confused? Yeah, it confused the heck out of me; it’s got to be played to be understood!!!

First off you need an account on a social networking site such Windows Live, facebook, myspace (the rest are listed on the site). I’ve stuck it on my facebook account. From there you can play a number of different puzzle games, as well as point and click games, from which you collect points to go up Bronze, Silver and Gold rankings. There’s also a “Dark” rank – wonder what that’s for! A more comprehensive explaination is given on the site itself:

Official Sonic Chronicles Mini Game Site

As you go up ranks you’ll be rewarded with access to exclusive downloadable packs, which contain desktops, bebo and myspace skins, and instant messaging icons to show off to your mates. Not only that, there is a Chao Garden in which you can collect up to 20 different Chao, upon fulfilling specific criteria – such as having a friend grab the game from your social networking page!

A perfect solution for what looks to be a rainy weekend!

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Behind the scenes of Sonic Chronicles

Clumsyorchild of the Sega of America blogs has uploaded a new video to YouTube that gives us a behind the scenes look at Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood being developed at Bioware. In the video Bioware’s developers show us some more of their popular artwork and some awesome CGI animation from the game. Bioware also explain how the game came to be and reveal the game is just being polished right now so it’s up to Bioware standards before release, which is great to hear. Finally, a polished Sonic game, awesome….


Congrats to DarkShadow at the SSMB for just beating me to this news topic :p

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Samba De Amigo Wii delayed in Europe

Sega Europe have finally posted up a release date for Samba De Amigo Wii on their site and it’s not the one shown in their earlier release schedules. The Gearbox developed rhythm game game is now going to be released alongside Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood on the 26th September instead of the original date of the 19th September. No news yet on why the game’s been delayed but if we hear something we’ll let you know.

Samba De Amigo Wii’s product page

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Miss, Peter Moore said “F You” to Yuji Naka!

Ex-SEGA America President Peter Moore has revealed to Esquire Magazine that he has crossed the nasty path with Sonic programmer Yuji Naka, telling him “F*** you” during a Tokyo boardroom meeting. The tirade came as Moore was presenting the results to SEGA Japan of a consumer focus group, asking gamers what they thought of the SEGA brand.

At this point in time, the Dreamcast was sorely getting its arse handed to it by the Sony upstart, PlayStation 2, and the EA Sports head recollects asking people “If these brands were people, who would they be?” SEGA, unfortunately, was the “granddad with dementia who used to be cool but you couldn’t remember why”. Something familiar with that reaction there regarding today’s gaming climate, but that might just be me. Says Gamesradar:

Moore had tapes of the focus group dubbed in Japanese and headed to Tokyo to report the doddering image of Sega to the company’s board. However, when he arrived, Yuji Naka – who Moore describes as being “a tad conceited” – accused Moore of tampering with the dialogue. “I lost it,” remembers Moore. “I turned to the interpreter and said, ‘Tell him, “F*** you”.”

Although the translator refused to convey Moore’s feelings, he was pretty sure that his message got across. “Naka had lived in the US for three years, so I knew he understood. I walked out and never returned.” What a badass.

I guess Naka’s uncomfortable nature outside of programming awesome code rings even more true, what with his part in the whole Sonic X-Treme tragedy now urban legend. Power can sometimes make a guy arrogant, even Peter in his Xbox 360 days. But we have to agree with Gamesradar… man, what a badass. I’d like to buy him a beer.

When Peter Moore said “F*** you” to Yuji Naka – Gamesradar, via Kotaku

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G4 interview Bioware’s project director Mark Darrah

G4 have had the chance to do a video interview with Bioware’s project director Mark Darrah about upcoming DS RPG game Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. Mark Darrah reveals how this title “looks back into the history of Sonic characters” and how Sonic can expand his relationship with Amy Rose compared to previous Sonic game’s that only touched upon it. Mark also talks about the plot of gathering the Chaos Emeralds and all the area’s Sonic must visit to obtain them. Some gameplay footage can also be seen in the video but nothing new is shown really.

The video interview can be seen here.

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Gamespot AU interview Bioware’s Joel MacMillan

Gamespot AU have interviewed Bioware’s Joe MacMillan about Sonic Chronicles. There’s nothing really new here but Joel did mention the Realtime Button Input system for your POW moves will get harder as you level up those moves.

GS AU: Tell us about the combat system. From what we’ve seen so far, it’s a mix of turn-based with some real-time action.

JM: That’s correct. Combat’s been engineered to play out as ‘Rounds’, to help illustrate a feeling of speed. To accentuate that, there’s a Realtime Button Input system we have that coincides with combat. During the team’s Power Moves, the player will have to successfully accomplish a small Button and Stylus sequence in order to deliver a maximum damage attack. It’s actually a lot of fun–as the player levels up their power moves, the Realtime Button Input gets more difficult. It’s a good way to keep the player on their toes.

Not very rewarding for your level-ups but hopefully this means the POW moves will get more powerful in connection with the harder inputs.

Full interview can be found here.

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European Sonic and the Black Knight art contest site up

ArchangelUK over at the Sonic City Blognik and Martin The Fat Ninja at the Sega Europe blogs have updated with news regarding the Sonic and the Black Knight art contest that went live in the U.S. last week. The European site is now up and taking entries and it looks like every region will be getting it’s top piece of art in Sonic and the Black Knight’s Special Book. You can’t say fairer than that.

European’s can check out the rules and details for submitting your art at the contest’s site here.

U.S. site is here; ArchangelUK’s Sonic City Blog is here; Martin’s blog is here

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New Sonic Unleashed Wii details

Spanish gaming site Revogamer have had the opportunity to talk to Sega about the Wii version of Sonic Unleashed and here is a translation of their main findings from GoNintendo –

  • Half of the game normal, the other half were-hog
  • Wii-PS360 more similar than first thought, design and gameplay-wise
  • You use Wiimote + Nunchuck
  • Won’t have motion controls for attacking from the air, despite of being pretty similar to The Secret Rings
  • Some problems controlling Sonic at a low speed. Walking for rings, etc
  • Wiimote just for accelerate-push
  • No motion controls for side-step, you’ll use B and Z, like on 360
  • Don’t know if they’re using for balancing ropes or QTEs, but they should!
  • According to SEGA, the game (Wii version) should be shown in the upcoming TGS, in October.
  • Not showing the Black Night because of focusing on this one first.

So barely any waggle in Sonic’s sections at least, wether that’s a good or bad thing I’ll let you be the judge. Now hopefully with the Wii version confirmed to be at TGS next month we’ll see some footage at long last.


Source: GoNintendo

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Sonic Chronicles Insider Video 4 – New enemies revealed!

Bioware are on fire just lately with their new ‘Insider Videos’ released on YouTube promoting ‘Sonic Chronicles’ on DS released later this month!

Their latest video released yesterday showcases two enemies Sonic and pals will face on their adventure, the ‘Egg Pawn’ and ‘Kron Warrior.’ Bioware stresses danger is afoot and you’ll need to kick some ass if you’re going to make it through to the end of the game, naturally.

Source: YouTube.

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PEGI now listing Sonic & Knuckles for Virtual Console

PEGI is now listing Sonic & Knuckles for the Virtual Console. The game has been given a 3+ rating. We all know the game appeared on the ESRB’s site months ago and hasn’t shown up on the Virtual Console in any territory yet but hopefully this means the game is still coming. There is no word on if the Virtual Console version will feature the lock-on capabilities of the title in any shape or form yet, but hopefully we’ll find out soon.

Link – Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the listing.

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Play Sonic Nexus

Yeah, the demo is here. Once we missed SAGE, we took our dear sweet time, but now it is here to make your Labor Day even more awesome. You can play two acts of Sunset Shore and that’s about it. However, the level is sprawling with branching paths, so it warrants a few playthroughs for you to see everything. Nexus truly illustrates what a person can do in the brand new Retro-Sonic interface, so we hope it is a clear too you indication that this summer was a long, time-consuming process on making a brand new iteration of the engine. We also felt that we should take our time in creating our ideal product, as a hasty release definitely will piss people off (see: ProSonic). It was time well spent.

Secondly, you can record your best time with screen capture software and upload it to YouTube for a chance win $15. Yes! All you have to do is post your time attack run as a video response to the contest “hub” video, WHICH IS RIGHT HERE!

Finally, I encourage everybody to read our Nexus website and development blog, as the team and I will be updating it frequently, Smash Bros. Dojo style! You’ll see new screenshots, features, gameplay videos, and updates at least once a week, if not more. New music will be added to the on-site player periodically, as well. The community has always been left in the dark when it comes to Nexus’ development, as I only have been shedding light on details around SAGE time, but now, you can read about it year round. The website is essentially the game’s manual, so it will have all the goods. The first feature on the site is “Meet That Badnik,” where we go in-depth on one of Robotnik’s mechanical mercenaries. You can expect articles of similar quality coming down the pipe.

So, without further adieu…


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The Crossfire: Guest Edition

Hey, dudes, The Crossfire is back!  I’m tied up with school and a few loose ends on the ooool’ fangame project, but SSMB member, Cake, is here to fill the void with a guest Crossfire!  Let’s see how this goes, shall we?

Everyone craves getting caught in The Crossfire so we can’t just stop, can we? What do we have for today’s topic? Each Sonic game seems to throw out the welcome mat for a new character, and the simple question is, are all these characters contributing to the series in a positive way, or are things getting crowded to the point that the blue blur has no room to run?

POINT: New characters take away from Sonic, while serving no purpose in the long stretch of things.

Why are we still calling these things Sonic games? The games barely even feature the blue blur anymore, he’s usually overshadowed (pun completely intended) by someone else, or his time is taken up by some other random character. Who is usually stronger then him too. I mean, Shadow is a seemingly darker version of Sonic, able to match our hero in speed and abilities. But, Shadow has a better grip on Chaos Control. And he knows his way around guns. Lots of guns. Continue reading The Crossfire: Guest Edition

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5 new Sonic proto’s released

Legend in the Sonic research community drx has managed to get his hands on 5 new Sonic game prototypes including a Sonic CD beta.

List of games are –
* Sonic CD – Prototype 806
* Sonic Adventure 1 (E3 Trial)
* Sonic Adventure 1 LE (dumped from a GD-R)
* Sonic Adventure 2 (Mar 18, 2001 prototype)
* Sonic Adventure 2 (Nov 28, 2000 preview prototype)

So far a member at Sonic Retro has discovered there is a level select in the Sonic CD beta that has Collision Chaos missing from the levels. Expect more developments soon.

Sonic Retro topic

drx’s Hidden Palace site

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