SONIC 06’s 4th Hedgehog

SONIC 06’s 4th Hedgehog

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Today, a few new screenshots of the Xbox 360 and playstation 3 game SONIC the hedgehog have surfaced on the ‘net. These all new images finally reveal a fourth hedgehog named Mephiles (According to the japanese Sonic the hedgehog site) that has been rumoured for a short while already. These images are proof that what was said in the previous interview with an anonymous contributer is indeed starting to come true.

The images depict a hellish area surrounded with lava flow, the mysterious indigo coloured hedgehog who looks not too dissimilar to Shadow himself who also appears to be composed of indigo coloured jewel shards and has red eyes floats over the arena whilst apparently summoning a whole army’s worth of dark and sinister looking creatures to use against Shadow. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of these new images is that they depict Shadow the hedgehog himself outside of his military vehicle that he has been shown in in previously revealed media, proving that some of his gameplay involves more than being confined to a vehicle.

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Also, the series of screenshots also depict Shadow in the kingdom valley level (Which has been shown previously as being accessible to both Sonic and Silver). Other screenshots of Shadow facing the new Hedgehog show him looking as if he is using the chaos blast move (The “evil” move in the Shadow the hedgehog game for Gamecube, Xbox and PS2) but due to the still nature of the shots, this cannot be explicitly confirmed if it is really the chaos blast move. It may be an entirely different ability of Shadow’s.

According to the information given by an anonymous contributer, Mephiles could indeed be taken to be the hedgehog who was “Crystalline in appearance” and who perhaps is responsible for sending Silver the hedgehog from the future. This is only speculation however. Rest assured, when we learn of new information, you shall, so stay tuned to Sonic News for more information.

Many thanks to SSMB member Professor Machenstein for the tip-off

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Founder of The Sonic Stadium and creator/co-organiser of the Summer of Sonic convention. Loves talking about Sonic the Hedgehog in his spare time. Likes Sonic Colours a little too much for his own good, apparently.