1up Reviews Sonic 3 and Sonic 3D Blast on VC…

Gaming website 1up.com has caught up on a large backlog of Virtual Console reviews. Among these are reviews for Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic the Hedgehog 3. As for 3D Blast, we could all care less, but Sonic 3 gets…


Citing “messy level designs”, “dull and forgettable enemies”, and a “tepid soundtrack”, among other complaints, the blasphemous esteemed writers at 1up apparently don’t feel that the Genesis/Mega Drive classic is worth the Wii Points.

Now, I’m not advocating a mass protest… yet… but I think 1up should be made aware of exactly what we think of this game that they describe as “decent”. To arms! To arms!

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Sonic Movie a Hoax? [UPDATE]

Sonique of Fans United for SatAM has spoken to Sonic News about the recent story of a possible Sonic movie in the works, stating that Richard Kuta’s chances of actually getting the project off the ground is slim.

Richard Kuta is NOT a film maker. What films has he made? None. Nada, zero zip, zilch. He’s just a guy who’s been banned from almost every Sonic forum ever made who has a dream. That’s it.” Sonique said in an email. “He’s never even written anything above fanfiction.

Interesting evidence and searching reveals no information on the animation company ‘Soloakai’ either. Sonique states that findings point to the group being makers of flash animations rather than a professional major movie production team. Our research only found the name ‘Soloakai’ on our own news reports. Continue reading Sonic Movie a Hoax? [UPDATE]

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Panovation Not Making Sonic MMO

If you’ve been bouncing around internet rumours the past few weeks, you may have heard of a company called ‘Panovation Studios’, a brand new games developer that was reportedly creating an “online Sonic the Hedgehog RPG”.

But the confusion is finally cleared, as Panovation Studios have shut down their online website – the “unofficial-but-official” Sonic the Hedgehog online RPG was never in development.

The Sonic Stadium contacted Mark Greig, chairman of Panovation, for a statement after noticing the studio website had been taken completely offline for several days. According to Greig, the Sonic Online RPG was a complete fabrication by “somebody” that has yet to be caught. It would appear that whoever started these mass rumours played on the studio’s history to make it sound more believeable. Continue reading Panovation Not Making Sonic MMO

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Well, here’s our refuge for now…

This ezBoard’s changed a bit, innit? o_O;
Just a shame I can’t mess about with the templates, or make this a sticky topic. Ah well.

The reason, if you need another one, of why we’re here is the fact that obviously everyone must be getting REALLY pissed off with the hacker (not even worthy of a mentioning of the name) spamming you, changing your username and whatnot.

We’re fed up with it too. The ezBoard is pretty rock solid. It’s all on a free networked server, available to all to post and stuff. The ezBoard staff would knacker ‘Slimy G’ (wow, what a name, I wish I thought of it) before he got a chance. Continue reading Well, here’s our refuge for now…

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SAGE Closing Too Early Again

SAGE is a two week event. TSS gets the coverage during the second week. And we get word today that the SAGE event will close tonight.

So, just before you go ape over the whole thing closing early yet another time, TSS has managed to save all the booth links, so at least you’ll still get the booth reports each day.

Let’s hope, come March next year, when we cover SAGE 2004 Season 1, that Perfect Chaos 0 (the guy supposedly taking over the reigns from Luckett X) will do a better job with time keeping. =/

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SSMB Update: A New MB Has Been Chosen! Prepare Yourselves…

I know, I haven’t managed to get Ikonboard and Woltlab working in front of you and the YaBB seems to be the best one at working at the moment at showcase (THAT DOESN’T MEAN I’VE CHOSEN YABB!) Continue reading SSMB Update: A New MB Has Been Chosen! Prepare Yourselves…

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