Win A Sonic X Hello Kitty Plush with TSSZ News

Fancy yourself a piece of merchandise from one of the weirdest Sonic collaborations to date? The Sonic X Hello Kitty plush doll has been racing off the shelves in Tokyo being snapped up by Sonic and Hello Kitty fans alike, and like most awesome merchandise affiliated with our favourite hedgehog, western fans have to shell out big bucks to have goods imported. TSSZ News however are offering one lucky winner a chance to snag one of these plushes, with their Campaign KittyHog ’12 Contest!

Are you disgusted by your elected representatives?  Can’t fathom putting Mittens on?  Are you just Obummered out?  Has your third party withered away from being a once great force in gaming?  Allow us to nominate a new ticket: Sonic and Hello Kitty.  We want you to promote the Sonic / Hello Kitty campaign.  What are they running for?  That’s for you to decide.  Make a virtual button.  Make a campaign poster.  Make a Youtube video “ad.”  You can even make an attack ad.  Not artistically inclined?  Write some campaign taglines.  The more unique and creative you are, the better.

Full details can be found over on the TSSZ site, with the deadline for entries falling on the 30th of September.

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TSSZ Celebrates 13th Anniversary

Fellow Sonic and SEGA news site TSSZ News, formerly The Super Sonic Zone, celebrates another 365 days gone by as of April 2nd, now clearing its thirteenth year since its official launch in 1999. Founded and led by Tristan Oliver, the six-man team is known for covering and breaking several major stories, and sometimes the more controversial ones, from all corners of the SEGA community.

The Sonic Stadium wishes TSSZ a happy 13th birthday and all the best through the next year!

Those interested in TSSZ’s history can check out their complete timeline through the button below.

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Unreleased Xbox Game “Sonic Extreme” Discovered

ASSEMbler Games forum member ProtonX has discovered an unreleased game called Sonic Extreme via an Xbox development kit. The game sees Sonic try his hand at skateboarding, with gameplay much like the Tony Hawk skating games, tricks and all. Continue reading Unreleased Xbox Game “Sonic Extreme” Discovered

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