It’s no secret that Sonic Rush has easily been the diamond in the rough, as far as Sonic games go over the last few years. Needless to say, we are quite excited over Sega’s sequel to Sonic’s critically acclaimed DS debut. If you aren’t as excited, just take a look at the video below and see what we’re raving about.
Famitsu Releases New Sonic and the Secret Rings Trailer
Famitsu released a new nine minute trailer of Sonic and the Secret Rings on their website. This trailer is an extended version of one that IGN released a week ago. But this goes in further, much further, revealing new levels, multiplayer, and even characters.
Within the trailer, they include an in-depth look at multiplayer. Working similarly to Sonic Shuffle, up to four players choose one of eight possible characters. They then choose a game board play in a series of minigames. The player that wins the minigame gets a chance to open a treasure chest. Treasure chest either contain a Sonic Token or a booby trap. If you get a Sonic Token, you get to choose another Treasure Chest, but if you get a booby trap, your chance to open treasure chest is up and all players play another minigame. Player with the most Sonic Tokens at the end wins.
Along with their look at multiplayer, though, we also see new footage of some new levels, displaying how the games mechanics and level design is presented in the title.
We here at Sonic Stadium will keep you up with the game news, and watch progress on the trailer on the discussion forum on the Sonic Stadium Message board.
Dreams Come True song features in Sonic Nextgen

A new trailer surfacing on the Internet showcases an aspect of the new Sonic the Hedgehog game that not many fans were anticipating – the inclusion of ‘Sweet Sweet Sweet’, a song more commonly known as the ending theme to Sonic the Hedgehog 2 on Sega Megadrive.
You can watch the new trailer by RIGHT CLICKING HERE and selecting ‘Save Target/Link As…’. For a split second, the trailer also shows Silver battling a boss (likely Iblis or an Iblissy creature) with Blaze following beside him. Continue reading Dreams Come True song features in Sonic Nextgen
Shadow the Hedgehog Trailer Re-Released
Following news of GameTrailers leaking a new Shadow the Hedgehog Trailer on April 1, SEGA have now allowed the showcasing of the trailer on all media and fan websites.
SONIC NEWS reported the leak, which had GameTrailers adding a sequence of the new game involving Shadow facing the Egg Fleet and more moves available at the player’s disposal. The trailer was removed some hours later, yet many fansites had already obtained a copy of the trailer and offered it for download.
We contacted both SEGA and GameTrailers for comment, and it appears that the leaked trailer was not to be unveiled to the public until SEGA’s Pre-E3 Conference next month. SEGA consequently retracted their copies of the trailer, and requested all other websites to remove the movie from their sites.
Shadow Trailer Relisted
Update: The new Shadow the Hedgehog Trailer has been relisted on The Sonic Stadium. There was some hoo-hah over GameTrailers breaking the embargo on the new trailer some time ago (it was probably THEIR idea of an April Fools joke), and I’ve been in touch with both GT and SEGA-Europe and SEGA America, and it appears the trailer in question was never to be released until just before E3, next month. Literally, the day before. Perhaps in a special SEGA E3 Presentation.
Svend, Thank you for cooperation re: GT. The trailer was let out before we intended it to. We decided to release that trailer to the public just three days ago via IGN. We will be making it available to the public this afternoon. Please feel free to re-post this trailer as of now, with the full permission of SEGA.
Cheers, Bret
New Shadow the Hedgehog Trailer Leaked
Early yesterday, a new Shadow the Hedgehog movie trailer was released on Game Trailers, however later that night it was mysteriously removed, but not before fans watched the new video showing off Shadow flying a dragon around the Egg fleet, destroying GUN bots, slashing up enemies with the weird alien sword, blowing up doors with a bazooka, using his blast attack, and much more.
For those that missed the trailer, many Sonic website managed to get it before the entry was removed. Not only does affiliate Shadow of a Hedgehog have the trailer to download via Fileplanet, The Sonic Stadium also has new information and movie analysis via the Shadow the Hedgehog Game Archive.
Be sure to keep up to date with all new Sonic game information by checking SONIC NEWS and The Sonic Stadium’s Game Archive.