This past Thursday, Sega released 4 new Sonic themes for the 3DS Theme Shop in NA. One of the which, the 25th Anniversary theme, is free to download! The other three can be bought individually for $2 USD each (sadly I can’t find the CDN prices) or in a 3-theme bundle for $4.99 USD or $6.49 CDN.
The 4 themes with their names and songs are:
- Sonic series: 25th Anniversary (Music: Sonic Heroes “System Screen: Team Select”)
- Sonic series: Sonic Style (Music: Sonic Generations: “System Screen: Option Menu”)
- Sonic series: Classic Style (Music: Sonic the Hedgehog 3: “System Screen: Character Select”)
- Sonic series: Boom Style (Music: Sonic Boom: “Main Theme”)
You can see pics of all themes below.
Continue reading 4 new Sonic themes out for 3DS in NA (one is free!)
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SEGA has revealed that they will be releasing some Sonic Generations themed content for sale to style your PS3’s XMB and Xbox 360 Avatar with this week. On December 7th (tomorrow), European PS3 fans can purchase a Classic Sonic and a Modern Sonic Dynamic Theme, each costing £1.59/€1.99. On December 8th, Xbox 360 owners worldwide will be able to buy items to dress their Avatar with, each ranging from 80 MSP to 240MSP.
Super Sonic Avatar Costume – 240 MSP
Classic Sonic Avatar Costume – 240 MSP
Classic Amy-Rose Avatar Costume – 240 MSP
Sonic Generations T-Shirt – 80 MSP
Sonic Generations Cap – 160 MSP
You can find two videos of the PS3 Dynamic Themes at the SEGA Blog link below.
Source: SEGA Blog
Will you be downloading any of this content? Let us know in the comments section below.
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