Solicitations for IDW Sonic Issue 61 has come through the wire, and while it doesn’t give us an awful lot of information to go on, it does suggest that this book will mark the end of the long-running Urban Warfare story arc.
The complete, three-line synopsis can be seen below. Story is being written by Evan Stanley, with lineart by Adam Bryce Thomas.
This is it! The end! (Of the arc, that is)
Everyone is focused on the command tower: if that goes down, the city will fall.
But are 3 teams enough to stop something it seems even Dr. Eggman can’t control?
No cover has yet to be revealed, but we do know that Mauro Fonseca is lined up to handle Cover A duties, with Miles Arq and Nathalie Fourdraine pegged for Covers B and RI respectively.
The release date is currently set for 24 May 2023, but knowing how IDW is with keeping to schedule we should expect that release to be delayed over the next couple weeks.
We’ve created a new entry for this issue of IDW in our new Sonic Database, which is editable by all with a Sonic Stadium account. Feel free to work with us to collaboratively update the wiki entry when more details come to light!