Summer of Sonic: Sonic Lost World Exclusive Footage


On Saturday, those who attended the Summer of Sonic convention were trearted to an exclusive Sonic Lost World trailer. The trailer showed some of the lesser shown levels and included a lot of new gameplay and showed off a few new badniks.

Well, thanks to The Sonic Show, it’s here. In it’s full 1080p HD glory. So… I dunno go watch it or something.

Source: Summer of sonic & The Sonic Show.

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Takashi Iizuka Coming to Summer of Sonic 2013!


The Summer of Sonic website has announced that the head of Sonic Team; Takashi Iizuka will be returning to this years convention. The site details that Mr Iizuka will not only be meeting and greeting fans at a signing session (more details to come at a later date), but he will also be answering questions in a live Q&A session.

In addition to this, SOS is offering you the chance to have your questions pitched to Mr Iizuka during the Q&A session. The details as to how you can submit your question can be found at the Summer of Sonic website.

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SpecialEffect at Summer of Sonic 2013


This might possibly be one of the most important announcements with regards to SOS this year. To quote the Summer of Sonic Website…

“SpecialEffect is a charity that targets something that often gets overlooked – that people with disabilities have lives beyond simply ‘being disabled’ and want to enjoy themselves. The charity, the only one of its kind in the UK, provides the specialist technology, advice and support for everyone to benefit from the fun, friendship and inclusion of video games.

Praised by Prime Minister David Cameron as “providing magic moments all the time“, SpecialEffect been making a profoundly positive impact on the quality of life for children and adults of all ages since 2007. At any one time the charity is working with and helping up to 500 people on an intensive basis in hospitals, hospices and at home. They also influence the lives of thousands of people each year with support, advice and hands-on demonstrations at their award-winning games roadshows.

Their doors are open to everyone, including accident victims, service personnel with combat injuries, people with congenital and progressive conditions and stroke patients. You can see several examples at

Their help includes the loan and support of mainstream and adapted access equipment for online and offline games. Some of the specialist equipment, like eye-control technology, is expensive, so the loans enable people to make sure it’s suitable before they commit to a purchase. The charity doesn’t sell any equipment, so their advice is always impartial.

We will be raising money for Special Effect throughout the day, and we hope you will all help us fund this very good cause.”

So there you have it. As well as having some fun and some laughs, we’ve got a really good chance to do something awesome at this years convention.

For more information about Special Effect and the work they do, please visit their website:

Source: SOS Website.

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Play Sonic Lost World at Summer of Sonic


Demand for tickets to this years Summer of Sonic has exceeded everyones expectations. In total, it took only 13 seconds for the event to be completely sold out, 69 tickets per second. So… if you were one of those lucky people thats coming to SOS… How would you like to Play Sonic Lost world?

Summer of Sonic will be one of the first public places that you can play Sonic Lost World ahead of it’s release later this year. Obviously, this will be one of the biggest attractions on the day so be prepared to wait a while before you get your chance to play Sonic’s next adventure.

Source: Summer of Sonic

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Summer of Sonic 2013 Cosplay Contest & Ticket Wave 2 Starts Tonight

SOS cosplay

The Summer of Sonic website has announced the return of the Cosplay Competition, details are as follows.

“We take great pleasure in announcing the return of a fan favourite event to Summer of Sonic 2013: the cosplay contest! Do you possess the speed of Sonic? Do you have the tech skills of Tails? Or perhaps even the ego of Eggman? No matter who your favourite character is, we’d love to see all you cosplayers out there showing off your creations at the event!

Each year we are blown away by the caliber and variety of cosplayers at Summer of Sonic, and we hope that this year will be even bigger! Once again we want you, the audience to help us judge the competition! Just like in previous years, we want you to cheer (preferably as loud as you can!) for your favourite costume on stage; remember, those cheers equal all-important points for the participants!

If you want to enter the contest, you will be able to sign-up from opening time; don’t worry, we’ll make it’s easy to find! You will be given a group number upon sign up. At 2:30pm signups will close, and the group elimination stages will take place with the best costumes from each group going through to the final. The final ten cosplayers will be called to the stage later in the day, where the overall winner will be announced! We will announce when and where each group is due to gather, so keep hold of your number and come along when we call you!

We will have some fantastic prizes for the overall winner on the day, so we hope to see you guys pull off some amazing get-ups!

Planning on entering this year? Have any favourites from previous years? Let us know in the comments section below!”

Also, we’d like to take this time to remind you, the second wave of tickets for Summer of Sonic go live in just over 1 hours time. Remember, you cannot enter Summer of Sonic without a ticket, so if you still want to go, this is your last chance to get tickets. Good luck everyone, hope to see you there.

Tickets are only available via this link. (or, go to the Summer of Sonic website and click on the ‘Tickets’ link which you can see just under the picture of Metal Sonic). At 18:00 British Summer Time, (which is one hours time. from the posting of this article,) 450 tickets will be released. On friday, 450 went in 6 seconds. So be quick. Tickets are free.

Finally, I’m posting this because some people have been asking, this is Summer of Sonic’s only facebook page.

Source: Summer of Sonic.

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SOS 2013 Event Announcement: Never Mind The BuzzBombers!


From the SOS website…

“Who wants to win some prizes!? As we enter our 6th year of Summer of Sonic, Never Mind the BuzzBombers returns for its 5th instalment. Always a fan favourite, two captains will lead their teams to battle as they clash in a variety of games and challenges.

But they won’t be alone; members of the audience will be selected to join them on stage in order to win some amazing Sonic prizes! So if you think you have an encyclopaedic knowledge of Sonic, make sure you get down to the stage during selection process and you could be the one who turns the tide in your team leader’s favour.

And as always, I shall be standing… because we don’t have enough chairs… between them both mocking and maintaining order, doing a dance, telling a story, asking a barrage of questions until they can’t take anymore as we attempt to find out just who is the best?

This is Never Mind The BuzzBombers 2013!

Thats right my friends. BuzzBombers will be coming back to SOS this year for it’s 5th installment. I’ll be back with all manner of questions and challenges which will test even the most die hard of Sonic fan. So if you think you’re up for the challenge and know all maner of things from how many rings for an extra life, to tougher things, like, ‘how many different types of badniks has Eggman invented?’

Want to be apart of BuzzBombers? Be sure to be at the stage area when we start so you don’t miss your chance to be recruited into one our two teams.

Source: Summer of Sonic Website.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Wave 1 of SOS tickets sells out in 6 seconds!

sos2013Blink, and you probably did miss it! Following the amazing demand of last year, everybody knew this years first wave would go quickly, but nobody expected it to go this quickly. 450 tickets were up for grabs and they all sold out in 6 seconds!


If you got your tickets odds are you’re wiping the sweat of your brow right now and thinking something along the lines of ‘Oh man! I got lucky!’ However if you were unsucessful, do not despare, the second wave of tickets will go live this Sunday 7th July at 6:00PM (BST). There will be another 450 tickets up for grabs.

If you didn’t get a ticket this time, think of it this way… 450 less people attempting to go for tickets. See you on Sunday, good luck!

For more announcements and news on ticket updates, keep checking the SOS website and TSS.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Summer of Sonic 2013 Ticket Details


In 2008, when SOS was held in a place called ‘The Dragon Hall’ it was situated directly opposite a pub. A lot of the staff and many of the guests at the time joked that ‘nobody but the drunks over the road would turn up!’ It seems amazing to think that with more than 3 times the capacity of the Dragon Hall, last year, it took less than 3 minutes for all the tickets to be sold out.

With that in mind, this is probably one of the most important announcements if you want to attend this years event. The Summer of Sonic website has published the details of how tickets will be distributed this year. Here is what you need to know.

There will be two waves of tickets.

The first wave will be on Friday 5th July  at 7:00PM (BST)

The second wave will be on Sunday 7th July at 6:00PM (BST)

There will be 450 tickets in both waves.

Furthermore, the ticketing system this year has altered too, you now get to select how many tickets you want, (maximum of 4). Before you fill out your details. So you won’t have to race to fill out a form and then click submit and be disapointed if all the tickets for that wave have gone.

Booking tickets is done via the SOS website, at this specific link.

Authors Note: I shall update this with more specific details as and when I get them.

If it’s anything like last year, tickets are expected to sell out very quickly. Please be online and ready before they go live in order to avoid disapointment.

Oh and, if you were wondering how much it will cost you to get a ticket for this years event…

Tickets are Free!

See the SOS website for more details.

Ticket booking page.

SOS 2013 is held on August 3rd at the  in London.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

SOS 2013: Nigel Dobbyn & Nigel Kitching Confirmed


The Summer of Sonic website has made it’s first guest announcement, Nigel Dobbyn & Nigel Kitching will be returning for this years event.

2013 will mark the 20th anniversary of Fleetway’s Sonic the Comic, first published back 1993, so if you are old enough to remember walking into a newsagent and picking up issue 1 with those stickers on the cover, why not come meet two of the main reasons as to why the comic became so popular and ran for as long as it did?

Both Nigels will be at a meet and greet session at the signing booth and art classes will be happening this year too, details will be announced at a later date.

Furthermore, the art corner will be returning to SOS this year, so if you fancy putting pen to paper and wowing your fellow fans with your art skills, they’ve got you covered. As with previous SOS’ there will be prizes given out, thats right, the art competition is also returning.

For the full story, check out the SOS website if you havn’t already done so.

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Summer of Sonic & Sonic Boom Announced & Dated!

sos2013Why announce one convention… when you can announce two! Summer of Sonic 2013 was teased a few months ago, however, today it’s been officially announced and dated by both the Summer of Sonic website & The Sega Blog.

The date is Satruday August 3rd 2013. The Location is The Westminister Central Hall in London.

With Sega officially announcing the date, expect more details such as event activities & guests to be announced very soon, as well as ticket & travel info to be posted on the official SOS website very soon.

For more infromation check out the SOS website.

Now onto news for fans in America.


Sonic Boom 2013 has also been announced and things are all change again. The location is The Pageant, St. Louis, MO. The date is August 10, 2013. A trivia contest and cosplay contest was also confirmed.

More details on both events are to be announced at a later date. But now that Sega themselves have announced both events, expect there to be a lot more details on both events announced very soon.

As for where you can get upto date info on the events.

For Summer of Sonic.

For Sonic Boom

And here at TSS we will provide information and coverage for both events.

Soruce: Sega Blog & Summer of Sonic’s website.

The Sonic Stadium may link to retailers and earn a small commission on purchases made from users who click those links. These links will only appear in articles related to the product, in an unobtrusive manner, and do not influence our editorial decisions in any way.

Summer of Sonic 2013 Website Goes Live

SOS webpage

The annual fan convention Summer of Sonic has updated it’s website, and things are a bit darker than normal. In what will be the conventions 6th year a teaser site has gone live which doesn’t show us much, but there are one or two clues. Most noticably are tiny outlines of Sonic & Metal Sonic along the bottom of the site and do we need to point out the matrix style numbers in the background?

Also, if we take a look at the official Facebook & Twitter feed, things seem a bit… different? What could it all mean?

Continue reading Summer of Sonic 2013 Website Goes Live

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