Freak-Out Friday: A Sucky No Choosing Day

Did you ever have the misfortune of watching a single episode of an anime called Aoi Sekai no Chuushin de? The show that retold the Nintendo vs. SEGA console war with a feudal fantasy twist (which, in concept, sounded like a pretty cool idea)? Those of us who did were pretty hyped for it when news first broke; we marked our calendars for the premiere and waited, thinking of what possible wonders would await us in this series…

…and then the first episode came out. Expectations dashed, everyone goes home. Turns out that Aoi Sekai is more “Oppai-Oppai” in quality than “Opa-Opa”, if you catch my drift…

To give you a better idea of this show’s terribadness and to save you the trouble of looking the series up (no, really, you’re welcome), here’s an abridged version of the first episode! Put together by Cyberlink420, the guy behind the Sonic F series, here is the appropriately titled A Sucky No Choosing Day!


Psst: if you guys enjoyed watching Cyberlink writhe in pain as much as I did, nag him about Episode 2!

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