Sonic Prime: An Opportunity To Unite A Multiverse of Fans

Sonic Prime, the latest Sonic the Hedgehog animation due for release on Netflix in 2022, will descend from a long dynasty of animations that reach all the way back from 1993’s slapstick Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, through to the modern charm of Sonic Mania Adventures. Each show has cultivated its own personality, and legion of Sonic the Hedgehog fanatics to boot. Similarly, there are now a multitude of genre-crossing Sonic the Hedgehog video game titles, that you’d be hard pushed to not find something for everyone in the Sonic the Hedgehog universe.

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Mysterious Sonic Twitter “3” Might Be Tease or Mistake

Put on your tin-foil hats, and let’s dig into some weirdness tonight.

Yesterday (October 7), the official Sonic Twitter posted this:

Keen eyed observers picked up on a hidden “3” in the third circle of this Fibonacci spiral, sparking speculation that the social media account was trying to tease something, the most prominent theory being a third numbered Sonic Adventure game.

Then, Mike Pollock got in on… whatever is going on by replying with Schoolhouse Rock’s 3 Is a Magic Number.

Later on, a user found what might be the original Shutterstock image of the Fibonacci spiral, including matching number for each associated radius within the spiral.

So now we’re stuck with a series of unusual questions: Was this on purpose, or was it an accident? And if it was on purpose, what does this “3” mean?

It’s not new for the Sonic Twitter to drop weird hidden codes with no clear purpose, but this situation is particularly tricky due to the plausible deniability of it simply being a Photoshop mistake. It seems a bit weird to miss every other number except the three, but it is a scenario that has to be considered.

There have been quite a few rumors of a possible Sonic Adventure 3 (or whatever qualifies as a Sonic Adventure game in 2021). While the three could point to it, it would be somewhat meaningless to start teasing so vaguely unless an announcement was forthcoming. If Sega intends to announce its 2021 game plans this calendar year, priming the audience now makes sense. If we hear neither tease nor announcement by January, the effectiveness of a teaser like this starts getting a bit suspect.

Further, a random three in the context of Sonic can mean any number of things other than a sequel to the Dreamcast series: It could refer to a date, 3 meaning March, or the third day of a month. It could refer to a Sonic-Heroes-esque team structure. It could directly refer to Sonic 3 (&/or Knuckles), a game they don’t re-release often and would make for a pretty special occasion if they did. We know 2021 is supposed to have multiple Sonic game releases, there could be three of them.

So, you can take those tin-foil hats off now, my point in about 400 words is that this was a thing that happened on Twitter, but it’s probably not worth getting riled up yet. There’s too much doubt to assume significant meaning in a single number hidden in a joke tweet.

Source: GoNintendo

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The Spin: Happy Birthday Sonic the Hedgehog Oh Six

Today marks the tenth anniversary of a videogame. So myself and a few other staff members have stolen an idea from Sonic Retro to give you our mini retrospectives on said electronic digital media product. A game which had such an impact on the games industry that it’s still talked about to this day, except on the Sonic Stadium forums because all discussion on it is banned apart from one topic for reasons we don’t understand. That game, is Sonic the Hedgehog, in Sonic the Hedgehog Episode 2006, you play as Sonic, Shadow and Cannabis Plant Head Guy, who is a magician. Continue reading The Spin: Happy Birthday Sonic the Hedgehog Oh Six

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Sonic’s 10th Anniversary: Merchandise and Memories

A few years back, a wineglass emblazoned with the Sonic 10th Anniversary emblem cropped up for sale on eBay. While most seasoned merch-hogs were aware of the trinity of 10th anniversary items that had been offered by the Sonic Factory in 2001 (the statue, the crystal cube and the pewter ring), this was the first time most had seen this item; its authenticity and origin (along with that of the 10th anniversary lighter) has been much debated amongst Sonic collectors.

Luckily, one fan account reveals the origin of these items, and details the happenings of the “Sonic 10th Anniversary Birthday Party in Japan” which took place a day after Sonic’s 10th birthday on the 24th of June, 2001.

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Rumour: Reports Talk of Sonic Adventure 3 in Development

Some big rumours coming in today, as fellow Sonic fansite Sonic HQ and gaming site The Magic Box lifts the lid concerning a new entry in the Sonic Adventure series! Continue reading Rumour: Reports Talk of Sonic Adventure 3 in Development

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Naka: Sonic Team Currently Talking About Sonic Adventure 3

We might not be waiting long to hear news about Sonic’s next mainline game, as Yuji Naka has just revealed that Sonic Team is actively discussing work on Sonic Adventure 3. Continue reading Naka: Sonic Team Currently Talking About Sonic Adventure 3

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