Sonic 1 Prototype Now Available to Play for the First Time

Sonic fans will be able to play an actual Sonic 1 prototype for first time ever, courtesy of video game preservation and archivist group Hidden Palace. Hidden Palace, which held a month devoted to Sonic prototypes last year and released three more Sonic prototypes just yesterday, debuted the prototype on the Twitch account hours ago.

Continue reading Sonic 1 Prototype Now Available to Play for the First Time
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Sonic R: The Original Prototype Uploaded

Every game which is licensed out starts with a pitch, quite often these pitches stay locked up, away from public eyes, only sometimes these pitches leak out for all to see. Continue reading Sonic R: The Original Prototype Uploaded

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See Prototype Windy Valley Recreated for Sonic Adventure DX


As you may or may not know, the Windy Valley which appeared in the final version of Sonic Adventure wasn’t the same one that was shown through pre-release material. A year ago (today, in fact!), Sonic Retro unearthed data from a Sonic Adventure prototype which contained a partial amount of this stage, as well as data from old versions of Ice Cap and At Dawn. Cut to today, and we have the above video thanks to Retro member evilhamwizard – a mostly complete version of what was once Windy Valley. Obviously this is still a work in progress with clearly unfinished camera and textures, but seeing a playable version is certainly a treat wouldn’t you say?

That’s not all though. There’s a second video available showing off the first “act” of Windy Valley also. This one’s a little more complete with more enemies and rings abound, and a little bit of camera work. Of course it’s not perfect, but like it’s been said, it’s all a work in progress.


Three cheers to evilhamwizard, and everyone else over at Retro who made this possible! If you wanna give these levels a shot, you’re free to do so if you own the SADX Mod Loader and the US version of Sonic Adventure DX for your PC. You can download the mod here, but be warned you’ll be fighting the camera. If you want more info, be sure to check out the original article over on Sonic Retro. Also, make sure you let us know what you think of this prototype Windy Valley in the comments below – good or bad?

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‘Sonic Proof’: Prototype? Fact? Fiction?

Despite no efforts to the contrary, we are still able to obtain access to Sonic Retro, including their forum. It was there that a photo was discovered that featured a disc titled ‘Sonic Proof’. To put it into some context, this disc was apparently found in a room at Sega’s Headquarters which contains almost all of their work, including Dreamcast, Saturn and Mega Drive titles. The photo above shows (an obvious CD-R based) Sonic Proof wedged between some retail games.

But what does it all mean? Is it the working title for an old Sonic the Hedgehog engine? Is it a concept of another unreleased Sonic title altogether? Is it something unrelated to Sonic and even Sega (the ‘Sega room’ contained games from other publishers on PS2 as well)? Is it a massive hoax or a plant (although given the original photo is pretty legit, it might not be the case)? Who the heck knows? Not many at the moment, with speculation at a dead end pretty much.

We’re slapping this up as a rumour for now; Sonic Retro are pretty cool with getting information on old stuff, but until it’s verified it could well be a wild goose chase.

“Sonic Proof”? – Sonic Retro Message Board

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Sonic X-Treme prototype released early

If you’ve been paying attention to Sonic News at all, you’ll have noticed this article that we posted not too long ago. It said that a Sonic X-Treme prototype would be released on July 18th, available for anyone to take a look at.

Well, as it turns out, someone attempted to leak it early, and this prompted ASSEMbler to make a formal release earlier on. So, today, July 16th, 2007, the developmental Sonic X-Treme release has finally been shown the light of day!

Download is available by bittorrent here, and a rapidshare mirror has been made of it here.

A big thanks to ASSEMbler for making this public! Enjoy and all that. It isn’t much, admittedly, but come on – what would your friends say if you told them you played an unreleased game? You’d be the top bloke in your group of mates. Or something.

Here’s the download links again, just in case you’re lazy (like me):

Torrent link (via ASSEMblergames forums)
Rapidshare Mirror

NOTE: You’ll need a Sega Saturn emulator to run this. SSF runs it perfectly, but you’ll need a high-end machine to run it well.

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Watch Sonic 2 Beta – Nick Arcade TV Clips Found

Who wants to know what Sonic 2 used to look like before it came out on store shelves? I know I certainly do! Well, one way is to read our review of the Sonic 2 Beta, but another way is by watching these cool videos from Nickelodeon TV in the 1990s, where kids were tasked with playing a beta version of Sonic 2 long before the game was finished. Continue reading Watch Sonic 2 Beta – Nick Arcade TV Clips Found

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