Sonic X-Treme prototype released early

If you’ve been paying attention to Sonic News at all, you’ll have noticed this article that we posted not too long ago. It said that a Sonic X-Treme prototype would be released on July 18th, available for anyone to take a look at.

Well, as it turns out, someone attempted to leak it early, and this prompted ASSEMbler to make a formal release earlier on. So, today, July 16th, 2007, the developmental Sonic X-Treme release has finally been shown the light of day!

Download is available by bittorrent here, and a rapidshare mirror has been made of it here.

A big thanks to ASSEMbler for making this public! Enjoy and all that. It isn’t much, admittedly, but come on – what would your friends say if you told them you played an unreleased game? You’d be the top bloke in your group of mates. Or something.

Here’s the download links again, just in case you’re lazy (like me):

Torrent link (via ASSEMblergames forums)
Rapidshare Mirror

NOTE: You’ll need a Sega Saturn emulator to run this. SSF runs it perfectly, but you’ll need a high-end machine to run it well.

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Long John Baldry Dies

AoStH voice actor and blues legend Long John Baldry has died in hospital on July 21st after suffering from a long-term chest infection. He was 64 years old.

Baldry had been battling chest problems for four months. Born in England – and being one of the pioneers of British Rn’B (Rhythm and Blues) – he became a Canadian citizen in 1981. He was admitted to Vancouver hospital in early March and was reported to have been in a critical condition in April, which turned out to be false. Continue reading Long John Baldry Dies

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Long John Baldry Update

Following our report yesterday from various sources, Long John Baldry is recovering well from his treatment in Canada for respiratory problems.

SONIC NEWS learned from various sources yesterday that the blues legend, who was the voice actor for Dr. Robotnik in Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, was in a “critical condition”. Some reports had even stated he had died.

Despite the report from SONIC NEWS perhaps being the closest on Baldry’s “stable” condition, the singer was reportedly “peeved” at various British media sources for laying outrageous claims on his health.

Continue reading Long John Baldry Update

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Long John Baldry in Critical Condition

Blues singer and Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog voice actor, Long John Baldry, has been admitted to hospital with a viral infection, that has reportedly damaged his lungs.

Baldry has recently been hospitalised in London with lung problems. In March he returned to his home in Vancouver, but ended up requiring further treatment. According to spokespeople at Vancouver General Hospital, he is currently in intensive care in a stable condition.

Sonic fans will remember the star as the voice of Doctor Robotnik in US TV Show, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, where he provided evidently the best rendition of the belligerent dictator. Outside the fandom, he has helped bring the likes of Rod Stewart and Elton John to stardom in the music industry.

This disconcerting news follows the sad passing of fellow ‘Eggman’ voice actor, Deem Bristow. Sonic News gives its deepest regards to John and family, and hopes his condition improves soon.

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