IDW’s Holding An Online Sonic Panel At NYCC Later This Week

It’ll be online-only, but New York Comic Con is almost here, and there’s something planned for IDW Sonic fans. An IDW Sonic panel is taking place on day two of New York Comic Con, October 9th.

Continue reading IDW’s Holding An Online Sonic Panel At NYCC Later This Week

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F4F Are Bringing The Boom8 Sonic Figures to the West!

Earlier this year, GNFToyz, a South Korean company released a number of really awesome Sonic figures and have since teased an expansion of the range… Just one tiny problem; these were a retail exclusive to a South Korean store and unless you lived in South Korea it was exceptionally difficult to get your hands on these. Well… that’s not true, you could get them if were willing to pay 3-4 times the RRP on ebay, no really they were being re-sold for that amount!

Well it looks like they may have found a western distributor. A photo taken by Toyark of the First4Figures New York Comic Con booth appears to confirm that F4F are going to be distributing them worldwide!

Based on the photos taken, it looks as if F4F have begun a partnership with GNFT and series 1 of the figures will be available ‘soon’.

Hopefully we won’t have to pay 3-4 times the RRP to get our paws on this one!

Keep Checking TSS for more updates as we get them.

Source: Toyark

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IDW Sonic Comic Teaser Features Tyson Hesse Artwork

News hot off the floor at this year’s New York Comic Con has revealed images of a flyer advertising IDW’s highly anticipated Sonic the Hedgehog comic, the successor to the long-running Archie series, featuring artwork by the multi-talented artist and animator Tyson Hesse (see below!).

The flyer contains the following message on it’s reverse:

Thank you for joining us for the first ever IDW/Sonic Town Hall!

IDW and SEGA are proud to bring you an all-new chapter of Sonic the Hedgehog comics! After more than 25 years, Sonic’s adventures have captured the imaginations of countless fans, and have inspired one of the most passionate fan bases in the world. We look forward to bringing you brand-new stories, featuring characters old and new, that continue this proud legacy of the fastest comics around!


Undoubtedly fans will be excited to see Hesse return to Sonic following the success of his involvement in the Archie comics and Sonic Mania, and will likely lead to speculation as to which names from the old guard of Sonic comics might be making a return via the IDW publication. More information is likely to come to light over the course of the comic con and the panel on the 8th of October, and as always TSS will keep you up to date with information as it is revealed!

Many thanks to Kevin Sanchez and Linkabel via Twitter for the images!

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IDW Sonic Comic Set To Start April 2018

With New York Comic Con set to begin very soon, we have our first piece of news regarding the highly anticipated Sonic Comic that they will be putting out. According to the signage on their booth, the comic will be starting in April 2018.

This means that while it will be a six-month wait for the comic to come out, we should get the official solicit out in January, as per the usual comic cycle. That’s assuming they don’t give some details on the first comic sooner than that, which can happen for new series.

This is only a glimpse at what IDW have to announce for the Sonic Comic at NYCC though. They’re set to have a panel on October 8th that will reveal much more, so there’s that to look forward to. We will report any news that comes out of there, and any other Sonic comic news in the meantime.

Source: IDW Publishing (Twitter)

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Sonic is Faster than The Flash & Deadpool


Update: It would appear that later into the race, Deadpool joined in… only to then be taken out by Sonic… today has been amazing. Hit the read more link for the vid.

Original Story: And now for something I didn’t expect to see today. Over at New York Comic Con, two cosplayer’s took part in a race in what I assume was to determine supreme champion of the universe who was the fastest. Cheered on by the crowd, Sonic and The Flash took to E Hall in a sprint to answer a question that has bugged nerd-kind for years. Who is faster? Sonic? Or the Flash?

Continue reading Sonic is Faster than The Flash & Deadpool

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Archie Means Business Panel Video, Plus New Megaman Concept Art

I’ll be the first to admit, this sort of thing probably won’t interest a lot of you. Even though I’ve had a gradual resurgence of interest in the Archie characters, even I found myself doing other things while watching through this video.

Nevertheless, Selinka and I promised you video of the event, so here it is! To sweeten the pot, we’ve brought you even more never before seen Megaman concept art, as well a few things you might have found elsewhere. This art is from the “Creators Tell All” panal, which should be going up tomorrow, and be infinitely more interesting to watch. Till then…well, enjoy!

Megaman Concept Art:

One of these pieces where released by Newsarama as exclusive art, in perfect clarity. You can find it here.

Without further ado…





Near the end of part 3 we hit a bit of a lull. But I do recommend at least clicking to moment 6:20 of part 3.

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NYCC: Archie Creators Tell All Panel As It Happened

Hello everybody, and welcome to TSS’s second live blog for the Archie Creators Tell All Panel. Much like the last panel, we will both be covering it here, and recording it via HD camera. We don’t expect much in the way of new news today, and we suspect some of what’s said here may be derivative of what we’ve gotten in the interviews Selinka recorded yesterday, but what news that there will be at this panel, you will get here.


The Panel has started.

Right now, review of the works that have been published in the past year.

Man From Riverdale, Life From Archie, Jughead,

Coming soon to be published:

Betty and Veronica mag, similar in format to Life with Archie

Archie and reggie running for school president, Obama and Palin get involved
Tania working on Archie Double Digest

Sabrina is back!!!!!  Issue of Archie and friends to be a follow up to Jughead 200

Kevin Keller to receive a 4 part mini-series


Ian Flynn:  Mega Man exciting project,

Coming out early spring 2011

New Ongoing series running concurrent with Sonic the Hedgehog for publication

Spaz! to draw covers and at least the first issue

SONIC 20th

StH 225, SU 25, Sonic’s 20th alignment

SU 25 will start Silver Arc, Cover drawn and colored by Spaz!

225 covered broke on friday is only a fraction of the cover

225 huge milestone issue

Sonic Colors tie in issue, running in StH 219.  Will be another time another place scenario

Battle Bird Armada brought in to give Tails a chance to show his stuff and to bring in a new villain to the book

No immediate plans for the classic badinks for StH

No adaptation for Sonic 4

Sonic is now able to be sold world wide!  Go to for international shipping

Young Salem: a strong possibility, write in to archie to let them know how much you want it

Stand Alone Archie App for itunes coming, should be live by November 1st

No tie-in for Sonic Free Riders

However possibility for game elements to be added in later on

Mega Man tone:  possibility as light if not slightly lighter than StH

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Sonic Stadium Heading to New York Comic Con!

This has been a year of events for The Sonic Stadium. First E3, then Comic Con, and finally PAX. We’ve brought you exclusive news, previews, and media from all these events, some of which other sites never even picked up on! Now, I am happy to announce that we’re also heading to the New York Comic Con, through ECC writer TJ Selinka, otherwise known as “The Illustrious Q”.

So, what does this mean for all of you? Lots of interviews, photos, videos, and maybe even some hands on previews if there’s anything new there. We’ve already lined up a video interview with Sonic writer Ian Flynn, and if all goes well, we’ll have a load of other neat articles and interviews for you guys to dig your teeth into!  We’ll also be bringing you the Archie panel in it’s entirely, as well as the latest information on Ian Flynn’s “Secret Project”, whatever that may be.

Stay tuned to Sonic Stadium for all the latest at the New York Comic Con later this week.

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