Meccano Shows Off ASRT Toys & Confirms Green Hill Zone?


You might remember how we’ve previously brought you news about Meccano making toys based on All Stars Racing 2 (back before we knew it’s official title)? Well Meccano have finally released a number of images based on their newly acquired Sonic license… and my oh my they look lovely.

More after the break.

Continue reading Meccano Shows Off ASRT Toys & Confirms Green Hill Zone?

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Amazon Releases New Details on Sonic Meccano Sets, Coming July

Meccano has announced that their upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog branded construction sets will be available this July and will be priced between £14.99 and £69.99. Amazon France has also added product descriptions to their listings for the items, which we have shared Google translations of after the jump.

Continue reading Amazon Releases New Details on Sonic Meccano Sets, Coming July

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RUMOUR: Chemical Plant Zone to Feature in Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing 2?

Keen-eyed SSMB member Hogfather has spotted new listings at Amazon France for the upcoming Meccano Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing construction sets. The listings include the previously mentioned Green Hill and Casino Night sets, (though Casino Night is listed as Casino Street from Sonic 4: Episode 1 here), but most interesting is the listing for a Chemical Plant Zone set. If the toys are being tied-in with a Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing sequel, then it appears the Sonic franchise will be represented with a focus on the classic games this time around.

Links to the listing and screen-caps of them (in case they’re pulled) can be found after the jump.
Continue reading RUMOUR: Chemical Plant Zone to Feature in Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing 2?

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